Subgreen Design in Castlemaine, Victoria | Web designer
Subgreen Design
Locality: Castlemaine, Victoria
Phone: +61 425 701 665
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25.01.2022 Tuesday greetings from my temporary home studio, whilst we do swings and roundabouts with home schooling and working full time. I am blessed to have such a beautiful outlook from upstairs looking through the tree tops. Look forward though to be heading back to my studio at @themillcastlemaine when ever possible. Take super care and enjoy the sun, as it still awakens us every day and sends its light and love to all. Some things never change. Xxoo #sharethelove #videochatsahoy #cuddles #familytime #solitudenotisolation #biglove #lisamajor_designer #subgreendesign #castlemaine #homeschooling #homestudio
25.01.2022 Picture rail christened! Whoop! Happy Tuesday. #lisaannmajor #subgreendesign #sustainablewallhanging #wallhangingscomingsoon #themillcastlemaine #midcenturymodernstyle
24.01.2022 Happy Wed! New Amber & Vanille perfume label for the lovely Christiana at @mimosa_botanicals. Check out all of her pure plant based perfumes! They are amazing! Plus dont you love her linen dress! Photo @mimosa_botanicals @gingerhousephotography #perfumelabel #designer #subgreendesign #subgreen #themillcastlemaine #mimosa_botanicals #castlemaine
24.01.2022 Happy Friday!! Every Wed arvo from 3.30pm in between the market hall and rsl you will find the castlemaine farmers market @castlemainefm lve had the pleasure of designing all of @duangtengtrirat new signage and flyer for her marquee which she unveiled on Wed. She sold out of her amazing Paella by 6pm so get in quick next week. Enjoy your weekend Xxx #castlemainefm #castlemainefarmersmarket #duangtengrirat #duangscooking #designer #signage #banners #marquee #subgreen #subgreendesign #lisaannmajor #friyay
23.01.2022 Happy happy Merry Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Thank you again for such a wonderful year. Peace, love and light to all & safe travels Xxoo #merrychristmas #frommyfamilytoyours #love #peace #2019 #lisamajordesign #subgreendesign #castlemaine #australia
22.01.2022 Little Birdie Permie Co. are a business specialising in non gmo, open pollinated, heirloom seedlings incorporating permaculture and organic garden principles. New brand I created over a year to watch out for @liittlebirdiepermieco #designer #brand #littlebirdiepermieco #nongmo #openpollinated #heirloomseedlings #permaculture #organicgarden #subgreen #subgreendesign
22.01.2022 Not business as usual. My kids and l attended the Castlemaine Climate rally yesterday and so pleased to see 2000 other people out in support of such an important message to send to our politicians. We can all make a difference. #notbusinessasusual #climatechange #climatestrike #globalclimatestrike #wecanmakeadifference #subgreendesign #lisaannmajor #castlemaine
21.01.2022 Happy Fri-yay! Excited to share the new land which will eventually house our home + studio+ gallery. All the thanks in the world to my family for helping to make this happen. Enjoy the long weekend xx
20.01.2022 Ive had the pleasure of working both professionally and personally with Marg Peck from Lifewise - Coaching Mind & Body ( @lifewise.coaching ) in creating her new brand, postcard and updating her website which is now live - .She has been also a wealth of experience and guidance working with her as my life coach as well as all the years caring for my two children with her amazing gentle Chiropractor skills. I couldnt recommend her services highly enough. Very excited for her new move to NZ and all the wonderful adventures that await. Big love to you Marg! #lifewise.coaching #coaching #brand #branddesigner #watercolours #webdesigner #graphicdesigner #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #castlemaine
20.01.2022 Aloha from Anglesea! Quick working holiday trip down to the beach for a few days so that we all get to relax before the businesses of this time of year eats us for breakfast. It is cold yet so lovely to mellow out with kids and my parents whilst things get busier and busier with work which is awesome. Being amongst nature just helps me find the balance with life when you are in a slower beautiful place. #anglesea #workingholiday #chill #busytimes #balancefromnature #beach #starfish #subgreendesign #subgreen #lisaannmajor #love @ Anglesea, Victoria
20.01.2022 Easter is soon to be upon us, and why not book in to support @visionaustralia for their annual Easter Egg Hunt in Bendigo on the 10th & 11th April (easter weekend). Your kids will love it! Artwork completed for their Newspaper Advert, and also their A1 Poster and DL flyer. Thanks also to Sheri McKerrow & Deb Gates for this opportunity again. Big love xx #visionaustralia #bendigoeasteregghunt #easteregghunt2020 #dontmissit #graphicdesigner #subgreendesign #printadvert #posterdesign #dlflyer #150bendigoeasterfair #lisamajor_designer #graphicdesigner #freelancedesigner #webdesigner #artist
19.01.2022 Happy Friday! As a single parent I am forever grateful to my parents for all their support and trips up the highway to visit when they can. Ella & Flynn last week with Pa. #grandparentsrule #love #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #castlemaine
18.01.2022 Had the pleasure of working with James from Provac Excavations, my 2nd client from NT, late last year. They are a Civil excavations company that is primarily focused on Vacuum Excavation Trucks and service locating. Ive developed their new brand and website soon to be launched. See more details at #provacexcavations #NT #graphicdesign #brand #webdesigner #artist #lisamajor_designer #subgreendesign #subgreen #castlemaine
18.01.2022 Happy Friday! Many thanks to all my amazing clients this year!! So very grateful to you all for choosing me to bring to life new and updated business brands and websites as well as many other special projects youve allowed me to create for you. Worlds of thanks again. l will showcase some finished work in the next few posts. Yet to begin with l thought l would do a throw back Friday. So for fun l had a look through my old folio from my graphic art studies. This was my take o...n a U2 album All that you cant leave behind. These are pics l took of my highly influential Pap (grandpa) who originally was a butcher by trade yet later in retirement an oil painter, wood turner, gardener and amazing barter for all things under the sun. He taught me amongst many things how to muck around and have a laugh! He was a cheeky as they come. Big hugs and love xx #throwbackfriday #albumcover #u2 #lisaannmajor #designer #castlemaine @ Shepparton, Victoria See more
17.01.2022 Happy School holidays! Just at Philip Island for a few days rnr with my two blossoms and friends and it wouldnt be complete without a trip to see the little penguins! They are so amazing with 32,000 colony on the island. #penguinparadephillipisland #notforprifit #savethepenguins #schoolholidays #philipisland #lisaannmajor #love @ Phillip Island Penguin Parade
16.01.2022 New Year, new sign, designed for Campbells Creek Primary School! I also updated their brand from a square to a round logo, and created new stationery designs. #campbellscreekps #sign #signdesigner #brandupdate #stationerydesigner #graphicdesigner #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #campbellscreek
16.01.2022 Ive recently had the pleasure of working with Neriman for her new exciting business called Bliss Physics - Embodied Wisdom Yoga. Stay tuned for more info when l launch her new website early next year. #blissphysics #brand #branddesign #yoga #subgreen #subgreendesign #lisaannmajor #happymonday
15.01.2022 Happy Friday! These are some gorgeous eye popping flowers I was given from my lovely friend Sheri from her garden in Daylesford a few weeks ago. I am a very lucky duck Xx Im also nearly another year older (Whoop) and thought Id share some good oil on things that I do for myself that give me great joy and fill up my bucket so that I can in turn pay it forward to those beautiful people around me :) Meditation each morning - grounds me and gives me focus for the day & saying I love you daily to my gorgeous kids Looking for the positive/silver lining Looking for the beauty all around Eating vegetarian / vegan food Exercise of some kind each day Congratulating myself with gold stars for milestones Gardening Having a life coach - @lifewise.coaching - Marg is amazing! Listening to the birds surrounding my home Giving myself and others Reiki - @energy_expansion_with_Suzi Suzi is so amazing too! Keeping connected with friends & family Enjoying my new painting class @richard_baxter_artist (Like a meditation, so much to learn ) Treat others and our planet how I would like to be treated (looking for an electric car, text me if you know a good one) Dance it up! Laugh and being silly as much as possible. My kids and I have so much fun together, such wonderful human beings. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Lis Xxoo #designer #subgreendesign #lisaannmajor #castlemaine #lovinglife
13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day! The other day the kids and l got to check out the beautiful gardens out the back of @thegreenfolly in Castlemaine. So worth a visit. #thegreenfolly #beautifulgardens #castlemaine #checkitout #subgreendesign #subgreen #lisaannmajor
12.01.2022 All our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone effected by fires since October last year. Next week l will donate 50% of profits to the Bush fire relief and you can also donate directly at @wireswildliferescue link in their bio. Image by @wireswildliferescue #donate #wireswildliferescue #koala #firesburning #wecandosomething #love #subgreen #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer
11.01.2022 Aloha. I am a very lucky duck today in having some awesome pictures rails installed. They have transformed my little studio. Wall hangings soon to adorn these walls aplenty. Thanks again to Pete at @weston_enviro for his great work on this and also for my extra shelf in my work bench (see 2nd pic). Now to finish off those designs. #workspaces #makesmehappy #placesforallthings #designer #fabricdesigner #wallhangingscomingsoon #lisaannmajor #subgreendesign #subgreen #themillcastlemaine #castlemaine @ The Mill Castlemaine
11.01.2022 Lounge room Irish dancing/free style by Ella & Flynn. We have had many magic moments during this time at home. May this give you a bit of joy. Big love to all. Gorgeous plants by @thecrazyplantladyofcastlemaine #danceitup #freestyle #subgreen #subgreendesign #kindness #lisamajor_designer #sharethelove
10.01.2022 I have a lot of great client work on the go at the moment which lm really grateful for and excited about. Im also really excited that in my small windows of time between jobs and two gorgeous kids, l have my first prototype done of one of my wall hangings. The design was just a test print of colours for this particular organic canvas, so designs still to come. Plus so happy that the 4mm Tasmanian oak dowel that feeds through the top and bottom of the fabric works with the thickness of the fabric. Yay!! Also check out the cool keyhole inbuilt hanger on the back of the reclaimed cyprus timber frames. #happyfriday #reclaimedcypress #wallhangings #midcenturymodern #sustainablewallhanging #castlemaine #themillcastlemaine #enjoyyourweekend @ The Mill Castlemaine
09.01.2022 Ive had the absolute pleasure of working with Felicity from @theatreroyalcastlemaine to make their new membership landing page live. Support the amazing Theatre Royal by purchasing for you and yours - an annual loyal royal membership, a royal freestyler, sponsor a seat or couch, be a royal business patron or a royal living legend. #theatreroyalcastlemaine #subgreendesign #squarespace #royalmemberships #castlemaine #sharethelove
08.01.2022 Drawing done. Now to practice using the masking fluid. #lovedrawing #somuchfun #subgreendesign #lisaannmajor
08.01.2022 Open studio today between 10am and 2pm. Come and say hi! xx. #themillcastlemaine #outtheback #sustainablewallhangngs #graphicdesigner #webdesigner #artist #lisamajor_designer #subgreendesign #castlemaine #castlemainelife
08.01.2022 Things that inspire are all around. Have a great weekend everyone xxx #flowerfriday #ideaforabrandforaclient #castlemaine #winterblooms #subgreen #subgreendesign #themillcastlemaine
08.01.2022 Aloha!! Welcoming a new week in my studio @themillcastlemaine after moving things back over the weekend! I have many exciting creative endeavours to reveal in the coming months. Hope you are all doing well and sending lots of love to all. #newbeginnings #newcreativeworktoshowyousoon #bighugs #biglove #subgreen #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #themillcastlemaine #castlemainerodshop
07.01.2022 Top of the morning to you all! Earlier this year I had the pleasure of recreating all the main brand files for a well known natural skincare company @dindinaturals Lovely working with you! Photo by @dindinaturals... #graphicdesigner #webdesigner #artist #lisamajor_designer #subgreendesign #castlemaine See more
05.01.2022 Watercolour painting of a leucadendron that l had so much fun creating at an amazing water colour class by @natalie_martin So inspiring to learn from such a talented artist! Let me know if youd like to see this or similar watercolours designs on my wall hangings. #natalie_martin #lisaannmajor #watercolor #painting #watercolourpainting #leucodendron #subgreendesign
05.01.2022 Quick peak at some new wall hanging designs that l had printed onto 100% 350gsm Recycled post-consumer paper for the Twilight market stall at @themillcastlemaine just before Christmas. Was a lovely chilled atmosphere and sold my first two wall hangings ever, so pretty stoked The wooden hangers are also made from 100% locally recycled timber - reclaimed cypress and l have 4 sizes of these wooden hangers that can be purchased separately to add in your own artwork or with a chosen design. I will be launching a separate website soon so stay tuned. #themillcastlemaine #designer #wallhangings #wallhangers #lisamajor_designer #reclaimedwood #recycledpaper #subgreendesign #castlemaine #somuchfun @ The Mill Castlemaine
04.01.2022 Next water colour subject to be painted and very lucky to be assisted by @richard_baxter_artist Had my first lesson this week. Very exciting! Happy weekend! #richardbaxterartist #watercolor #painting #themillcastlemaine #subgreendesign #springintospring #lisaannmajor
03.01.2022 Happy Monday! Super excited to announce @thecrazyplantladyofcastlemaine website is now live. The amazing illustrations are by @juliachapmanillustrations and stella photos by @pennyryanphotography Check our the site - . Big love to Lauren for the opportunity. #webdesigner #crazyplantladyofcastlemaine #castlemaine #castlemainecreatives #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #artist #graphicdesigner @ The Mill Castlemaine
03.01.2022 Howdy, hope youre all keeping cool! This coming Saturday night here @themillcastlemaine lm excited to be apart of The Twilight Market from 5 - 8pm. As Christiana from @mimosa_botanicals described it, it is a celebration of small business, artisans and food producers that work at the historic site. Some businesses have their studios open or have their own market stall near @sproutbakerycastlemaine (come say hi to me here) where youll be able to see all sorts of amazing art...isan last minute gifties and eat scrumptious treats. Ill also have up for grabs some new wall hangings /wooden hangers and other designs. Plus come and checkout some of the other amazing businesses (tagged) who will be there too! Looking forward to seeing you then Xx #castlemaine #themillcastlemaine #twilightmarket #artisans #openstudios #checkitout #lisamajordesign #subgreendesign #designer #relaxingnightout #driveonup @ The Mill Castlemaine See more
03.01.2022 Happy Spring! Hope youre all enjoying this warmer weather! Yesterday for a change l worked from home!! and enjoyed this view. Have a great weekend! Xx #lisaannmajor #subgreendesign #workingfromhome #spring #haveabonzaweekend
02.01.2022 As well as the popular visitor experience businesses on site at The Mill Castlemaine, there are a number of other small businesses who offer their products and online or by consultation/commission (by phone or online during these times). Youll find their contact details at on the Studios, Divine Online and Think Tanks pages. * * * * Keeping it local - Videography @Leonie Van Eyk Music @Rob Law
02.01.2022 I have worked with The Spotted Quoll Studio (@spottedquoll) for quite a few years now, since initially designing and constructing their website. This is another stunning photo I am using at the moment to create their new Facebook header. Pop over to for their latest Autumn / Winter collection. Woollen clothes and many more awesome products made in Tasmania. Photo by @spottedquoll #spottedquoll #tasmania #subgreendesign #lisamajor_designer #subgr...een #websitedesigner #graphicdesign #freelancer #artist #castlemaine See more
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