Sunny Acres Farm, Camping and Farmstay in Rushworth, Victoria | Farm
Sunny Acres Farm, Camping and Farmstay
Locality: Rushworth, Victoria
Phone: +61 419 518 729
Address: 1353 Middle Road 3612 Rushworth, VIC, Australia
Likes: 2898
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24.01.2022 Well another down tonight lol 5 down 2 more to go. Ruby has had a little black calf don’t know what it is yet, she’s wasn’t too happy with me taking pics. She did the 1,2 steps towards me with the typical Scottish Highland head shake of bugger off.... Took her advice got back into the car and left her be hehe!! She’s such a brilliant protective mum... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #ruby #mumagain #newcalf #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
24.01.2022 We decided to do some more fencing yesterday, a bit more of the goats paddock we are dividing into 3. This boofhead Rocky thinks he’s coming to help. No mate out of the way and let me in #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #fencing #goatspaddock #jerseysteer #rocky #getoutoftheway #boofhead #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
23.01.2022 Slipper has been found
22.01.2022 Please share... Doesn’t matter where you live Megan is missing her new Kelpie and wants to find him safe.. Thank you
21.01.2022 Our 5 babies are growing up very quickly. 2 sets of twins and 1 single this year.. Buckley one of the twins is being bottle fed. #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #australianminiaturegoats #twinbucks #twinsdoes #goatslife #kidslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
21.01.2022 Waiting, waiting, waiting. We want our bottles NOW... Pleasssseeee...#SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #australianminiaturegoat #misspenelope #mrbuckley #handreared #bottletime #wantitnow #acalfslife #agoatslife #farmlife #lovinglife #aklepuelife
19.01.2022 Cruze met his little sister Penelope today. He’s such a beautiful boy..Thank you to one of our campers for posting a photo of Cruze from the day he was born, he’s now coming up to 12mths old. Check out the difference in size & colour between the two Cruze 1/2 day old back then and Penelope 5 days old now.. #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighlands #cruze #penelope #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
19.01.2022 Buckley spending some time in the paddock. This is his twin brother Finn. One bottle fed and one on his mum, it’s amazing after almost 3wks apart they haven’t forgotten one another. Absolutely love little goats playing & interacting.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #babygoats #twinbrothers #playtime #agoatslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
19.01.2022 Rita and her twin does. Why sit on the dusty ground when I can sit up here where it’s comfy & warm, cheeky girl lol... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #australianminiaturegoats #rushworth #countryvictoria #ritaandhertwindoes #twindoes #cheekygirl #comfyspot #goatslife #twinslife #farmlife #lovinglife #aklepielife
19.01.2022 This cheeky boy is going really well even if he thinks he can try and pinch the reflector off the side of the Ute.. lol.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushwoth #countryvictoria #scottishhighlands #rubyscalf #bullcalf #beautifulboy #cheekyboy #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpuelife
17.01.2022 Doesn’t matter whether they’re 2 or the 4 legged kids you always end up carrying them around and have them climb all over you or so they think? . They both have amazing balance. Buckley, Buckley, Buckley lol #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #rushworth #australianminiaturegoats #countryvictoria #buckley #bottlefed #cheekyboy #absoluteclown #fulloflife #agoatslife #farmlife #lovinglife #aklepielife
17.01.2022 Please Note: Fire Restrictions As of 1.00am Monday 23rd November 2020 we return to CFA State Fire Restrictions within Campaspe Shire.. There will be No Fires permitted at Sunny Acres Farm due to these restrictions during the following period of dates 23rd November 2020 - 1st May 2021 or until such time the CFA in Victoria lift all restrictions in 2021. ... Each year there is a period of time over the summer months open fires or enclosed fire pits will NOT be permitted whilst camping. This also includes pig spits, Webber’s and any other open flamed wood/heat bead fuelled cookers.....Gas BBQ & gas cookers allowed etc. For the safety of us, all our livestock, all our campers when everyone starts to return on our reopening Friday 22nd January 2021 onwards and for those that have already booked, for the safety of our neighbouring farms & their livestock. Everyone’s farms have dried out substantially already and summer is almost upon up with the weather starting to heat up, the safety of everyone is our upmost importance. Thank you for your understanding & support in keeping everyone safe during your stay.....#SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #firerestrictions #nocampfires #keepingeveryonesafe #countrylife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
16.01.2022 32 today and we have struggling dogs with the heat. All resting and some sleeping. They’re not looking forward to Friday 39 & Sat 40. It’s going to be another one of those summers again we’re guessing.....#SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #sleepingandrestingjelpies #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
16.01.2022 We have many personalities & clowns at Sunny Acres Farm large & small but these 2 are so funny and absolutely love each other’s company. Buckley loves the attention & loves finding someone to play with and doesn’t matter of the size nor breed or if it is out & about or in his paddock with the other goats hehehe!! Penelope has really settled down and it hasn’t taken long to know where her bottle comes from. Like the same with Cruze & Darla they all learnt quite quickly the best place to wait is at the sink lol... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #sunnyacresminiaturegoatstud #australianminiaturegiats #scottishhighland #penelopeandbuckley #playtime #funtimes #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
15.01.2022 Miss Rita has her hitch hiker back again hehe!! Miss Nola thinks she’s a bit too delicate to sit on the ground so mum is the next best thing . She’s such a brilliant mum... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStud #australianminiaturegoats #rushworth #countryvictoria #missrita #brilliantmum #missnola #twindoes #cheekygirl #comfy #goatslife #akidslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
14.01.2022 Someone’s not a happy boy!!!! This is what happens when a small little goat makes you take a backseat on your favourite couch hehehe!! Sunny he doesn’t take up that much room you can share lol .... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #australianminiaturegoats #rushworth #countryvictoria #sunny #buckley #favouritespot #pushedoffcouch #nothappy #bossyboots #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
14.01.2022 This beautiful little girl Miss Penelope is doing really well. She’s 10 days old now and absolutely loving her morning & night bottles for someone that didn’t want to drink for her first few days of being born. Sound like someone else? Cruze by name cruise by nature . She now goes out into a couple of our small paddocks during the day close by to mingle with her brother Cruze & Darla. I’ve also had her & her buddy Buckley in with the goats. She’s taken a fancy to ...the goats shelters for her daily snooze the cheeky girl but the goats don’t seem to mind neither especially Miss Rita considering she’s the boss of the paddock hehe!! #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #heifercalf #misspenelope #bottlefed #drinkingwell #lovingherbottles #cheekygirl #beautifulgirl #calfslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife See more
13.01.2022 Mumma what is this? Lol...Someone has his nose out of joint? Mr Buckley wasn’t impressed with me feeding another animal today to the point he not only head butted the little ram lamb, he also wouldn’t come for his night bottle. It might be a good way of him weaning himself off the bottle hmmm just a thought..... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #the_xplore_family #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStud #mrbuckley #agoatslife #jealousboy #sillybilly #funnyboy #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
13.01.2022 Getting this little boy Finn ready for his new home soon. Doing more lead training & handling hes a beautiful boy.... #SunnyAcresminiaturegoatstud #SunnyAcresFarmAU #australianminiaturegoats #rushworth #countryvictoria #finn #handlingandleadtraining #goatslife #akidslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
13.01.2022 Frisbee time at Sunny Acres Farm... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #frisbeetime #playtime #havingfun #enjoyingthesun #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
11.01.2022 If your looking for something else to do but not travel too far check out the market in town..
11.01.2022 These 2 must be miss seeing all our campers. They came down for a visit so out come the carrots. Didn’t take long for them to polish off a bag hehehe!!! #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #albyandalice #camelfeeding #carrots #favoritefood #acamelslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
11.01.2022 We finally got this one Miss Penelope drinking a whole bottle tonight her first full bottle since Monday. Now I’m happy it can be a bit of a worry when mum can’t feed properly & then you can’t get them to drink but she’s got there and no stopping her now. Just over a litre last night after mucking around trying to get her to drink all day long honey was the magic tool for Cruze and now with his sister once they stop licking it off the teat first hehehe!! The things we do sometimes but wouldn’t have it any other way... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #heifercalf #misspenelope #threedaysold #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
11.01.2022 A massive Thank You.. We would like to thank all our families that stayed with us over the passed 3/4 days given the extreme heat. It was an absolute pleasure having you all here as our official campers on our reopen for Australia Day Weekend in 2021, it’s been a LONG time coming. We totally understand to those that needed to cancel given the circumstances of the weather we would rather everyone be safe & happy that suits their needs. Looking forward to having you all h...ere at a later date in the near future. There is nothing worse in not being able to stay cool or having to make do.. I would like to thank all the fantastic kids that helped me with animals feeding every morning and with camel feeding late in the day. It was fantastic to see kids here enjoying themselves and getting to know our animals for the first time and all our Covid babies getting to know people/campers for the first time with our reopen as they only know us. They did really well considering and will get better once they get use to people/campers & kids coming to feed & visit them more often. Sunny, Molly and Buckley & Buddy were most definitely the hits of the weekend and not to forget to mention Pepè our donkey was definitely a hit with the kids and adults. Once againThank you and take care & safe travels home and looking forward to having you all back in the near future. Please stay hydrated... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #reopen #australiadayweekend #familiesareback #hvingfun #familytime #kidstime #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
10.01.2022 Update on Ruby’s bull calf, he is absolutely beautiful extremely fluffy & pure black. This is the first Scottish Highland pure black calf we’ve ever had. Will be interesting to see whether he stays black in time... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #ruby #bullcalf #beautifulboy #pureblack #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
10.01.2022 Bunker down it’s on its way. Stay safe everyone
10.01.2022 What did your last slave die of Cruze hehehe!!! Gees Darla he can groom himself the lazy bugger lol... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #murrraygrey #cruzeanddarla #cheekyboy #beautifulbabies #calveslife #farmliife #lovinglife #akelpielife
10.01.2022 Cleaning, sorting and pressure washing, this little girl Miss Lexi is always up to the task of helping when it involves Hoses & water lol hehe!!.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #maintenance #cleaning #hosewaterkelpie #misslexi #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
08.01.2022 Rain, rain & more rain. Now that’s what was needed a good soaking of rain... 41mm over the whole day. Started off slow with only 3mm and got better & better as the day went on.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #tushworth #countryvictoria #beautifulrain #fortyonemm #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
08.01.2022 We have welcomed another new calf to Sunny Acres Farm earlier tonight. A little bull calf Guernsey x Scottish Highland to our Guernsey mum Dixie, both doing really well.. #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #guernseycrossscottishhighland #newcalf #bullcalf #guernseymum #firsttimemum #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
08.01.2022 I think Cruze has been spending way too much time with our buffalo Benson & Dexter. He’s starting to think his a buffalo by the looks of things ...#SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #cruze #notabuffalo #cheekyboy #gorgeousboy #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
07.01.2022 With heavy heart we have to make a sad but the right decision to say goodby to Miss Pheobe today. Those that met & fed her would remember her & Shuffles. She was a triple and he was a twin that were born 4 days apart 12mths ago but become twins to themselves growing up together with Cruze & Darla. When she was born it was many sleepless nights to keep this little girl alive around the close feeds within that first 14 days. I told her one morning as she ran to the doo...r towards me you will be the death of me girlie . Every morning I didn’t know what I was coming out too in those early days. About 5wks ago she had a injury her back leg and her hamstring was torn. With much great & fantastic help and advice from our vet & Daryl making a frame for her leg to trying to get her leg right but unfortunately to no avail we can’t put her through this no more. Miss Pheobe was a bit of a loner but she was certainly a battler from day 1 she got through everything but just not this battle of this horrendous injury. She loved her cuddles & absolutely loved Shuffles. She will be missed without seeing her & her sidekick Shuffles side by side.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #misspheobe #rip #willmissyou #mydarling #hardlife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
06.01.2022 Look what we got first thing this morning at Sunny Acres Farm. Yes Raven (Cruze’s mum) has had her calf, it’s a little heifer. She decided to have it nice and close for some reason but both doing well... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #heifercalf #newborn #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
06.01.2022 These 2 are just nuts some days and this morning is absolutely one of those days. Out to the paddock you both go, the couch isn’t a wrestling pad it’s for bums not hooves lol ...#SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniaturaStudAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #australianminiaturagoats #penelope #buckley #bestbuds #crazyfriends #littlenutters #bottlefed #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
06.01.2022 This cheeky boy Mr Buckley thinks he can sit/stand anywhere he feels like whilst waiting for his bottle or anywhere/anytime for that matter even with the dogs hehehe!! #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #australiaminiaturegoats #babykids #babygoats #mrbuckley #cheekyboy #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
05.01.2022 We have finally named Matilda’s twin ram lambs. We would like you to meet Jack & Banjo at almost a month old now they’re doing really well. Their cheeky boys especially Banjo not only does he look like his mum but acts like her too lol hehe!! Not a care in the world these 2 of what’s around them even the dogs. She a fantastic mum better than we were expecting.. Their going to be BIG boys but typical merino rams when they grow up... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #matilda #greatmum #jackandbanjo #twinramlambs #bigboys #funnyboys #sheepslife #lamblife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
05.01.2022 We have welcomed Miss Ruby back for a litttle while until she makes her way on a plane to be with her dad. She has matured a lot since the last time she was here. She’s loving her play, swims and interacting with all the other dogs on the farm and yes the quad bike & Jeep. We’ve been doing some One on one work with her Recall & Obedience, she’s doing extremely well blending & working in with the others getting to know her place in the order. She’s still a cocky little bitch tho, nothing that can’t be tweaked with some time before her trip Great work Ruby ....#SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #missruby #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
04.01.2022 Update on Raven’s and her heifer calf... We’ve welcomed Miss Penelope to Sunny Acres Farm on Monday morning. Well I’m back to bottle feeding full time which is always the way with Raven’s calves as she has trouble feeding. This tiny little girl is doing really well. This little girl is Cruze’s full sister. She will be totally hand reared and off to her new home at a later date.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #newcalf #twodaysold #heifercalf #bottlefeeding #handrearing #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
03.01.2022 Doing some handling, brushing & lead training with this beautiful boy Finn before he goes to his new home in time. He’s Buckley’s twin brother. I’m always up for some cuddles... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #SunnyAcresMiniatureGoatStudAU #australianminiaturegoats #rushworth #countryvictoria #finn #twin #goatslife #kidslife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
03.01.2022 Expressions of Interest: Scottish Highland Bull Calf for sale.. We are looking for any expressions of interest with one of our full Scottish Highland bull calves. He was born 1st September won’t be ready until he’s weaned off his mother or thereafter.. Will be ear tagged & can halter him if you wish. Please see pics attached of parents included.. If you or anybody you know would be interested please don’t hesitate to contact us Mob: 0419 518 729.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #scottishhighland #expresionsofinterest #bullcalf #forsale #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
02.01.2022 Well here we go again more bottles . Thought I only had about a month left between Buckley & Penelope how wrong was I hehe!!. Late tiny, tiny twin ram lambs but unfortunately we lost his twin to last days of heat. They were all doing so well up until then with mum out in the paddock. This boy is 4 days old & doing really well now we got fluids into him after being badly dehydrated. Life never stops on a farm.... #SunnyAcresFarmAU #rushworth #countryvictoria #latelambs #ramlamb #bottlefeeds #alamblife #farmlife #lovinglife #akelpielife
02.01.2022 Important Notice: Covid Business Plan Update: Monday 9th Nov Please Note: Visitors... As of Monday 9th November 2020 anyone entering Sunny Acres Farm for any reason will now have to Sign In or for the following - Deliveries, pops in for a visit whether it’s family, friends, neighbours or just someone that’s popping in to say hello. All details recorded are for Contact Tracing purposes ONLY if needed. Please Note: Bookings As of Friday 22nd January 2021 & onwards anyone booking to stay with us will have to fill out a Covid19 Declaration form upon entering Sunny Acres Farm as part of a mandatory Covid19 Business Plan and as part of our reopening under the Victorian State Government Guidelines. This form I’m hoping to put up on our social media sites & website for download for those that wish to do so prior to arrival. I will let everyone know when it will be made available. We apologise for any inconvenience but our aim is to keep ourselves, all our guests and all the residents of Rushworth & neighbouring town/s Safe & Covid Free... If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on Mob: 0419 518 729 Cheers Michelle & Daryl Sunny Acres Farm
02.01.2022 Excellent news: Reopening this Friday 22nd January 2021 As of this Friday 22nd Sunny Acres Farm will be opened back up for business and would like to take this time in thanking EVERYONE for all their support whilst we were closed and watching all our animals grow so quickly. Limited Camping & Garage Room Bookings Available for future dates during 2021.... If anyone is looking for a place to Camp or to book our room which sleeps Max 6 people throughout the year we will be ha...ppy to take your bookings. We would like to thank those that have rebooked with us and looking forward to having you all here for Australia Day Weekend.. Due to Covid Restrictions still, we are taking limited bookings for other weekdays/weekends, school holidays and long weekends throughout the year. We want everyone be safe during their stay with us. At this time during Covid19 we are ONLY taking limited bookings so please don’t miss out if your looking or been waiting for us to reopen, if you’ve got particular dates in mind. Please Note: All visitors to Sunny Acres Farm must use our QR Code and fill out our declaration form for Covid19 Contact Tracing purposes only. You will need to download the Service Victoria app. If for any reason your unable to use our QR Code you will still be required to fill out our declaration form and sign in our visitors book and everyone will have their temperature taken on arrival. We would like to thank everyone for their assistance in doing so. Please Note: If you are feeling sick prior to your arrival please give us a ring and don’t turn up sick as we have other Campers to think of and people within the town amd ourselves. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact us Mob: 0419 518 729 Cheers Sunny Acres Farm
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