SurePact in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Information technology company
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 414 492 882
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25.01.2022 SurePact and Next World Enterprises first trial with Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council, kicked off this week. Great Feedback and a fun session was had by all with the combination of Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality across the state of Queensland! "WOW! It was an awesome session in Virtual Reality Safety Training with Mic from Next World Enterprises! Its definitely going to be a big hit with SurePact clients". Leona Worrell- Human Resources and Training Coordinator Yar...rabah Aboriginal Shire Council #yarrabah #advanceqld #localcouncils #nextworldenterprises #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
24.01.2022 Launching Virtual Reality Safety Training software with Next World Enterprises is the latest in a range of initiatives by SurePact to bring solutions to regional & remote Councils. Motivation behind Next World is safety with learning content that is immersive & supports our remote & regional clients. Every part of the business impacts safety. Along with Next World, we are now launching our first partnership pilot with Burke Shire Council & their WH&S Contractor, David Gornall...e and team. SurePacts CEO, Megan, identified with Clare Keenan, CEO Burke Shire Council in November 2019 that cost and resource availability to meet and improve safety compliance was a pain point for remote Councils. Next World will work with David and the team to identify issues in a scientific manner to support the Council to gain stronger and more positive safety outcomes as well as being able to provide strong probity and compliance. Burke Shire Council WH&S Contractor, David said The keys to safety are skills and knowledge and people can only be safe by what they know. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #virtualreality #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #burkeshirecouncil #MichaelOReilly #DavidGornalle
24.01.2022 So Proud to have been nominated by my team and now announced as a Finalist in the category of Start Up Leader of the Year! Thank you firstly to my amazing team, as well a thanks go to McDonald Inc. and LeadershipHQ Outstanding Leadership Awards for recognising leaders who are all doing it tough at the moment working to keep their teams and businesses going #ola2020 #yellowpanda #theleadershipreview #kaybydesign #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
23.01.2022 SurePact Launches in WA! Welcoming the Shire of Morawa as a SurePact Client! Executive Manager Corporate & Community Services, John van der Meer said, "being a Shire which covers a huge area with a small population means we have to make the most of every dollar raised. SurePact has impressed me with their journey and growth over the past 18 months and I see their new grant management software will allow a transparent view of all of our grants through to delivering the proje...cts, and identify risks well in advance. This should ensure we can address any issues long before they become a problem or cost." #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #contractmanagement #localgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #Morawa #johnvandermeer #robpaull See more
23.01.2022 As a very remote Council & strapped for cash, being early adopters of technology has massive benefits. With the borders of our Shire closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, flying in trainers was not a possibility. Burke Shire Council jumped at the opportunity offered by SurePact as part of their innovation expansion to pilot virtual reality Workplace Health & Safety training by Next World Enterprises. Today I tried it. I am awestruck. Not only is the virtual environment ...amazingly realistic, but you get an engagement with the learning material that you simply couldnt get with other mediums. We are able to train staff individually, rather than having our whole workforce simultaneously out of the workplace for training; we can do courses on working at heights and working in confined spaces safely & do not have the significant expenses of travel and accommodation for trainers who would otherwise need to come to our remote part of the world. (An added advantage is we now have staff clamouring to be WHS Officers - the most exciting, cutting-edge job on Council!) @Clare Keenan CEO, Burke Shire Council. #burkeshire #advanceqld #localcouncils #qldgovernment #ditid #oqce
22.01.2022 As SurePact are approaching the 3rd birthday of our company registration, we have a message from our Founder and CEO, Megan Avard: Starting a tech company has been a challenging and rewarding experience. SurePact began its journey creating technology which was innovative, designed from the users perspective, with our future clients organisational success in mind. We wanted to share with you our basic Mission and Focus, which continues to be practical and focused on our clients." #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
22.01.2022 Global Profile Growing for SurePact! Springboard Alumnae, Megan Avard and the SurePact team feature this month in Springboard Enterprises Global Profile on Been There Run That talking Team Culture amid COVID. #advanceqld #lgaq #localbuy #construction #technology #springboardenterprises
21.01.2022 Thank You Dr Sarah Pearson for your amazing support and kind words at our Virtual Launch of SurePacts Grant Management System on Monday. #advanceqld #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #yarrabah #cloncurry #aurukun
21.01.2022 SurePact Nth QLD Expansion a Winner for Remote and Regional Councils. #MarkCrawley, CEO #Carpentaria Shire Council commends SurePact on their continued commitment to support remote and regional Councils. SurePact’s CEO, Megan Avard said, The key to successful outcomes is the time spent in engagement and learning to understand your clients and their needs. There is no substitute for being connected and talking to people.... Every region has its own set of unique problems and challenges. Looking at digital transformation and how it impacts a region is not a standard process; no two communities are the same. Being part of the clients team and their community is not only an enjoyable experience, but it is valuable to us and the client. Opening our NQ support office with Sarah is a further step to ensuring our clients feel heard, supported and connected. #riskmanagement #sarahwrigglesworth #FNQ #oqce
21.01.2022 Thank you @SteveButler and @MBRIT for inviting SurePacts Founder and CEO @MeganAvard to be apart of the panel of amazing Moreton Bay businesses in the Ecosystem session. Discussing the future with Dr @Sarah Pearson, Deputy Director-General, Department of Innovation and Tourism Industry Development and @Leanne Kemp, Queensland Chief Entrepreneur. It was great to share experiences and discuss ways to support each other and learn more about how Sarah and Leanne are working t...o grow businesses regionally. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #moretonbayregionalcouncil #mbrc
20.01.2022 Involve Staff: It’s important to listen to staff, to hear their concerns and suggestions and take care to respond appropriately.
19.01.2022 I have kicked off with a bang and hit the road running, no rest in my first two weeks since joining a fast paced SurePact. I am overjoyed with the focus and vision from the leadership team and have enjoyed a VR experience; Strategy Day and sharing COVID themed photos in the weekly standups. What a great way to start in a new role with a genuinely awesome team. I am looking forward to being on this journey to support accelerating growth- Carla Wall, SurePact General Manager- Business Development and Strategy. #advanceqld #lgaq #localbuy #construction #technology #carlawall
17.01.2022 SurePacts suite of modules is currently being used by 13% of all Councils in Queensland. Councils have reported significant cost savings (not to mention time and headache savings) since incorporating the SurePact system into their delivery processes. Savings reported by Councils in individual program delivery areas is up to $1 Million in less than a year. Their ROI realised in less than 3 months for some clients. Being able to identify and manage risk as well as transparentl...y viewing every aspect of your projects and associated contracts from concept and scoping through to closeout create a paradigm to save money. The best part of saving money, is being able to funnel that money into other projects or community needs. Win-Win. #advanceqld #innovation #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
16.01.2022 SurePact CEO, Megan Avard has said, Burke Shire Councils WH&S team are enjoying working with SurePact and Next World Enterprises to deliver their Virtual Reality (VR) pilot program to remote and regional Councils. Even without COVID, businesses can save thousands of dollars by transitioning from conventional training methods to VR. David Gornalle, WH&S Contractor stated, Since launching the innovative pilot 3 weeks ago, we have now put over 40 staff through at least one o...f the VR modules. WH&S is for the entire business and it does not have to be just another task... Next World and SurePact are doing a great job teaming up so that it can be fun, informative and this experience is bringing the WOW back to the safety training arena!, he said and staff are finding they are retaining more using the VR experience than sitting in a classroom. #burkeshire #clarekeenantriscott #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #WH&S #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
16.01.2022 SurePacts pivot and virtual launch reaches 2 countries and 4 states nationally! SurePact is completely in awe of the exceptional speakers who yesterday, participated in the launch of their new Grant Management System module! Read More... #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #yarrabah #cloncurry #aurukun
16.01.2022 Variation approvals reduced by up to 5 weeks being reported by SurePact Clients No matter how well our clients have methodically planned their projects in the past, change and contingencies always arise. If variety is the spice of life, why do project & contract variations cause such headaches in the construction of all manner of projects? "SurePact clients are reporting between 15 - 25% variation reductions"... Anne Boundy, Technical Services Officer from Aurukun Shire Council commented that "Traditionally when a request for variation is received either internally or externally to the Council it can take days if not weeks for the turnaround of approvals depending on the complexity of the requirement. This is all due to processes being highly manual, the remoteness & mobile workforces. Since the installation of the SurePact system, their inbuilt variation register & approval workflow processes for this action, we have taken the sometimes 5 week timeframe down to, in some cases, one day! " #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #contract #contractmanagement #localgovernment #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #anneboundy #aurukun
16.01.2022 Enjoy being spoilt on Mothers Day! From The Team at SurePact #mothersday
16.01.2022 SurePact is launching its Grant Management System (GMS) Virtually TODAY with a star-studded lineup of speakers and more major announcements! The GMS will assist Councils and Organisations to complete their grant applications collaboratively allowing transparency, accessibility and retention of IP for all grants. The GMS then allows the organisation to track all project and contract delivery through to closeout and asset realisation, providing a full 360-degree loop to support... compliance and audit requirements. SurePact has been working with Local and State Government representatives to develop this essential piece of technology that will provide unprecedented support for those Councils and organisations that apply for Grants. The GMS provides an enterprise-wide connected technology that is practical, usable, accessible and ensures compliance to help organisations make informed go/no go decisions for applying for grants. Grants, and getting the application right, is critical to utilising time efficiencies and achieving community outcomes. The SurePact GMS not only strengthens the application, builds capacity, identifies risks, it also enriches the organisation to deliver effective grants, auto-populates application documents and manages approval workflows ensuring challenges are reduced such as limited resources, time and frequent staff turnover. #advanceqld #Councilwise #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #surepact #qchiefentrepreneur #nextworldenterprises #advancequeensland #behere4qld #contract #council #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #northqueensland #prizm #proudtobeyourcouncil #stevebutler #technology #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
15.01.2022 Yarrabah ASC’s CEO, Leon Yeatman comments, Sarah was here in Yarrabah on Monday to engage with my team. I am already impressed by her technical and engagement style. We gladly welcome her as part of "Team Yarrabah". More from Yarrabah ASC Learn about the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council journey with SurePact: ... #yarrabah #sarahwrigglesworth #NQ #riskmanagement See more
14.01.2022 This week, SurePact and Next World Enterprises announced a partnership to pilot Virtual Reality (VR) safety training to two regional Councils. Cloncurry Shire Council and Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council in regional Queensland are our pilot sites for this amazing partnership. They were both keen to put their hands up to take on this exciting challenge. They were able to see how VR technology can help to deliver safety training as part of the greater SurePact offering in co...njunction with Next World Enterprises (NWE). Absolutely timely in this current changing environment, facilitating interactive training in the Health and Safety frame is incredibly valuable. Especially as Michael OReilly from NWE commented at the GMS launch that many of the reasons behind workplace accidents was a result of lack of knowledge and practice, both of which their VR technology can address. After the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp gave it a try, we knew it was a winner! A great result for everyone involved! #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #yarrabah #cloncurry
13.01.2022 SurePact Welcomes #SarahWrigglesworth to the SurePact team, based in North Queensland (NQ). Opening up our NQ support office is a strategic approach in continuing our high level of customer service. Our focus is to ensure we do all we can to support our Clients in regional areas to gain maximum benefit & outputs with the SurePact solution. Sarah has previously been a SurePact client as Director of Infrastructure & Works in #localgovernment; has remained a member of our focus ...groups in designing enhancements & currently a member of our client tester group. Along with her knowledge of delivering grants, Sarah is very familiar with the Local Government Act, procurement procedures & policies. Sarah is a Charted Professional Civil Engineer & Registered Professional Engineer of QLD (Civil) with an extensive 20+ years experience in delivering various municipal projects for clients (including local & state gov), consultancies & contractors. She uses her experience to lead projects through strong project & risk management principles. Sarah's current private sector experience covers a civil infrastructure portfolio of over $100m. Welcome Sarah! #oqce #advanceqld
13.01.2022 SurePact Continuing to Expand in Queensland Welcome Cherbourg ASC! We look forward to a successful business relationship with SurePact and are very happy with their advice, willingness to listen and incorporate some of our ideas into the program. Thanks Megan and the SurePactTeam awesome job". Sean Nicholson, Economic and Community Development Manager at Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council (ASC) talked about their latest acquisition of SurePact software. There is more to this story! Read On... #advanceqld #lgaq #localbuy #construction #technology #cherbourg #seannicholson #chaturzala
13.01.2022 #InnovateQueensland has invited a select group of high-growth tech companies to discuss proven concepts in helping businesses attract and secure investment. Megan Avard, SurePact’s Founder & CEO will share her experience in growing SurePact and Team on its 3 yr journey via bootstrapping, grant funding and client revenue. Award-winning SurePact has launched its #riskmanagement platform solution for the lifecycle delivery of capex and opex programs to 14% of QLD local governmen...t and corporate consultancies in less than 2 yrs; launched in WA during COVID; expanded the team to 9 staff; gained Microsoft Gold Status and a Global ISV Co-Sell Partner with MS. "While raising capital is important to sustain and stabilise a company at different stages of growth, it is also a major distraction to the Founder when trying to gain traction to prove your business and technology concept", Megan says. "As well, it can be very difficult to find support as a new Founder to help you navigate the waters of capital raising." Workshops such as these help Founders to reach out and learn from others. Join Megan November 19, 1pm AEST (12pm Brisbane). Book your free seat at #advanceqld #oqce #technology #mbrit
12.01.2022 Strategic Planning Like a Futurist Team SurePact head off-site for a day! The C-Suite are those responsible for choosing the direction of their organisations & are often asked to facilitate visioning meetings. In the land of startups, there is not always a C-Suite to do this. The futurist is normally the Founder & this can be a lonely road navigating the start of the journey until you have an employee #1, then #2 and so on. As you grow & bring on more team members, then ...the fun & the future is shared. Now almost our 3rd year & our 3rd strategy day, a much larger team enjoyed the country setting of the Mercure Clear Mountain Resort, one member even zooming in from interstate amid the COVID-19 restrictions. Our facilitators were Advisory Board members, Helen Coyer & Graeme McKellar who led breakout groups to brainstorm solutions for the horizon ahead. Joining in on the day was Michael OReilly, Founder and CEO of one of SurePacts great partners, Next World Enterprises. Not only sharing his expertise and guidance with team members but also training the team in the virtual reality technology currently being piloted by 3 of SurePacts enterprise clients. Strategy planning does not all have to be dull and boring.the team had fun as well! Individual presentations & strategising how the company will evolve to meet challenges on the horizon formed the deep, foundational questions that were addressed along with new team shirts & team laughs. Lets not forget great food & a great venue, the Mercure Clear Mountain Lodge. Supporting local business during COVID-19 is now a clear objective for SurePact moving forward. Achieving scale & growth all revolve around our people delivering for our clients. SurePact ensures a meeting rhythm and this focus enables the whole team to be part of the SurePact Futurist Team! #advanceqld #innovation #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #localgovernment #riskmanagement #HelenCoyer #GraemeMcKellar @clearmountainlodge
09.01.2022 SurePact Team emulates May Day Tradition Working around the clock virtually, we have achieved our BIGGEST release weekend yet- giving our clients so much more capability. - GMS module released!... - Client requested enhancements released! - VR Training pilot, stage one released! - New Analytics Upgrade released! - New Training modules released! - SurePact Knowledgebase Updates released! - Customised reporting engine released! Great outcome from a great Team! #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #yarrabah #cloncurry #aurukun #burkeshire #palmisland #woorabinda #morningtonshire #kowanyama #MBRC #sunshinecoastcouncil #ipswichcitycouncil
09.01.2022 SurePact recognised as an Australian technology that is reshaping the Construction Industry SurePacts CEO is proud to announce our invitation again this year by KPMG Global as a showcase technology for Australian innovations in the Construction sector across 42 countries. Read the KPMG report here, page 67:( ). KPMG recognises the emergence & development of innovations & we are proud to be able to promote GLOBALLY our clients #Aurukun Shire Council... & #Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council. SurePact beats the drum of digital transformation forming the groundwork for organisations improved efficiencies. The Construction industry typically has been about hands on & manual processes with less than 1% growth in technology over the past 10 years. Megan Avard said, Councils such has Aurukun & Yarrabah in FNQ are success stories of tech adoption. Companies that are researching & implementing construction technology are reaping the rewards with increased productivity, better collaboration & completing projects on time & under budgetresulting in higher profit margins. I congratulate Aurukun & Yarrabah for having the courage to effect change & see outstanding results of bottom line improvements, stronger transparency & data accessibility in real-time. However difficult to swallow, weve gotten to the point where firms that arent investing in new technologies are no longer staying competitive. Those that strategically adopt & implement tech solutions are now able to show improved results at the touch of a button, instead of weeks of manual reports & spreadsheets with no visibility or access, Megan said. We are all about being engaged with our clients & being at the cutting edge to achieve higher quality, costs savings & improved customer satisfaction, she said. #advanceqld #localcouncils #nextworldenterprises #localgovernment #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
09.01.2022 Listen in to our podcast with Steve Butler from Innovate Moreton Bay Its so nice to hear that even during the tough times that is Covid-19, SurePact is always on the front foot to adapt with every situation that is presented, everyone can certainly take away some valuable gold nuggets of information from what Megan has to share Well done SurePact- Steve Butler, Regional Innovation Coordinator MBRIT. Thank you Steve Butler for organising a great way to inform and connect with the region through our podcast. #mbrit #stevebutler #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
06.01.2022 SurePact CEO, Megan Avard provided insights into how her and her team are shifting their thinking and business to survive COVID as part of a USC business study. Megan says "we are in a huge and long-term experiment right now, and as a leader, new behaviours and engagement ideas are needed for both team and clients". The study involves understanding how the Lessons learned from the impact of COVID-19 restrictions may help Moreton Bay businesses develop strategies to future-proof their operations in times of crisis. #USC #MBRIT #MBRC #riskmanagement #DrRethadeVilliersScheepers
05.01.2022 The sudden and unexpected COVID-19 pandemic has had a drastic impact on the way people work in just a few months. SurePacts technology allows your teams to work remotely and stay safe. Working from home was always considered a luxury and SurePact has been able to communicate with clients quickly, ensuring we are supporting the remote work environments during the outbreak. We are continuing to keep in touch with our clients very regularly via web conferencing. In fact, clien...ts are reporting that SurePacts dynamic capabilities is allowing them to continue to work very effectively and keeping deliveries on track, on budget and providing disconnected locations with real time analytics and reports. Megan Avard, SurePact CEO said Positive feedback from clients is that SurePact is proving to be immediately adaptable while we all navigate this New Way of Business as Usual
05.01.2022 We are very proud to have been invited to be a part of Advance Queenslands 5th Birthday Celebrations. AQ has provided amazing support to SurePact over the past 3 years. We look forward to continuing to work with the amazing team at AQ and support the ecosystem they provide to startups. Read More:.. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
05.01.2022 ABC News reports SurePact and Next World working together with COVID-friendly technology to support remote Councils and saving Thousands of Dollars in training costs! Being apart of new innovations is more than just exciting, it is about businesses approaching innovation strategically instead of trying to keep up with technological change. Being successful in this arena should be considered a core competency including a culture in your team that will enable it to flourish.... Being a Leader that embraces innovation will then allow for the business and customer to be aligned. Given the pace of technological change, trying to keep up by simply reacting is futile. The key to successful innovation is to enlist the right mix of employees, customers, and technology partners from the start. Working with clients such as Burke Shire Council and their appetite to improve outputs with the introduction of technology is going from strength to strength and saving thousands of dollars! #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peak services #burkeshire #ClareKeenanTriscott
05.01.2022 Critterpedia is another great startup who are setting themselves apart from others. I congratulate Nic and Murray for the endurance and determination to take the leap and how far they have come in a short time. So many incredible people believe in their idea as do I! Go Hard and Go Fast!!! I am 100% behind you both...
05.01.2022 Dr Sarah Pearson, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Innovation and Tourism Industry Development, Queensland, was a welcomed speaker at the SurePact Grant Management System Launch last month. Gaining insight also into how organisations and people can revisit their values and embrace change - something we at SurePact are becoming very adept at achieving in this world of Pivoting and Embracing New Innovation. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #sarahpearson #leannekemp
05.01.2022 SurePact Announces Global Milestone with Microsoft! This month SurePact CEO, Megan Avard is proud to announce their acceptance into the Microsoft Global Co-Sell Program. Megan will work with Microsoft Seattle and a global team to provide a pathway to accelerate further success opportunities through joint Go-To-Market planning. The SurePact team will all participate and work closely with the Seattle Microsoft Team to leverage the SurePact brand with sales teams and in the comm...ercial marketplace to support the expansion of SurePact. The Co-Sell global program was created for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to work together with Microsoft account executives on joint customer opportunities. The partnership will engage SurePact in an immersive program with the support of a dedicated Success Manager to reach potential growth opportunities globally. The Co-Sell pathway with Microsoft will provide SurePact access to: - Connections, - Learn from proven leaders, and - Alumni Networks. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #microsoft
04.01.2022 Dont miss our exciting Grant Managent System FREE Virtual Launch on Monday 30 March 9:30-10:30! FREE Tickets still available at Register for your ticket and receive the Zoom link to join us LIVE on Monday! #advanceqld #Councilwise #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #surepact #qchiefentrepreneur #nextworldenterprises #advancequeensland #behere4qld #contract #council #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #northqueensland #prizm #proudtobeyourcouncil #stevebutler #technology #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
04.01.2022 Pivoting to a virtual launch in unusual times and what our amazing Launch speakers said about SurePacts new Grant Management System! #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
04.01.2022 "Since its product launch in October 2018, SurePact has gone from strength to strength. In the last year alone, SurePact has joined forces with tech giant Microsoft as a Global Co-Sell Partner, achieved outstanding successes with Queensland Councils saving millions of dollars in project and contract delivery; launched the new Grant Management System; expanded into WA and received a swag of awards and recognition. Investing time into creating and utilising an Advisory Board has been one factor in this rapid and successful growth", Advisory Board Centre, read on... #AdvisoryBoardAU #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #lgaq #localbuy
03.01.2022 Creating greenfields software is still a thing to be reckoned with. Brett Hirst, SurePacts Head of Engineering and the SurePact development team have taken Megan Avards design solution, identified with current clients in the Grant Management space for organisations and created a stronger level of capability and compliance in SurePacts suite! Traditionally, even the largest organisations left the management of their grants to colour-coded spreadsheets - now Brett and the t...eam have created a 360 degree suite to manage the full grant lifecycle through to completion of delivery of the grant asset with full visibility, transparency and accessibility. Brett relished the adventure of investigating how best to solve this problem technologically in a way that met client needs and was elegant to create and use. The outcome is SurePacts Grant Management System module. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
01.01.2022 Learn more about our new Grant Management System shared by CEO and SurePact Founder, Megan Avard - designed for transparency, accountability and end to end management from concept to grant to project completion of the grant lifecycle. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement
01.01.2022 On Star Wars day, as we are everyday... The SurePact force is with you #advanceqld #innovation #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #nextworldenterprises #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices
01.01.2022 Continual Free Updates and Client-Initiated Enhancements drive SurePacts success. Leading the way with best practice SaaS development, SurePact averages a 3-weekly release cycle, investing time and money ensuring their software continues to exceed client expectations. Foundations of development are client requests which are presented regularly to the development team. Brett Hirst, Head of SurePact Engineering said, Just knowing we are listening to what our clients need an...d want keeps us connected with our clients at a real level. Anne Boundy Technical Services Officer at Aurukun Shire Council said that they (the Aurukun Shire Council Team) keep coming up with ideas for enhancements because of the ease of use of the SurePact system and the ease of submitting changes. She went on to say that Nothing weve asked for has been too difficult, and that unlike many other software purchases weve made, there are no additional charges when we need or want enhancements. #advanceqld #innovation #localcouncils #qldcouncils #qldgovernment #behere4qld #contract #contractmanagement #infrastructure #localgovernment #proudtobeyourcouncil #commonwealthgovernment #grantmanagement #ditid #oqce #riskmanagement #peakservices #aurukun #AnneBoundy
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