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Suddenly Six


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25.01.2022 Yesterday we took the kids out for their first adventure since iso started back in March. It was honestly like releasing animals into the wild. They were so bloody happy and kept screaming this is the best day ever! We has such a nice time, and then just as we were about to leave I noticed my sunnies were missing from my head. I’m not one to spend hundreds of dollars on sunnies, but these were my Tom Ford sunnies. I was so upset. Not because of the money lost, but because I... bought these sunnies when I was in Italy with my family. It was more the sentiment. I remember the day clearly as I was with my gorgeous cousins who I became so close with while we were over there. And with what’s going on at the moment, who really knows when I’ll get to see them again. I had bought many pairs of sunnies since that trip but I always reverted back to these because of the memories. Once I realised they were gone, and four more rounds of walking the Forrest later to try find them, it took almost an hour for me to let Aaron leave. Im still secretly hoping they’ll turn up. So gutted. Do you have an item that means more to you sentimentally than value? See more

24.01.2022 I’ve been collecting bits and pieces over the last few weeks to create the kids some playdough kits. I saw my cousin with these and thought what a bloody great idea. So easy to do. These boxes were maybe $4 from bunnings and I just filled them with bits I had and others I bought. So easy to take away too

20.01.2022 I am still so confused and shocked by the way the Australian community has reacted to the Coronavirus situation. Coming off the back of our bushfires, where we banded together to help those in need... we are now greedier than ever. Coronavirus requires you to be quarantined for a period of 14 days. It doesn’t mean you’re going to run out of daily used items and die because you can’t wipe your ass with toilet paper. You’re not going to get diarrhea or find a cure in carb on pasta or rice. I am just at a complete loss as to why this shop frenzy has happened. As a family of six, we were down to our last three rolls of toilet paper last week. Did I go around like crazy buying every pack I could find... no! Partially because I couldn’t find any but also because big deal if we run out. We will make do. I went shopping and ran into a school mum who got her hands on a pack during her shop. I told her we were down to a few rolls and her response was omg, you’ve got four kids take my pack. I thought to myself Jesus Christ, this is where Australia is at. People who aren’t bulk buying feeling bad for buying a pack of toilet paper they legitimately need. Toilet paper!!! I didn’t take the pack because I felt bad taking a packet of toilet rolls off someone offering them to me. The next day Aaron whipped up to the shops early in the morning to get some bits and pieces and he was shocked to see a line out the door... you’ve guessed it... for bloody dunny rolls. He actually managed to get a pack but the looks people gave him, whilst purchasing one pack for our family of six was outrageous. People need to stop. Stop panic buying. If you keep stripping the shelves of soap and antibacterial gel then how the hell are other people supposed to keep their hands clean and avoid the spread of this virus. Use your brains people. No amount of toilet paper or pasta is going to stop the spread of this virus. WASH YOUR HANDS, avoid kissing, use general hygiene practices and stay home if your sick. And for gods sake, check on your neighbours to see if they need a dunny roll. Not everyone is as crazy as you #shareyourrolls See more

19.01.2022 Let’s hear it for the boys... you know the ones who are little terrors? The ones who tear the house apart, pull everything out of the cupboards... climb, jump, scratch, kick, eat, shit and eat some more. To the boys who draw on the carpet, smudge food on the floor and give you that cheeky smile that makes doing all of the above totally forgiven because they’re so damn cute!!! Austin is non stop all day, but Jesus his smile pulls at my heart strings Who else has one of these boys?

16.01.2022 If you’re looking for something fun to do with the kids, whilst maintaining the social distance guidelines then an Easter parade with your fellow neighbours is a must. Today we made our bonnets and met with our neighbours from across the road for a parade. The kids walked up and down the street on opposite sides of the road and paraded their hats whilst having a chat and some fun. So nice to see them still enjoying life and nice to have a conversation with a real person even if it was from 20 meters away!

16.01.2022 I woke up today feeling really angry and in a grumpy mood. I’m really missing my grandparents and my family. The kids are continuously asking to go see Poppy or Nonna. To play with their friends. To go to the park. And I have to continuously say no and play down the reason why. We had gotten into such a good groove. Monday-Friday with school for the twins, activities and dates with Austin and Eden, dancing. Life was so fun! Then BANG #corona. We had to cancel my Nonno’s 85th ...Birthday which was sad for my family. Aaron and I had made a pact to go to more concerts/events this year, but tickets we had booked for various things have now been cancelled (if Magic Mike gets cancelled I’m actually going to lose my mind). We’ve battled the decision of do we or don’t we send the kids to daycare. I start work in a few weeks in an essential role. If I pull them out now it’d be a nightmare when I start back. But you know what angers me the most? Is all the fruit loops who think they’re superior to everyone else and go spend the day at the beach sitting on top of the person next to them. Why is it that you think it’s ok to go to the beach whilst everyone else is giving up their life and freedom to keep the community safe. A friend of mine can’t even attend her own grandfathers funeral next week and you’re worried about the tan you’re going to get at the beach during a national disaster? I’m infuriated. S T A Y H O M E! I don’t know how much more people need to say it! It’s not about you. For once in your life put yourself second and keep the vulnerable safe. In the words of a woman I like to consider as Prime Minister God Act like you have Covid-19. Every move you make could be a risk to someone else. That is how we must all collectively think now. Remember to be calm. Be kind. Stay at home. We can break the chain - Jacinda Arden See more

13.01.2022 It’s been a while since I’ve posted, life seems to catch up with you pretty quickly amongst all the chaos and mayhem. Before you know it a few months to a year has flashed by with no real sense of what you’ve accomplished. This year has been a real SOB with covid and with balancing this growing family and their relentless thirst for your attention. I sit back sometimes and think when can I get a break, why do I work so long and hard, when can I take some me time to do the thi...ngs I want..... Sounds pragmatic right??? When a ship is anchored in a port no matter how relentless the waves or intense the storm, the captain gets to rest because he trusts his anchor (copyright that). This divine person has accomplished so much over the past 6 months I can’t even begin to show our amassed gratitude. Through the ups, downs and enjoyment of home school, to the upkeep of our abode, allowing me the time to goal set, and to put up with my bullshit. I can be the most dull brained person at the beat of times, not realising how good I’ve got it, and not appreciating all the amazing things this superwoman does. I got a small chance to right a wrong last week by taking Sarah on a surprise dinner outing, something I don’t think I’ve organised since we had a family, and something we all should do to show our other halves that we truly care and appreciate them. I take for granted how even my keel is because my anchor keeps me afloat and stable. I appreciate you, for always being you, and for always guiding us. Aaron

13.01.2022 Remember a few weeks ago when I lost my sunglasses and I was talking about sentimental grief? Well if you thought I was upset then... shit just got a whole lot sadder. Over the weekend we took Aaron up to our beach house for his birthday. Eden bought her Lamby. She’s had him since she was born. We never really worked out where he came from and I’ve never been able to find another Lamby anywhere. But she adores him. She has for as long as I can remember. Lamby isn’t allowed to... leave the house unless we are going to our beach house. Over the weekend Lamby disappeared. Into thin air. Gone. Just like that. We are 99% sure he didn’t leave the house. But we couldn’t find him anywhere in the house or in our stuff. When Eden realised he was missing, she was hysterical. Like I’ve never seen her before. We couldn’t calm her and she looked like she could have passed out. She lost her little mate who had been attached to her for so long. It was devastating. I’m so gutted he is gone. Eden and I drove back to the beach house yesterday just to triple check everywhere. But with no luck we drove home. On the way home I asked Eden how she was feeling about Lamby being lost. She said Mummy, maybe I didn’t lose Lamby. Maybe Lamby lost me! I cried the whole way home. I love this girl to infinity. #stillsecretlyhopingheturnsup See more

11.01.2022 It’s the ongoing debacle isn’t it? Do I get it? Don’t I get it? But then the government can track me? What about my privacy? Let me tell ya something lovely people of Instagram... if you’re reading this, you have social media. And when you signed up to your social media account you most likely didn’t give it a second thought. Everyone is doing it right? Well, little do you know, behind the scenes of your little square boxes or status updates is a whole lot of information, per...sonal information that not only Instagram and Facebook have access to but also the government. At any time. They can access your social media and your mobile phone. Are your location settings on? In order to allow most apps to work we turn our location settings on don’t we? Well look out. I hate to burst ya bubble but that means that the government can find your exact location. Do you keep your Bluetooth on so you can use your hands free in your car? Wow. Another way for the government to track you. Seriously people. Wake up. We are in a pandemic for Christ sake. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m doing nothing wrong, so I’m more than happy for the government to follow away. And you know what maybe the privacy laws around the app aren’t set in stone yet. But if I save a few lives then I’m happy risk my privacy being breached. The lives of my loved ones are far more important than my privacy or money. If I had contact with the check out chick at the supermarket who was in the early stages of covid, I want to know. Because I don’t want to be visiting my grandparents if there is a chance I can put them at risk. And anyone who isn’t doing the same is putting their loved ones at risk and that, I can’t understand. Even if you don’t agree with it whole heartedly, do it for them for goodness sake. ps. I just want to say I am beyond saddened for all the businesses who have lost work. It’s an awful situation and I can’t even begin to imagine it. But instead of being filled with anger and hating on the governments every move, take it in your stride and turn it into a positive. A couple of businesses I follow have done this @ashleykweddingphotographer @beefedupbbq to name a few x See more

05.01.2022 What a crazy time to be alive! I truly believe we are not far off a lockdown and if I’m honest, as much as it’ll affect so many people and businesses, I believe this is the quickest way for everyone to move forward from this and start rebuilding. It’s such a sad time for so many but it’s the little people I am mostly upset for. The little people who’s parents have lost jobs. The little people who can’t go to dancing. The little people who can’t play with their friends. The l...ittle people who have just settled into school and now we don’t know when they’ll be back. Childhood as everyone once knew it will now be changed forever. Things will never go back to how they were and that’s a lot for a little person to comprehend. This morning at 6am when Eden crawled into our bed, I cuddled her so tight. I just want to protect the kids from all this fear and worry. All their favourite things they once loved to do are no more and that upsets me. We are all in this together. Let’s keep our children’s memories of this time positive and not tarnish their fun. Be creative. Be present. Be positive. And most importantly, be safe. See more

05.01.2022 We haven’t posted in a while. Home schooling, toddlering, cleaning (on repeat 48 times a day), cooking, exercising etc etc etc etc. We are all in the same boat. You get the gist. I’ve barely got a spare microsecond to myself at the moment. It’s chaotic. If I’m honest I do enjoy home schooling the twins.... when Austin isn’t drawing on our freshly painted walls, putting sudocream through the carpet, dropping his wooden toy trucks on our new floors taking out a nice big chunk o...r searching through the bin for a snack. Ya know. Just the usual boy stuff. The toy room is a constant mess and you need ear muffs to last longer than a minute in our house, it’s that loud. But I’m just here trying to embrace having all four of my kids safe and home. I start work this week... let’s see how nuts things are going to get. I hope you’re all staying well and let’s continue sticking to the rules so we can all see our families soon. If you’re out and about like normal... you’re a dickhead! See more

04.01.2022 Yesterday marked 4 years since my Dad was involved in a serious accident on the freeway. 14 cars involved and one life lost, a young Dad who was on his way to work I remember the day clearly. I was heavily pregnant with Eden... weeks away from giving birth when Dad called to say he had been in an accident, that he was fine and there was nothing to worry about. Until I turned on the TV to see a tanker had quite literally nearly landed on my Dads truck. I broke down that day ...and Aaron had to come home early. Luckily the tanker landed on the passenger side but with petrol flowing everywhere and the risk of an explosion, Dads instinct wasn’t to run. It was to help the people who were in danger. Dad pulled the tanker driver out of his truck as well as a lady who’s car had rolled and had petrol flowing through it. He had to see some traumatizing things that day but he still pushed through to do what he had to do to help others. He is our hero... still to this day. See more

02.01.2022 For a looong time the girls have been asking about when Aaron and I got married, so last night we had a date night. We all bunked into a blow up mattress with a blanket and watched our wedding video. And this morning we tried on my wedding dress. The girls were in heaven! It was the best time we’ve had in ages with all this negativity in the air and quite frankly I wish the government would force us into lockdown so we could have this sort of fun (and go a little bit nuts) every day.

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