Sunnybank Scout Group | Community
Sunnybank Scout Group
Phone: +61 439 313 401
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24.01.2022 Darcee as part of her badgework has put this video together, doesn't run for very long but took her over 2 hours to edit and put it together - Rikki
22.01.2022 Amazing flying paper crafts that you can easily make.
22.01.2022 Easy origami crafts that really fly like magic.
21.01.2022 FYI - for those transitioning onto the new award scheme, here’s a guide for badge placement for all sections - Rikki
21.01.2022 Cub Scout parents - reminder we’ll be re-opening for face to face meetings next Monday 15th June at 6.30pm - Rikki
19.01.2022 Cub Scouts working on Gold level boomerang. last activity you need to finish your ropes component is to make a simple gadget using at least one type of appropriate lashing, here's a pattern for those that wanted to give this a go, or you can make some of our other suggestions during last night's meeting. Remember, if you are going to follow this pattern link, do not start it with glue or random weaving to hold the sticks in place - Rikki
18.01.2022 It’s Official! Scouting Builds Resilience for Life. Resilience enables people to thrive and take on all that life has to offer, including the inevitable challen...ges. It’s about knowing our strengths and calling on them when needed. In 2019, Scouts Australia partnered with Resilient Youth Australia to explore the impact of Scouting on young Australians. Youth members across the country participated in the Resilience Survey, and after months of analysis, the results are in, and they show what we Scouts, parents and Leaders see every day as our youth members grow towards their potential. As members, parents and supporters, you would already have know this. Read the report here SHARE our little secret. Scouting.... PREPARE FOR ADVENTURE PREPARE FOR LIFE. #rochedalescouts2020 #rochedale #springwood #mansfield #wishart #scouts
18.01.2022 Happy Birthday Rikki hope you have a great day Happy Birthday Rikki hope you have a great day
17.01.2022 Spring into Adventure with an amazing week of fun at Baden Powell Park, Samford. Networking with Youth Members (age 14+) who have a passion for adventure whils...t work towards industry recognised Outdoor Recreation Units (RPL through SAIT RTO 5443), you might even be able to achieve a Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation and develop your Outdoor Adventure Skills. Activity Pursuit choice is between Bushwalking & Vertical (abseiling & rock climbing) or Bushwalking & Peddling (mountain biking & cycling ) or Peddling & Vertical Choose your own adventure sessions include: pioneering, archery, survival, stand up paddle boarding, or optional extra Provide First Aid and CPR courses. As well as a Journey to South Bank and Kangaroo Cliffs! Date: bump in from 17:00 Sunday 27 September to 1400 Friday 3 October 2020 Cost: $450 incl. catering, camp fees and activities, excl. PFA and CPR Adventurous Activity Training pre-requisites apply see Where to Start on Training Page. What are you waiting for register now
16.01.2022 A little bit of positivity to share with your Scouts, thanks to our friends Buddha's Light Scout Group. -Emu
15.01.2022 Here's a super fun activity for Scouts of any age (and their parents!) Just about every house has LEGO bricks and balloons stashed somewhere; combine the two and you have an engaging fun activity (with a teeny bit of science sneaked in). You can organise races to pit different designs against one another, and the Joeys can experiment to see which work the best, and work out how to improve stability and speed. This page also features a link to a LEGO zip line activity which is... heaps of fun too (and if you pop the tyres off the LEGO wheels they can be used as pulley wheels on the zip line for more speed!) -Emu
13.01.2022 Today is international nurses day, they are the frontline whilst the rest of us self isolate to stop the spread, show your appreciation on your driveway and clap at 7.00pm to show the nurses in our communities that we care - Rikki
13.01.2022 Tonight we met with the Joeys, learning knots and working together on badgework. By all accounts both sections had a lot of fun - Rikki
12.01.2022 Cub Scout parents - grey wolf hike permission forms were emailed out last night, if you've not received an email please let us know and we can resend it to you and/or update the email address. We hope to see as many of our Cub Scouts as possible to support Chloe and Patrick on their Grey Wolf hike - Rikki
12.01.2022 Joey Scout Parents - please check your email for a message regarding our return to face-to-face meetings. We will be implementing some new procedures to keep everyone safe and healthy, and our programs will be kept light and simple for these last 3 weeks of the term as we adapt to these new guidelines. -Emu
10.01.2022 Here’s something to try either backyard camping whilst covid-19 iso rules or once back face to face meetings and camping re-commence. Looks great for winter desserts
08.01.2022 Venturers constructing a platform to raise up in case of a flood. Maybe climbing a tree is better.
08.01.2022 Venturers Mecca's formal dinner all set up.
01.01.2022 "How many ways can you cook chicken?" challenge.