Sustainable Energy Now in Perth, Western Australia | Energy company
Sustainable Energy Now
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: PO Box 341 6872 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 So if we transition to a clean economy, where will the jobs come from? For more info go to PerthNow 7NEWS Perth 9 News Perth 10 News First Perth ABC Perth RenewEconomy Australian Renewable Energy Agency Liberals WA WA Labor The Greens (WA) Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA Clean Energy Council... #perth #westernaustralia #jobs #innovation #energy #manufacturing #networking #supplychain #logistics #transportation #gas #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #renewables #australia #localgovernment #covid
25.01.2022 There really is no justification for the WA Government to not phase out fossil gas networks and rule them out of new suburban developments. Either the McGowan Government accepts climate science or it doesn't, we don't get to say "well, we accept the science but reject the low hanging fruit of emissions reduction, like fuel switching for domestic heat appliances". (for example) Home appliances for heating using electricity are all less expensive and are sustainable technologies that don't contribute to climate change and air pollution nearly as much. Especially when the micro power station your roof (solar PV) is generating the electricity.
25.01.2022 Construction and Installation Jobs will drive the new clean economy. We just need a few BIG projects to kick things off. More info: Review Sen's Jobs Report RenewEconomy Australian Renewable Energy Agency Western Australia Perth, Western Australia Perth Green Events 7NEWS Perth 9 News Perth 10 News First Perth ABC Perth The Greens (WA) WA Labor Liberals WA UWA Student Guild UWA Students Murdoch Student Law Society - MSLS Edith Cowan University (ECU) #perth #COVID19 #westernaustralia #renewableenergy #jobsearch #manufacturing
25.01.2022 If you're in Perth next Monday 14 Sept, then please join us for the launch of the SEN Jobs Report. Tickets $10 drinks incl.. Door prizes and a chance to win a signed Eagles guernsey. Click the link to book tickets. Event is on Monday 14 Sept.
24.01.2022 Australian investment in renewables is down 50% quater on quarter according to a new CEC report. Investment in large-scale renewable energy projects in Australia has slumped to its lowest level since 2017 due to uncertainty over federal policy and delays in grid connection, according to an industry body. One major windfarm developer, Tilt Renewables, told shareholders on Wednesday that urgent reform was needed to better manage the transition to clean energy.... Here in WA our Energy Minister has said we dont need any new investment in transmission infrastructure to facilitate renewables uptake at least until 2030. SEN disagrees entirely. The bar they are setting is too low and misguided. Meanwhile in NSW (under a Liberal state Government) the feds are investing in a $6 billion (and rising) Snowy 2 project and $1b in transmission infrastructure. Plus NSW government is supporting feasibility studies for four large batteries and hybrid RE/storage schemes, Pumped Hydro and Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage (probably likely to be using abandoned mine tunnels). Its not enough for the Goverment to just do the kinds of edge of grid things Wesrern Power is starting to do and crow about it. That work has drop-dead obvious commercial sense and the legislative changes to allow it should have been done a decade ago by previous governments. This is playing catch up around the edges of the grid, not targeting wholesale reform and rapid uptake of wind to compliment a booming rooftop solar PV industry in Perth and the SWIS covered regions. This Government needs targets for energy sector emissions and renewables role out. Where, when and how much. Anything else is dodging the most important moral challenge of this century.
24.01.2022 Did you manage to have a look at the Jobs Report? If you didn't, we have a short video that summaries all the finds and how we transition the WA economy to a more sustainable future! International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) RenewEconomy Australian Renewable Energy Agency WA Labor Liberals WA The Greens (WA) ABC Perth 7NEWS Australia 9 News Perth #COVID19 #perth #westernaustralia #sustainableenergynow #jobs
24.01.2022 We commend the Liberals WA and Zak Kirkup MP for encouraging the transition and creating thousands of clean energy jobs for the WA people. Something we have been pushing for a while... see our Sustainable Jobs Report on where we see all the jobs coming from. And to help fund the transition we should get the fedral government to contribute to WAs fair share of the infrastructure fund. 7NEWS Perth WA LaborABC Perth RenewEconomy #COVID19 #perth #renewableenergy #jobs
24.01.2022 AEMOs head of System Management in WA, Dean Sharafi talks about the challenges of losing the inertia that thermal generation (coal and gas) provides grid managers with by their nature of spinning mass. Grid managers today have dilemmas and are to some extend beholden to minimum levels of coal and/or gas for providing inertia until wind turbines with synthetic inertia, Batteries, or Pumped Hydro are deployed to provide this inertia. Some of the new technologies are superior..., on cost and emissions and in the case of batteries the performance is up to eight times as effective as the rotational mass of coal and gas turbines. SEN has advocated for the conversion of retired coal and gas turbines into Synchronous Condensers for a long time now, they provide spinning mass but without drawing much power from the grid to do so. Once the newer technologies are well proven and commercially viable (like Hornsdale and a new proposed development in South Australia by Neoen to deploy one ten times the size of Hornsdale's Tesla big battery) these can replace synchronous condensers.
23.01.2022 AEMO discuss the record-low annual (operational ) demand minimum event on 30 August 2020 in the linked article. The third time a record low has been set in the last year. As SEN predicted years ago, the duck curve is staring to bite 2020. Question is do we discourage rooftop PV exports or retire thermal generation and provide the necessary essential system services in other less polluting and costly ways than by burning coal forever more?
23.01.2022 Want to join us as we start to make a serious impact in the community? Can you volunteer 1 hour a week to help out? Are you passionate about Renewable Energy? Perfect........ Message us to get started!
23.01.2022 New Committee Member #3. Please welcome Melanie Sinclair-Heddle to the Committee. Melanie brings a wealth of experience in Politics and Public Policy. We look forward to tapping into Melanie's wealth of knowledge moving forward. RenewEconomy Renew WA Clean Energy Council Australian Renewable Energy Agency Perth, Western Australia ... #COVID19 #jobs #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #solar
21.01.2022 More problems and a continued lack of regulatory oversight at Chevron’s Gorgon Carbon Capture and Storage facility. Public money paid for this but we aren’t even allow to know how badly it’s functioning. Pathetic. In the article a spokes for Angus Taylor says that the Paris Agreement goals cannot be met without CCS technology. Let’s assume this were true for a minute, wouldn’t you demand they actually get the technology not only functional, but try to improve it over time if... that’s the case? IPCC point to a need for CCS and BECSS at times, but the technology is not necessary to power our electric grids with 100% RE at affordable prices. Especially not in WA with excellent wind and solar resources. Some industrial process that emit a lot of CO may require CSS in the future to achieve a global zero emissions economy, for example cement production or steel manufacturing but fossil gas will not have a place in a zero emissions economy with or without CSS bolted onto it. It’s simply too expensive when compared with the ever cheaper technologies of wind, solar and storage. Renewables made up more than half the new power investments globally last year. Gas has a short term role in gap filling and energy security but in WA on the SWIS grid that will be a declining role from ~41% of the mix to an ever lesser level once the goverment and markets are reformed to allow annual increase in wind to accompany the booming rooftop solar investment in WA.
21.01.2022 Medical experts urge Scott Morrison to act on climate change as part of the COVID-19 recovery. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians said it was vital climate change and its impacts on health are central to the COVID-19 recovery plan. "While COVID-19 poses the most immediate threat to our health, the serious and long-term health impacts of climate change still remain," spokeswoman Associate Professor Linda Selvey said in a statement.
21.01.2022 So many benefits from these edge of grid projects besides the obvious one of reducing the cost of energy to all energy users in WA. #cleanenergy #communitypower #learningAboutCountry
21.01.2022 STOP THE PRESS The highest penetration of Renewable Energy(RE) on the SWIS occurred at 10:00am on 13 Jan where 52.2% of operational demand was met by RE. Synergy Alinta Energy 7NEWS Perth Perth Energy Infinite Energy Collgar Wind Farm Clean State Clean Energy Council RenewEconomy Western Power WA Labor Liberals WA News Talk 6PR 882 ABC Perth 9 News Perth 10 News First Perth... #solar #COVID19#westernaustralia #perth #renewableenergy #windenergy
21.01.2022 A..>M..>A..>Z..>I..>N..>G..>!..>!
21.01.2022 Have a listen to the Grattan Institute Report Flame out: the future of natural gas. According to a new Grattan Institute report, natural gas will inevitably decline as an energy source for industry and homes in Australia. This supports our research and modeling to higher RE penetration here in WA in the next 10 years!... RenewEconomy PerthNow 7 News Perth 9 News Perth News Talk 6PR 882 The West Australian CleanTechnica Clean Energy Council #jobs #manufacturing #COVID19 #gas #westernaustralia
20.01.2022 quite the open letter
19.01.2022 We've been saying this for a long time now in the climate movement. One of the "hidden" subsidies to fossil fuels is the public health impact making people sick, making people invalid and causing people to die prematurely. Now the actuaries have put a number on it for Australia (we used to correlate from US and European numbers). $2.4 billion a year. That's not including the damage to civilisation, economy and all ecosystems and individual species on Earth from contributing to climate change.
19.01.2022 Did you miss our sold out Event? Don't worry, click on the link and hear what the experts are saying about Jobs and the new, Sunrise Industries of the future. Juwi Deloitte Deloitte Perth Brodie McCulloch Element 25 Infinite Energy Spacecubed 7NEWS Perth 9 News Perth ABC Perth RenewEconomy Clean Energy Council City of Perth Western Power Clean State Perth, Western Australia PerthNow... #perth #westernaustralia #covid19 #jobs #RenewableEnergy
19.01.2022 SEN Christmas Drinks...
19.01.2022 Welcome Dave Martin as a member of our Committee. Dave has a long history in the energy sector working for Western Power, Horizon Power and is a cofounder of Power Ledger. Dave’s vast experience in the Energy sector will be vital to help promote a clean energy transition. Renew WA Clean State The Climate Council Synergy RenewEconomy Perth Green Events Perth, Western Australia 7NEWS Perth 9 News Perth #solar #Perth #COVID19 #westernaustralia #renewableenergy
18.01.2022 Answer: Less than 12 months. Recently on News Talk 6PR 882 we were asked by a caller called Glen "What is the average payback period for the environment for a wind turbine?" The Energy Payback & Carbon Payback needs to be considered for any project. Onshore wind and hydropower generation are the 2 that "payback to the environment" the quickest.... If you are looking for more information please read Vestas lifecycle assessment document. Collgar Wind Farm Synergy Western Power Horizon Power Alinta Energy Siemens Enercon GE Renewable Energy Clean Energy Council International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) RenewEconomy #perth #cleanenergy #westernaustralia #renewableenergy #solar #COVID19 #windenergy
18.01.2022 great organising work by DFE!
18.01.2022 Western Australia is generating so much solar power that the state-owned distribution network is paying customers to use electricity. #COVID19 #manufacturing #WesternAustralia #jobs #perth
18.01.2022 Excellent housing policy advice from Clean State. Our Mark McGowan led Government needs to get out in front and lead on these all-important issues around housing equity and energy transformation. Its win/win/win on equity/emissions/costs. SEN is of the clear view that fuel switching all residential and most commercial buildings is a no brainer for saving money, energy efficiency and lower greenhouse gas emissions. ... Industrial fuel switching will also come in time as the emissions and cost savings materialise through sometimes quite simple innovations (as Simco discovered during the gas supply shortage) and also via invention of new and more sophisticated industrial processes such as flexible load aluminium smelting and green steel and iron briquets.
18.01.2022 Many people don't know this, but SEN was formed in part to counter the push in WA towards nuclear power and uranium mining in sensitive areas of country. We have always pushed back against the myths coming out of the nuclear power industry and the pro-nuclear (industry sponsored) academics in SA in particular. This study is another nail in the coffin of the nuclear power industry. "If countries want to lower emissions as substantially, rapidly and cost-effectively as possible..., they should prioritize support for renewables, rather than nuclear power. That's the finding of new analysis of 123 countries over 25 years by the University of Sussex Business School and the ISM International School of Management which reveals that nuclear energy programmes around the world tend not to deliver sufficient carbon emission reductions and so should not be considered an effective low carbon energy source."
17.01.2022 Fracking unnecessary, unsafe, unintelligent.
17.01.2022 Please consider signing this petition. Adani has to find or build coal power plants to burn Queensland coal for its mine in Queensland to have any hope of being profitable. Although profitability is a entirely different discussion. The corporate structuring of the Adani mine in QLD is such that Adani family members can profit from its construction even if the mine itself fails to recover costs nor pay for the (impossible) remediation of the site.
16.01.2022 We do have a waitlist, but also will attempt to record this event for those who missed out.
16.01.2022 So if we transition to Clean Energy on the SWIS, where will all the jobs come from? More than half will be regionally based! Find out more at RenewEconomy Clean Energy Council Australian Renewable Energy Agency Liberals WA The Greens (WA) WA Labor Beyond Zero Emissions 7NEWS Perth 9 News Perth 10 News First Perth ABC Perth Mix 94.5 Nova 937 Curtin Radio Curtin University UWA Students Edith Cowan University (ECU) Murdoch University... #perth #westernaustralia #manufacturing #supplychain #renewableenergy #jobsearch #COVID19
16.01.2022 Some analysis by AEMO about the record low demand minimum set on 30 August on the WEM.
15.01.2022 While NSW Liberals (supported by NSW Labor & Greens) "stared down vested interests" in the fossil fuel industry for a plan that will take NSW to at least 70% RE by 2030, WA Ministers seem to have a more friendly and mutually rewarding relationship with the fossil fuels industry. Great work by 350 Perth digging down and exposing these connections and the coincidence of money changing hands at the same time as meetings are being scheduled.
14.01.2022 things starting to kick along for Western Power and their distributed battery pilots. the learnings should enable rule changes to accelerate the uptake of DER and distributed battery storage.
14.01.2022 Looks like "Fight for Planet A" is being produced by the War on WAste crew with some help from BZE and others. #FightForPlanetA
13.01.2022 SEN has advocated changing tariffs to encourage the take up of batteries by roof top solar owners to address the duck curve. Find out more from the RenewEconomy article that our chair featured in yesterday! Bill Johnston MLA Mark McGowan WA Labor PerthNow The West Australian Western Australia
13.01.2022 "The Trump administration has abused every opportunitylegal or otherwiseto maximize the oil and gas industry's profits at the expense of taxpayers, public health, and the climate," executive director of the Western Environmental Law Center Schlenker-Goodrich said in a statement. Rogers' decision means the rule requiring oil and gas companies to prevent wasteful venting and leaking of methane on public lands will go back into effect in 90 days. Given that methane can cause o...ver 80 times more warming than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, environmentalists celebrated the ruling as a significant victory for the climate. [] Green groups celebrated a "resounding victory for taxpayers, public health, and the environment" late Wednesday after a federal judge blocked the Trump administration from rolling back an Obama-era rule designed to limit planet-warming methane emissions. U.S. District Judge Yvonne Rogers of the Northern District of California said the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) 2018 rescission of the Waste Prevention Rule without "thoroughly and thoughtfully" considering potential environmental impacts was unlawful. "Instead, in its zeal, BLM simply engineered a process to ensure a preordained conclusion," Rogers wrote in her 57-page decision (pdf). "Where a court has found such widespread violations, the court must fulfill its duties in striking the defectively promulgated rule." Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, executive director of the Western Environmental Law Center, applauded the "forceful repudiation" of BLM's rollback.
12.01.2022 Renewable Energy Zones and an Energy Minister who talks renewable energy superpower language for his state in NSW under a Liberal Government. WA has more than a little catching up to do now with two Liberal Party run states advancing progressive RE policy in addition to ACT and Victoria under years of progressive Labor RE policy reform and creative spending and loan initiatives.
12.01.2022 Did you see this? Great work @investor group on climate change.
12.01.2022 Frank Bainimarama is an outspoken advocate for climate action and says while the coronavirus pandemic has crippled economies, climate change is more devastating. "Any later than 1st January 2050 will be too late to achieve net zero emissions," he told a Smart Energy Council forum on Wednesday. "These aren't aimless targets, they are life or death deadlines backed by science.... "This isn't about focusing on words over deeds, quite the contrary. Clearly-stated plans and meaningful actions aren't mutually exclusive." Prime Minister Scott Morrison has rejected calls to adopt a net zero emissions goal by 2050, instead lofting the target into the second half of the century. [] China recently committed to net zero emissions by 2060, which former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull believes will spur more investment in renewable projects. He also criticised the government's gas-fired recovery plan, saying the $4 per gigajoule goal was unrealistic. "There are people who are trying to persuade the government to literally spend billions and billions of dollars to pay for infrastructure to in effect subsidise gas," Mr Turnbull said. "And that is what is bonkers. Because it's a transitional fuel and we run the real risk that you'll be funding what will become inevitably stranded assets." Mr Turnbull says the government must focus on regional areas that rely on coal generators, which will inevitably close.
12.01.2022 What are you doing on the 18th Feb 2021? Click below to learn about the new wholesale electricity market!
11.01.2022 So as the conversation over summer turns once again to the future of our energy system, we should view any claims that coal power stations will stay open for decades with healthy scepticism. The WA Government delivered its long time coming Whole of System Plan with little fanfare and to scant media attention in late 2020. The WoSP, as its known, turned out to be less of a plan for the future of energy use and power generation in WA, and more a set of speculations along p...redictable lines. Lines that ignored the pressing issue of Climate change completely would you believe!! The WoSP certainly left more questions unanswered than it answered about the future of coal (and gas, and wind, and storage) in WA in SEN’s view. Unfortunately it will be another two years we don’t have and under a new goverment that there’s any plan to built on the WoSP into a coherent full decarbonisation plan for the SWIS and the other sectors that may be electrified to reduce emissions and costs. Transport and buildings are the most obvious sectors on the cusp of disruption from electrification and fuel switching but industrial processes and minerals processing are also a huge potential for WA to contribute to national emissions reduction. Rather than driving national emissions up as we are currently, mostly thanks to the, more or less, self-regulated LNG industry that continually seeks expansion in a world where 65% (or more) of FF reserves need to be left in the ground. The WA Government has announce closure dates years in the future for coal units at Muja C/D but remained silent on the future of publicly owned Collie and privately owned Bluewaters units. Some scenarios in the WoSP suggest coal still in operation out to 2040, in spite of increasing pressure from cheap and zero greenhouse gas emissions producing renewables, firmed with short term storage* SEN wants to see concrete plans for a rapid and sensible transition from the WA Goverment and the WA Opposition going into the state election. The Greens already have their ducks in a row and SEN sees no reason why Labor and the coalition cannot learn from that policy work and match it with their own take on meeting the Paris Agreement we have (supposedly) signed up to Although technically only as an aspiration presumably so future WA governments in 2025, 2030 & 2040 have get out of jail cards in the mail. * there’s potential for power2gas technologies to provide long term storage for electricity generation if some form of the hydrogen economy takes off which would be a great thing for WA but will require cost declines similar to what we have experienced with solar PV over decades to be an effective climate solution in large scale and/or seasonal energy storage).
11.01.2022 Hear Dr Lex Fullarton tonight (Monday) at 6pm, discuss this and more. Dr Lex Fullarton is Australias first solar farmer. He recognised the value of solar 40 years ago when he set up the first commercial scale solar farm in Carnarvon. Not content with that, he set up an industry which is totally run on solar energy. He runs an ice making and packing operation, which is purely powered by solar, including the ice making, the forklift, the packing... and the refrigeration. Why, might you ask? To show that an industry can utilise solar energy and manufacture at a profit, because operating costs are so low. The biggest puzzle is why something so innovative, and pioneering has remained almost an anomaly. Why has the take-up of solar by industry so agonisingly slow when solar energy is so readily available? With an overall philosophy of doing what he can to reduce emissions, by example, Lex also drives an electric hybrid vehicle which uses an electric motor to drive a generator enabling the car to travel up to 500 kms on 1 tank of fuel and a full charge. Domestically generated solar power, of course.
09.01.2022 Read this for a trip down the memory lane of climate politics (AKA bastardry) in this fair country of ours.
09.01.2022 Support a clean recovery! Click the link to support the Clean Energy Council. #perth #WesternAustralia #renewableenergy #covid19
08.01.2022 If investors wont back fossil gas expansion why should governments? Dont they get that burning fossil has to make electricity is at least as GHG lifecycle emissions intensive as coal?! (Premier McGowan seems very résistent to learning this simple fact).
08.01.2022 Investment in renewable energy will unlock clean jobs and economic opportunities in regional areas, so why are we waiting?
07.01.2022 Where will you be on the 14th of September? Our highly anticipated launch of our SEN Jobs Report 2020 has arrived. Tickets are limited. Go to 14 Sept 2020 @ Riff Spacecubed from 5:15pm.... Come down for a drink after work and have a chance to win a West Coast Eagles signed guernsey on the night! #BuildBackBetter #covid19response #TheNewEconomy #55000cleantechjobs #westernaustralia
07.01.2022 Ever wondered how the WA grid could get to 100% Renewables? Take a look and let us know what you think? Like if you agree and leave us a comment with your thoughts. Perth, Western Australia Western Australia RenewEconomy WA Labor Liberals WA The Greens (WA) 7NEWS Perth PerthNow 9 News Perth 10 News First Perth City of Perth Infinite Energy Western Power Perth Energy Alinta Energy Solargain... #perth #westernaustralia #COVID19 #RenewablesEnergy #jobs See more
07.01.2022 Our Committee Chair, Ian Porter will speaking on this panel discussion on Climate Change impacts. Event is organised by Global Shapers Community Perth, Oxfam Australia and the UWA Students Guild
06.01.2022 Our friends down in Denmark and Mt Barker get some recognition years on.
06.01.2022 Tomorrow night this is on (Wednesday night).
06.01.2022 "To put it into perspective: Imagine five carrier bags stuffed with plastic dotted along every single metre of coastline around the world, excluding Antarctica." Time for a global levy on producers of plastic feedstocks and/or products? Levy pays for research into reduction, reuse, recycling, ocean recovery, diversion and waste strategies at an unprecedented scale. More research into marine impacts and solutions and most importantly commitment by Governments to lean on behav...ioural change programs, recovery/technology solutions to address the scale of this problem. We are needlessly killing marine and ocean birdlife in vast numbers for the sake of convenience and profit to multinationals in the packaging and beverage industries who block reforms at every turn. Conservation Council of Western Australia and others recently saw a significant win around deposit schemes, but it's only the start of what's required to move to true sustainability with cradle-to-cradle packaging and product manufacture. _______ Dr Britta Denise Hardesty, team leader with CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere, said 14 million tonnes of micro-plastics was a huge amount, especially when you think about how tiny all those bits are. To put it into perspective: Imagine five carrier bags stuffed with plastic dotted along every single metre of coastline around the world, excluding Antarctica. The piles of bags would sit on every Australian beach, along Italy’s Amalfi Coast, around Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay, and all around Canada’s coastlines and beyond. Now imagine someone pushing those bags into the ocean, and letting them sink into the darkness. It’s a confronting amount, and hopefully it provides a reasonable wake-up call, Dr Hardesty told The New Daily. We’re finding them hundreds of kilometres offshore and thousands of metres deep more micro-plastics than has been found by lots of other studies.
06.01.2022 This is encouraging! Hopefully it dovetails with the contract signed by McGowan Govt with Volvo (Trucks)/Volgren in March 2019 for 900 buses and local fitouts seeing as Volvo already make EV prime movers, lets hope they decarbonise the trackless light-rail/bus fleet ASAP.
06.01.2022 What a response! Over 50% of tickets sold. If you are thinking of coming on Monday (14/09) get your tickets now. This event will be sold out before the end of the week! #perth #westernaustralia #event #networking #sustainableenergy #covid #jobs #innovation RenewEconomy PerthNow The West Australian ABC Perth 7NEWS Perth 10 News First Perth
05.01.2022 This shows that Mark McGowan Government's DER Roadmap is starting to kick a few goals as far as strengthening suburban network grids to deal with increasing levels of rooftop PV (DER stands for Distributed Energy Resources which are PV, batteries, smart appliances etc). Much more is needed from the RED Roadmap to create incentives for large utility batteries and synchronous condensers to help ease the need for thermal generation out of the energy mix.
05.01.2022 Ain’t nothin’ more energy efficient or sustainable than bicycle transport. With a tidal wave of low cost electric bicycles on its way to our shores bicycle commuting and personal transport are going to be getting another surge of interest. Bikes on trains and buses still needs a solution for the longer travel journeys.
04.01.2022 A great toolset for municipal governments, their residents and workers to track greenhouse gas emissions.
04.01.2022 Tomorrow the Student Strike 4 Climate movement are striking around the nation. Please support them any way you can. They are fighting for their future and rejecting the preposterous notion of a "fossil gas led Covid-19 recovery". Student Strikers 4 Climate know all too well that fossil gas is a big part of the climate problem and not part of a climate solution for decades to come. Please support the students with your time, clicktivism, money or all of the above! ... Both the Federal Government of Australia and the WA State Government are acting in defiance of this simple fact: fossil gas production in WA and elsewhere is driving national emissions up not down. Gas cannot be relied upon to replace coal, and we already burn a crap load of it on our SWIS electricity grid (41% of total generation is currently fossil gas). SEN analysis shows we can and must drive that down to almost zero across this decade, and get to zero fossil gas generation of electricity early in the following decade, on and off the SWIS grid.
03.01.2022 This is an online event. Tim Forcey - Home Energy Advisor started the @My Efficient Electric Home Facebook group where people come with questions and answers on retrofitting and new build homes to make them use less energy, be more comfortable and reduce/eliminate use of fossil gas. He worked in the Bass Straight oil and gas industry before leaving it to start writing and campaigning against the industries climate politician and misinformation campaigns.
01.01.2022 Looking to fulfil your lifelong dream to join the SEN Committee!? We have an opening to someone who can assist SEN in selling our vision for transforming energy use in WA. Marketing|PR|Campaigns|Comms|Organising|Admin skills and experience all desirable. Your passion for RE and emissions reduction can make a big impact by driving the expansion of SEN's mission.... Please connect with us by this Friday.
01.01.2022 Clean Gas is a Dirty Lie We agree and our Premier Mark McGowan should stop repeating this industry lie. Trying to justify fracking in WA with lies is transparently desperate and reflects poorly on WA. As does the lack of a roadmap to eliminate massive LNG industry emissions which are undoing all the emissions reduction work going on over East.
01.01.2022 Australias banks committed to support the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. Half a decade later they are wrecking its chances of success by continuing, year-in-year out, to funnel billions into new polluting projects and companies dragging us in the wrong direction, said Jack Bertolus, Research Coordinator at Market Forces. As recently as May, they called for stimulus measures consistent with Paris. Yet they seem singularly unable to get their own houses in order. No amount of sustainability bluster can mask lending $7 billion to new or expanded fossil fuel projects that are entirely inconsistent with limiting global warming to 1.5C, and $6 billion to companies whose business plans rely on the failure of the Paris Agreement. Unlike the spin, the numbers dont lie.
01.01.2022 New Zealand is already ~84% RE and the NZ Labor Party are pledging to go to 100% RE by 2030. The last percent on todays cost structures is the most expensive % of the RE mix. But they know they can do it with contemporary technologies and load shifting. Here in WA we need to get beyond the 12% RE grid (20% including rooftop PV) and SEN modelling indicates it will continue to reduce the cost of power until we get to at least 50% RE, which seems to be the cheapest possible mix ...on the SWIS given the current limitations of the existing mix and market design. It really is incumbent on the WA Government to start leading with targets and methods not just pretending because wind and solar are cheap that they will magically appear on the grid every year as regularly as mushrooms. The states and territories in Australia that are seeing the cheapest RE go in and that have the biggest pipelines of financed RE projects are the states like Victoria, NSW (Liberal Govt with 3 REZs under development) , QLD, SA (Liberal Govt 100% RE target), ACT (100% RE) that have RE and emissions targets and reverse auction programs. That is what gives wind and solar farms, large batteries and distributed battery and flexible solar aggregation programs the confidence to take it to the market. Politicians know this very well, Angus Taylor is using confusion and policy uncertainty to kill investment in RE as best he can. The states and territories are fighting back with RE targets as best they can in almost every case. WA is not one of those states fighting, or even trying, with targets and methods. Why?
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