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Summerland Toastmasters Club in Lismore, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation

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Summerland Toastmasters Club

Locality: Lismore, New South Wales

Phone: +61 490 058 907

Address: 231 Keen Street 2480 Lismore, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our meeting tonight was on Zoom and we were all in our own homes but travelling the world as our theme for the evening. We heard about travels to the UK, Antarctica, Finland, Russia, New Zealand as well as beautiful trips around Australia. Our speaker was Sue who enthralled us with her description of crossing the road in Vietnam, with some great metaphors. Table topics covered a wide range of themes from enjoying bagging manure, going shopping, living with heavy plaster casts... (How do you sanitise with one hand in plaster???), working from home, and the Full Moon. Mary talked to us about how we lived when we were in isolation and blackout 100 years ago with no radio or TV, and Tracie had us all laughing as we played the Fortunately/Unfortunately game. It is always a challenge to work in a new medium, and everyone is doing really well, communicating clearly, using eye contact and small hand gestures that work with the small screen. These meeting are great fun, and we always welcome visitors! See more

24.01.2022 At this week’s meeting of Kindred spirits participants were familiarised with what to expect when taking part in an online speech contest. This year’s contests, at the various levels, will be held online so it is vital for those taking part to be familiar with the proceedings and how to best present themselves. Then Sue evaluated Alison’s speech entitled The Challenge Of Presidency in which she shared her experiences of being a protege. This project is part of the Alison’...s Innovative Planning path. Tracie delivered a lively round of Table Topics nominating the speaker and their evaluator after announcing the topic. Bonza Bits introduced by Sue has been acknowledged and acclaimed far and wide as a great way for members and guests to highlight the moments they enjoyed the most during a meeting.

22.01.2022 This is an inspirational story. At our club we provide a wonderful forum to share personal stories OR present the stories of others. We laugh, we cry, we ponder but best of all we listen.

18.01.2022 Another successful Zoom meeting this time with guest speaker Fran Kerkhof from Coffs Harbour - the joys of virtual meetings - no travel time! Fran gave a very moving and inspiring speech. In Table topics we talked about our favourite things from seasons, transport and landscapes to stage and music. We had two Bright spots - Carmel sharing her radio experiences and Judy talking about the technology of virtual dressage competitions and how she's learning that you CAN teach an ...old dog new tricks Thank you to Tracie for a well-organised agenda and for being our Toastmaster for the evening. Thank you to all attendees, Alison, Jonathan (Table Topics), Mary (Timer), Sue, Rod, Maggie, Judy, and Carmel (Grammarian). Speaking at a Toastmasters meeting on Zoom is teaching us many new techniques like, how to contain your hand gestures so they can be seen in full on the screen; how to you arrange your lighting so that your face can be clearly seen; and what to have in the background to avoid distraction and to ensure your profile is clear. Sadly for some people an intermittent Internet connection means a broken up picture and sound, and that can be a challenge. Next week there is a Social meeting. Our next Toastmasters meeting will be on the second Wednesday, 13th May. See more

17.01.2022 Summerland Toastmasters Club Meeting - 22 July, 2020 This weeks Summerland Toastmasters Club meeting was on Zoom with a theme of My Most Precious Thing. The meeting was recorded and the link sent to members so speakers can review their performance and those who missed the meeting can catch up. Toastmaster Mary ran a well managed meeting that ran to time. Tracie gave us tenacious as the word of the day and those attending were tenacious in using it. Rod gave us a fabulous ...speech entitled Don’t Shoot The Messenger about his experience as a journalist and how vital it is these days for the general public to seek out the arguments for both sides of any story. Jonathan as Table Topic Master closely followed the theme of the meeting by presenting lines from from the song These Are Few Of My Favourite Things from the Sound Of Music movie. An example of the richness of the topics was demonstrated in with the first one; Sue your topic is, Raindrops On Roses And Whiskers On Kittens. Sue gave a wonderful response including the beauty of rain drops and how for some kitten whiskers are a problem. Everybody attending received a line from song as a Table Topic and embraced the challenge. Each Table Topic speaker had their own individual evaluator which is a great way of increasing everyone’s evaluation skills. Judy gave a dramatic Bright Spot about mayhem in the horse paddock. Sue followed with a Bright Spot about her country train travel experiences both good and scarily bad. Grammarian Tracie concluded that word usage throughout the meeting was excellent. Everyone had a most enjoyable time with the concusses being that the meeting was a huge success. It was resolved that the club would not be holding a social meeting on the fifth Wednesday of this month due to COVID-19 restrictions.

14.01.2022 Off The Cuff is on 92.9 River FM on some Saturdays 11am-12noon with Helen Sager or Carmel Reid. The two dates in April are Saturday 11th and Saturday 18th April. Join Carmel with the topic World Travels. You can listen to music from different countries and phone in to share your experiences of living in or visiting some of the beautiful places around our planet. You can call in on Saturday 11th or 18th between 11am and 12noon on +62 2 6622 7929 #Toastmasters #OffTheCuff #RiverFM

14.01.2022 Our meeting on 8th April was another fun evening on Zoom. Our Toastmaster Rod Bruem had the theme of the meeting as ‘Always look on the Bright Side of Life’ from Monty Python and that set the tone for the evening. Rod was also our speaker and he talked about the Tea Tree, its history and the many healing properties and other uses; he has some growing on his farm and it is becoming a valuable Australian resource as standards around the world tighten up and only genuine Tea is accepted. Table Topics Master Alison Cleaver had us talking about our favourite books and we covered crime with Agatha Christie, Romance with Barbara Cartland and Cooking with Julie Stafford, as well as Jesus’ teachings about love in The Bible. Alison read the story of Harry High Pants as a bright spot. We are all learning different aspects of using Zoom as a platform for meetings, how to get the best camera angle and how to make eye contact at the same time as watching everybody on the screen. If you’d like to join us but are feeling a bit technophobic, contact us and we’ll help you to become familiar with Zoom, we can do a one to one talk through. Next meeting : Wed 22 April 7pm #Summerlandtoastmasters See more

12.01.2022 Summerland Toastmasters Club Meeting 11/11/2020 In our second Zoom / Meeting Room hybrid club meeting held at Lismore Workers those attending were not at all persnickety with Zoomers and Roomers freely mixing and socialising before the meeting. Wordmaster Tracie gave us a fabulous word of the day persnickety which was uttered at every opportunity. Toastmaster Jonathan introduced the theme of Eventful and called on those attending to share something eventful that had happen...ed to them as part of their self introduction. Esther our new club coach was like a ray of sunshine on the screen when she started the Round Robin with the words It was a dark and stormy night to be followed by everyone else telling a tale that led all over the place and then back. Rod introduce our first speaker Alison who delivered a really funny Icebreaker for her Engaging Humour Path entitled Here’s to Aunts. Mary gave us an eventful Bright Spot on the absurdity of the continuing closure of the Queensland border and the effects it has had on her family. Toastmaster Jonathan felt that the first Round-Robin was really only a warm up and that members would now truly embrace the challenge. So to improve on our previous effort rather than calling for the next speaker at points in the story the Timer rang the bell after forty seconds and the next speaker was nominated. The result was an amazingly sidesplitting tale that entertained all while ensuring everyone had on opportunity to speak. Rod gave Alison a very thoughtful and constructive evaluation. Both Roomers and Zoomers were asked to provide feedback on how the meeting was from their perspective. The consensus was that it was a most entertaining and enjoyable get together. Alison suggest that during hybrid meeting the Timer be one of the Zoomers to ensure all could see the coloured timing cards rather than a Roomer waving the cards in the distance. Esther our club coach was invited to addressed the meeting then Alison our club President thanked those attending and close the meeting.

10.01.2022 How do you know what words to choose when you’re preparing for your next work presentation or public speaking opportunity? Learn how to leave the audience spellbound with the tips found in this Toastmaster magazine article titled, 5 Ways to Reach Your Audience with a Better Phrase.

10.01.2022 We shared lots of stories tonight as we considered facts relating to a serious issue in our community. Cancer can be an ugly story but we can build a brighter future when we support a fabulous cause. Here's a way to do it with cheer. Tonight we wore beanies as we presented our assignments. I had a fabulous screenshot of members wearing their beanies ( or tea-cosies) but lost it in cyberspace. None-the-less $75 is on it's way to the Mark Hughes Foundation.

09.01.2022 Images of Winter... that was the theme of our Zoom meeting tonight as Toastmaster Jonathan Barrett gave some interesting and famous quotes regarding the cold season. Word master Judith gave us ISOLATION as our word but only Jonathan used it. Alison gave us a talk on her experiences of being mentored by her father and brother while she was learning to drive and it was beautifully evaluated by Sue. Rod shared the sadness of his dog’s passing and commented on the depth of grief humans can experience. Tracie practised answering questions in a limited timeframe and acted as our table topics master, keeping to the theme of Winter. It was a well run meeting that finished on time - thanks everyone! #SummerlandToastmasters

07.01.2022 Summerland Toastmasters Zoom Meeting - 24 June, 2020 With a theme of lollies last night’s meeting was sweet indeed. Toastmaster Rod introduced his theme with interesting snippets of the history of lollies. Those attending were exceptionally diligent as they slipped the word of the day in at every opportunity. ... Our speaker for the evening Sue had a fantastic project that would be difficult to fit into a normal meeting as she chaired a thirty minute panel discussion on whether the club consider Hybrid Normal/Zoom Meetings. The three panelist Tracie, Judith and Jonathan contributed different perspectives on the proposal. Sue then facilitated questions from the audience. Fantastic effort Sue and most enjoyable for all. The conclusion was that we would give it try when things settle down as members need to be proficient in both in-person presentation skills as well as online presentation skills and Zoom would allow members who are out of town to attend a meeting they would otherwise have missed. Table Topics Master Alison took us down a very sweet memory lane and lay our kitchen cupboards bare in search delicious tempting delights. In order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to evaluate Table Topics Alison nominated individual Table Topic Evaluators for each speaker. Judith then presented a fascinating Communication Game where she presented a word like Bass and asked a person to respond within fifteen seconds with a sentence using the word with two different meanings. (No nodding off in this meeting) Mary provided encouraging constructive feedback to Sue about her session. There were five individual Table Topic Evaluations. General Evaluator Trace gave us feedback on however the meeting ran. Our excellent meeting finished on time with Toastmaster/ President Rod concluding his lollie presentation and closing the meeting. Well done all!

04.01.2022 In Mastering Body Language, you will learn the top five techniques to enhance your stage presence. This Toastmaster magazine article features helpful tips on how to improve your stage presence. With practice, and help from a Toastmasters club, you can learn how to make a strong impression with your next speech!

03.01.2022 Having a different opinion from someone is natural. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone during the course of a conversation. Instead of hiding your opinion and causing an argument, learn how to share it in a diplomatic way in this Toastmaster magazine article titled, How to Disagree Diplomatically. #SummerlandToastmasters #Diplomacy #Opinions

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