Summit Park in Hamilton, Victoria | Agricultural service
Summit Park
Locality: Hamilton, Victoria
Phone: +61 429 992 477
Address: 584 Nigretta Road 3300 Hamilton, VIC, Australia
Likes: 663
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24.01.2022 How beautiful are this pair of Texel lambs on the beach?!!
23.01.2022 Lamb cuddles on the morning lamb run! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #lambrun #texellambs #lambsaresocute #greaterhamilton
23.01.2022 SUMMIT PARK 190010 & 190020 Only a few days to go! Both these high performance rams for sale at the Bendigo Elite White Suffolk Online Sale - Sunday 30 August. See the sale catalogue on AuctionsPlus for more details or contact us ... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolkrams #auctionsplus #bendigowhitesuffolkelite #bendigoelitewhitesuffolkshowandsale
23.01.2022 Another branch down from one of our Red Gums... more clean up and fire wood #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #redgumtrees #fallenbranches #morefirewood
22.01.2022 Happy with the way the June born #whitesuffolk lambs are growing - solid little barrels! Marking lambs at birth this year so just vaccinations in the race this year #summitparkenterprises #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolklambs #lotsofmeat #greathindquarterontheselambs
22.01.2022 Our 4 new multi mix pastures are looking good and just starting to take off. Starting a daily rotation of grazing them and giving them time to rest and grow more! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #multimixpastures #grazingnewpastures #growinglotsofgrass #greaterhamilton
22.01.2022 A big day vaccinating and putting EID tags in the #texel lambs. No need for rings on tails as they were put on at birth! The oldest lambs here are just 40 days old... really happy with how even and solid the group is with a 17 day joining period #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #texellambs #lambmarking #lambmarkingtime #vaccinatinglambs
22.01.2022 In 2016 as part of a #GHCMA project along our section of the Wannon River, we set up some exclusion areas that couldnt be grazed by kangaroos. The growth and recruitment in these areas in 4 years has been amazing, and yesterday I planted some Silver Banksias in these areas. One old Silver Banksia tree was found on our frontage but all the rest had been lost over time. Hoping these 2 plots will allow the Silver Banksias to grow safely and provide a seedbank for the future ... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #wannonriver #glenelghopkinscma #friendsoftheforgottenwoodlands #kangarooexclusionareas #silverbanksia #silverbanksias #seedplot #greaterhamilton
21.01.2022 Got the apprentice out working today giving the new pastures a boost! #summitparkenterprises #sprayingliquidfertiliser #newpastures #greaterhamilton
21.01.2022 Very real and thought provoking... such a simple concept but highlights the need to look out for all our rural mates
21.01.2022 MASKS ON FARMS From 11:59pm on Sunday face masks will become mandatory for all Victorians when out of their homes. Premier Daniel Andrews has this afternoon ...clarified when masks need to be worn for those who live on farms. The premier called for a common-sense approach, and gave a number of situational examples of when a mask is required. Essentially: If youre working alone on your farm and not coming into contact with other people, a mask IS NOT needed. If youre working on your farm with people who live in the same house as you, a mask IS NOT needed. If youre working on your farm alongside people who do not live in the same house as you, a mask IS REQUIRED. If its a family farm and you and members of your household, then common sense tells you that you dont need to wear a mask, Mr Andrews said. But once you go past the front gate and go into town you would (need to wear a mask). If youve got staff or if youve got people coming to your property to make deliveries or to collect livestock for instance or if you have staff coming onto your property logic just says put your mask on because that person is not part of your household. Even though the farm is your home, thats then a workplace. Full details on the Rural Report from 6.15am tomorrow.
21.01.2022 Shearing the sale rams today and this fella kept coming out of the pen before we were ready. Such a character... the chair wasnt going to stop him! He ended up walking out on the board for Chris!! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #texelram #texelsheep #sheepwithcharacter
21.01.2022 We have some mixed age ewes now available for sale. Contact us if interested We have some mixed age ewes now available for sale. Contact us if interested
20.01.2022 That moment when our #maremma Snowy comes to the house and realises hes been spotted sleeping and hiding in my garden!! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #maremmasarethebest #maremmasarefunny #doghidinginthegarden #greaterhamilton
20.01.2022 SUMMIT PARK 190020 For sale at the Bendigo Elite White Suffolk Sale to be held online on AuctionsPlus on Sunday 30 August. For more info on this ram, contact us or see the Sheep Genetics link below.... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolkrams #ramsforsale #bendigoelitewhitesuffolkshowandsale
20.01.2022 Loving these dark stormy clouds! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #stormclouds #hopingforsomerain #lovewherewelive #greaterhamilton
19.01.2022 You know its cold and frosty when the grass is frozen solid and there are chunks of ice on the motorbike tyres!!! #summitparkenterprises #frostymorningtoday #iceonthebiketyres #sunisoutnow #coldbutclearday #greaterhamilton
19.01.2022 Beautiful sunset tonight! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #beautifulsunset #lovewherewelive #greaterhamilton
19.01.2022 Happy dogs working on a beautiful sunny day! Jet and Fly #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #kelpieworkingdogs #beautifulsunnydaytobeworkingoutside #greaterhamilton
19.01.2022 A nice day and some time spent exploring along the river was the order for today! And a BBQ lunch #summitparkenterprises #wannonriver #localwaterfalls #lovewherewelive
19.01.2022 The countdown is on!! Good luck to all vendors today in the sale, lets hope for a good result for everyone
18.01.2022 Looking across this paddock and it’s just a sea of plantain flower heads! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #plantain #plantainflowers #summersheepfeed #sheepfeed
18.01.2022 Thats my job done for today! After direct seeding this area, todays job was to plant a few special species that werent in the mix... and had my white fur friend as overseer!!! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #directseeding #plantingtrees #shelterandhabitat #nowwaitingforrain #plantingtreesforthefuture #greaterhamilton
18.01.2022 Hows this for the size of a plantain leaf?!! This healthy paddock is definitely ready for the lambs to graze #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #plantain #plantainleaf #healthypastures #needtograzethispaddock #newplaygroundforthelambs #greaterhamilton
17.01.2022 After waiting for the storm and the rain... 38mm... to pass, we’re left with some brilliant rainbows and now unloading the grain... at nearly 9pm!! Got to love being a farmer!! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #stormyskies #rainbows #brilliantrainbows #graindelivery #greaterhamilton
17.01.2022 Weaned, weighed and vaccinated! Our first group of White Suffolk lambs for 2020. Just over 3 months old, averaged 37kg and have great shape #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolklambs #weaningtime
16.01.2022 2020 has been a crazy year... no #sheepvention but still lots happening at #summitparkenterprises! But its still Sheepvention weather... cold!!!
16.01.2022 Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and a great 2021! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and a great 2021!
15.01.2022 It was good having an extra set of hands today... another set of triplets, so one each!!! #summitparkenterprises #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolktriplets Kylie Mackey
14.01.2022 Summer crops are looking amazing with all the rain we’ve had recently... not sure the lambs knew they actually had to walk through the gate! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #summercrop #lotsoffeed #lotsofgrasstoeat #lambswillbehappy #mightlosethelambsintbecrop #greaterhamilton
13.01.2022 Only 3 days later and pretty impressed with this result... fences sprayed to keep the grass off the electric wires #summitparkenterprises #fencelinessprayed #greaterhamilton
13.01.2022 See the link below for our SUMMIT PARK White Suffolk rams and also White Suffolk ewe with twin lambs at foot. For sale in the Bendigo Online Elite White Suffolk Sale, Sunday 30 August. Rams: Lots 43 & 44... Ewe: Lot 84 Contact us if you would like more information or to make a booking to view any of these sheep in person
13.01.2022 SUMMIT PARK 190010 For sale at the Bendigo Elite White Suffolk Sale to be held online on AuctionsPlus on Sunday 30 August. For more info on this stunning ram, see the Sheep Genetics link below or contact us.... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolkrams #bendigoelitewhitesuffolkshowandsale
12.01.2022 The frogs have been very active calling over the past week... now we can see why!! Lots of eggs all around the edge of the dam. Happy frogs! **If youre interested in listening to any frog calls, you can listen to them on the resources page of the #GHCMA website: ... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #frogs #frogeggs #frogseggs #frogcalls
12.01.2022 A perfect day to stock up! #summitparkenterprises #cuttingfirewood #cleaningupoldbranches #redgumfirewood
08.01.2022 SUMMIT PARK 170308 This ewe with twin lambs at foot is for for sale at the Bendigo Elite White Suffolk Sale - 12pm Sunday 30 August. Part of Austins year 9 school agriculture project, he has further developed his White Suffolk stud and is really proud to be able to offer these quality sheep as part of the sale. ... Please support Austin and his interest in sheep breeding! All data on the ewe and both lambs (ewe & ram lamb) can be found on Sheep Genetics with this link: #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolkeweandlambs #ewewithtwinlambs #bendigoelite #bendigoelitewhitesuffolkshowandsale
07.01.2022 What else to do on a freezing cold day where weve seen rain, hail, sunshine and wind... burn our massive bonfire!! Will be ready for marshmallows tonight! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #bonfire #burnpilewashuge #burnpileisnowgone #readyformarshmallows
07.01.2022 Spot the #redgums that have germinated here... perfect conditions for them and coming up everywhere! I’ve relocated lots already but I don’t think I’ll be able to get all these before the sheep!! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #redgums #redgumsareeverywhere #greaterhamilton
07.01.2022 Just in time before the rain!! A spring sown paddock with multi mix seed going in for grazing summer feed #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #pasturerenovation #multimixseed #justintimebeforetherain
07.01.2022 $660,000 for a sheep! This is Double Diamond, the world's most expensive sheep. He's a Texel lamb - a heavily muscled sheep originating from the island of Tex...el in the Netherlands - and was sold at auction in Scotland. Even his new owners agree it's a lot to pay! "Don't get me wrong, it is an obscene amount of money to pay for a sheep, and it definitely should not be a reflection on the farming community," said buyer, Jeff Aiken. Full story: : Supplied
06.01.2022 Another happy client with his pick of #texel rams. He was particularly taken by the friendly nature of one of his rams who kept coming for a scratch!! Fantastic temperament! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #texelrams #texelramsforsale #ramwantsascratch #texelshavethebesttemperament
05.01.2022 Who can relate to this?!
05.01.2022 We are pleased to advise that SALE LISTS are now available for our Texel, White Suffolk, WS/Texel and Maternal rams! All the rams are in fantastic form and are listed with their performance data on our website - Contact us for more information or to arrange a time to inspect the rams! ... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #summitparkrams #ramsforsale #texelrams #texelramsforsale #whitesuffolkrams #whitesuffolframsforsale #maternalrams #maternalramsforsale #ramsarelookinggreat
05.01.2022 SUMMIT PARK White Suffolk Rams 190019 & 190052 For sale at the Royal Adelaide Elite Sale - Sunday 6 September See all the details of both these rams on the Sheep Genetics website: ... #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolkrams #ramsforsale #royaladelaideshow
04.01.2022 Another glorious day and another paddock being sown... lucerne this time! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #sowinglucerne #growinggrassforthesheep
04.01.2022 Hows this for our new mailbox?! Made using the cast iron ends off an old International Harvester Co seed box from Hamilton... in Canada!!! Now given new life as our mailbox! #summitparkenterprises #newmailbox #oldandrustybutbeautiful #rusticisgood #familyproject #mailmanwontbreakthismailbox
02.01.2022 Austin’s favourite 2019 drop #whitesuffolk ewe with a nice looking ram this year! #summitparkenterprises #summitparkhamilton #whitesuffolks #whitesuffolkramlambs #whitesuffolkrams #whitesuffolkramsforsale
02.01.2022 I'm a bit of most of these today... how is everyone else feeling?! Something here for everyone!!!
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