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Be Serenity

Phone: +61 467 452 949


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25.01.2022 Maroochy Botanical Gardens must be one of the most photographed places on the Coast. And for good reason! I had my weekly business meeting here this morning for Be Serenity. What a perfect location. The stillness and tranquility in this beautiful environment invites the soul to feel the same.


25.01.2022 The soul knows The heart speaks The mind chatters. WOULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET SO I CAN HEAR WHAT THE HEART HAS TO SAY?? .......And this is what the "Be Serenity" workshops can do for you!!

22.01.2022 Resistance is futile...we are all part of the oneness of everything. When we embrace the fullness of that possibility we grow spiritually, because the heart consciousness opens like a golden lotus flower and we feel separate from nothing.

21.01.2022 I love this quote by Eckhard Tolle. I love the work around mindfulness and being present. But how easy is it to maintain? The brain is so busy processing all the information it receives through external stimuli, via the senses. The mind is busy interpreting all that, forming reactions, responses, judgements, beliefs, into a database that we often automatically draw on. This becomes the default, particularly in times of stress. Being present, practising mindfulness is a counte...r to these automatic, knee-jerk responses. Along with processes to lessen the impact of the old story on your current life, you can set the mind free from worry, anxiety and fear. Be fully present and engaged in the LIFE you are creating MOMENT by MOMENT! Contact BE SERENITY for details of upcoming classes. #personaldevelopment #livethelifeyoulove #createyourlife #mentalhealth #serenity #beingpresent #MindBodySoul #mindfulnesscoach #mindfulnessmatters #overcominganxiety #overcomingfear #stressfree

21.01.2022 Hi everyone! Our first series of workshops is almost complete. So perfect in the lead-up to Spring Equinox. It's been a virtual spring clean for the Soul! Please read the post for details of the next series, beginning 30th Sept and get in touch! I'd love to share with you how Serenity can assist in you in creating positive and lasting change .........

20.01.2022 I’m Jane Bettega from Be Serenity. I practise and teach Serenity Vibration Healing - SVH - both online and in person. I’m so happy to be offering at a massively discounted rate the initial launch of a brand new series of 6 workshops, incorporating some of the Serenity techniques for transformation and personal empowerment. The first workshop is scheduled for the end of September. So get in EARLY! For all of you who have been requesting information, or have simply found your ...way to this page, welcome to the SVH Community. We’re here to help, at a crucial time when there is so much uncertainty about the future, when people of all ages are suffering from isolation, resulting in anxiety and depression. Learn to master what IS in your control your reactions and emotions to what’s happening around you. Covid has presented us with a huge opportunity to change and push a reset button on life. With SVH this transitional time can be much easier and more graceful. This is what some of our previous participants have said: ‘This course offers a series of steps and tools for breaking down negative habits and beliefs. It's also very practical helping you set goals and achieve them. The group works really well and I've found the energy and feeling of us all working together on our own issues is a huge boost and part of the success of this programme. I would wholeheartedly recommend this course for anyone who has been facing these kinds of issues. For the first time in ages, I feel optimistic about not just the future, but also better able to cope now. It's given me a set of resources to draw upon and, over time, instead of being stuck in the same negative groove, I feel I am gradually re-setting back to a healthier, happier. re-energised me. Come join us, will you? Just bring an open mind and a desire for positive change! For any inquiries and further information call Jane on 0467 452 949 or email: [email protected]

20.01.2022 This pretty planet spinning through space, you’re a garden you’re a harbour you’re a holy place WONDERFUL WORLD! #wonderfulworld #wonderfulwednesday #motherearth #motherearthlove #gaia #mothernature #carefortheearth #earthguardians #serenity #peaceonearth #peacefulheart

19.01.2022 We are all on a journey to master our own unique set of challenges, embracing ever more a life of freedom where we attract only things that are elevating and uplifting, moving away from judgment into a state of peace that comes from a blissful heart. Are there situations or people who trip you up? Rattle your cage a little? Make you angry or upset? What triggers are there that pull from a state of grace? SVH offers a way to clear all that. Lets make the path to our personal expansion as straight and easy as we can. Get in touch for details on our weekly Holding Grace workshops. #personalfreedom #personaldevelopment #gratitude #stateofgrace #lovingheart #lovemylife #lawofattraction

19.01.2022 The Spit at Mooloolaba is always full of surprises! Today - look what the tide brought in! Whether this was from wedding or funeral, it’s a reminder of the beauty in every stage of Life’s cycle. #beach #serenity #beauty #nature #flowers #innerpeace #cyclesoflife #water #sand

18.01.2022 BE FREE TO BE TO BE YOU!! Only 5 days until our next series begins! I you're ready to step out of trauma and drama from the past, heal the hurt of broken relationships, get out of feeling stuck, then join in for these 6 transformational sessions. All classes are via Zoom. #transformation #innerpeace #OurPlanetChallenge #brokenheart #abundance #AbundantLife #zoomclasses #onlineclass #lovingmyselfchallenge #lovingmyself

18.01.2022 This is what we need.... an environmental film that gives HOPE!!

18.01.2022 Equinox is upon us - the time where change is possible with the least resistance. HOWEVER - has anyone experienced chaos, dissatisfaction and overwhelm leading up to Equinox? This seems to be happening all around me - my neighbourhood is full of construction right now. The noise of heavy machinery has replaced the morningsong of our melodic avian choir. Dust is flying. Voices are raised, as are the obvious frustrations when things don’t go quite according to plan. Tensions be...tween neighbours who can’t agree, while each defends their own boundary line. WELCOME TO SPRING EQUINOX! My Be Serenity workshop series can really be of assistance in times of change and upheaval. You may not be able to change or control the things happening around you, but you CAN learn how to control your reactions and change your perceptions around what doesn’t seem to be working in your life. Join me on 30th September, online via Zoom, for the first in a brand new series of Be Serenity workshops. The cost to you is only $210 plus 90 minutes of your time once a week for 6 weeks. What you’ll receive in return are some effective tools to help keep you on track, while moving into a deeper connection with your creative divine self! Phone or email for further details and enrolment. Hope to meet you soon! Warmest wishes, JANE #transformation #equinox2020 #equinox #positivechange #takecontrolofyourlife #takecontrolofyourhealth #mindfulness #positivethinking #positivethoughts #staypositive #staypositivealways #divineself ##serenitynow #serenity #staystrong #innerpeace #innerbalance #creative #creativity #selfdevelopment #selfdevelopmenttools #selfdevelopmentjourney #personaldevelopmentwork #innercalm #innercalling See more

17.01.2022 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - EVERYBODY ELSE DOES! We are often our own worst critics. Sometimes you just have to believe people when they tell you how amazing you are!! #selflove #confidence #belief #innerknowing #innerawareness #innertruth #being

17.01.2022 I can’t think of a better way to weather the current challenges than to find that place of inner calm and peace. We need a counter to the barrage of information that is disturbing to our energy fields. The only thing we really have control over is our own responses to our environment and circumstances. Serenity Vibration Healing (SVH) is a means to help dissipate fear, anxiety and worry. This makes more energy available to channel into positive, constructive solutions tha...t arise from a peaceful heart. I’m Jane Bettega. I am an SVH Practitioner and Teacher on the Sunshine Coast. Please get in touch if you’d like more information as to how SVH can help you. Follow my posts for info on upcoming courses and intro evenings, via Zoom or small informal gatherings if you live on the Coast. Yours in Health and Happiness, JANE

17.01.2022 Some days I’m a Healer, other days a Teacher, Artist, Gardener. Today I dig ditches. Equally as good for the soul!! #enlightenment #transformation #gardenofmysoul #healthylifestyle #health #creative

16.01.2022 A thought for Tuesday.......

16.01.2022 Abundance requires an openness to a vast array of opportunities that we are constantly presented with. Make abundance a reality and not just in material ways. A rich and abundant life is meaningful in relationships, joy, happiness, health and well being.

15.01.2022 What a great thing - to be authentically...and unapologetically.. yourself!

15.01.2022 We are the definers of our own reality and of the choices we make. No one but NO ONE can make changes for us. What is offered in SVH can make the transformations you desire smooth, easy and graceful. We are reprogramming the subconscious and flooding it with positivity to disarm the negative programming we have been subjected to. The clearing you receive with Serenity Tools are like rewriting the story of various experiences that have influenced your life and the choices you've made. So if you want to change your life or aspects of it, this healing is for YOU.

13.01.2022 A neglected courtyard, a forgotten pot and then there’s Spring! Its a great metaphor: when Life seems stagnant, ... even in those times lie the seeds of hope, promise and beauty! See more

13.01.2022 Live Fearlessly and Authentically #saturdaymorning #serenity #mindfulness

11.01.2022 You have the greatest power in your hands- your Destiny. Choose it. Shape it. Steer your Soul, not through waters of uncertainty, but of surety! Set your course- you are bound for Success! #destiny #soul #souljourney #choices #choiceisyours #serenity #certainty #success #confidence

09.01.2022 Monday morning business meetings always seem to offer up something unexpected! This morning we were joined by this fella. He was magnificent! #mondaymood #nature #waterdragon #magical #australianfauna #reptilelover #lizardlife

09.01.2022 #kindness #compassion #charity #truth #innnerpeace #truth #love #heart #serenity #loving

09.01.2022 Take that chance!

08.01.2022 We have the power to be a blessing or.not. Our words and thoughts create. Let’s be the blessing. Kindness is a counter to what is less than ideal in our world.

08.01.2022 Just 'be' you... When we waste time trying to 'be' the way someone else wants us to be, it's like we are a car in neutral...waiting to shift into a forward gear.... When we live our truth, walk your talk and strive to be the best 'us' that we can be...the life we fuel into our reality reflects the life we are choosing. We are in the driver's seat. See more

06.01.2022 I know this isn’t Earth Week, but it seems to have been for me, as I’ve come across photos and articles about this wonderful paradise in which we live. I’ve felt joy, been moved to tears, captivated and mesmerised by the wondrous beauty of this planet. I have no doubt that the Earth is a sentient being. She is unique and extraordinary. And perhaps the more we acknowledge our own uniqueness and find a greater sense of inner peace, purpose and self love, we can turn that outwa...rds and make a difference simply by being who we are. In this week’s BE SERENITY online class, we explored the extraordinary nature and make-up of our energy field, which is like a universe in itself, and how through this field we are all connected; Finding peace in the Quiet Mind; How, when the heart and mind are on the same page, we create more of the good stuff and attract less of the bad stuff.. For only $30 a week, you can join us for this inner exploration, taking you to new depths of understanding about yourself and how you are contributing to the world just by being here. You are here on purpose for a purpose!! Your life has purpose AND meaning! I’m Jane Bettega - your Travel Guide! Mondays 6pm Brisbane time *Other times available for people residing outside Australia #innerpeace #transformation #personaldevelopment #serenity #personalgrowth #onlineclasses #energyhealing #aura #innerhealing #mentalhealth #lifeonpurpose #purposefulliving #quietmind #stillness #createyourlife #createthelifeyouwant #livethelifeyoulove #LiveTheLifeYouChoose #livethelifeyoudeserve

03.01.2022 Serenity Vibration Healing honours YOU as the creator of your own life and destiny, helping you to uncover what is at the core of your being and the secrets your heart still desires to make known. The Serenity tools rescript the past, overwriting old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back in your own personal progression. The love and healing generated allow you to experience an alternate reality in the NOW. SVH helps to loosen the bonds of other people's expectations or a personal lack of belief in yourself. You CAN have a rich and rewarding life, no matter what your age or how bad the old story was. SVH is a modality that will empower you to take control of your life, to grab hold of the rudder and move swiftly forward into new streams of creation energy.

02.01.2022 #Thoughtful #Tuesday

01.01.2022 Yes! Is this sunrise or sunset? Let’s be thankful at the dawning of a new day for what lies ahead, and at day’s end for all we received, in spite of everything, it’s still a WONDERFUL WORLD!

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