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Surfrider Foundation Northern Beaches

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25.01.2022 Yesterday was a good day. It was an odd day, but a very good day for Australian politics and our oceans. Both in the morning and the evening MP after MP stood up in the House of Representatives and in the Federal Chamber to defend our coast and oppose PEP11 - Petroleum Exploration Permit 11, the drilling for gas in our Sydney Basin. They all spoke passionately, Dave Sharma MP stating that we have a unique responsibility, indeed a duty, to protect the worlds oceans. Julie Ow...ens MP from Parramatta claiming it is nonsense to drill for oil & gas off Sydney, simply absurd. Other MPs stating they have never seen such broad opposition to a project. (Surfrider Foundation Australia Living Ocean Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing ) Overwhelming bipartisan support to #STOPPEP11. But here is the thing, the decision as to whether or not Pep11 goes ahead is down to 2 people.... Keith Pitt and John Barilaro - the Joint Authorities. The Joint Authorities are the ultimate Federal and State decision makers for NOPTA offshore gas & petroleum issues. Now Keith knows perfectly well that PEP11 has no friends except for a couple of struggling mining investment companies in Perth - the current license holders Advent & Bounty Oil & Gas. No one has seen John for a while. So it’s over to you Keith, whatcha gunna do? We've had letters from Keith Pitt in the recent past stating that he is aware of the massive opposition to PEP11 but that he and his government think that new gas is very important. But we think it's time to concede this one Keith. This offshore lease should have never been granted in the first place, the 6 million people who live along this coastline will NEVER let PEP11 go ahead. #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #cleanseas #futuregenerations #stopPEP11 Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Anthony Albanese Adam Bandt

25.01.2022 If you haven't already, watch A Life On Our Planet screening on NETFLIX. The photography as usual is achingly beautiful, the messages poignant. #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove

25.01.2022 Community announcement .

24.01.2022 Have you got your Australian Surf Movie Festival tickets yet? They are flying out the door with the Hayden Orpheum putting on an extra screening on Wednesday 25th Nov. Have a great night out immersing yourself in the worlds biggest and best waves on screen. Click for your ticks below. Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly #longlivethesurf #longlivetherider

24.01.2022 Stopping plastics flow from our rivers into the sea...

24.01.2022 It's going to be a busy summer on our Nthn Beaches& this starts today ... Nobody, least of all surf lifesavers, wants to close beaches, so the more information we can give about beach attendance, ahead of them arriving on the sand to find it nearing COVID-safe attendance limits, the better. Beachgoers are advised to use the Beachsafe website and app to identify locations nearing capacity and those where access is restricted, before leaving home.... See more

24.01.2022 Next week on 9th November the Senate will be debating the Waste and Plastic Pollution Bill. It is welcome but does not go far enough to turn off the plastic tap that is devastating our oceans. The Bill must include support for the phasing out of problematic single use plastics; mandatory product packaging stewardship by 2025; and standardised & effective labelling for reusable/compostable/recyclable packaging. Trevor Evans MP Josh Wilson MP Donald Bundesen Senator Rex Patrick Senator Stirling Griff Senator Jacqui Lambie

23.01.2022 Whatever way you look at it, sinking a new gas well offshore is a dud deal. #stopPEP11 Keith Pitt John Barilaro PEP11 makes no sense environmentally, economically, socially, and there will be plenty of old gas to go around as Australia's trading partners accelerate towards net zero targets. #nomininginsydneybasin Surfrider Foundation Australia Living Ocean Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing The Wilderness Society Surfrider Foundation Manly

23.01.2022 Naughty NOPSEMA - opening public submissions for seismic testing off King Island during the Christmas New Year period, sneaky and blatant! Head over to Surfers for Climate instagram page today for links to submissions and petitions.

22.01.2022 It takes a village to clean up a village. Better still, if everyone did their best to avoid waste and dispose of waste responsibly, we could all just enjoy our beautiful beaches and not despair at the kilos of waste we find....everywhere! It still blows our minds , and we have been beach cleaning since 1991, the crap humans (and only humans) leave behind. We can do better. We must do better. #noexcuseforsingleuse #avoidwaste #riseaboveplastics #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #Cleanseas #cleanbeaches #respectnature #futuregenerations Mega thanks to all the local cleanup crews Operation Straw AUSMAP Planet Ahead Pittwater Eco Adventures Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Ocean Friendly

22.01.2022 Last year we drove Equinor out of the Great Australian Bight. Imagine what's in store when the word truly gets out about PEP11... Keith Pitt Jason Falinski Zali Steggall Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

22.01.2022 This morning Wendy Harmer interviewed Jason Falinski & asked about PEP11. Have a listen around 7.50am...(1.37.19)

22.01.2022 Sharks, always an emotive topic (understandably) and so much we don’t know about this apex predator. Tune in tonight 7.30 on National Geographic for Mick Fanning’s journey towards making peace with these powerful creatures.

22.01.2022 Thanks local legends who joined us for a World Cleanup Day speed clean on Manly Beach yesterday. Most notable litter offenders in the haul were COVID coffee cups and lids, the usual suspects ciggie filters, and food packaging. Thank you Ben & Jerry's for providing ice creams for our litter warriors! Shout out also to the morning crew at Manly Cove Operation Straw Pittwater Eco Adventures AUSMAP who sorted through one of their largest hauls to date - 4,435 items of lit...ter in 1 hour As always, we are struck by the conflicting notions of the importance of beach cleans - community awareness, research, and removing poisonous and injurious litter from our oceans; and the futility of it as we are just treating a symptom of plastic pollution but not the causes. Only government policies that address the phasing out of non essential single use plastics as well as product stewardship will stem the tide of crap on our beaches. Matt Kean MP Rob Stokes James Griffin MP, Member for Manly Jason Falinski Trevor Evans MP Surfrider Foundation Manly #riseaboveplastics #noexcuseforsingleuse #avoidwaste #plasticispoison #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #Cleanseas Here's the tally on the debris collected and diverted from polluting our ocean in just 1 hour by our 18 dedicated volunteers - 307 pieces + 8kg of mixed waste. 1 x large plastic rubbish bin 1 x metal street sign 4kg x paper waste 3kg x miscellaneous soft plastic packaging 1kg x microplastic 200 x cigarette butts 11 x drinks cans 7 x glass bottles 2 x plastic drink bottles 9 x plastic takeaway containers 10 x pieces of misc hard plastic 7 x single use coffee cups 11 x single use coffee cup lids 9 x plastic takeway lids 10 x sushi fish 12 x single use plastic cutlery 3 x plastic beach toys 5 x plastic straws 4 x icecream cups 4 x boxed DVD's 1 x scarf

21.01.2022 We’ve got 2 more days to make our voices heard to #stopPEP11! Head down to the beach and take a snap. Hash tag #stopPEP11 , tag @surfridernb @surfrideraus @your local MPs e.g. @jasonfalinskimp @zalisteggalmp You can download the AR oil rig app. Go to @surfrideraus Instagram & click on link.tree/SURFRIDER in the bio.... OR you will find (hopefully, because that’s where we left them) rig cutouts along the coastal walk at... The Peak - Newport Little Avalon lookout Mona Vale Headland Mona Vale Sth (shadehut) Warriewood viewing platform Turimetta lookout (road) Nth Narrabeen between car park & SLSC SURFRIDER Gardens Collaroy above the pool. Fisherman’s Beach Bear the boat ramp Dee Why point above the pool Sth Curl Curl Bear the SLSC showers Freshwater near the showers Manly Near SLSC Shelly at Bower Lane We also dropped rig cut outs at Glass Avenue BEACH WITHOUT SAND Palm Beach & Avalon, ZUBI cafes Bilgola, Chilli Surfboards MV, Onboard Store MV, Soul Surf MV, Rip Curl Narrabeen by Damien Hardman, Wicks Surf Shop COLLAROY , Patagonia Manly Happy snapping!

21.01.2022 Surfrider Foundation Australia would like to send a massive shout out to our members, branches, sponsors and supporters. Thanks for your passion and hard work in 2020 as we battled oil and gas companies, picked up rubbish, campaigned against plastic, planted trees and advocated on behalf of coastal communities around the country for cleaner and greener beaches. Merry Christmas to everyone and may the surf gods be kind. A special shout out to our Northern Beaches family and ex...tra salty vibes for those who may be separated from loved ones this Christmas. May our oceans, waves and beaches provide some joy and solace during this strange and challenging time, and wherever you are enjoy your break - you deserve it. See you in 2021. SFNB

21.01.2022 O.K. Enough! It’s time to put the preservation of nature and the protection of our ocean at the forefront of all decisions. SURFRIDER friends, PEP11 is unacceptable on every level and must be stopped. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION PERMIT 11 is the licence to drill for gas in our Sydney Basin - that's right, just off our beaches between Manly and... Newcastle! Mining companies ADVENT Energy, BPH & Bounty Oil & Gas are waiting now for NOPTA (National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator) approval to drill for gas offshore, and for an extension of their licence. We cannot allow this to go ahead. Please help us tell our politicians that we will not let our local coastline be industrialised or put at risk. Join our #stopPEP11 social media campaign... Head to the beach or a headland, take a photo and tag. #stopPEP11 #nomininginsydneybasin #pepoff #surfing #surfrideraus @surfrideraus @keithpittmp @johnbarilaromp @your local Federal MP e.g. @jasonfalinskimp @trentzimmermanmp @zalisteggalmp @davesharmamp * Share on all your socials. * Also head over to Surfrider Foundation Australia's Instagram @surfrideraus * Click on to download our AR oi lrig filter, email your local MPs and sign a petition. We love where we live, so we must protect what we love. Surfrider Foundation Australia is a not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia's oceans, waves and beaches. We and the waves thank you

21.01.2022 Sentiments we can relate to... "A roaring economy and the fetishising of coastal living have seen real estate prices spike and cafés replace mum and dad surf stores. The gentrification of once-grubby beach burbs has seen their original inhabitants slowly squeezed out. One by one they give up on the idea and simply move up the coast."

20.01.2022 Baby breach belly flop. This little fella was trying his hardest off Palm Beach a week or so ago. This shot was captured by a whale watching tour boat a little bit further down the coast. If PEP11 (Petroleum Exploration Permit 11) goes ahead, his future is at risk. The many reasons mining for gas in the Sydney Basin is a terrible idea are well known, but we'll lay them out again anyway... The iconic coastline between Manly and Newcastle is one of the most densely populated a...nd valuable in Australia. It supports a thriving tourism industry, commercial and recreational fishing, surfing, diving, boating and countless other marine related activities. The ocean and its waterways provide an enviable lifestyle for all who live and visit here. Offshore drilling for gas through porous sandstone shelves is complex and dirty business. If you drill for gas oil is also a component, and there are also drilling discharges, fluids, cement, chemicals etc. So it really doesn’t matter if the risk of an accident (spill) is high or low accidents happen and ANY RISK IS TOO GREAT. It’s Sydney for God’s sake! Oil spills are deadly. Air and water pollution hurt marine life and local communities. Drilling disrupts marine life. Noise, light, increased shipping traffic, pipelines, anchors etc. all have impacts on marine mammal behaviour and cause physiological distress. The impact on fish and invertebrates is largely unstudied, although fishermen often claim reduced catches. Seismic and sonar activity is devastating for marine life. Gas is a fossil fuel and a non renewable resource. Methane escapes from gas wells and pipelines and is a major greenhouse gas. Mining for gas is inconsistent with lowering emissions. We are in a climate change emergency. Australia does NOT need NEW GAS. We need new laws around our old gas! Australia is the 3rd largest gas exporter in the world. We export our gas, it travels all around the world and then we have to buy it back at inflated prices. It is madness. Australia does not need more gas to transition to clean energy. Should a mining incident occur and oil was spread in NSW coastal waters, it is currently unlikely that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, the Newcastle Port Authority and the Sydney Ports Corporation would be able to respond in an effective manner. Last but by no means least, the communities along the coast will NEVER ALLOW THIS RUINOUS PROJECT TO PROCEED. We will keep fighting on the land and in the water if necessary, for as long as it takes to end this offshore mining lease. Please take it off the table once and for all... #stopPEP11 Jason Falinski Zali Steggall Dave Sharma MP Keith Pitt John Barilaro Anthony Albanese Adam Bandt Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Matt Kean MP Sussan Ley MP Mark Butler MP Image: Go Whale Watching - Rachelle Mackintosh

20.01.2022 Lurking on our horizon, the menacing PEP11 lease. The Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 that is waiting for NOPTA approval to drill off our coastline between Newcastle and Manly. The decision as to whether or NOT the drilling goes ahead lies with one man - the Federal Resources Minister Keith Pitt. Now, Keith and the tin pot Perth based fossil fuel prospectors are about the only ones who want this absurd project to proceed. The 6 million people who LIVE and work along this coas...t certainly DON'T and we have made that quite clear. This wonderfully graphic video from #fishpencil shows the consequences of oil spills from around the world. Remember, it was only 2009 when the Montaro wellhead in NW Australia blew, devasting Timorese fishing grounds. Offshore accidents around Australia are rare, but they do happen. Imagine the horrendous consequences for our precious and valuable coast. Any risk is too big a risk. We must stop PEP 11. Send an email to your local MP today. Click on the following link. #oilspoils #ourcoastnottoast #cleanseas #futuregenerations Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean The Wilderness Society Greenpeace Australia Pacific @Zali Steggall Jason Falinski John Barilaro Gladys Berejiklian Rob Stokes James Griffin MP, Member for Manly

20.01.2022 The best present you can give your friends and family this Christmas is a coastline with a future. The Surfrider Foundation here in Australia wants future generations to be as lucky as we’ve been, and for them to grow up on an unspoiled, champagne coastline. Surfrider is engaged from local communities and beach cleans all the way up to Canberra and national campaigns against offshore oil and gas development. A Surfrider membership is just $5 a month/$10 a month for families, and is an investment in the Australian coastline. We’d be stoked to have you with us. Merry Christmas. Sean Doherty, Chair of Surfrider Foundation Australia

20.01.2022 On Monday we went to Canberra, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson invited Surfrider Foundation Australia and Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing to speak with MPs and... push to have the PEP11 gas permit off Sydney and Newcastle scrapped. We Paddled out into Lake Burley Griffin, then had a press conference on the lawn on Parliament House with a bunch of MPs backing us to knock this thing over. We were then able to meet one on one with MPs who have electorates facing PEP11 which was great. Labor, Liberal, independent and Green they pretty much all are fighting to get rid of it. For a few hours on Monday we got ours. We got to walk right into parliament and talk face to face with Federal MPs from around Australia, sadly we didn't bump into Scott Morrison (ScoMo). If you want to inacted change, if you want to have your voice heard, write to your politican. Write to your local MP, call their office, make sure your voice can be heard when it comes to protecting your ocean. On Monday we made sure Canberra heard your voices, today, it's up to each and every one of us to make sure our voices are heard echoing down the halls of Parliament house for the rest of the year! #STOPPEP11 #SAVEOURCOAST #SURFRIDERAUS Video : Lucas Wilkinson // The Metric TV


19.01.2022 Right now our Surfrider Foundation Australia team are busy supporting the #stopPEP11 movement, Preserve Gnarabup, and Save Westernport No AGL gas ; our local branches are also driving numerous campaigns to protect our coastlines from over development, water pollution, plastic pollution, shark nets, sea walls, illegal marine poaching etc. etc., the list goes on... If you love your ocean, waves and beaches join us today. Become a SURFRIDER member and make a difference. Protect ...what you love. We need your help to do what we do. Go to Whether you are an individual or a family we’ve got you covered. Thanks for the photo @aristorisi #beoceanfriendly #RiseAbovePlastic #rockstacking #endangeredwaves #protectyourleftsandrights #christmasgiftidea

19.01.2022 It's Row here, Surfrider Northern Beaches resident Plastic Pest, and I have a little tear of frustration rolling down my cheek this morning. Yesterday we had a chance to make a meaningful difference to the amount of plastic pollution reaching our waterways. Senator Peter Whish-Wilson put up amendments to the Packaging and Plastics Bill that set targets, phased out troublesome single use plastics and held producers of plastic waste accountable. It failed by 1 vote thanks to Pa...uline Hanson's One Nation Party Surfrider Foundation Australia has been running our Rise Above Plastic campaign for over a decade, we've attended Senate Inquiries, written numerous submissions, conducted a gazillion beach cleans around Australia, submitted data, created programs, and we know...we know without a GOD DAMN doubt, that unless we stop the production of single use plastics and mandate packaging design that is sustainable; our oceans will continue to be a growing poisonous tip. As coastal environment activists we are used to disappointments but it doesn't deflate us, it just fires us up. Constant pressure, endlessly applied and we will win. We are ever closer to getting good policy over the line and it will happen next time. Senator PWW can explain... "So damn close ! This is what a tied vote in the Senate looks like. Sadly when it’s even, the Senate President casts his vote and the Government wins. Today we - and I do mean WE- because many of us campaigned for this - lost our chance to get the Government’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Bill amended to ban problematic single-use plastics and have strong mandatory plastic packaging targets that would hold big producers of plastic to account . But looking at this photo - the message is clear to big plastic polluters and a Government that won’t support the people - you are just 1 vote away from change and being held to account! We have come so close after so long, and we won’t be giving up I can assure you. I’ll do another post soon on where to from here. BIG thanks to all those who campaigned and called their Senators. In the end, we won over Labor on mandatory targets - which they voted for, but they didn’t support banning single use plastics at a federal level which was disappointing. In the end One Nation voted with the Government to kill our chances of taking real action on our oceans and creating thousands of new jobs, fixing our recycling crisis."

18.01.2022 WORLD CLEAN UP DAY - THIS SAT 19 SEPT 3 - 4PM Communities world wide are cleaning up their coastlines and we are too! Join us on Manly Beachfront ! Le...t's show what power we can do in just one hour to keep our iconic Manly beachfront, Cabbage Tree Bay aquatic marine reserve and our coastal community pristine and litter free ! MEET UP POINT: Manly Beach(Sth Steyne - conveniently opposite Manly Wine) Look out for the Surfrider banners on the grassed area on the beachfront esplanade. BRING: BYO bucket, bag, reusable gloves, water bottle and sunscreen. The eco friendly crew @ Ben & Jerry's Manly will be making your awesome clean up efforts even sweeter with a voucher for a free scoop of icecream for every bucket or bag of marine debris handed in at the Surfrider registration area by 4pm ! COVID SAFE regulations apply. Register below In accordance with holding a COVID safe event the meeting point is LIMITED to only 20 participants gathering. Register here for a space to attend this FREE event. If you are not 100% certain of your attendance please think of others before you "register" for a ticket. Please do not attend if you are exhibiting cold/flu symptoms leading up to the event. If you miss out on registering or can’t make it to Manly, grab a friend and head to your nearest beach and show it some love in and out of the water this weekend. Share your awesome clean up efforts @ & #surfridernb #worldcleanupday #beatplasticpollution #plasticfreeseas #surfridernb #surfrideraus #manlyliving #goodformanly #beoceanfriendly #noexcuseforsingleuse #plasticfreeseas #surfridermanly #surfrideraus #worldcleanupday #surfridernb Manly Living Good For Manly Bold & Beautiful Swim Squad What's On Northern Beaches Sydney

18.01.2022 PEP11 is bang smack in the path of the annual whale migration in the Sydney Basin. There are 45 species of whales that use this highway every year to eat and ...breed. Offshore drilling is incompatible with the protection of these precious animals. The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 specifies that an activity must not harm animals or damage/threaten their habitat...well that pretty much rules out drilling for gas, and all the increased industrial activity and shipping that goes with it. PEP OFF Advent & BPH, the risks associated with your project are too great environmentally, economically and socially. #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #northernbeaches #marinelife #coastline #surfing Surfrider Foundation Australia Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean Environmental Defenders Office image: stockphotoguy81/shutterstock

17.01.2022 Calling all surfers and salt water people WE NEED YOUR HELP! We must ACT NOW to STOP PEP11. Please watch this imprtant video... Join our #stopPEP11 social media campaign and stand with us in telling politicians that our communities will not let this incredible coastline we call home be put at risk and strongly oppose the industrialisation of our oceans. We have three actions you can take on our Instagram, just click here Using our AR-Filter, head to... your local beach or a headland, take a photo and tag. #stopPEP11 #nomininginsydneybasin #pepoff #surfing #surfrideraus @surfrideraus Here on facebook, leave a comment for your local Federal MP Mark Butler MP Sussan Ley MP Anthony Albanese Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Keith Pitt John Barilaro See more

16.01.2022 Hey local Ocean Friendly peeps and wannabe sustainable cafe venues, we are trying our best to get rid of the single use coffee cup plague on the Northern Beaches and we know you are keen too. Northern Beaches Council have launched a coffee swap system, and you may be eligible to receive a free stock of 'swap and go" coffee cups. If you haven't already, click on the link in the article to get involved.

15.01.2022 Sign & share if you haven’t already....

15.01.2022 Design faults in plastic packaging can harm marine life. Please sign and share. #protectehatyoulove

15.01.2022 As summer heats up, the litter piles up on our beaches. Newport is in need of a massive clean. Please join these legends on Sunday 27th December. Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew Newport Surf Life Saving Club In the mean time, don't walk past what you don't accept. Do your own little clean when you go to the beach, and for the love of our oceans BYO coffee cups, water bottles & bags. There is no excuse for single use. #RiseAbovePlastic #beoceanfriendly #plasticispoison.

15.01.2022 Please Senators, use this historic opportunity to pass an EFFECTIVE Packaging and Plastics Bill. Ban single use plastics and set mandatory waste reduction & recycling targets for the packaging industry. Just focusing on recycling does not address the causes of plastic pollution, just the symptoms. Our oceans, waves and beaches are struggling under the weight of plastic waste and we are mighty sick of sorting through the rubbish at beach cleans. It's just getting worse. #noexcuseforsingleuse #riseaboveplastic #beoceanfriendly Surfrider Foundation Australia Senator Tim Ayres Senator Andrew Bragg Senator Perin Davey Kristina Keneally Senator Hollie Hughes Jenny McAllister Senator Jim Molan Deborah O'Neill Marise Payne @Senator Tony Sheldon Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

14.01.2022 We took it to Canberra last week, and next week Canberra may be coming to us... so watch this space. Time is ticking and the NOPTA (National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator) decision regarding extension of the PEP 11 licence and permission to drill is imminent What are you going to do Keith Pitt & John Barilaro ? Are you going to rule in the public interest, or bow to the self interest of some tin pot fossil fuel prospectors from Perth? Looking to make a buck at the... public expense, damaging our economy, our coast and our future for some fast bucks, all the while leaving offshore stranded assets for us to clean up later. It's absolute madness. #stopPEP11 PLEASE Jason Falinski Zali Steggall James Griffin MP, Member for Manly Rob Stokes Gladys Berejiklian Matt Kean MP Anthony Albanese Scott Morrison (ScoMo) #nodrillinginsydneybasin #ourcoastnottoast #drillingiskilling #lovewheryoulive #protectwhatyoulove Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean Surfers Against Climate Change - SACCs Patagonia

14.01.2022 Farewell 2020. It’s fair to say that 2020 has been a bit of an ordinary year. Just over 12 months ago we celebrated the naming of Surfrider Gardens at Narrabeen celebrating the extraordinary public service of Surfrider founding members (1991) Tom and Margaret Kirsop, the solid core around which Surfrider Northern Beaches Branch has thrived continuously for just on 30 years. ... The beaches have been and continue to be well served by Surfrider commitment and effort, some of you may know us through Ocean Care Day on Manly Beachfront, International Surfing Day activities and celebrations, beach cleans at various locations over the last 15 years or so, notice of pollution warnings with regard to Warriewood Sewage Treatment Plant, the Ocean Friendly Cafe program and Coffee for Rubbish buckets and the fantastic turnouts for Fight for the Bight campaign in which we played a lead role in the decision of Equinor to abandon plans to drill for oiling the Great Aussie Bight. (We are currently up to our necks in the pitched battle to STOP PEP11- the drilling for gas off the coast between Sydney and Newcastle. WATCH THIS SPACE - WE WILL NEED YOUR HELP.) These public events are the tip of the iceberg however, the work you may not realise we do is likely under fluorescent lights in meeting rooms, in Senate hearings, in submissions to Council, State and Federal Governments on a vast range of coastal issues, from micro plastics to sand nourishment, coastal overdevelopment to beach parking, shark bite mitigation to surf culture celebration. We are able to advocate on a wide variety of issues that effect our coast by virtue of the deep coastal experience and wide range of skillsets embodied in our Committee which meets (Zooms in 2020) monthly to consider coastal management decisions impacting the Northern Beaches. I would like to take this opportunity to thank sincerely the people who make up this fabulous group, Tom K, Paul, Don, Martin, Max, Prue, Rowan, Jude, Chris, Christina, Tom A, Eve, Shari and a myriad of others who have contributed over the last 29+ years. Contact us if you’d like to be part of this knowledgeable and effective coastal advocacy group, all skills welcomed but if you want to dip a toe in first PLEASE JOIN SURFRIDER here: safe in the knowledge the work we do locally is replicated around Australia. Happy New Year! See ya in da curl Brendan Donohoe Pres, NB Branch Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly

14.01.2022 PEP11 UPDATE (Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 or gas & oil drilling off our Sydney beaches) THE GOOD NEWS 1. Current permit holders are in a shambles...various Directors have resigned, share trading has been suspended and there is a standstill agreement between parties as they squabble over $$$$. Funds are looking a bit slim & offshore drilling is mighty expensive. Deep pockets are required for mining. 2. Jason Falinski MP will put forward a motion in Parliament to end ...the PEP11 permit to drill and lease extension. It will be seconded by Dave Sharma MP. They have listened to their 100,000s of constituents, and are representing our wishes and concerns. Thank you. THE BAD NEWS 1. NOPTA approval for offshore leases does NOT require proof of financial robustness from the license holders. That's right, worst case scenario... there could be a spill, the companies responsible claim bankruptcy and guess who'll have to pay to clean it up? Us. Not to mention decommissioning the rigs when they become stranded assets. Unbelievable 2. Despite all the economic, scientific, environmental and social support for renewables, the Federal Government is just gagging for new gas. We have had NO indications from Keith Pitt John Barilaro (Joint Authority) that they will do anything other than support all gas projects on the East coast including PEP11. This is bad news for Dave and Jason despite their support. They live in well informed electorates that will not tolerate any form of climate denialism or gaslighting around energy. The seat of Wentworth fell for a nano second to Karen Phelps, Zali Steggall turfed Tony out, and it's no secret MacKellar is on the hunt for an Independent to give Jason a run for his money. It is possible for blue ribbon seats to fall. These are fractious times, a whole lot of fuss could be avoided if the Commonwealth just take PEP11 off the table for good. #stopPEP11 #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #renewables #futuregenerations #nofossilfools #longlivethesurf #protectyourleftsandrights Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean

14.01.2022 Surfers and ocean lovers around Australia, we're calling on you to continue spreading the #stoppep11 message! (If you're a Surfrider Foundation member or branch please share this video in your story, we're counting on you!) This Monday a motion was brought before parliament with 8 federal MPs standing up in support of the motion to #stoppep11.... It's time to STOP PEP-11 & here's what you can do. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION PERMIT 11 is a licence for oil & gas exploration in our Sydney Basin due to expire in February 2021 that’s right, just off our beaches between Manly and Newcastle! Mining companies ADVENT Energy, BPH & Bounty Oil & Gas are now pushing for NOPTA (National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator) to approve a licence extension and change the title to allow drilling for oil & gas offshore. To add to this, there’s a motion before federal parliament to stop PEP11, which means a decision on the issue could be imminent, so we need to make some noise on this!! Join our #stopPEP11 social media campaign and stand with us in telling politicians that our communities will not let this incredible coastline we call home be put at risk and strongly oppose the industrialisation of our oceans. We have three actions you can take right here on Instagram, links are available in our bio. Using our AR-Filter, head to your local beach or a headland, take a photo and tag. #stopPEP11 @keithpittmp @johnbarilaro and @your local Federal MP. A huge shout out must go out to @Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing for their ongoing efforts. And a thank you to so many people who have shared the message far and wide thank you to you all for your incredible contributions this past week.

12.01.2022 Allowing ourselves a little bit of cautious optimism today. We started at dawn with a paddle out on Lake Burley Griffin (mouths tightly shut when not yelling STOP PEP11 whilst being blown to bits across the lake. Water quality a bit ). Well Canberans wouldn’t want a gas rig on their door step and neither do we! Hopefully we got some decent shots and entertained the early joggers.... Followed the paddle out by a well attended press conference on Parliament House lawn. MPs from Labor, Greens, Liberal and Independents have joined us to oppose PEP11 gas mining offshore between Newcastle & Sydney. It is heartening to have so much informed support for this issue. But the decision ultimately lies with one minister.... Keith Pitt MP. Momentum and awareness is growing, and there will be no sneaking through of drilling approvals before Christmas because 10s of 1000’s of coastal constituents are watching. Drilling for gas off Sydney’s iconic coastline is NOT popular environmentally, politically, economically or socially. Give it up Keith, and let’s not drag this one out. Thank you for helping to make today happen Senator Peter Whish-Wilson Jason Falinski Zali Steggall Still plenty of moves up our sleeves. #lovewhereyoulive #ourcoastnottoast #protectwhatyoulove #cleanseas #futuregenerations Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic TestingLiving OceanSurfrider Foundation Northern Beaches PEP OFF - No Gas off Sydney and Newcastle.

12.01.2022 Whilst Surfrider Foundation Nthn Beaches understands that the popular and successful Newport SLSC wishes to renovate and expand the club building to better serve it's members, the current plan for this precious heritage building is a stinker and must not be allowed to proceed. Surfrider Foundation believe that surf clubs should exist primarily for the purpose of providing life saving activities. The proposed Newport SLSC upgrade offends this principle, given the majority o...Continue reading

12.01.2022 Keep going Legends, our MPs are hearing us....emails, socials and phone calls are making a difference. KEEP GOING, KEEP PUSHING. Please We have to rattle enough cages to get majority support in the House of Reps tomorrow. (Monday) #stopPEP11 #nomininginsydneybasin... Keep snapping, sharing, tagging MPs, writing, videoing and ringing. Easy email and petition links can be found on @surfrideraus Instagram. Click in the bio. Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Living Ocean Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing You will find (hopefully, because that’s where we left them) rig cutouts along the coastal walk at... The Peak - Newport Little Avalon lookout Mona Vale Headland Mona Vale Sth (shadehut) Warriewood viewing platform Turimetta lookout (road) Nth Narrabeen between car park & SLSC SURFRIDER Gardens Collaroy above the pool. Fisherman’s Beach Bear the boat ramp Dee Why point above the pool Sth Curl Curl Bear the SLSC showers Freshwater near the showers Manly Near SLSC Shelly at Bower Lane We also dropped rig cut outs at Glass Avenue BEACH WITHOUT SAND Palm Beach & Avalon, ZUBI cafes Bilgola, Chilli Surfboards MV, Onboard Store MV, Soul Surf MV, Rip Curl Narrabeen by Damien Hardman, Wicks Surf Shop COLLAROY , Patagonia Manly Happy snapping! Our oceans, waves and beaches thank you.

11.01.2022 The PEP11 Parliamentary debate continues in the Federation Chamber at 6PM tonight. It was great this morning to see our local MPs speak on our behalf to end the PEP11 Lease. Thank you Jason Falinski, Dave Sharma MP Trent Zimmerman Zali Steggall Sharon Claydon MP Emma McBride MP Tune in for the next installment.

11.01.2022 Northern Beaches peeps we have some nifty oil rig cutouts in these local stores. Limited stock so feel free to share. Absolutely NO-ONE who lives on the coast between Manly & Newcastle wants mining off their beaches so let your politicians know. Grab a rig, head down to the beach, take a snap and post. Remember to tag your local MPs!!!! We need to tell them how we feel before Monday's motion to STOP PEP11 in Federal Parliament. #stopPEP11 #... @zalisteggallmp @jasonfalinskimp @surfrideraus @surfridernb Keith Pitt John Barilaro Many thanks... BEACH WITHOUT SAND Palm Beach & Nth Avalon ZUBI cafes Bilgola Chilli Surfboards Mona Vale Soul Surf Mona Vale Girdlers Dee Why Patagonia Manly Rip Curl Narrabeen by Damien Hardman @wickssurf Hemmingways Manly Onboard Store Mona Vale Ben & Jerry’s You may also find some rigs along the coastal walk attached to the rails to borrow, snap and put back. For more info on this campaign, head over to @surfrideraus Instagram page.

11.01.2022 S.A. & W.A. = Single Use Plastic Bans QLD & ACT = SUP Draft legislation When is our turn Matt Kean MP Rob Stokes James Griffin MP, Member for Manly ? You’ve been promising for ages.... Time to act is overdue. #noexcuseforsingleuse #plasticispoison #risesboveplastic... Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to marine life and wildlife around the world, not to mention human health. Surfrider Foundation Australia See more

11.01.2022 Will Commonwealth Members of Parliament support the the wishes of Northern Beaches and Central Coast constituents. #stopPEP11 #nomininginsydneybasin

11.01.2022 Listen to Wendy Frew from Radio Northern Beaches interview David Breeze from ADVENT ENERGY & BPH, Zali Steggall , Jason Falinski and Brendan Donohoe Surfrider Foundation Australia about the issues relating to PEP11. Episode 5 Drilling for Gas. #stopPEP11 #nodrillinginSydneyBasin #nofossilfools #ourcoastnottoast #stopindustrialisationofourcoast #whalemigration

10.01.2022 Encore date for the Australian Surf Movie Festival at the Orpheum. For an epic night of big waves and the best surfers in the world go to #longlivethesurf #longlivetherider Surfrider Foundation Australia Tim Bonythons - Swell Chasers

10.01.2022 LET’S DO THIS! This Saturday 19th September 2020 is World Clean Up Day Communities world wide are cleaning up their coastlines and we are too! Join us on the Manly Beach front (Sth Steyne - conveniently opposite Manly Wine) between 3pm-4pm.... BYO bucket, bag, reusable gloves, water bottle and sunscreen. COVID SAFE regulations apply. If you can’t make it to Manly, head to your nearest beach and show it some love this weekend. #beoceanfriendly #noexcuseforsingleuse #plasticfreeseas #surfridermanly #surfrideraus #worldcleanupday See more

10.01.2022 Give the gift of giving to our coast this Christmas...

09.01.2022 A very special message for our Northern Beaches peeps from our SFNB volunteer Tom Anderson. Please share with friends. If you DON'T want gas and oil drilling off our coastline you have to take action and tell your Members of Parliament. If you are hanging out, walking between Shelly Beach and Bungan, you will find these nifty oil rig cut outs attached to string on railings. STOP. Take a selfie, #stopPEP11 and tag @surfridernb @surfrideraus and your local MP. We need a majorit...y of Federal MPs to join Jason Falinski on Monday night (19th October) to oppose gas drilling and the extension of the PEP11 licence. Get rid of this proposal for good. You will find the cut outs at ... Shelly at Bower Lane Manly SLSC Freshwater Sth near the showers Sth Curl Curl near SLSC showers Dee Why Point carpark above the pool Fishermans Beach (Basin) near the boat ramp Collaroy Beach above the pool Narrabeen at Surfrider Gardens opposite the pub. Nth Narrabeen between the carpark & SLSC Turimetta lookout (road) Warriewood viewing platform Mona Vale Basin (Bongin Bongin) Sth near the shade hut Mona Vale/Bungan Headland (hillcrest Ave) Please join the campaign, spread the word and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE on Instagram and facebook. Also, check out the instagram stories action on @surfrideraus & @surfridernb they are going OFF

09.01.2022 Become Ocean Friendly and refuse plastic whenever you can. When shopping steer clear of single-use plastic in the supermarket, avoid buying fast fashion which is often made from fabrics made from plastic fibres. Let’s make a clean start to the new year so the planet and humanity will have a healthier future.

09.01.2022 Big oil don’t surf, neither does gas. #pepoff PEP11 ADVENT Energy & BPH

09.01.2022 It’s not every day that politicians come together across the political divide on an issue, especially one that relates to fossil fuel extraction. This... morning I was joined by Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi, independent MP Zali Steggall, Liberal MP Jason Falinski, Labor MPs Sharon Claydon, Emma McBride and Pat Conroy in welcoming pro Surfer Adrian (Ace) Buchan, Patagonia surfing ambassador Belinda Baggs with Surfrider Foundation Australia and community members of Save Our Coast who travelled all the way to Parliament House to raise their concerns about PEP11. PEP11 is an oil and gas exploration permit off our stunning and iconic NSW coast and it’s now up to Minister Keith Pitt not to renew it. Feeling inspired by this grassroots community action and hoping their voices are heard inside Parliament today. Stop #pep11

08.01.2022 Gas is for fossil fools and old farts. Go young people!

07.01.2022 2020 was a VERY different year for SFNB and everyone else. We may not have been hosting beach cleans, movie nights and accrediting Ocean Friendly venues, but we were still as busy as surfer bees. The images below are a taste of what your volunteer Surfrider committee have been up to, and below is a brief summary. LAUNCHING SURFRIDER GARDENS December 2019 ...Continue reading

07.01.2022 "In 2002 Council and State Government wanted to build a 1.2km seawall using up public beach to protect private land with public money - it still makes me cross" - Tom Kirsop. Last night we had a small (COVID socially distanced) gathering to commemorate the Surfider Narrabeen Collaroy Line In The Sand victory and thank the 2 protagonists Tom Kirsop and Brendan Donohoe. Environmental campaigns are looooong, but with persistance and tenacity impossible victories can be won. Surfrider volunteer Jen Davidson made this terrific video tribute. Sit back and enjoy. #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly

06.01.2022 Partially treated discharge at Warriewood at 4:00am 26/10/2020. Flows receiving wet weather treatment.

05.01.2022 PEP11 = Parliamentary No Friends from Manly to Newcastle. Please just pepoff. Thank you for your support James Griffin MP, Member for Manly Rob Stokes Jason Falinski Adam Crouch MP Member for Terrigal and every MP of every political stripe who opposes this ridiculous prospect. Our oceans are bipartisan and their protection must be everyones priority. #stopPEP11 #nomininginsydneybasin #Cleanseas #futuregenerations #longlivethesurf

05.01.2022 Puts a smile on ya dial

05.01.2022 If you are interested to watch how the Stop PEP11 motion plays out, you can watch Jason Falinski present at 10.30.

05.01.2022 Good to hear Keith Pitt that you will be making your decision regarding the licence extension of PEP11 based on the "national interest". That means taking into account the billion dollar tourism, recreational and fishery industries, the 6 million odd people along the coast who oppose it, your own House of Representatives in Canberra, and every financial expert and economist who has stated that new offshore gas projects in the Sydney Basin are a wealth hazard! We hope common s...ense prevails over mindless devotion to the corrupt Carbon Club "gas led recovery" government narrative. PEP11 is a dud deal whatever way you look at it, it's time to take it off the table for ever. #stopPEP11 #healthyseas #healthyfutures #cleanenergyfuture #oilspoils Surfrider Foundation Australia Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean Surfrider Foundation Manly Jason Falinski John Barilaro Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Dave Sharma MP See more

04.01.2022 We are still seeing so much more public money invested in things that harm biodiversity than in things that support biodiversity,

03.01.2022 Thanks Jeff Boomerang Alliance, policy action on plastic pollution is loooong overdue. Ian Keirnan OAM from Clean Up Australia (and a Surfrider member) lobbied for action on marine plastic pollution for over 30 years. Surfrider Foundation Australia has been running it's Rise Above Plastic campaign since 2007, during which we have been writing submissions, meeting with MPs, writing letters, handing over petitions, collaborating on committees, beach cleaning, submitting data,... initiating community programs like Boomerang Bags and Ocean Friendly and still, still... despite promises and much there has been no policy action from the NSW Government. Despite consistent efforts from numerous community groups and local councils, the results of beach cleans remains shocking. We need policies that phase out unnecessary single use plastics, and policies that put new rules around packaging content, recycling and packaging stewardship. We need reinvigorated public litter reduction campaigns as well. The NSW Government know all of this, they have known what to do for years - so do it already! Gladys Berejiklian Matt Kean MP Rob Stokes James Griffin MP, Member for Manly #cleanseas #futuregenerations #plasticispoison #riseaboveplastic #beoceanfriendly Surfrider Foundation Manly

03.01.2022 Not on our coast, not on our watch. Ask Sydneysiders about PEP 11 however and you’ll be met with an incredulous, Huh? Straight out there? PEP11 has been hiding in plain sight for a decade. The quiet creep of the gas industry has been happening around the Australian coast for a long while now, over the horizon and in remote, unpopulated areas like the Timor Sea and Bass Strait. But the gas industry has become more visible and certainly more brazen of late. #stopPEP11 Monday... 19th October 2020. Jason Falinski Dave Sharma MP Zali Steggall Australian Labor Party Liberal Party of Australia The Australian Greens Keith Pitt John Barilaro Matt Kean MP Rob Stokes James Griffin MP, Member for Manly Anthony Albanese Adam Bandt

03.01.2022 Environmentally risky, economically unprofitable, socially unacceptable and politically calamitous for any MP who supports it - PEP11 is a dud prospect every which way you look at it. #stopPEP11 #nolicencerenewal #protectwhatyoulove #Cleanseas #futuregenerations Surfrider Foundation Australia Surfrider Foundation Manly Save Our Coast / Stop Seismic Testing Living Ocean

03.01.2022 Happy Holidays from Sydney Water... "Partially treated discharge at Warriewood at 3.15am 30/12/20. Flows receiving wet weather treatment." Sydney Water It's 2020, not 1820!

03.01.2022 One year on, same battle different location. Collectively we ran Eqinor out of town, now we turn our sights to Advent Energy and PEP11. The prospect of drilling for new offshore gas in our iconic Sydney Basin, when the bottom is falling out of the gas export industry anyway...well its just madness. Constant pressure on numerous MPs is making a difference. If you haven’t already contacted your local MP and asked them to #stopPEP11 , click on the following links to send a letter and sign the petition.

03.01.2022 Shout out and oceans of gratitude to our local SURFRIDER volunteer Val de Rome, public speaker extraordinaire, who spreads the word about Surfrider Foundation Australia ‘s Ocean Friendly program and the many ways everyone can reduce their plastic use. A keen sailor, she has given talks at local sailing clubs, Probus clubs and recently for the U3A (University of the third age). Thank you Val for your continued efforts to inform and educate others, and support our quest to prevent plastic pollution entering our oceans and waterways. #lovewhereyoulive #protectwhatyoulove #riseaboveplastics #Cleanseas #cleanbeaches #plasticispoison #noexcuseforsingleuse

02.01.2022 Enough of single use plastic madness. The Government's Recycling Bill treats a symptom but not the cause. Get on the blower today to contact your Senators and ask them to support the single use plastic ban amendments. #RiseAbovePlastic #beoceanfriendly #noexcuseforsingleuse #policiestoendplasticpollution Senator Tim Ayres Senator Andrew Bragg Senator Perin Davey Kristina Keneally Senator Hollie Hughes Jenny McAllister Senator Jim Molan Deborah O'Neill Marise Payne Tony Sheldon Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

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