Sunshinereikisydney in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for your New Moon Intention. How do you feel around this time? I find Im highly emotionally sensitive around NewMoons! Its good to be aware of others sensitivities around this time too... Reiki helps you to ground, centre, protect and transmute the current energies. ... New Moon Ritual 1. Centre & Clear your space, meditate. 2. Declare your intentions for the month on paper. 3.Symbolically send it into the world to manifest. Put it somewhere special in a box, with a crystal. #newmoon #newmoonrituals #manifestingabundance #moods #spiritualjourney #hu #moonphases #northernbeachesmums #nightsky #moonphases #intentions
24.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message with the fairies to lift your vibration, and allow in all the miracles, abundance, inspiration and creativity. Anything that your heart feels it wants to do, allow it no matter how small. Bring in the light Im loving bringing you distance Reiki sessions via Skype/FaceTime. If youre feeling stuck in your thoughts, your home, your life, its a great time to book a session. Let the energy shift you #fae #miracles #sunshinereikisydney #justdoit #enjoyquarantine #gold #abundancemindset #divinefeminineenergy #highvibrations #chier #justfortoday #energyhealing #newmoon #yinyang #homeenergyclearing #hu #holyspirit #justfortoday
24.01.2022 Overthinking? Sometimes the pain can be so great there feels like no way out of your own head. Receive Divine energy, Reiki universal energy will bring you peace. ... Any session booked this week are half price. Book, receive my email regarding payment options, and pay in advance to secure your booking. Book a session & Receive Divine energy via phone, text, or FaceTime and have a holiday from your self! #stressing out #channeling #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #addictiontreatment #loveadvice #loveaddiction #drugaddiction #relationship #malchezadeck #beautiful #unconditionallove #jesuslight #truthseeker #lightlanguage #lightworker #holyfire
24.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for Sovereignty, unconditional love, freedom, self empowerment, light, hope, and Hu. Feel lighter brighter and capable. #rose #holyfire #highvibrations #antidote #butterfly #solarplexus #solarplexushealing #sacralchakrahealing #angermanagement #divinefeminineenergy #jesus #lightworker #bethelight ... Atlantean Encryption Symbology for Sovereignty - The Rose Gold Flame
24.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message For Strength, nurturing & compassion. Where there hasnt been. Let there be. Allowing you to feel unconditional love. For yourself and all of your ancestors & loved ones. If youd like to receive this now, say yes. As above, so below. ... #asabovesobelow #mentalhealthmatters #masculineenergy #northernbeachesmums #northernbeachessydney #bluesky #help #ancestralhealing #mothermary #jesuslight #reikihealing #awakening
23.01.2022 You’ve tried everything. Now try Reiki. Set your intention for your Reiki session, for any mental, emotional, or physical concerns. Sit or lie down to receive the relaxing, balancing and transformational energy. Most of my clients have never received Reiki before - that’s fine! There’s nothing to worry about. Message me or Book Now. ... I absolutely love bringing in the Reiki light & transformational energy. It’s a blessing! #spiritualhealing #emotionalhealing #mentalhealth #lightworker #dnaactivation #cellularhealth #chakrahealingvibes #chakrabalancing #chakras #karma #findyourself #relationshiphelp #relationshipproblems #seperated #separation #divinehealing
21.01.2022 Hope Anchors the Soul Hebrews 6:19 Reiki energy in this message for mental illness & the fear of mental illness. Divine intervention, grounding, integration & protection. DNA & Cellular level repair. ... I have seen so many Anchors I had to post this. See also @man_anchor_ If you would like a personal session please contact me or book directly. . .#anchors #hope #mentalhealth #depression #anxietyhelp #hebrews #energylife #highvibration #divinefemininerising #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #soulfood #sunshinestateofmind
21.01.2022 Just for Today I will not anger I will not worry I will be kind to every living thing I will be thankful for all of my blessings... I will do my work honestly I will be compassionate and forgiving I will find joy in even the smallest of life’s gifts. I will feel at peace - Dr Usui Photo by me of local ducks nesting Energy healing to shift the mood if you’d like to receive it just say yes #justfortoday #meditate #ducksofinstagram #ducks #twinflamehealing #divinefeminineenergy #spiritualjourney #energyhealer #lightworkersofinstagram #chakrahealing #energybalance #worryless #fearless #motivation #distancehealer
21.01.2022 Namaste Book a Reiki distant healing session. Sit and receive Reiki energy to strengthen your resilience and fortify you. Believe. ... Affirm: I do not consent to addiction. I allow no plans of the enemy to form against me. I allow the light of God to flow through me and cleanse me. I am free! "Addiction is the most powerful psychic enemy of humanity's desire for God. Once taken captive, trying to free ourselves through willpower is futile. Only God's Spirit himself can free us or even bring us to our senses. #believe #journeytohealth #nofear #addictionfree #phoneaddiction #alcolholaddiction #sexaddiction #foodaddiction #mediaaddiction #drugaddiction #mentalhealthrecovery #emotionalhealth #emotionalabuse #addiction #addictionrecovery #sacredjourney #reikihealer #godsplan #rosequartz #sunshinereikisydney #sacredheart #selflove #freeyoursoul #soulhealing
20.01.2022 I drew these cards to express the collective energy & clearing. Reiki Energy in this message for SOLAR PLEXUS, self power. Clearings indecisions based on fear of the consequences. Transmuting all lack and fear energy that has left you in a place of limbo, avoidance, and fear of confrontation. There is nothing to fear. How do you want to feel? Amazingly bright & light NO MATTER WHAT. Bringing in light, relaxed, fun, spontaneous, simpler, less overthinking more w...hat do I want it to look & feel like now? What mood am I creating now? What am I sharing with those around me and how am I contributing to their & my JOY? This is our power. I work with Divine energy to shift and transmute any of these issues that seem impossible. Releasing Fear, and empowering you with your own Trust. All distance sessions by donation until 23rd December. Email @[email protected] Cards from The mythic Tarot Book by Juliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Green Cards Illustrated by Tricial Newell. The Sun: Power card Eight of Swords: Indecisions out of fear of consequences. A decision is necessary but either choice will lead to trouble. ... It is important to face honestly ones own part in the problem. #collectiveconsciousness #stuck #energyiseverything #solarplexus #angry #whatif #spiritualjourney #transmute #lighthealing #trustinthelord #already #jesushealing #clarity #lemongrass #liontribe #godsplan #bethelight #apollo #thebestisyettocome #polarity #newearthnow #144 #liontribe #divinefeminineenergy #divinemasculineenergy
20.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day Mum & to all Mothers, near & far, living & passed, we acknowledge you with love, vast compassion & a sprinkle of awe. Reiki healing energy in this message for all of your reflections. ... #mothersday2020 #northernbeachesmum #bonfire #compassion #unconditionallove #divinefeminine #happymothersday #mothersday #loveonly #divinefeminineenergy #griefsupport #missmymom #missmymum #mums #happymums #mumslife
19.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message as you naturally balance your minds pace. Big deep breath IN Big deep breath OUT Breath IN the Reiki (universal Energy life force - ki or chi= breath = energy with a sprinkle of Divine light and sound @Sunshinereikisydney ... Thank you Thank you Thank you. Distance Healing online Zoom or Skype from $20 Feel the shift. Buddhism Reading Cards Author & Artist Sofan Chan (I absolutely love these cards. Thank you Sofan Chan!) #theartofhappiness #trythisathome #dharma #breathe #addictionrelief #addictionawareness #mentalhealth #anxiety #healthyboundaries #trappedinmymind #freemymind #beautiful #heartbroken #jesuslight #healinghearts #lightworker #emotional #northernbeachesmums #peaceful #anxietysupport #breathe #facemasks #home #buddah
19.01.2022 @Sunshinereikisydney I practice Usui Reiki methods & practices. I also ask in Jesus, ArchAngels, Masters, Ascended Masters & your highest Guidance to Integrate, Anchor, Ground & Protect your energy field so that you can feel, hear, think, and know your own amazing vibration. I am proficient in the art of distance Reiki- for any relief / healing. ... Book & receive @sunshinereikisydney upgraded 5D reiki energy - bringing only the best. #highvibration #help #5D
18.01.2022 Full Moon Release Ritual Write it all down on paper & burn it, or drown it in a bowl of water or the sink. I choose to release my limiting beliefs, ... the need to complain, the need to anger, my critical voice, my pain of the past, My struggles, My worries and fears My phone addiction My excuses My self judgement and that of others #fullmoonritual #fullmoon #lightworker #twinflames #fullmoonenergy #eucalyptustree #nightsky #beautiful #releasefear #releasestress #beautiful #moonphases #phoneaddiction #addictionrecovery #addiction #habits #needs #helps #rituals #recovery #northernbeachesmums #stressrelief #chordcutting #codependency #recoveryispossible #healing
17.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for forgiveness. Say this often when you feel an upset with someone or yourself about a situation I forgive you I forgive myself I pray for your prospering wherever you are... I bless you and release you I bless me and release me To our highest good On all levels #forgiveness #helpmeplease #releasethecontract #emotionalintelligence #spiritualawakening #twinflames #karma #unconditionallove #archangelmichael #cosmicconsciousness #reikimaster
16.01.2022 Reiki Energy in this message for Simplicity & clarity & calm. NO to distractions. De clutter. Today the energy might be requiring less. Less stuff, less thoughts, less information, less need, more shhhhhh. Nothing. Small steps toward clarity include joy in simple joys & achievements in this energy that is asking for ~less please - not more. Tick one box not all 10. The satisfaction will be tenfold. The hearts joy is in the simplicity. ... Magical Unicorn Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Message Reads: Put your energy into the basics, and let go of excess. #Newmoon #NewMoonmanifestation #heartsdesire #simplicity #smallsteps #anxiety #anxietyrelief #declutter #distractionsandinspirations #focus #calm #quiet #declutter #phoneaddict #helpme
16.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message to refocus and recenter you, free from constant worry thoughts, rushing and not achieving a thing. Book Reiki with me and well connect via phone. Sitting with your eyes open or closed and receiving the energy specific to you. To any physical, mental, or emotional disturbance. Youll know the difference... #relationship #codependency #narcissist #anxiety #addiction #cantfocus #grief #separation #separationanxiety #divinefeminineenergy #twinflame #rainforests #rainforest
15.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for Grief healing. Grief may shows up as shame, guilt, depression, anger & frustration, or tears and sadness, or a combination of both. The feeling of being powerless, or child-like, victimised, empty, unloved, or alone in whatever it is youre struggling with. These feelings of grief can overcome you in between moments of calm and happiness, and is amplified as we lead up to the Full Moon in a few days. ... I call upon the Ascended Masters, ArchAngels, Reiki Masters and Jesus to lift your mood without delay and to help to fill our hearts with trust, knowing & unconditional love. #fullmoonrelease #griefsupport #moodswings #divinefeminine #jesus #prayer #money #grief #sadness #triste #ausecours #isolationlife #lovematters #depression #deprime
14.01.2022 Reiki Energy in this message for unconditional self love NOW. If you have done your Reiki Attunement with me you can use your Reiki symbols first.... To improve your day & bring you back into the NOW Read this, say this, ask for this: ... Jesus, I come before you just as I am. Help me, guide me, lift my mood. Help me to feel your presence & your love for me. Inspire me, and my thoughts. Replenish me in all ways. Help me to stop addictive, repetitive, dull habits including worry, doubt, stress, complaining & fear. Lift all those thoughts off me they are too heavy to carry! Free me. Help me now. Lead me to solutions that soothe my heart . Help me to love myself. Love me. Support me. Stay by my side and dont let me lose sight of you. Thank you Jesus #positive #thoughts-matter #prayer #jesus #divine-light #self-help #breaking habit #sacralchakra #depression #addiction #mental-health #reliefnow #relief-prayer #spiritual #sunshine #amazing-healer #syncronicity #abundance #selfawarenessjourney #divinelove
12.01.2022 Reiki Energy to clear away all untruths that have knowingly or unknowingly kept you in a state of unrest, self doubt and self sabotage. Allow the energy to bring you greater trust, clarity, and strength as you step into self-acceptance and unconditional love. Stop judgment & self analysis as if through the eyes of others but rather step into your own Truth, your own knowing. Its quite alright to just BE you. Know your truth. ... Put away your phone Step away from your computer. #highvibrations #calm #slowdown #kind #relax #friends #addictiontreatment #knowyourworth #selfworth #acceptance #selflove #unconditionallove #truth #truthseeker #spiritualjourney #citrine #obsidian #jesusheals #freedomfromfear #phoneaddiction
11.01.2022 I release the past and the past releases me. I am free to be happy now without fear. I now feel the Divine support, freedom, love, and strength all around me and I relax. And so it is. If you would like to try a mini Reiki session to help relieve you of any heavy emotions, please message me anytime. No detailed info is required. text to start & end session, sit and receive the light energy payment via donation ... #emotionalrescue #fullmoon #help #nobody #nobodycares #feelingstuck #northernbeaches #feelingsad #divineintervention #spiritualhealing #divinefeminineenergy #family #chakrahealing #separated #marriedlife #helpme
11.01.2022 Healing & Anxiety relief for your pets & every living thing.... Distance healing 1/2hour sessions ... #becoming #petsofinstagram #relationship #blackcatpixie #pethelp #anxiousdog #anxious #pets #unconditionallove #rabbits #reptiles #cats #dogs #chickens #traumarecovery
11.01.2022 Reiki for your current work situation, your meditation practice, your workout, your busy day, your week ahead, your social gatherings, your sleep or relaxation, your relationships together or apart, or your ability to just stop worrying. Book For Distance Healing #whatis #restore #rebalance #sparks #inspiration #cantsleep #help #golden #transformation #northernbeacheslocal #chakrashealing #helpyourself #magical #gratitudeattitude #shift #amazing #distancehealing #relationship #healing #healingenergy #divinegrace #toobusy #chakra balancing #twinflamehealing
10.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for connection. TVs off. Phones off. Whats happening now. Gratitude. Breathe in bliss Try lying down with your Back on the ground. Try sitting with your ... Back against a tree. Back to back sitting with a friend on the ground bare feet on the ground. Walking barefoot on the earth All of this is cellular level healing. So easy to do, so easy not to do. No phone. Transform. #Grounding #earthing #calming #electromagnetic #transforming #ground #recharge #anxietyrelief #gamechanger #pan #greenmedicine #heart #mentalhealth #insulin #hormone-help #brokenheart #connect #phone-addiction #connectionwithnature #noshoes #nosunglasses #hatsoff #sunlight #thyroidproblems #emotionalhealth
09.01.2022 Reiki Energy in this message to go with the flow, releasing all those worries holding you back as you continue to create your New Chapter. Reiki is a toolkit to allow you to ground, clear & protect your self. Book a session to know what that feels like. To have a rest from your own thoughts.... just for today #newchapterinlife #newbegginings #newstart #newstartup #breatheinbreatheout #solarplexus #blue #spiritualjourney #divinefeminine #5dreikisessions #healingcrystals #highvibrations #dailyoracle #heartchakra #happythoughts
09.01.2022 By choosing to use Violet Flame of Love, and The Miracle of Forgiveness Healing we release old concepts and beliefs that obscure the light. I invoke this now for you Whenever we invoke the light in our own lives, we light our own wellbeing, the wellbeing of those around us, and that of the entire planet and human race expands. Blessings rise from the ashes..... Just say yes to receive the healing here as I invoke the violet flame. Feel yourself release from unforgiveness, pain, blame, shame and regret. Feel the love wash over all involved. As you release with the energy of the full moon. #enlightenment #starseed #lightworkers #energyhealing #violetfire #violetflame #violetfire #miracles #lightbeing #northernbeachesmums #spiritualjourney #forgiveness #angermanagement #reikihealing #sunshinestateofmind
09.01.2022 Ho Oponopono Mantra Im Sorry Please Forgive Me I Love You Thank You ... . . . #twinflames #forgiveyourself #guiltfree #releaseguilt #prosperity #iso #Divinefeminineenergy #divinemasuline #reflections #hibiscusflowers #naturehealing #sunshinereikisydney See more
09.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message to connect you to compassion for your inner child and to nature. To connect you to the fragility & strength within your own loving heart. To allow in quiet, slow, still moments Photo 2018: flew onto my son at the park and wouldnt leave him. had the sweetest most playful energy & lived with us for 4 months. #butterfly #magicalmoments #unconditionallove #bekindtoyourself #anxietyrelief #spiritualhealing #sacralchakrahealing #lovingh...eart #learningeveryday #learning #compassion #interaction #simplelife #happyheart #sosweet #grief #phoneaddiction #kindnessmatters #quiettime #creativemoments No distractions. No phones. No devices.
08.01.2022 Crystals Unconditional Love Reiki Energy in this message to clear angers, distractions, interruptions, annoyances, clutter and chaos #clutter #chaos #distractions #annoyed #interrupted #angry #help #rosequartz #crystalhealing #Clearquartz
07.01.2022 We are in the energy of the New Moon . Book now to align you to your new direction without constant worry It could be leaving you feeling neither here nor there just roll with it and use the quiet to direct your focus on your journey forward. Your heart’s direction. It’s an energy shift. It asks that you trust, relax & focus on you with no distractions. Don’t ask others for their opinions. Just sit and hear your own inner voice. What is it that you’re able to offer t...o yourself & your world? You know what you have to do but it’s a matter of executing all your acquired knowledge into that direction - wait until Friday onwards.... The shift in energies have brought you a new perspective but it’s up to you to trust and allow these new aspects of yourself to shine through. Simone Photo: Golden Crown from Cosmic Reading Cards. Message : Your light is magnificent; let us now uplift and honour the radiant light of others. Affirmation: I AM positively shining with spiritual light, love & compassion. Illuminating; I inspire others to be the blessed radiance that they truly are. #golden #jesushealing #lighthealing #divinepurpose #thirdeye #crownchakra #divinepath #unconditionally #relationships #separated #divinefeminine #chakrabalancing #divinemasculine #newmoonenergy #feelbetternow #chakra #1111 #1144 #144
07.01.2022 Reiki energy for strength Cosmic Reading Cards by Nari Anastarsia #nonightmares #nightscares #strength #selfstarting #motivation #selflove #unconditionalmotivation #unconditionally #oraclecardoftheday #tiger #spiritanimal #reikienergy #griefsupport #spiritualgrowth #direction #divinefeminine #anxietyattack #holyspirit
07.01.2022 The Magician Reiki energy in this message to Align you YES YOU with your true intentions and the things that feel inspiring. Watch as the synchronicities and creative abilities seem to come together effortlessly. Make a wish. Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreeen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. ... #synchronicities #creative #beautyinfluencer #innermagic #fairy #magician #anxietyrelief #helpeachother #inspiration #northernbeachesmums #emotionalrescue #mental #elemental # unconditional love #highervibrations #chakraclearing #chordcutting
06.01.2022 Reiki in this message for clearing away everything that no longer serves your highest good and greatest self. Letting go of the ego, opinion, judgement of self and others. Allowing in new magical energy to revitalise you. # Jesuslight #reikimasters #archangelmetatron #manifestationmagic #abundance #fairy #fullmoonwishes #wishes #createyourlife #beautiful
06.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message to awaken your faith, trust & strength. Each reiki session with me @sunshinereikisydney clears your energy field from things that bring you down or slow your motivation. Each session lifts heals and centres you to your best self, and awakens you to the magic that you hold. ... Message me for Distance phone sessions and let me to connect you to YOUR divine guide team. #christconsciousness #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #motivation #energyhealer #twinflamehealers #twinflame #supernatural #ask #trustingtheprocess #spiritualhealers #tribeofjudah
05.01.2022 Reiki Energy in this message to clear all confusion and ungrounded energies in your home space to help you sit, be settled, enjoy your time, find things, remember things, finish tasks. No more to distractions & confusions. Message me for a 1/2hour discounted remote session (AUS $50 Paypal [email protected])... Healing for Body, Mind, Soul. Thank you thank you #cantrelax #cantstopeating #balancedlife #spiritlove #lighthealing #sunshinereikisydney #sunshine #groundyourself #stressrelief #anxietyrelief #addictionrecovery #isolation #ausecours
05.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for Peace of Mind Gratitude Inspired Action Gentle Self Talk Connection #gratitude #rainbow #healing #lightlanguagehealing #masculineenergy #soulconnection #northernbeachesmums #mentalhealth #gratitudepractice #gratitude #inspiration #kidsmentalhealth #emotionalhealth #miracle #sunshine #focus
04.01.2022 Reiki Energy to ground, align & support you in this shift in direction, this new perspective that is becoming available to you gently like the unfurling of butterfly wings. Stay Grounded, Quiet & Listen to Receive the New Knowledge & Perspectives coming to you. Afternoon original Art by my kids & I @sunshinereikisydney ... #newbeginnings #lookahead #butterfly #creativeprocess #groundingenergy #butterflyart #differentperspective #distancehealing #1111 #whatsgoingon #chakrahealing #positivevibes
04.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for Throat Chakra energies. In the beginning, there was The Word, sound, vibration The Creative self. Our words create. Reiki healing energy to all aspects of self talk! Slowing down, relaxing grinding teeth & jaws, sore neck and shoulders. A good time to go to the chiropractor or get a massage to integrate this amazing Reiki energy. ... Clearing all blocks to communication with blue calcite to calm, purify all non-truths & return only mental & emotional stability, protection & clarity in alignment with your happiest self. Balance to Thyroid. Drink a lot of warm water with . Bringing in the light & the sound #throatchakra #sorethroatremedy #truthinplainsight #honesty #communication #hearing #creating #integritymatters #bluecalcite #blue #sorry #unconditionallove #hu #jesuslight #positiveselftalkonly
03.01.2022 Book a Distant Reiki Session for yourself & if youd like your pet to receive reiki, for any pet issues, they can benefit too. Its complimentary to any other treatment. #petanxiety #doghealth #cathealth #pethealth #petsofinstagram #anxietyhelp #moody #griefsupport #cuteanimals #iloveanimals
03.01.2022 Full Moon Energy The full Moon is a time of heightened intuition, more self awareness & being more in synch with your own truth. The gravitational pull of the moon helps us access these things from within, often through heightened emotions and sensitivities during the full moon phase a few days before and after. (Until 2nd Jan 2021)... Get to know your Full moon ways and use the time to your advantage. If you don’t sleep well during this time, that’s a great opportunity to use the energy to tap into your meditative guidance & wisdom! #fullmoon #trustyourintuition #distancehealing #nightsky #healingenergy #lightworkersofinstagram #lightwarrior #traumahealing #moon #feelingsad #cosmicconsciousness #highvibrations #healingenergy
03.01.2022 Reiki energy in this Message and asking in the sonic strength and unconditional nurturing energy of Mother Mary. Allow yourself to receive the peace of mind and support that you so desire from your Mother today. May the Mothering energy you need to protect your loving heart be with you now. Sit with this message open to receive. Thank you Thank you Thank you Image repost from Etsy shop & Insta @msbinglesvintagechristmas ... #mothermary #nurturing #selfhelp #selflove #griefrelief #griefjourney #jesuschrist #relief #anxietyrelief #depression #miraclehealing #northernbeachesmums #mensmentalhealth See more
02.01.2022 New Moon Affirmation I invite abundance into my life I let go of all that is blocking me I make room for all that is to come ... I welcome in the miracles & joy Make a wish Expect A Miracle #newmoonritual #newmoon #manifestation #miracles #northernbeachesmums #abundance #affirmations #amazinggrace #funtimesahead
01.01.2022 Yes its Full Moon energy again, time to observe & feel. It can seem intense & overwhelming as it supports you to dive deep within. The energy is giving us another opportunity to reflect upon old patterns and habits and to release them. Let Reiki exchange low vibration, not so uplifting, and mentally & emotionally challenging things for peace & yes, some sparkles. ... You might feel inspired to connect with others, donate or use your time or energy to shared moments, to meeting up with a friend and having a laugh. Photo@moonphases Most people havent had Reiki before, so relax in knowing you wont be the first to say that. Its a great chance to sit & relax as I bring you Divine self empowering energy. Book now to check my availability and connect! #spiritualawakening #healing #archangelhealing #christenergy #reikihealingsydney #fullmoon #energybalancing #align #selfhelp #soulintegration #positivevibes #whattodotoday #depression #jesuslight #seperationgrief #Reiki #fullmoonrelease #seperationanxiety #lightworker
01.01.2022 Reiki energy in this message for all the confusion, grief and despair as we go with the flow of the New Moon Energy, (all of these eclipses !!and all of these retrogrades!!) Reiki to clear anything in the way to you receiving love, comfort and peace now. Whatever it stirs in you, and however deeply you go into the watery world of emotions and mind, know that your heart will set you free. Reiki reminds you of that connection to heart . Thank you Thank you Thank you #sacredheart #heartactivation #mothermary #newmoonintentions #intentions #manifestthebest #love #blessing #romance #jetaime #archangelgabriel #northernbeacheslocal #griefrelief
01.01.2022 New Moon New Moon self- reflection energy. Feel but be kind to yourself, without self criticism or judgement. Setting your goals and being in trust. Know that others are in the throws of these energies too so take a step back and let things flow & pass. @Moonphases App ... Book - for session times and to align with your self. Reiki clears, resets, balances & protects your energy. #newmoon#manifestthebest #positivevibes#selfcare#self empowerment #divinemasculine #divine masculine#divinefeminineenergy#moonphases #bipolar#moods #magicalmoments
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