Susie Rourke | Other
Susie Rourke
Phone: +61 414 520 523
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25.01.2022 elixir:a magical or medicinal potion - 'an elixir guaranteed to induce love' What's your magic potion? Feeling Loved? Loving others? Helping others? Or is it more physical? Exercise, 8 hours sleep, healthy eating? Whatever your potion, set it in motion and give it 100% devotion. x
25.01.2022 Do you love being busy? Yes there's going to be weeks when you feel like you're running around manic and not seeing results, but trust me... they're on their way. So long as you keep up the momentum (with a healthy dose of structure and a sprinkling of good guidance - that's GOOD guidance!) you're bound to succeed! #getbusy #results #runaround #achieve
25.01.2022 Pierce the clouds of rising joy Full of hope and trust Gather salty teardrops falling Still your soft heart, you must - an original
25.01.2022 Add a little mystery to the everyday and in doing so, you will most likely surprise and convince yourself that "every little thing... is gonna be alright..." #bobmarley #quotes
23.01.2022 Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it. - Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) See and believe in the beauty of your soul as those who know you best know the wonder and miracle of YOU.
23.01.2022 {PERSEVERANCE} (n) Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose. Want to learn perseverance? Start your own small business! Think about choosing something you love and have a natural flair for... or if it's something you've just discovered, be ready to learn, love, live and breathe it. #smallbusiness #persistence #persevere #passionate #learning
21.01.2022 Are you happy about your choice to run or be an integral part of a small business? I am :) It's a lifestyle change, a challenge in so many ways but oh me oh my, the rewards are enormous! Try writing down 5 things that make you happy in your small business (or if you're not in small biz... what makes you happy in your job? You might just find it's time for a seachange!) #seachange #smallbusiness #lifestyle #challenge
20.01.2022 "I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free." - Charles Dickens
19.01.2022 So much talk about the planetary forces right now Let the earth play its role ... and you play yours Theres no greater force than YOU. Your path - your dreams - your hopes. Its written in the stars
19.01.2022 Give yourself courage to swap hours normally dedicated to planning / researching / deliberating and procrastinating and just #startsomething ...What you #know can help #guide you but what you let your mind #imagine ... #nowordscandescribe
18.01.2022 Some things might take a little longer than we hoped. Its just as important to enjoy the wait : anticipation never hurt anyone
16.01.2022 Secret : not known or meant to be known or seen by others Personal secrets are special, kept hidden - like light in a jar. Think about knowledge which only you hold - Secrets that could be shared to cast a warm glow in the lives of others - professionally or personally. #shareyoursecrets
16.01.2022 Imagine someone creating a score to tell the story of your life? What would it be like? A colourful circus of characters? An unfolding mystery? Would it be loud and crashing or a soft tumble of notes? Let yourself dream once in a while, don't take it all so seriously - there'll be plenty of time for that later.
16.01.2022 We spend the majority of our adult lives working, striving to achieve our goals and dreams. Do you have a dream which is waiting to be fulfilled? Write it down, picture it coming to fruition... dream about it more and try to make it happen. #dream #makeithappen
14.01.2022 It's Sunday, the perfect excuse to let go and find time to ...... #chillout #becalm #enjoy #winddown #relax #love
14.01.2022 {ANCHOR} Think sunburnt Navy Sailors, blurred tattoos with a mermaid and cross... then STOP! Because the anchor symbol is experiencing a resurgence as one of stability and strong foundations. But you don't have to go out and get an anchor on your shoulder, just think about anchoring down where you are NOW... Feel it, breathe it and operate your business through it!
10.01.2022 {RESPONSIBILITIES} All those little things that need to be done in small business can sometimes stack up against you. It's easy to feel suffocated by the mass of responsibilities. Remember: You CAN do anything but you CAN'T do everything. You CAN delegate. You CAN prioritise and get through your to-do-list! Give yourself permission to be the best you CAN be! #responsibility #youcandoit #prioritise #permission #todolist #delegate #smallbusiness
10.01.2022 This one is for my girls ALL of you. We are undefeatable. Gang-worthy. Alone or together. When we are at our weakest or bringing our strongest into the ring... remember we are always punching above our weight E. V. E. R. Y. D. A. Y. love will always keep us together
10.01.2022 {BRAND NEW DAY} What do you think of this quote? Would it be better if it read "I'd rather live of life of 'hell yeah, I took the leap" than a life of 'what if's?" You might be adjusting to a big life changing decision you've made - in which case, you might need to take it easy on yourself if you're questioning why you did it... but speaking from experience, there will come a day (very soon) when you no longer look back, or if you do - you won't believe where you came from and who you are becoming!! #truewords #inspiration #neverlookback #future #changeisgood
10.01.2022 at 18 years old, the lens saw innocence, but innocence had up and gone years earlier
09.01.2022 {FINDING TIME} Is your small business running on the time of a small team of maybe less than 5 ultra dedicated staff? This means resources are tight and time is super precious... and yes, it can get away from you. Time flies, but remember, it will be there. Time is constant. Embrace the time you have and use it wisely, take some time out for yourself too - U R #1
09.01.2022 {STRENGTH} When do you feel your strongest? Some of us revel in challenges - discovering a far off goal and striving each step of the way towards it. Others find the quiet times give them the clarity they need to push through... Stay #strong whilst knowing your limits. Two are stronger than one - so ask for help too! #strength #limits #goals #challenge
08.01.2022 We all experience failure of some kind in our lifetime. We sometimes carry the events like tattoos - notching up events - which can't serve us. I like to think that we compare our current 'moment of failure' to earlier 'moments of success' - and it's merely that comparison which makes us, as harsh judges, shine light on the failures. Let's shine the light on our successes > learn from the failures > and prove we can do it even better next time
08.01.2022 Yep, that's right
07.01.2022 This is where dreams are made Out here under the stars Earth, sky and wind are my companions Im as free as the tide
06.01.2022 Like trees lay down their foundations, be ever so strong in developing a plan for your small business. Stick to your original desires and dreams... they'll bear the fruit you need to flourish. #foundations #dreams #smallbusiness #dreams #flourish
06.01.2022 RAIN | STORMS | THUNDER The weather of life It brings a river of emotion And there you stand amongst it
05.01.2022 How many times have you decimated the deadline or created the perfect proposal - all under duress? You just wished it would go away, right? Examine what those challenges are really doing to you and 9 times out of ten you'll find they build your stamina, drive and resolve which are all contributing to your success! #challenge #overcome #wishfulthinking #winner
05.01.2022 Customer Service is small business' middle name - and requires talent but above all, genuine care for your clientele. Next time you answer an email, take a phone call or speak in person with your customer - take the time to really hear what they're saying and show them you care by taking your time.
05.01.2022 To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower - William Blake Never underestimate the virtue you have within. x
05.01.2022 {SUMMER} The sun is shining more, we've had some time off work and hopefully all enjoying feeling recharged. From the shoreline, we can only imagine what the coming months may bring - new adventures, challenges, dreams to fulfil Keep the calm around you and go with the flow!
04.01.2022 This is where dreams are made Out here under the stars Earth, sky and wind are my companions I’m as free as the tide
04.01.2022 A very poignant quote for life, but it spills over to business too... take a risk (not financially please)... spread your wings and experience new chapters... that also goes for re-discovering old loves... have you abandoned something which might need new flight? Think new... think re-inventing! Love you guys xoxo
03.01.2022 "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up." - Regina Brett.
03.01.2022 Find yourself again Tie yourself to your dreams Begin the dance your feet once loved And hold your cup up to the stream... - Eli Creek, Fraser Island,Queensland.
03.01.2022 Some things might take a little longer than we hoped. It’s just as important to enjoy the wait : anticipation never hurt anyone
02.01.2022 I bet he doesn't even know how beautiful he is!
01.01.2022 Do you have an open mind and heart to the opportunities which come your way? It's like once you start putting yourself out there in business (and life) things just start happening... the horizon starts to get closer and suddenly you're expanding and unfolding and the pieces are all coming together! Harness the excitement because the sky is the limit!