Sunsets Not Skyscrapers | Community organisation
Sunsets Not Skyscrapers
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23.01.2022 URGENT: Last chance to say NO to Woolworth's plans to build a 25 storey apartment complex on the White Sands site at Scarborough Beach. The Scarborough Master Plan height controls for this site is 8-12 storeys - see drawings below. Make your comment here by cob tomorrow Tuesday 4 August 2020. Letters below will help with ideas or contact us [email protected] for more information. The Woolworths pro...posal is to build an apartment block of 22 storeys on top of a 3 storey podium the building will be 81.8m high which is 38.8m higher than the allocated height for the Beach Precinct. It is non-compliant in a number of areas e.g. the parapet wall heights on eastern and southern boundaries are above 11.5m; the tower footprint is larger than 30m by 35m! and the separation between the northern and southern towers is reduced to less than 20m. The designated minimum set back is 10m but Woolies are asking for 8.8m setback on the northern boundary and 2.4m setback from the southern boundary. The Podium height should be 11.5m but Woolies are proposing 12.4m. They also want two vehicle access points from West Coast Highway which is not allowed. JUST STICK TO THE PLANNING FRAMEWORK WOOLWORTHS!! See more
23.01.2022 This UWA Science presentation on the effect of storms, sand movement and climate change on Perth's suburban beaches, Trigg Beach is featured. Well worth a look.
23.01.2022 Council elections are important - please VOTE and make your voice heard! Here's another voice you might want to listen to...our preferred candidate for Stirling Council Coastal Ward - Independent FELICITY FARRELLY - talking about HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT on our coast. Why are other candidates strangely silent on this issue?? Are they putting their heads in the sand???
21.01.2022 Stirling Council elections are just around the corner. What are most of the candidates saying about TRAFFIC CONGESTION? Not much!! FELICITY FARRELLY has some strong opinions & good ideas on this important subject...have a listen!
20.01.2022 Welcome to our world, Margaret River! Please help these folks save their coastline & fight the big developers who want to build this oversized & unnecessary resort by signing & sharing this petition. Many thanks!
19.01.2022 Not everything is perfect at Scarborough Beach Paul Murray.
17.01.2022 Let's keep Trigg Beach as it is for future generations.
17.01.2022 Be alert but not alarmed! This sign outside the new fence on the 3 Oceans site is for the revised development application in 2018 that is now redundant. We have written to the MRA to have it removed. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Thanks to our Supporters for drawing this to our attention.
16.01.2022 Fantastic news - Felicity Farrelly has been elected to the City of Stirling as Coastal Ward Councillor. And Lisa Thornton was elected to represent Osborne Ward. Both are Supporters of Sunsets Not Skyscrapers. Thanks to everyone for supporting community candidates who are committed to listening and putting residents first. Congratulations Felicity and Lisa.
16.01.2022 Minister Saffioti does it again and rams through a properly rejected and unpopular development. "By overriding a panel of experts decision to knock this back, the government is contradicting its previous messaging on big development planning at the worst possible time." Emma Young
15.01.2022 3 Oceans are back and threatening to ignore the Scarborough Master Plan Design Guidelines height controls - again!! Our letter to The West remains unpublished.
14.01.2022 Here's the final word from independent candidate FELICITY FARRELLY before the Stirling Council elections. Today she's talking about LONG TERM PLANNING - it's an important issue & worth a listen. Please VOTE & make your voice heard! Thank you!
14.01.2022 We met with 3 Oceans representatives on 4 December 2019. They advised us that the 43 and 35 storey tower proposal had been scrapped and that it would be at least two years before a new development proposal would be submitted. Obviously, we strongly advised that any new proposal must comply with the Scarborough Redevelopment Area Planning Framework and Design Guidelines height controls of 12 storeys for the site. In the meantime, consideration is being given to temporary use of the site, but we are not holding our collective breath for this to occur any time soon. We have sought input to ensure any temporary use includes community facilities. Attached pic shows the vacant site on the corner of Scarborough Beach Road and West Coast Highway opposite the 18 storey Rendezvous Hotel.
14.01.2022 While we wait to see what will happen with the 3Oceans site & other developments in sunny Scarbs, SNS representatives have been busy behind the scenes attending meetings, gathering information & making contact with other community groups with similar planning issues & concerns. We've had warm responses from the folks at Keep Cott Low, Save South Perth Peninsula & Save Subi & we hope to work together with these & other groups in the future to combine our voices & share infor...mation. If you'd like to help make this happen, here's what you can do: * Please get onto the Facebook pages of the groups we've listed above & click "like" & "follow" - that way you'll be kept up to date with what's happening in their area (they'll do the same for us!) * Sign relevant petitions to support their cause (ditto!) * Attend relevant meetings - this will be a great opportunity to chat to like-minded residents from other communities & find out what's happening with planning in Perth generally. And on that subject, there's a Town Hall Meeting happening to address this very topic this Tuesday, Feb. 18. Purpose of Meeting: To discuss urban planning from the community's perspective - it has been convened by over 500 residents. Who's invited: Residents of Nedlands, Wembley, West Leederville, Subiaco, Applecross, South Perth, Scarborough, Cottesloe, Rockingham, Kalamunda & all across Perth Topics to be covered by keynote speakers: 1. how over-zoning impacts the amenity of our suburbs; 2. how residents have been stripped of their democracy by the WAPC and the Minister for Planning; 3. education about the planning process; 4. what we as individuals & as a community can do to protect our suburbs. Time & Place: Time : 6.30pm - 8.30pm Tuesday 18 February 2020 Place : Town Hall Nedlands, Tregonning Field, 42 Smyth Rd, Nedlands WA We'll be in touch again soon!
14.01.2022 Just attended a community forum about redevelopment by Woolies (held by Creating Communities Australia ) of White Sands Tavern site into a new shopping/residential complex. A good start - thanks for involving local residents & stakeholders, Woolies! SNS will maintain a watching brief on such issues as height, parking, vehicle & pedestrian access, design innovation, sustainability, community benefits, environmental compatibility, planning compliance & more. Stay tuned for updates.
13.01.2022 This article in the community newspapers on June 4 sounds encouraging!
13.01.2022 Not all is perfect at Scarborough Beach Paul Murray
12.01.2022 Support Cr Felicity Farrelly by attending Tuesday night's Council Meeting 7.00 City of Stirling. This is her Notice of Motion: "That the City writes to DevelopmentWA requesting that the development of 242 West Coast Highway (White Sands/Woolworths site) only be approved within the guidelines of the Scarborough Master Plan". The Master Plan, Planning Framework and Design Guidelines designate this site as 12 storey maximum height, Woolworths have applied for Development Approval for 25 storeys. 38.8m higher, and increased parapet wall heights above 11.5m, minimum setback of 8.8m north and 2.4m south when minimum is 10m, reduced separation between northern and southern towers of less than 20m. Why can't Woolworths just comply with the Planning Framework and Design Guidelines like other property developers in Scarborough??
12.01.2022 Sunsets Not Skyscrapers has been busy behind the scenes! Last night SNS representatives attended an important "Round Table" forum along with a number of other environmental & conservation-related community groups to meet newly-elected Coastal Ward Councillor Felicity Farrelly, advise her of a range of current issues & concerns relating to the coastal environment of the City of Stirling & facilitate future cooperation & information exchange between us all. It was the first in... a series of planned meetings with Felicity who undertook to follow up on numerous issues that were discussed. Coordinated by Robyn Murphy representing Friends of Trigg Beach, the inaugural Round Table was attended by representatives from Beach Not Bitumen; Birdlife WA; Environmental Weeds Action Network; Friends of Star Swamp Bushland; Stirling Natural Environment Coastcare; WA Naturalists Club & Wildflower Society of WA. From the SNS perspective, we believe the initiative is an excellent way to work together to try to make environmental issues top-of-mind with Council & to develop strong communications channels with other community groups who, like us, are committed to protecting & preserving our precious coastal environment. See more
11.01.2022 Another blow to Scarborough Beach is the announcement by the Minister for Lands of the sale of the Reserve St car park: This public land can accommodate about 120 vehicles and its loss will impact adversely on beach users, businesses and local residents. The likely construction of a 12 storey apartment block will introduce more traffic congestion. We are still awaiting the promised traffic management plan for Scarborough and the proposed alternative transport options to make the beach, shops & new facilities more accessible.
11.01.2022 Wish we had an INDEPENDENT Stirling Council candidate who was an ag scientist, teacher, mum, grandmum, urban planner & long-time Scarbs resident who really understood the importance of community issues like sustainability targets, height restrictions & traffic congestion. OH WAIT! WE DO! FELICITY FARRELLY!!
11.01.2022 It's official, Scarborough Beach is "REAL ESTATE", no longer a beachside suburb, no longer a neighbourhood confirmed in a multi-page spread in The Weekend West Real Estate - accompanied by this picture. If you are concerned about what might be built on the "Hubs" behind the amphitheatre that are currently "mulch" then contact Cr Felicity Farrelly who is working for transparency and appropriate use of these areas: [email protected] And while you are at it, ask for the Reserve St car park to remain in public ownership for the use of the community.
11.01.2022 Congratulations to local residents on the excellent quality of their deputations to the JDAP meeting on Monday with the correct outcome resulting. The decision to reject this bulky, oversized, overheight development was not based on parking alone, it was non-compliant with planning laws and zoning requirements. The fight is not over as the developers can appeal whereas there are no appeal rights for residents.
10.01.2022 The ironically named Beach Shack with its bonus height and other generous concessions starts to tower(s) over the beachfront at Scarborough. Taken from the Trigg Beach Car Park yesterday.
10.01.2022 3 Oceans is back for its third attempt to build a skyscraper on its site at Scarborough Beach. This land is designated a 12 storey height limit but 3 Oceans have already flagged its development "will exceed 12 storeys". The Scarborough Master Plan here: says the 18 storey Rendezvous will be the highest building and others will "rise to the centre" to create "a harmonious relationship between built and natural form". Please complete the survey before 30 July and say stick to the Planning Framework and Design Guidelines - 12 storey maximum height controls.
09.01.2022 Our letter remains unpublished and developers have a field day receiving "bonus heights" and buildings getting taller and taller at Scarborough. Keep to the Planning Framework of maximum height 12 storeys! Say NO to skyscrapers at Scarborough Beach!
06.01.2022 Good advice on making a submission about the proposal to develop the Yelo site.
05.01.2022 An excellent public meeting last night in Nedlands was attended by over 500 concerned West Australians from numerous suburbs & community groups to share information & build networks. Topic?? WAs questionable planning process, the impartiality (?) of relevant authorities & govt officials in making planning decisions & the loss of democratic decision-making in the planning process. Many people are asking WHY our State Govt is so committed to putting up high rise buildings ev...erywhere?? Even in unsuitable locations & when local councils, planning experts & residents & ratepayers in affected communities advise against them?? WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON HERE?? How can we change things & make ourselves heard??? If you,too, are concerned about the planning process, stay tuned & get involved - more meetings are planned & we need you to be there. To have a voice & have an impact, we must all stand together! Have a look here. See more
03.01.2022 There is a list that makes the proposal to redevelop Yelo at Trigg to four storeys in a three storey zone unacceptable in a residential area: The bulk and scale do not fit the area- The setback from the street does not comply- The site coverage does not comply- The parking requirements do not comply- Overshadow of properties does not comply- Zero public parking does not comply- Height of building does not comply- The bulk and scale does not fit in the area- No high density dwellings in the low density area of trigg. An event is planned for Sat 14 March at 7.00. See below
03.01.2022 3 Oceans are back and undertaking a token public "engagement opportunity" - note the newspaper article quoting them as saying the tower will "need to exceed" the local height limit of 12 storeys!! The Scarborough Master Plan says otherwise and so does the community. Make sure you complete this by 30 July and share with friends, family and neighbours.
02.01.2022 Please make comment on the horrendous proposal to build three towers on top of the Karrinyup Shopping Centre - 9, 15 and 24 storeys on an 8 storey maximum height area. This is already an elevated site and the new shopping centre is huge - and it sits in the middle of a residential area. Say No by 24 August - it is easy if you following this link: This petition can only be signed by residents of the City of Stirling, please share it with friends in the area.
02.01.2022 Woolworths is holding a "Community Open Day" so that people can view their plans for the White Sands site on Saturday 18 July 2020. You must register here We urge you to go along and tell Woolworths that the Scarborough Master Plan has a height limit of 12 storeys on the site that they are proposing a 23 storey building. Say no to skyscrapers at Scarborough Beach. Keep to the Planning Framework and height controls in the Scarborough Master Plan. No more bonus heights for developers at Scarborough!
01.01.2022 This picture published in The West today shows the "Beach Hub" to the right (from the ocean) of the amphitheatre, currently under consideration for development by the City of Stirling and the MRA as described in the Scarborough Master Plan.
01.01.2022 We have been asked to go along to this meeting at the City of Stirling on Monday 13 July at 9.30am to show opposition to the proposed development of the Yelo Cafe site at Trigg.
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