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25.01.2022 God isn’t impressed with your talents, He gave those to you as a gift. The level of obedience you walk in to steward those talents is the gift that you give back to Him. #JonZondervan

20.01.2022 ARE WE WILLING... this morning the Lord spoke to me about the following... what is our response? Who is actually willing? Revival is a word that over the years... has been cheapened from something that truly transforms a society to a series of meetings where people encounter the Presence of God and yes some things certainly take place, but society as a whole is not touched... yet many get caught up in old patterns and keep looking to certain ministries or events to 'make' this happen BUT WHAT IF... What if the Lord was looking for a reformation that led to a restoration where the people of God became a 'cradle for His glory'. This I believe before the Lord today is not only His heart BUT a now thing to step into bit by it. To be a cradle there HAS TO BE a knitting together of people and ministries. The key... HUMILITY. True 5-fold ministries need to say to one another 'how can I serve you, how can I help you?' I am not talking merely about different people that function the same BUT the different aspects of Jesus' ministry working together. The Lord showed me that when different aspects of the 5-fold minister separately we have in fact separated Jesus. It was NEVER meant to be this way. It is only the 5 aspects together that bring maturity. This is a shift that will see the blessing of God released in our towns and cities, BUT requires a heart shift to serve one another in love... this is HUMILITY in action. After all Jesus came to serve others. Instead of one focussing on their own ministry, this will see a shift where one will look to serve the other and this will cause the increase. The verse the Lord gave me speaks to this... Luke 5: 4-5 "When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. Simon answered, Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. People and ministries have been working HARD but with little fruit to show... in fact some are wondering what to do next, or how to go about it. The Lord's answer is in this passage... PARTNERSHIP. The catch was ready, the harvest was ready and I believe it is also now BUT the Lord is looking for people and ministries (the different boats) to come together and serve one another. He is NOT interested in a solo version of ministry... We have to manifest JESUS to our towns and cities together. THIS IS THE DAY OF PARTNERSHIP... THIS IS THE DAY OF TEAM... THIS IS THE REFORMATION that will bring the restoration and the glory of God that many are praying for. I really believe this is an invitation from the Lord... are we willing? As we humble ourselves, He will lead us step by step just as He did with His people in Scripture time and time again... HE WILL GET THE GLORY!!! I was so overcome with this, this morning... I would love to sit around a table with others who are stirred to see this happen and to have open dialogue and prophetic conversation... the time is NOW!

17.01.2022 Prophetic, spontaneous, intentional, aggressive worship and praise is an offensive weapon of spiritual warfare. It is also one of the means through which God uses us to open up godly portals(gateways) in our environment for activation of angelic ministration and for God to arise and fight battles on our behalf. It shifts and cleanses spiritual atmospheres and makes them conducive for the Spirit of God to work . It is written: the Lord abides in the praises of His people. And in the words of Ruth Ward Heflin: we praise until the spirit of worship comes. We worship until the glory comes. Then we stand in the glory. Halleluyah! #AnneShikuh

11.01.2022 I sense in my spirit that many of you are going to have a Joseph-style experience. The same people who are condemning you, judging you and misunderstanding you, will be the very people that will acknowledge that the Lord is with you. He will prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies is a divine promise that God will fulfil your destiny in full view of those who want to see you fail. You will experience a transition from the prison to the palace, where no person ...can hold the back tsunami of favour that is coming your way. The Bible isn’t a book of bedtime stories. It’s a living book packed with divine invitations and revelations. The story of Joseph is one such story that will often foretell our lives story. After years of misunderstandings, tribulations and hardships, Joseph’s brothers (his enemies) acknowledged that God was with him on bended knee. Joseph then did the unthinkable- he threw his arms around them and welcomed them back into his heart. The blessing of your breakthrough will often make friends out of your enemies ...that’s the heart of the Father. #BenjaminDavid

06.01.2022 PROPHETS NEED APOSTOLIC WISDOM "Prophets have the tendency to wander around in circles because their eyes are so focused on the future. They desperately need a...postles to help them to build and live for the present. Prophets constantly get caught chasing never ending revelation and pursuing new spiritual experiences. They can get so obsessed with dreams and visions that they stray from practical kingdom living and reality. Prophets need apostles to hold their feet to the fire to study and actually know the Word of God. Prophets are prone to isolate and become unaccountable. They need apostles to father them, work alongside them, instruct them, and correct them. Apostles help the prophets find their orientation and direction. Apostles will establish kingdom government in the lives of prophets and bring great emotional balance and stability to them. In many ways, apostles act as the anchor to the prophet's ministry. (Eph 2:20) Apostles and prophets must learn how to function together as a team in this hour. Every apostle needs a prophet and every prophet needs an apostle. (1 Cor 12:28). The prophets bring great confirmation and revelation to God's apostles and the apostles bring great emotional stability and balance to the prophets of God. Healthy prophets are always connected to fathering apostles and healthy apostles are always connected to revelatory prophets. We must learn how to work together and not compete against one another in the days we are living in." -Jeremiah Johnson (Page 78 of "Cleansing and Igniting the Prophetic")

01.01.2022 Humility is the only way forward for the church to be strong. It will be humbling for many leaders to confess and repent for idolizing the structures, leading from broken identity and the clear lack of godly priorities that have consumed our communities. It will be equally humbling for many Christians to acknowledge that they are not mature and need re-discipling. Many who have been "in the church" their whole lives still lack basic elements of maturity required to endure an...y type of pressure. Everyone needs to start on their knees. We won't get where we need to go by blaming each other, we will get there by humbling ourselves and choosing to journey together with Jesus as the guide. The family of God belongs together.

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