Sumatra Rainforest Eco Retreat in Bohorok, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia | Eco tour agency
Sumatra Rainforest Eco Retreat
Locality: Bohorok, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Phone: +61 409 691 995
Address: Jln Sungai Landak, Batu Kapal, Bukit Lawang 20774 Bohorok, North Sumatra, Indonesia
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25.01.2022 Do you need to take some time out away from the pressures of your busy day to day life... maybe its time for a little pampering in the jungle! On this 8 day relaxation retreat you will take some well deserved time out to relax and recharge while reconnecting with nature.... pm me or call Sue on +61409691995 for more details....the jungle is waiting for you...
24.01.2022 We need your vote to help our partner CareSumatra win a 30K Grant! With just 8 days to go, we are running second ! Please click this link and vote for the Landak River Program. This amazing new program is a win-win for nature and these remote communities in Sumatra. It will help preserve and protect the wildlife and habitat with enormous environmental benefits and provide much needed jobs for the community. Please help us make a difference and cast your vote. Every vote really will count!
24.01.2022 Happy International Day of Biodiversity! With celebrating nature, here are some photos of some unique species of flora and fauna we have around Batu Kapal! #da...yofbiodiversity2020 #biodiversity #nature #lovenature #species #flora #fauna #leaves #plants #flowers #squirrels #lizards #wildlife #wild #wilderness #protect #conservation #conservationvolunteer #sumatravolunteer #volunteerprogram #research #batukapal #northsumatra #indonesia #caresumatra #sumatrarainforestecoretreat #sumatraadventureholidays See more
23.01.2022 Our conservation program have been busy and managed to get video footage of some of our wildlife we can find in this biodiverse special place!
22.01.2022 #makeadifference #wecanallmakeadifference #saveourplanet #outdoorspaces #conservenature #lovenature #enjoynature #weneednature #conservation #conservationquotes... #konservasi #wildlifeconservation #reforestation #batukapal #northsumatra #indonesia #volunteerprogram #conservationvolunteer #batukapalconservation #caresumatra #sumatrarainforestecoretreat #sumatraadventureholidays See more
18.01.2022 Thank you for those so far that have become a durian tree donor to help compensate farmers for durian fruits eaten by Orangutan! For more information, to donate and share:
14.01.2022 Happy International Women's Day! Today we celebrate the achievements of women and we are joining with CareSumatra to empower women in our community to achieve their full potential. Please join with us and make a real difference to these women's lives . Click here to find out how.
13.01.2022 Ohhh yummmm... how delicious does this look! My mouth is watering #junglefood
12.01.2022 Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from the jungle ! Here's our new Batu Kapal Conservation Christmas Newsletter. Please have a read about what we have been doing this year And you can sign up here if you would like to receive our e-newsletter each quarter
12.01.2022 Celebrating world environment day, cherishing this precious place we live <3 The wellbeing of the planet and the people on it are all interconnected. Now more than ever we need to raise our voices and use our choices, our influence and our votes to build a better world.
12.01.2022 This wonderful place we live....
11.01.2022 Ohhh wow, how amazing is this ... 6 orangutan in one ficus tree feasting on the fruit! A very special moment right here on our doorstep
10.01.2022 Happy World Ranger Day! You can adopt your very own Durian Tree to help our local rangers combat farmer-orangutan conflict! More information below and follow the link, donate and share! #WorldRangerDay #indonesianwildlifeprotectionunit #caresumatra #batukapalconservation
10.01.2022 In this video are wild orangutans we call mum Charlie and baby Marley! A Sumatran Orangutans' diet is mainly made up of over 300 different kinds of fruit as wel...l as bark, leaves, flowers and insects. As they forage continously whilst travelling through the forest, they play an important role in forest regeneration, spreading seeds! Mothers teach their babies where certain fruit is available and in what season. It is therefore said they have a complex mind map of the forest and detailed fruiting cycles of many species of trees! Babies must eventually know hundreds of species of plants and trees, which ones are edible and how to process them, as some are very difficult to eat because of their sharp spines and shells! ...It's no wonder they remain with their mums for about 8 years! Makanan Orangutan Sumatera terutama terdiri dari lebih dari 300 jenis buah yang berbeda serta kulit kayu, daun, bunga dan serangga. Karena mereka terus mencari makan saat melakukan perjalanan melalui hutan, mereka memainkan peran penting dalam regenerasi hutan, menyebarkan benih! Para ibu mengajari bayi mereka di mana buah tertentu tersedia dan di musim apa. Oleh karena itu dikatakan bahwa mereka memiliki peta pikiran yang kompleks tentang hutan dan siklus berbuah yang rinci dari banyak spesies pohon! Bayi pada akhirnya harus mengetahui ratusan spesies tanaman dan pohon, mana yang dapat dimakan dan bagaimana mengolahnya, karena beberapa sangat sulit untuk dimakan karena duri dan cangkangnya yang tajam! ... Tidak heran mereka tetap bersama ibu mereka selama sekitar 8 tahun! #orangutan #greatape #young #juvenile #motherandbaby #learning #foraging #food #behaviour #orangutanbehaviour #animalbehaviour #regeneraton #seeddispersers #ecosystemrole #wildlifeconservation #batukapal #northsumatra #indonesia #volunteerprogram #sumatravolunteer #indonesiavolunteer #conservationvolunteer #caresumatra #indonesianwildlifeprotection #batukapalconservation #sumatraadventureholidays #sumatrarainforestecoretreat
09.01.2022 Just love seeing these gentle creatures at batu kapal....
08.01.2022 Today is Indonesia's first every forest day to celebrate the richness and importance to protect these vital ecosystems for wildlife and Indonesians' livelihoods for food, water, flood protection etc. Mass destruction by illegal activities continues to destroy these unique forests. You can sign this petition for the Indonesian government to make a commitment to protect the forests for the future! Hari ini adalah hari pertama setiap hutan di Indonesia untuk merayakan kekayaan dan pentingnya melindungi ekosistem vital bagi satwa liar dan mata pencaharian Indonesia untuk makanan, air, perlindungan banjir... Perusakan massal oleh kegiatan ilegal terus merusak hutan unik tersebut. Anda dapat menandatangani petisi ini agar pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk melindungi hutan untuk masa depan!
07.01.2022 Almost every night an Orangutan will build a new nest and sometimes build one during the day to nap in. How do they build a nest? An arboreal ape's guide to bu...ilding a nest: 1. Pick a horizontal branch or suitable branches 2. Bend branches inwards and weave together 3. Take smaller broken branches to lay on top and weave in to form a "mattress" 4. Line the nest with leafy branches 5. Optional for extra comfort, make a roof or leafy pillow. Sounds simple...? It's the way the branches are chosen and manipulated that makes the process of building these strong nests so impressive, and a behaviour we probably will never completely understand. Looks like this Orangutan has chosen a perfect place to have their breakfast in bed- right next to Durian fruits! #nestbuilding #sarang #foraging #orangutan #peopleoftheforest #teachersoftheforest #arboreal #treeliving #behaviour #strong #branches #trees #planttrees #leaves #durian #durianfruit #impressive #nature #wildlife #wild #protect #conservation #conservationvolunteer #sumatravolunteer #northsumatra #indonesia #batukapal #batukapalconservation #caresumatra #sumatrarainforestecoretreat #sumatraadventureholidays
07.01.2022 Happy World Orangutan Day! Check out what is being done by the conservation team to combat Orangutan conflict and how you can help! More information:
06.01.2022 Batu Kapal means 'stone ship' in local Karonese language. Surrounded by palm oil and rubber plantations, the untouched habitat on top of these rock formations, ...have provided a safe haven for Orangutan and many other species. They are important seed dispersers which mean they consume plant and seed that are spread through their faeces for growth elsewhere in the forest. Such species help form Indonesia's biodiverse habitat that is important globally as these forests are one of our main carbon sinks to fight against climate change! We are so lucky that mums are raising their young here in our area! They are helping us to determine how they use this isolated area and what we can do to help their future. These are 3 of 20 orangutan we have identified in this past year! HAPPY ORANGUTAN AWARENESS WEEK!! See more
04.01.2022 Happy World Rainforest Day 2020! Such a precious, beautiful place where we are!
03.01.2022 Our world's gentle giants! Can we imagine a world without Elephants? Imagine our future generations seeing elephants only in books?! You can support local orga...nisations such as Indonesian Wildlife Protection Unit, Sumatran Ranger Project and make a pledge at for their future protection! Write in the comments below how you would describe an elephant! Raksasa lembut dunia kita! Bisakah kita membayangkan dunia tanpa gajah? Bayangkan generasi masa depan kita melihat gajah hanya di buku ?! Anda dapat mendukung organisasi lokal seperti Sumatran Ranger Project dan membuat janji di untuk perlindungan masa depan mereka! Tulis di komentar di bawah ini bagaimana Anda menggambarkan seekor gajah! #WorldElephantDay #elephant #sumatranelephant #elephantconservation #caresumatra #indonesianwildlifeprotectionunit #sumatrarainforestecoretreat #sumatraadventureholidays
02.01.2022 You may feel like wild juvenile we call Marley during COVID19 lockdown, and that's ok! We hope this puts a smile on your face today! #orangutan #youngorangutan ...#juvenile #orangutancaringweek #orangutanconservation #greatape #criticallyendangered #saveleuser #batukapal #northsumatra #indonesia #batukapalconservation #caresumatra #indonesianwildlifeprotecton #sumatrarainforestecotreat #sumatraadventureholidays #komorebifoundation See more
02.01.2022 Exploring these extraordinary caves around Batu Kapal! Surrounding these cave systems are primary and secondary forest, with a few ficus trees. The ficus trees are where we often find Orangutan nesting as they are large and provide fruits. These caves are a reason for why this small, isolated area is so biodiverse! They provide a perfect habitat for shelter and food for many species!... We love the caves! #cavewalks #explore #habitat #protect #nature #wildlife #batukapal #northsumatra #indonesia #caresumatra #batukapalconservation #sumatraadventureholidays
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