Sustainable Change Health and Life Coach | Brand
Sustainable Change Health and Life Coach
Phone: +61 416 571 970
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20.01.2022 Looking at starting a vegie patch and not sure where to start ? Check out my beautiful friend and colleague Amanda Reynolds from Green Platypus Gardens...perhaps get the whole family involved and enjoy some out door time while the Autumn weather is so nice..... #AUTUMNGARDENS #SA #GOOUTSIDE #WHOLEFAMILYFUN
19.01.2022 Keeping our hearts open in times of fear is a challenge, but a challenge worth doing. Every morning I practice Loving Kindness meditations and every evening I practice gratitude meditations . Developing a meditation practice regulary will considerably support you to maintain your sense of wellbeing and connection in times of change and uncertainty. If you are new to meditation there are some great apps you can down load onto your phone. I use insight timer .
14.01.2022 Good morning, A new and exciting format of the 21 day reset/ cleanse has been now released. THE OFFER ... A FREE 21 day community reset/ cleanse in an online private group format so everyone can participate in their own time and at their own pace. You can decide how much of the cleanse you would like to participate in. You may choose to give up refined foods and alcohol or you can choose to have a break from diary, gluten, eggs, refined sugars etc and completely reset your body and mind, its up to you. And I will be here to guide and support you! What you need to do..... Click on Attending and I will send you an invite to the private group....there you can download all the program materials for FREE (valued at $69.00) and plan your cleanse.
11.01.2022 This man, his simplicity, gets me every time. Sweet Love, #mindfulnessinaction #knowthyself #lookwithin #selflove
09.01.2022 Unpacking and discovering your WHY connects you to YOUR personal meaning; which will enable and support you in taking the next step.. Health Coaches are trained to guide and support you to discover your personal meaning and motivation behind your desired goals so you can make lasting sustainable change. Not understanding your BIG MOFA (motivation factor) is often why people dont follow through........ Do you know your WHY factor?
09.01.2022 It's simple, clean, local, organic, home grown and made by hand..... #wellnesscoach #foodasmedicine #simplepleasures
01.01.2022 Did I hear you say that all the crazy diets you’ve tried aren’t working? And that they’re making you feel even more miserable than the extra pounds you’ve been trying so hard to lose?... Are you one of those people who has tried just about EVERYTHING under the sun to lose weightyou name itI’m talking Atkins, macrobiotic, paleo, gluten-free, fruitarian, vegan, pescetarian.? Are you feeling so frustrated by your weight loss efforts that you want to make a huge bonfire in your backyard and burn all your diet books? If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place WELCOME! I am here to let you know that there is another WAY of eating where you can lose the weight without the suffering. Take a deep breath and I’ll say it again you don’t have to suffer anymore to lose weight! Don’t believe me? Then close your eyes and try to imagine a way of eating that involves no calorie counting, no restricting, no bingeing, no starving, no forbidding, no eliminating and no weighing your food! Can you imagine a WAY of eating where you can still eat everything (yes, I said everything) you WANT to eat while maintaining a positive sense of being in CONTROL? I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of something called the Cephalic Phase Digestive Response or CPDR? Well just in case this is new to you, this is what CPDR is and this is how it works: CPDR simply put means that the thought, sight and smell of food stimulates gastric secretions in your gut to prepare for the digestion of food even before you have taken your first bite. What this means for you is that much of the pleasure of eating is derived from your anticipation of the sensations, textures and flavors of food. In fact, researchers have estimated that as much as 30-40% of your digestive response to a meal is due to CPDR! (That’s before you’ve even taken your first bite!) The reason being that the way your brain works is that it must experience this pleasure and satisfaction from the thought of food even before eating in order to signal to your body to stimulate digestive juices. BUT here’s the catch if you eat too fast or absentmindedly, your brain will interpret this culinary experience as unsatisfying and you will therefore be left feeling hungryeven if you have eaten a full meal! Basically, the more AWARENESS and PRESENCE you bring to each meal, the LESS you’ll need to eat. If you would LOVE to loose excess weight and you think you have tried everything PM me for a FREE copy of my How to Loose Weight When Nothing Else is Working PDF ....