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Sunshine Coast Safe Communities


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25.01.2022 Maroochydore Police are seeking owners of jewellery seized on the Sunshine Coast

23.01.2022 The Federal government has announced funding for the purchase of 7 new shelters in Queensland, for victims of domestic violence, the Sunshine Coast, will be one of the beneficiaries. Coast2Bay Housing Group will work with the Salvation Army to purchase eight new units on the Sunshine Coast. New shelters for QLD women and children escaping DV The federal Social Services Minister will announce seven new shelters for Queensland women and children as part of a $60 million nationa...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Great to see Maleny Dairies receiving the publicity they deserve for an amazing local product Buy Australian: The secret to Maleny Dairies’ success A family owned and operated milk business has found an important trend in customer behaviour re-emerging, and it’s all thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chyna Hayden, The Courier-Mail October 25, 2020 4:00am .... For family owned and operated Maleny Dairies, a passion for supporting the local community has only been reinforced since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Founded by the Hopper family who have been farming in the Maleny Hinterland north of Brisbane for generations, Maleny Dairies was established following the deregulation of the milk industry in 2000. With the COVID-19 pandemic leaving many businesses in dire straits, Mr Falcongreen said it was initiatives like Buy Australian that has encouraged consumers to become more aware of the benefits of supporting their local farmers. It has been a strong message that consumers have responded to regarding the importance of what Maleny Dairies has to offer Queenslanders, Maleny Dairies general manager Peter Falcongreen. Heavily invested in supporting local families, the company’s McCarthy Rd factory directly employs 50 staff members from the community and an additional 30 staff members who are employed in sales and distribution. The reciprocal benefit is that the Maleny Dairies indirectly supports 12 farming families and their staff, which is estimated at around 50 people, Mr Falcongreen said. Care for the land, cows and farmers is at the heart of our business and we’re proud to support, purchase and process milk from other local dairy farmers, as well as our own. Regarded as one of the most productive rural communities in Queensland, Maleny’s population has relied on local farmers for centuries, with Maleny Dairies not shying away from the fact their success comes down to quality of the products and relationships they have built since their inception. The investment and support from our consumers, enables us to continue doing what we do best, (producing) award-winning products, Mr Falcongreen said. By buying local you support your local economy and there is also the added guarantee that the produce is delivered fresh, Mr Falcongreen said. Local rural communities play a fundamental role in strengthening our economy.

17.01.2022 Many Australian tourists romance with Bali may soon be reconsidered as new laws are being considered banning booze. Bali booze ban could land tourists in jail Aussies dreaming of a Bali holiday when travel restrictions are eased may have to think again due to a proposed alcohol ban that could see you thrown into jail for having a Bintang. Ondy Harvard, News Corp Australia Network November 15, 2020 ... Aussies dreaming of a Bali holiday when travel restrictions are eased may have to think again due to a proposed booze ban that could see people thrown into jail for sipping on the island’s famous Bintang beer. Indonesia’s House of Representatives has resumed deliberations of a proposed 2015 Bill called the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks, backed by the fun police in the form of three powerful Islamic parties that dominate the house. The proposed bill takes aim at people drinking and those caught producing, distributing, or storing alcohol in Indonesia and they could face jail for between two and ten years. In discussing the draft bill, 21 politicians from the conservative Islamic parties the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Gerinda and National Development Party (PPP), quoted verses from the Koran that argues why Muslims must be prohibited from imbibing in alcohol and how the drink makes disciples stray from Allah. The move could be a death blow to Bali’s coronavirus-crippled tourist industry. In usual times, Aussies account for more than a quarter of visitors to the holiday island with more than one million visiting Bali every year. AA Ngurah Adi Ardhana, chairman of Bali’s regional legislative council, slammed the proposal as shallow and a piece of Islamic self-interest. It is too superficial; Bali will definitely reject it. We are a unitary state built on diversity, and the potential economic impact involved is unacceptable, he said. He said the proposed bill merely takes into account the desire of a group of people and that drinking alcohol is guaranteed by the Indonesian Constitution. Earlier this year, Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster legalised the traditional drink of arak the use of which has spread from the villages and been embraced by sleek mixologists who create unique ‘local flavour’ cocktails in posh hotels. According to the proposal, individuals found drinking alcohol could face two years in jail and fine of $5,000 while businesses found violating such regulations by selling, storing or using alcohol, would face ten years in prison and $100,000 in fines. If passed into law, the bill would impose the nationwide booze ban with a few exceptions including its use in pharmaceuticals, traditional rituals, some religious ceremonies and special permits are on the cards for certain events as yet undefined.

11.01.2022 85 year old impaired mother the latest victim of the state governments inconsistent border controls. Do these people have a heart? Home stay denied for impaired mother, 85 IN MAROOCHYDORE TEGAN ANNETT... A PENSIONER with severe dementia who is fleeing an unsafe home environment has been denied a request to quarantine at her daughter’s Mudjimba address. The 85-year-old Melbourne woman’s daughter Linda Holland is making a desperate plea to the state government to reconsider its decision, for her mother’s wellbeing. Ms Holland said her mother’s worsening dementia and husband’s health condition made it unsafe for her to stay at home. She said it was vital her mother moved to Queensland where her family could support her. The home quarantine application was rejected, despite a letter from her mother’s doctor that said a hotel environment would be damaging for her mental health. nHer health has declined rapidly, Ms Holland said. It’s not safe for her to stay in the family home. It’s not safe for her to go into respite care. What we’re pleading for is for her to be able to come home and quarantine. The elderly woman (pictured) has also had two serious spinal surgeries in recent months and has limited mobility. Maroochydore MP Fiona Simpson said she urged the state government to allow the woman to quarantine at her daughter’s home. Anyone who understands the challenges of dementia will appreciate that a hotel room, instead of a home, is not appropriate for a distressed and agitated lady for her mental or physical health, she said. A Queensland Health spokesperson said the strict health directions were designed to protect residents. Ms Holland said her mother had tested negative to COVID-19 twice recently and that measures would be put in place to ensure the family’s and community’s safety. The government will allow Ms Holland to quarantine with her mother.

10.01.2022 Our farmers need all the assistance we can offer and Christmas won't be that great for many of them. Please consider a donation in support this worthwhile cause

10.01.2022 Following an ACCC investigation Simplot Australia Pty Ltd has amended the country of origin labelling on 31 products sold as Birds Eye, I&J, Neptune and one home-brand product from Made in Australia to Packed in Australia.

08.01.2022 About 5000 school leavers are expected on the Sunshine Coast this week as Noosa becomes the chosen destination for schoolies this year.

08.01.2022 We all need to support Australian products Read those labels and Buy Australian

06.01.2022 It has taken a while for many QLDers and the media to wake up to the Chinese footprint in the state. Our institutions have been infiltrated by Confucius Institutes and the Ten Talents programme. A proposed $400m tourism park on the Gold Coast - to mention a few. The latest exposure is the 99 year lease of Keswick Island off the coast of Mackay...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Shopping for Christmas or special occasions? Time to give those Chinese imports a miss and support Australian producers and products. #buyfromthebush

03.01.2022 Courtesy of My Police Sunshine Coast Police from the Organised Crime Gangs Group (OCGG) have issued consorting warnings after attending a gathering of Bandidos OMCG members at Kandanga yesterday (November 14).

02.01.2022 Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk warns travellers from Adelaide of possible travel restrictions Anyone about to leave Adelaide should be advised we are assessing the COVID-19 outbreak and may place restrictions on travel, including mandatory quarantine on arrivals, she tweeted. Queensland’s borders are set to slam shut to South Australia after Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk warned anyone travelling from Adelaide that travel restrictions were imminent due to a very dangerous C...Continue reading

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