Akasha Wellness in Ballan, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Akasha Wellness
Locality: Ballan, Victoria
Phone: +61 456 598 491
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23.01.2022 There are so many people on my mind and in my heart today Merry Christmas and blessings for what is appropriate for you today. For me it’s the light and the joy that’s available at this time of year, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. Much love and peace to all
18.01.2022 Sometimes we outsource for ways of overcoming pain. Pain has a way of driving us out. Maybe we need movement, maybe we need massage or other body therapies.... How often do we consider stillness and rest..? How often do we just want to bypass the pain instead of outsourcing someone who can simply be present to our pain? Bringing presence and awareness to pain, whether it be physical, mental or emotional (usually it’s all 3), and allowing someone to ‘be’ with us is a way of bringing the light of awareness to the situation. Learning to accept our pain and learning to be exactly where we are at could be the deepest medicine for healing. The colour of rose pink Is a healing colour. Lie down, put your hands on your belly, take time to settle in, smooth out your breath, feel what is presenting, stay there for a while, feel, sense or see the colour rose pink, let it surround you, like you are floating on a cloud of rose pink, allow emotions to flow if they want to. Call in support to help you to witness it if you need to. Together we heal, there are lifetimes of shedding occurring right now, for all of us. Let’s do it together So much love, Susie See more
18.01.2022 So I’m totally not a photographer!! But I think I managed to get an ok shot of these awesome earrings from @singleuse.multiverse .. wow I totally love them! You’ll find them @portal108 as of later today or tomorrow! They are so light and comfortable to wear and such fun designs and colours! Thank you so much @singleuse.multiverse ... Love Susie See more
17.01.2022 STILLNESS The more time I spend in stillness the clearer the lens becomes. I have received so much information about my ‘ways’ over the last few days.. well actually for years now, but intensely this year, and over the last few days the portal with Beltane and Taurus full moon, offered a penetrating view into me! This is my personal axis.. Scorpio and Taurus. It has shown me if I don’t want to remain a casualty of life.. continuing to get stuck and hook into a reality that e...xists due to my past experiences, and to the collective experiences, that it would be helpful to become more casual. This word does not mean opt out.. it means, for me, to not get too serious and stuck in my ways. I have a lot of fixed energy in my astrology chart, the idea of becoming more casual is so freeing.. Due to three personal planets in Scorpio I desire depth and transformation for self and others, my work in the world reflects this. This information about being more casual has been growing for some time. If I am to dive deep, which is essential for me, it is just as important to come up for air to balance it. Have you received insights lately? I find it helps to share them.. for integration and so we can remind ourself that there is something beyond our ‘usual’ ways. Love Susie See more
17.01.2022 Would it feel more casual if you were a part of existence and not existence itself..? Finding our place in the flow of life, seeing others as a part of that flow, seeing everything as a part of that flow What if we came from love, therefore love is what we are..? The only difference here is that we appear separate in form and beyond the veil we are united out of form. Each one of us is a spark of divine love which in its entirety makes up the light of creation.... What a gift, to experience oneness in form See more
16.01.2022 WATER Are you a water sign, Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer? Do you have a dominant water theme in your makeup that makes you you..? Water represents our strength, resilience, buoyancy, shock absorption, fluidity, tenderness, nurture and nourishment.. so many incredible attributes. It has the ability to wash us clean, to allow us to see things differently. We are, as humans, at least 70% water.... This signals to me, that the health of this element and how we relate to it is quite important! We are having a full moon in Cancer today, cardinal water, flowing water, water on the move. This is a beautiful opportunity to tune into and feel what needs to move through you, no matter what your elemental makeup is. Maybe this energy is bringing up memories or stories that move you. Maybe there’s a heaviness that wasn’t there a few days ago.. Whatever you’re experiencing, lean in a little more, let it talk to you, let it show you, let it move you, physically, mentally and emotionally. Let it wash you clean so we move into 2021 with a little less weight, ready to embrace the lessons of Aquarius, an air sign, whose symbol is the water bearer. As we wash ourselves clean of stagnant, possibly painful watery experiences, we transform and we then have the gift of purified water, within us and around us. As a water sign myself, lots of Scorpio, I find it necessary to cleanse and purify my inner waters regularly. I can get attached and it can take time to move again.. However the waters affect you personally, take some time today to feel .. I guarantee on the other side, there will be lightness See more
15.01.2022 Going deeper into the cave of our hearts When we share our experiences and really hear each other in our experiences our reality breaks open into a multi dimensional layered existence and we realise that there is no one way of being, but many. This can bring a sense of relief because we can settle in to accepting and expecting change to occur. With self care practices to support our nervous system to settle in these changes, we begin to feel more free on every level, through every layer of our being
15.01.2022 PRATYHARA PRATYHARA is the 5th limb of the 8 limbs of yoga. It teaches us how to direct our senses in a way that nurtures our nervous system rather than depleti...ng it. Sensory overload and distraction has never been so prolific. We can be in so many places at once, without even realising it’s happening. Sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste all overloaded. Yogic practices that enable us to recognise this and support us to come back to the body, back to the breath, gift us moments where our senses are a part of the vibrancy of our experience instead of the whole experience. We can become so unconscious to the fact that our senses are leading us, that we are unaware that we are even feeling at odds. A simple test of this is.. Is most of your day spent thinking about what you like and don’t like, looking for more of what you like, staying away from what you don’t like..? The whole world, in the West, is set up to feed our preferences. To keep us on our toes, to continue to consume on every level, without stopping to ask, do I need any of this..? Pratyhara practices slowly unwind us from our incessant looking out and lead us to a place of peace internally. From here we can learn to look out again, from the perspective of an inward gaze. Never before have we been asked to be more discerning than what right now is asking us to be. This is such an opportunity for growth and change! Do you have practices that offer you space and time away from the external distractions? . . Images by @sensoryarthouse via Unsplash . #sensory #sensoryoverload #nervoussystem #yoga #pratyhara #letsallcalmdown See more
13.01.2022 Happy New Year This is the way I roll on New Years Day A physical practice or movement and breath A meditation practice, today a heart meditation Journaling ... An oracle card to support the journaling And a 12 month tarot pull! This I love.. I only read January’s card and I write the other cards at the beginning of every month in my beautiful gratitude diary and I start every month with this message I love this ritual so much, it has me in bed early on New Year’s Eve so I am bright and fresh for it I find that a very clear message usually comes through which will be the theme or focus or resolve for the year. If it doesn’t come, I don’t search or push for it.. all in its own good time I continue to listen and wait It is very similar to my daily practice, with a few extra elements! Do you have any rituals that support you through the many cycles we journey? Much love, peace, light and joy for your New Year #ritual #newyearritual #support #tools #breath #stillness #listen #love #light See more
12.01.2022 MOMENTUM Do you direct energy or does energy direct you? Now more than ever we need strong assimilative forces. There is so much information out there but not a lot of integration. Integration requires digestion and assimilation. In yoga, the element of Fire is responsible for these processes.... This does not mean that we need to move fast to create heat and sweat. This means we need to learn how to direct our energy to our Fire for processing. There are many ways of doing this, that are precise and powerful. Eventually the practices lead us to a refined form of Fire, which is Light. As we purify in our Fire our Minds and Heart are lit up by the presence and power of Light. Here we feel more integrated and decisions can be made in this space, as a reflection of the light. We become the momentum we want to be, we become the source of light that we want to see. Learning to use the body as a tool for alchemy See more
12.01.2022 What if there was nothing to achieve, nothing to fix, nothing to change? What if all there was to do was to experience all of what presents..? Stop here for a moment, breathe and feel the idea of these words.. Moment to moment experience of self as we perceive the outward reflection
09.01.2022 The more I learn to breathe and grow my pranic body, the more I notice space and time in my day to do more. It is so different to the ‘doing’ of the world though. It started with noticing boredom! That’s something I haven’t felt for years! Inspiration, ideas and creativity are born in this space
09.01.2022 "Change can be fun. The difference between exhilaration and fear is your breath. When you're in fear you hold it, when you breathe all the way through it, it's exhilarating." ~ Quote from 9D Pleiadian Collective
08.01.2022 RADICAL SELF CARE What if the way to total acceptance and love of others, was through radical acts of self care..? Dinacharya is a concept in Ayurveda that links us to Nature and Self Care rituals so we can find balance as we roll through the seasons. There are so many small gestures we can create ritual from. Starting small is often the most sustainable way of continuing our journey into change. There is so much grounding on offer from creating routine. Doing things at ce...rtain times of the day, every day, balancing our nervous system and giving us an anchor in life. From eating times, to bed times, to quiet times, to family times. Amidst this routine we can weave in our rituals. How we spice our food, how we change with the seasons, how we breathe, how we move, how we treat our body. Within all of this there are specifics for how our energy expresses itself. It is a wonderful way to journey into self discovery, via self care . . #ayurvedicprinciplesforlife#breathe#routine #ritual #selfcare #selflove #discoveryofself #discoverlife See more
07.01.2022 This time feels like an opportunity for a deep cleanse, a washing of sorts, through the layers of our hearts and minds. An opportunity to no longer act from past experiences and a time to move into the experience of the ‘now’ with less filters driven by anxieties of the future, whose roots you’ll find in the past. It’s feels like the beginning of something new, that may look like something from the ‘old ways’ yet even clearer still. It’s a new process, just the beginning, lots to learn and lots to give and share as we learn. Nothing to claim as mine or yours, it’s all for everyone. We’re in it together, are you ready? Can you feel it?
06.01.2022 Trust in the body
02.01.2022 TANTRIC HATHA YOGA I am offering 3 zoom classes a week to explore energy through the lens of Tantric Hatha Yoga. In this system we use Asana (poses), Pranayama (breath work), Savasana (rest for integration) Through these practices and different variations of these practices, we learn how to feel and sense and experience our energy and how it expresses itself and how the practices effect us. We then sit and explore guided meditation techniques designed to organise the energy/ ...Prana in a certain way so we can enter the state of Meditation and single pointed focus with steadiness and ease and a deep sense of calm. Tuesday 6.30am and 9.30am Saturday 8.00am All classes are 1.5 hours. DM me for more info. If you’re interested send me your email address and I’ll send you the zoom link. Looking forward to breathing with you Susie See more
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