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Sunrise Well in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Sunrise Well

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 421 487 406


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25.01.2022 Do you ever look back and wish you hadnt wasted so much time on XYZ inconsequential thing? It cant be changed though, so you may as well focus on and enjoy the present moment, right?

23.01.2022 THANK YOU 2020 You've humbled us and given us the opportunity to connect and join together as a global community. Thank you for the challenges that helped me to grow. Thank you for the support of my family, friends and clients. ... Thank you for the gift of our beautiful baby girl. Complete joy HOPE FOR 2021 We're not out of the woods yet, but hope and love remain. I hope we stay strong and connected. I hope for peace for those that have lost loved ones, jobs, homes. I hope you stay present, mindful and truly connect with and appreciate those you are with. Best wishes to all.

20.01.2022 Its not easy, but can you make friends with your difficult emotions...?

20.01.2022 New Meditation and Wellbeing Interview Series starts tomorrow night! Join below! New Meditation and Wellbeing Interview Series starts tomorrow night! Join below!

20.01.2022 Mornings like these...

19.01.2022 Less is best - yes!!!

19.01.2022 Don't worry if you didn't get to the shops as much this holiday season!

18.01.2022 So it's not just me? ;-)

17.01.2022 Monday...let's do this!

17.01.2022 How do you feel about these?

16.01.2022 Start small and bring mindfulness into your whole day <3

15.01.2022 Eye candy... ;-)

15.01.2022 Time for YOU = time for THEM <3

14.01.2022 For those who find it challenging to sit and meditate because of pain or discomfort, it can be helpful to begin with some gentle, mindful movement before you sit down.

14.01.2022 Fill your life with nature Reminders of nature around your home can lower your stress levels. So bring plants, flowers, rocks inside and place them around the house for more peace and joy.

13.01.2022 We embrace minimalism at Sunrise Well. How do you feel about living life this way?

13.01.2022 Be the anti-hustle. Slow down and be present.

12.01.2022 Ooooh, this is a nice easy way to do it. If you catch yourself thinking about something for the 67th time, ask yourself, "Is this useful?". If the answer is No, it's time to let it go.

12.01.2022 This is such an important distinction. It's also crucial to understand that taking care of your own wellbeing has a direct impact on the wellbeing of those around you. In reality, it is one of the most caring things you can do for others, because if you are in balance, you can give so much more to your relationships. All those big 'little' things like getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, taking time to relieve stress and anxiety...they all add up to a happier, healthier, and more engaged YOU. <3

12.01.2022 Love a good sunrise or sunset! The magic of daily life :-)

10.01.2022 Your future home?

10.01.2022 Please enjoy the new Sunrise Well blog post. Your support makes a difference :-) Do you have high expectations, either of yourself or of other people? How often do you fall short of your own expectations?... How often do you find yourself frustrated with someone else for not meeting your expectations?

09.01.2022 Stuck at home with nothing to do? Maybe now's the time to attack those cupboards full of junk...?!

08.01.2022 Wear that special dress. Use those glasses you save for special occasions. Say what you always wanted to say to that person. Today is the day <3

08.01.2022 So true. Make the most of each sunrise <3

07.01.2022 Sunrise Well has always been an evidence-based platform to promote the health and wellbeing of all people, especially those under stress and anxiety. Woo woo snake oil advice does not and has never fitted on this platform and reading this post below I was prompted to remind you all of that in case you're expecting this is a place to get 'woke'. Like it or not, public health - something that has chilled in the background of all people's lives - is now political. In this ...wellness platform, it would be negligent of me to suggest that the practices and education offered here can save you from Covid-19. So if you're thinking this is the kind of place where avocados and chanting will be enough if Covid comes your way, maybe it's not the right place for you. Seriously, I have seen this kind of b.s. approach and it is deeply concerning. True health promotion states: maintain your distance, wash your hands, wear masks where necessary, and follow the advice of the professionals. Look after your health and wellbeing so you can have the energy and positivity to get through this and also help others through this. And if all this fits your ethos, watch this space for new health promotion tips, videos and articles to help you stay calm, positive and healthy through this rough patch. Stay safe. Xo

06.01.2022 Thurs Live Training 8.30pm AEST Gentle seated stretch + Guided meditation Join below Thurs Live Training 8.30pm AEST Gentle seated stretch + Guided meditation Join below

05.01.2022 100% yes! There's already so much in the world. If you're still stuck for a gift for someone, why not check out the 2nd hand stores. Pre-loved items can be just as treasured and useful. <3

05.01.2022 Is it important to you to raise a child who embodies kindness? Maybe the way to do it is a little different to what you think... "When children are given the choice to share, apologise, or offer kind gestures instead of being forced to, they are roughly twice as likely to be generous later. And when kids are praised and recognized for their kindness, they are more likely to help again."

05.01.2022 How gorgeous is this? <3

05.01.2022 A beautiful read over the break... We <3 trees!

03.01.2022 Friday feels like...? Tell us below!

03.01.2022 3 new hand-me-down books have crossed my path! What books have you read that have changed your life or the way you see the world?

03.01.2022 Agree? Who is into the Slow Movement?

02.01.2022 Having space and beauty is something we all need - all the time.

01.01.2022 100% - presence and listening <3

01.01.2022 Happy Friday!!! #homegrown

01.01.2022 "Eijkelenboom noted a 2018 paper from McKinsey & Company on automation and the future of the workforce, which found that demand for social and emotional skills will increase by 24% by 2030, compared to 2016." --> With automation on the rise, the soft skills will become even more important.

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