Swaha Kinesiology in Montecollum | Alternative & holistic health service
Swaha Kinesiology
Locality: Montecollum
Phone: +61 484 270 214
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25.01.2022 it feels SO GOOD to be back working face to face in person again! Over the last few months I havent been taking on new kinesiology clients, wanting to prioritise my limited work availability (around family and renovations) for existing clients only, and of course these sessions had to all be conducted via distance. While I will continue to offer sessions by distance (internet) to those who are unable or unavailable to attend in person, today it was wonderful to be working in ...the new treatment space in my new home, back working face to face again ...and opening up to accepting new clients again. wonderful and uplifting. Already the space is feeling good. ;) Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
25.01.2022 People often ask what I find interesting about Kinesiology... For SO many reasons, but the variety is one thing that I love. I never tire of it because anything and everything can and does get put on or emerge on the table. One session is never the same as another. Reflecting back on my week of clients and some of the wide range of issues we worked with; ... *reinstating sovereignty and the feeling of empowerment ( for a 6 month old), * feeling free to be joyful in a loving and connected relationship * improving the understanding of others, and opening the heart to trust (within relationships), * balancing Gut bacteria * removal of entities and strengthening spiritual armour and protection * engaging clear and strong boundaries based on self love * bringing all cells into harmonic relationship with each other in a resonance of joy, peace and love * accepting and embracing ones own innate authentic power * balancing prostate and bladder * strengthening the immune system and working with specific parasites * opening to receive spiritual guidance and aligning with my highest potential ...and the list goes on and on... www.swahakinesiology.com
22.01.2022 Are you finding yourself Looping?...doing the same thing over and over ... and over ..again and not feeling able to break the pattern or make the change? .. Is it getting tiring? Too often even if we can see the links and connections between triggers and responses, and can acknowledge that our reactions arent beneficial, we still cant stop.. This is where kinesiology can support you; by working with your unconcious self and shining light on the hidden causes behind these re...sponses, while also helping to release the stress = things CAN begin to shift. www.swahakinesiology.com Contact me if you are interested in finding out more, I still have a few sessions available this week and next week, much love Swaha
22.01.2022 Usually when I work with babies or children under age 6, I use the parent or carer as a surrogate for them; because I dont expect young kids to lie still for more than 15 minutes...often with my daughter, age 4, I work on myself as a surrogate for her. This morning she surprised me by not only asking for a balance ( for a cough), but then taking herself off to my treatment room, climbing on the table and getting herself ready to receive! She wanted to receive in person this... time, and wanted to say out loud every goal and affirmation.. Kids.. they blow me away with their openness and maturity at times! I reflect on what these wonders are bringing into the world as gifts for the rest of us, and the paths they will take; especially those fortunate enough to have been supported with alternative healing modalities such as Kinesiology along the way. I feel so grateful to have a tool which has provided positive results for my daughter during some extremely difficult times over the last few years..(lasting results..and often instant ones.) I am also glad to have a tool which has helped my friends children work through issues and sensitivities; bed wetting, teething, sleep issues, tantruming, anti social behaviour, self harm, anger and frustration, weak immune systems, food sensitivities, digestive disorders... the list is endless. And they always teach me along the way. I learn something new in every single session and I am constantly reminded of the potential of these little people. May we all support them with the tools that we have, to help them along their way. Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
19.01.2022 New Horizons.. I have been taking a lot of time out over the last few months to really focus on where I want my life to go.. Towards the end of last year I separated from my husband of 6 years, and I have made it a priority to be as present as I can in the process... to reflect, sit, be in the emotions that arise, share, actively plan, grieve, embrace the change, appreciate the freedom, .... and ask for the support that I need along the way.... I am so glad that I know how powerful and beneficial Kinesiology is for me and am grateful for the support of two great practitioners who really help me receive huge insights, break patterns and move through issues as they arise. I have entered 2020 feeling really excited at the new possibilities that await.. I feel that I am currently in this in between time between two realities.. the life where I have been for 6 years...and a whole new and different life ahead. I have been conciously using this time and these sessions to reveal what my true priorities need to be right now.. and they werent what I expected... rather than focus on working more than ever.. to support myself, it was clear that in fact I needed to stop, focus on processing the end of the relationship as beneficially as possible, focus on creating a safe and loving space for my daughter during the transition, relax and return to my Self again and to start rebuilding connections with people around me. So thats what I have been doing... and its been perfect! Now moving forward into 2020 I have begun planting the seeds for the visions for my new life ahead. And i am beginning to step back into community and regular life again, rejuvenated, inspired and more clear. If you are curious to experience how kinesiology could support you as you go through a time of transition and change, send me a message. So many people have gone through incredible upheaval and stress over the past few months with fires, illnesses, lost work or broken relationships, it is a time of huge change for many of us. Know that support is always available; just keep looking until you find the modality and type that is resonant and works for you. Contact me if you have any questions about kinesiology. I have a last minute session available this Wednesday 9.30am and then will start regular work weeks again from Tuesday February 11th.(Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.30, 11 am and 12.45 pm) much love, Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
18.01.2022 If like me you have some clear intentions for the new year ahead and want to really integrate them into your being...OR if you are committed to making some changes.., if you are ready to break patterns or let stuff go, .. if the holiday season has brought up stress and you need support in any way... If you have overindulged and now feeling the effects...... or if you are really wanting to optimise what you are here to offer the world... contact me for a kinesiology session. Communicating and working with our sub concious self is the most powerful way I have found to understand where we are at today, how we got here...... and the most efficient and beneficial way forward. Whether its based in emotional trauma, mental processing, inherited patterns, brain chemistry, karmas, structural injury etc... kinesiology can support your body and being in almost any issue, to release stress, rebalance and heal.. To understand... To manifest change,... To create a new reality.. The New Year is the perfect time. I have limited availability for Kinesiology Sessions through January as I am focusing on spending as much quality time with this one as possible before school starts. I DO still have availability for sessions on January Monday 13, Tuesday 14, Friday 17th and then Mon - Wed 27-29th; if you would like a session during this time please let me know. I will be back giving regular weekly sessions from February 10th. Much Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
18.01.2022 INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS!!... loving, heart felt, intimate, sharing, joyful, inspiring.. and also a difficult testing ground for so many of us! I am hearing about a lot of discord in relationships lately; frustration, anger, resentment, resignation.. about differences in expectations, values, patterns, behaviours and habits, methods of communication etc. A lot of indecision about whether to continue on or not.. is it ME?/ my stuff?..or just an indication we arent a good fit?...Continue reading
17.01.2022 I have a last minute kinesiology session available this Wednesday 9.30am. Regular work weeks start again from Tuesday February 11th.(Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.30, 11 am and 12.45 pm) much love Swaha
17.01.2022 Is it time to make those dreams a reality? ... to really make the changes we need to, to evolve in order to step into the existence we truly desire? Maybe this means breaking looping patterns? or dissolving blocks and releasing resistance which we may not even be aware of, but which has been sabotaging us from a very deep level. Maybe it means Real acceptance or being able to flow more with lifes events ? Or real surrendering? ... Or genuinely claiming our sovereignty and establishing healthy boundaries ? Perhaps its to receive support for physical pain and suffering from long term conditions and dis ease .. Whatever the situation, your body has the answer. And the answer will be as unique to the situation as you are. All we need to do is know how to communicate with it and listen. Kinesiology can offer this support. Contact me for any further info or see my website at www.swahakinesiology.com or Facebook/Swaha kinesiology
16.01.2022 COURAGE, FAITH, ADAPTABILITY, CREATIVITY and RESILIENCE... it really hit home for me today how important these traits will be to carry us through these times over the next weeks and months. How well can we Slow down? Rest? Rejuvenate? Reflect? Revisit our priorities? How well can we go inwards and tune into what we really need from this situation? How easily can we listen to our inner wisdom,and how willingly will we commit to follow through and really make use of this time t...o honour our needs? How easily can we surrender and adjust to accommodate the changes that are being forced upon us? How easily can we think creatively to transform our habits, perspectives and habits to work and live differently? How can we still flourish: ...Stay expanded and positive in our attitudes and perspectives?..even if many around us choose despair, anger and frustration? Can we stay in gratitude and appreciation for what we DO have, rather than focus on what we seemed to have lost? Will we flow? or will we resist and struggle? SO much of our experience over the next few months will depend on our responses at this time. I am not downplaying the impact this situation will have financially, mentally and emotionally on so many over an extended period of time. As a practitioner I am extremely concerned about the possible long term effects... hence my need to remind you that we maintain our power to choose how we respond. The way we care and treat each other now WILL be remembered long after this has passed. KINDNESS, COMPASSION and INTEGRITY are going to prove how gracefully we move through these times: for these times will end, and life will return to normal even if its a different normal... I can currently only work 1 session / day while I have my daughter during this period, but I will be offering one GOLD kinesiology Session every week (discounted rate of $50; rather than $150/ initial session or $110/ follow up session) to someone who needs help and support and does not legitimately have the financial means to cover my usual rates. So if you or you have a friend in this situation, please reach out and send me a PM with details and why you feel you need this session. These sessions will all be done by distance over the internet so are open to anyone anywhere. Take care of your Self, Take care of Each Other, (even if its via distance/ technology) Reach out for help when you need it. love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
15.01.2022 TIME FOR CHANGE? ... if you are ready to take some steps in a new direction, leave some baggage behind, or merely want some clarity over what it is you REALLY want..I still have some kinesiology sessions available later this week, PM me much love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
15.01.2022 winter solstice magic...a time for going inwards for reflection and review... for nourishment and nurturing on all levels. Support yourself, Treat yourself. This is the perfect time for it. If you are keen to really delve deep to gain more understanding about your Self and your life; how you got to where you are, and how to evolve and shift to where you wish to be...I still have a Kinesiology session available for this Friday June 28th., send me a PM for details.... Much Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
15.01.2022 I have noticed Kinesiology sessions lately have stepped up yet another notch... Big issues are coming to the table, deep deep layers are being delicately peeled back, unearthed, depths are being revealed to be faced, resolved, and healed .. for good. Old ingrained patterns and belief systems are being highlighted and challenged and we are being forced to let go of them in order to grow and evolve. These times seem to be demanding so many of us to do the work .. it is time.... Potency and resonance of the information coming to light feels especially high. So many layers are being brought together in one session; energetic, physiological, neurological, structural, clearing ancestral karmas carried within our DNA, vibrational healing with sound, flowers, clear and genuine discussions, revelations, tears, laughter .. etc. I have always worked free form following the flow of the bodys innate direction .. yet the intricacies of the interwoven connections that are being revealed are getting even more subtle and proving to be incredibly valid. The richness and depth of Kinesiology has always astounded me and kept me inspired ..and yet now in our current situation perhaps the relevance and necessity of this work to help people heal and evolve with these times , has become even more apparent. Strong and stressful times .. can bring strong and powerful medicines. To help heal the world .. we start with our selves. I love my work. www.swahakinesiology.com
14.01.2022 My tuesday morning ritual!.. early markets, then a hot drink and little brekkie snack sitting by the river before a long beach walk. Carving this out as my time has become an important rejuvenation and reset time in my busy week. I look forward to it and it works wonders on my sense of Well Being. What do you do to nurture your self in your day/ week?
14.01.2022 KINESIOLOGY SESSIONS :regular weeks start again from Tuesday February 11th. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (9.30, 11 am and 12.45 pm) much love... Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
14.01.2022 SPRING IS NEARLY HERE! Can you feel, touch, taste it? I can. The weather is warming, I am feeling the urge to get out and about and socialise again, shrug off the winter cocoon and soak up the gorgeous sunshine once more. Its a time for creativity, vitality, abundance ... a bursting of LIFE in all its glory! A wonder of reawakening. AND YET...Maybe we arent feeling as spritely and energetic as we would like? Perhaps we are finding it a little difficult to shift out of the ...winter slumber and into a new gear? Our direction and vision for this new phase ahead may not be as clear as we would wish for. Spring can also be a time for sniffs, sneezes, weepy eyes and allergies..for those sensitive to pollens, grasses and seeds. Our immune systems can feel triggered and under stress with these shifting of seasons. Fear not; Kinesiology is here to offer support :) TWO SESSIONS have just opened up for later this week, contact me for further details. love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
13.01.2022 "when you let go of what you are, you become what you might be Lao Tzu We have just come through a few weeks of extremely powerful energy. Apparently a portal that has given us the opportunity to clear past karmas has just closed. Have you felt it? Has big stuff been happening? Big realisations? Are you finally taking big steps that you have been talking/thinking about for a while? I have. wow! ! its time. To move forward now... ... We CAN create a whole NEW reality more in alignment with our true dreams and desires. The universe is always supporting us, and the timing is perfect to receive as much support as possible to action change. I have a few kinesiology sessions still available for this coming week. PM me for details.Get in before school holidays which start on Feb 27; then I will have limited availability for 2 weeks; i will post these details separately. www.swahakinesiology.com
13.01.2022 Yesterday I received some of the best news possible as a practitioner.. a client who had cancer; specifically quite widespread lymphoma; has been told he is in COMPLETE REMISSION! A real time to celebrate ! We began to work together as he was about to go into his 2nd round of heavy chemo and his body requested sessions every 2-3 weeks ( about 6 sessions so far) over the last 3-4 months. He is now about to enter his 8th and last round of chemo and is now adjusting to a whole ...new life ahead. Using kinesiology alongside chemotherapy treatment can be tricky. In order to support the effectiveness of the drugs being used, I cant boost the immune system; especially in the case of lymphoma when the immune cells are directly affected. Instead the body chose to work on resolving life long patterns and early traumas which had created stress, disconnect and dis- ease in his system as well as supporting his cells at a membrane and energetic level to cope with the side effects and onslaught from the chemicals. It wasnt an easy ride for him, but he was honest and willing to take responsibility, be accountable and was really ready for change. Neither of us spoke of an intention to save his life or not; he was ready to break patterns and heal regardless... which is the best intention.. to heal for the time we have left.. and to not take these burdens with us if it is our time to go. So grateful for this work, for the inspiring clients I am blessed to work with and to witness their healing and evolution, and the connection that brings to us both. SO I celebrate his journey as he continues to let the last life go, and adjust to the new life now unfolding before him. and I celebrate LIFE and the potential that awaits all of us. much love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
13.01.2022 Alani Klein 2 hrs "I just had a full transformation today !! Its been heavy and dark the last month . Thank you Swaha Li for the session today , I highly recommend having a session if your feeling stuck . Xxxxxxx"..... .......Some good feedback from my client this morning..
13.01.2022 two kinesiology sessions have opened up next week; Wednesday 12pm and friday 9.30 am. PM me for details. Is it time to make some big changes? set yourself free? ...from pain, from fatigue and exhaustion, from fear, from old habits that no longer serve you, from resistance, from sickness or suffering? ..do you need support?... ...or is it merely time to aim higher?.. to feel more free to truly express your True Self to the world? Whatever the issue, kinesiology can help support your body to identify and release the relevant stresses, re-balance and activate your own self healing. Contact me for more info, much love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
12.01.2022 TIME OUT Time out, down time, time for quietening the mind, for listening, for inner reflection, or just to stop to breathe in the midst of a busy life. So often I hear in sessions that life has become so full that there is there is no time to stop. I get it, I have been there. How do we fill our time? With the day to day demands of juggling kids, school, work, a relationship, caring for family?we often feel so overwhelmed that we feel lucky if we get the time to squeeze ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 A lovely referral from a client recently... and I reflect on how much I appreciate the kinesiology clients I work with. From word of mouth mainly, I receive clients with a wide range of issues; many are suffering physically or emotionally, some are tired of looping in repeated patterns, some want to keep evolving and growing spiritually and personally...they are candid, honest, they take responsibility for where they are and what they want. They reflect, they consider, they... are brave and are open to change. I enjoy sessions with each and every one. After a few sessions I find that the balances become more like co creations as I relay information received from the body and together we piece parts of the puzzle together. It can be enlightening, emotional, amusing. surprising... I am always inspired by the accuracy and relevance of the insights that emerge. Feeling very blessed and appreciative ;)
11.01.2022 "Before my coaching sessions with Swaha, I felt stuck, unsure of my life and generally down in the dumps most days. I knew what direction my life was MEANT to be heading but couldnt seem to get there. My coaching experience with Swaha was nothing short of incredible, and transformative. Not only did Swaha help me reveal the internal blocks that have been holding me back from living the life I want and reaching my potential, she helped me eliminate them altogether. There wa...s not a single session that I was not amazed at how accurate Swaha was and I could not believe how quickly I was making shifts within myselfin such a positive direction. I am now stronger, happier, more motivated and know that I can achieve all I want to and am meant to. Few therapists have the energy, accuracy, skill, strength and care that Swaha does. You have to meet Swaha to truly understand this, and the absolute ability she has to help you make the changes that you need to live your best life. She is one of a kind and I am very grateful." Kristy... The above is a testimonial from a client who I had the pleasure of coaching about a year ago and with whom I have stayed in close contact. As with so many clients who have committed to taking the leap of faith required of this coaching programme, she was willing to delve deep within herself and to truly acknowledge where she was at and what needed to change. I was so impressed with her honesty, transparency, integrity and willingness to take responsibility. I was amazed at the shifts she experienced and the incredible changes she initiated within her life within such a short amount of time. This work continually inspires and uplifts me and I truly love witnessing the growth and evolution of those who cross my path. (especially those with whom I share this coaching advanced life development journey). If you are curious to find out more about this powerful combination of life development with kinesiology, please contact me or visit the Kinesiology Coaching section of my website www.swahakinesiology.com Much love Swaha
09.01.2022 A few Kinesiology sessions are still available for next week; PM me for details.. Reach out for the support you may need at this time..... ...To help ease pain and suffering, release stress, dissolve blocks and resistance, rewire habits, break patterns, ease addictions, boost motivation.... Whatever your situation, kinesiology may be the support you have been searching for. ... Please contact me if you have any questions or are interested in more information. www.swahakinesiology.com
09.01.2022 ABUNDANCE.. it can mean so many different things to each of us.. an excess,.. overflowing cup of... health, wealth, happiness, satisfaction, freedom, love, peace, success,.. time etc. so many of us are searching for it, wishing, calling it in in a specific area or generally in life...... Kinesiology is extremely powerful at revealing what blocks we may have created inside ourselves which are unconciously sabotaging what we feel we really want. Not long ago I received coaching. One of my outcomes was: I create abundance and all the resources i need to satisfy my needs and desires with a feeling of freedom and limitless opportunity" ... intentionally I did not want to be handed everything, i wanted to be the creator; but I wanted to identify and dissolve anything which had been holding me back from having the abundance and the resources ( energy, time, $, strength, focus etc) that truly would help me feel free to fulfil my dreams. Its been an enlightening journey for me over recent years; studying kinesiology and then launching into the role of practitioner. Resistance and hesitation which I have never experienced before surfaced. I hit times when I could not find motivation or focus, I procrastinated, I felt insecure....all very un-like ME. Kinesiology has been the magic that has really helped me identify (in great detail) where these blocks lay and why they existed. It highlighted fears and gave me the experience of understanding exactly where and how these fears came to be (even in past life scenarios). It has helped dissolve these blocks over time; eventually the charge, triggers, emotions, behaviours and responses were just no longer there. WE ALL DESERVE ABUNDANCE... in ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS, and to live life with a feeling of freedom and limitless opportunity (whatever that means to each of us). If you are curious as to whats holding you back, why obstacles always seem to appear, or why life is not flowing with abundance in the way you would like, consider Kinesiology as a way to investigate the whys ..and move towards the life you really dream of. contact me for more information, love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
08.01.2022 SWAHA KINESIOLOGY UPDATE; I am practising the art of adaptation and surrender... for over 5 weeks now I have been trying to get the decks on my new house sanded... Since our first scheduled in day it has rained fairly consistently.. unusual for May... this past week we finally seemed to have a window of clear weather.. and yet only managed to get through a small section before the rains came again last night. Hopefully not too much damage to be redone, but its become clear ye...t again that the process will be delayed into next week and (with more rain due) possibly even into the week beyond.... its been frustrating and draining attempting to plan and organise and reschedule over and over again... The weather seems to be something I cant anticipate or organise sessions around.. and with the noise,dust and disruption the actual sanding creates, It is impossible for me to offer kinesiology sessions either face to face or via distance on line, until the work is complete. SO.... short answer ..its time for me to SURRENDER.. and ACCEPT.. now is not the time for me to be offering Sessions. it will all happen in the perfect timing and perhaps the universe is providing me with my own mini Lockdown now (for reflection, rest and recovery) after a very busy few months of renovating, logistics, legalities etc, My apologies for those of you who have been patiently waiting for me to open up my new treatment space in Ocean Shores for face to face sessions. As soon as the work is completed I will let you all know. Until then, If you are desperate for a session please contact me personally and I may be able to offer you something last minute, or refer you onto someone else. I look forward to working with you again... much Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
08.01.2022 Last few kinesiology sessions available for the next few weeks; this Wednesday 11Am, Friday 11.30 am and 1pm. PM me for details ... Make the most of the support available to help make those changes, release those blocks, get relief from suffering and stress.... its time.... www.swahakinesiology.com
08.01.2022 Amazing!! As always. Swaha is a very skilled woman. 11 stars out of 10 client comment just received from a kinesiology session i gave earlier in the week. Feeling blessed! We all love stars!... www.swahakinesiology.com
07.01.2022 one thing that I have learned in these last few days.. when everything external feels shakey and seemingly falling down around you,.... the only way to go is WITHIN. To find your own centre, your own strength in your inner source... Which is never shakey and always available, always reliable. constant. Once you remember and revisit this, all else just falls away.... we create our own reality. nothing else matters. Thanks to these fires for pushing me over the edge in order to experience this teaching, Now lets call the rain....
07.01.2022 KINESIOLOGY SESSIONS by distance! yes thats right!.. Kinesiology sessions ARE available online via Facetime/ messenger or similar, as well as face to face in my lovely treatment space near Crystal Castle, Byron Bay. While I have been offering this service for quite some time to practitioners and regular clients who either live too far away or are in some way incapacitated and unable to get to me in person (eg in hospital), I feel its time to let more people know that Kines...iology IS available in this way. And it IS just as effective as a face to face session! I regularly receive kinesiology by distance because one of the practitioners who I most want to receive from, lives in a different state; so I have personal experience of how effective these distance sessions can be. I give sessions to many other kinesiology practitioners and clients in this way and consistently receive similar positive feedback from them; we experience the same sensations and reactions (even physical and emotional responses), as we would it we were receiving lying down in the same room. While I love working in person in my treatment space at home, over the next few weeks and months I may have to evacuate from this space at times due to bushfire threats in my area.(such as last week). SO it felt like a significant and opportune time to let all of you out there know that kinesiology sessions ARE available remotely. Most sessions will still occur during my regular work hours; (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during school hours), but some distance sessions may also be available after hours or in the evenings. SO if you are curious about experiencing kinesiology from me but live interstate or overseas, this post is to let you know that distance is no barrier... it IS possible and it DOES work! Please contact me for more information. much love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
05.01.2022 Edit Post Close Due to the recent upscaling of concerns re the COVID-19 virus and more folk choosing to self isolate, I have been offering more Kinesiology Sessions via facetime and messenger audio over the last few weeks. To ensure the safety of all of clients, I have made the decision that from tomorrow, March 24th, ALL sessions will be conducted in this way for the foreseeable future.... As soon as this initial crisis period is over and more normal daily life activities begin again, we will go back to face to face consultations. This may seem an unusual way to receive a session, but through experiencing it, you will understand that you CAN continue to receive all of the emotional, physical, physiological, neurological etc support in this way exactly as if we were working face to face. We have an initial face to face debriefing and then I work for most of the session via audio; I work on my own body as a surrogate for yours. I have worked with many clients solely in this way and witnessed incredible results. Life is changing rapidly and we are being forced to be creative and open minded in order to adapt along with it. Many of us may experience huge life changes during this time; loss of work, ill health, extra responsibilities; and this can easily tip us into a survival stress state; emotional stress from isolation and separation, anger, fear, frustration, depression, loss of purpose and motivation etc... Know that even if you are contained in your home, help IS still available. We can work together to help support you through whatever Life is throwing at you. Good things can come out of this. You CAN create your own reality; even within situations such as this. I will have my daughter with me through much of the next few weeks so my session availability will be limited to one per day. Once I can confirm them, i will let you know of specific days/dates when I will be child free and therefore available to offer up to 4 sessions within the day. If I can arrange more child free time, I would also like to offer special discounted sessions for those who may really need support at this time but do not have the finances for my usual rates. I will post when these slots are available. Take care of each other, Stay safe. Have hope. Reach out if you need to. Much love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
04.01.2022 I find working with children directly or through their parents/carers as a surrogate extremely satisfying. They frequently respond so well to kinesiology; perhaps because they are still so open; their brains and beings are still so malleable and not so ingrained in habits and attitudes that often build as we age. Being non invasive, kinesiology is non threatening and they often find it magical and become quite curious;it is a very gentle way of working with their bodies and ...minds in a holistic sense. Mostly though, it reminds me that children (at all ages) are just as complex as we adults are. The underlying causes behind the presenting stresses and symptoms often blow parents away!..they may not suspect that a child or even young baby may suffer similar stresses and anxieties just as we do. In their Being children are as intricate and individual as we are.... they may still be adjusting to being here on earth, to being in their physical body, frustrated with feeling disempowered or neglected in a way we havent considered...they may be frustrated at their lack of ability to communicate or their ability to connect with others.... The potential causes behind stresses are endless. Having a modality that can help support children to rebalance and reactivate their own self healing, their ability to relieve their suffering on some level, is hugely satisfying. The thought that it may have an ongoing impact for the rest of their life is extremely rewarding for me. Kinesiology can be used to support children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers; for everything from food allergies, sleep issues, separation anxiety, immune issues, emotional stress, trauma, physical imbalances and pain, co ordination, learning and developmental issues, addictions, lack of self worth etc. Please contact me for more information. Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
04.01.2022 "Swaha is pure magic! I leave every session knowing that we have got to the exact point that I know I could not get to on my own. I feel strong and clear and totally on track for weeks after our session and I love knowing that the work I do with Swaha locks deep into my body and soul and supports me towards greater clarity, healing and spiritual development. I cant recommend Swaha and her work enough!" I am feeling blessed to receive this testimonial from Paula Shaw (Guidanc...e with Paula Shaw), an incredible shamanic astrologer and psychic with whom I have worked closely for a while now. We are both passionate about sharing knowledge and supporting each other and our clients. Even with the incredible tools each of us may have, we cant (and dont have to) do it all alone.. together with support from each other, we can grow deeper and fly higher. So lets do that! Thats real co- creation! Much LOVE Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
03.01.2022 Today I was again reminded of the gift it is to be able to offer genuine support to someone. I had a client, young, with a list of issues several pages long. Through what was revealed in our session, she got the confirmation of some things she had inmately felt for years ... but which had been refuted by doctors and therapists time and time again. She knew she wasn’t crazy or imagining things. It was incredibly touching to see her empowered in the recognition of her inner k...nowing being spot on after all. And the smile I got when she left was reward enough in itself!! I am feeling super blessed to have found a tool that I really believe in; where I am fortunate to share in the healing, growth and evolution of people as a first hand experience. I am truly touched by the courage, openness and integrity of those who come through my door and to witness their individual journeys over time is truly inspiring. www.swahakinesiology.com
01.01.2022 There are times when we ALL need support. Its been a tough year for many.. upheaval, uncertainty, financial insecurity, transitions, the need to reflect honestly on life and what's important, the need to adapt, increased control, more limitations... I see the waves out there reflected in clients who come to see me for kinesiology. Here in the Byron Shire we have been blessed to have been impacted fairly minimally; in comparison with the stories clients have shared with me f...rom places such as Rio, Bethlehem, Bogota, Singapore etc where the lockdown as well as extreme violence and civil unrest have really increased stress. Its not all about COVID 19.. these are powerful times astrologically ; we are being forced to reflect on the lifestyle and world that we have created and and choices we have made. No one is invincible and no one is immune to what has been going on. And yet there will always be ups and downs.. challenges along the way. This initiates growth.. we need it to evolve.. Over the past few weeks I have been supporting some strong powerful practitioners who I really respect in their fields, to work through some deep personal issues. Its been strong work and I have seen how collectively, things are reaching a climatic and critical point for all of us; NOW IS the time! When things arise, we need to know where we can go for support and a helping hand; whether its a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, some clarity and understanding, or a way to help things move through... I need that too. Finally yesterday I was able to receive (long overdue) from Kristy Condren an incredible kinesiologist based in Elanora. We have worked together over the past 3 years and our sessions feel especially powerful because we share a strong and deep connection. The session was another 'life changer' for me! It was insightful, revealing, confirming, liberating, incredibly detailed and gave me a sense of hope and the empowerment that I needed. Kristy brings not only incredible knowledge of kinesiology process to the session, but also a deep intuition and connection to Spirit, and I trust her implicitly. We journey to all extremes of unknown territory and I always feel safely held along the way. She is clear and insightful and manages to pinpoint exactly what lies at the crux of the issue. I respect her multitude of gifts immensely and am so grateful to be able to have her as a friend as well as one of my essential support angels. I have leaned on her a lot this year. SO.. I am sharing this to remind you; that we ALL need help at times. Reach out and ask for it when you can from who you can. Be grateful to those who reach out to you. Be there for each other. Share the unique gifts that you have with those around you. Lets hold each other and support each other, so that we evolve and grow together. This is the way to create a brighter, happier world.
01.01.2022 SO.. after 5 1/2 years we reach that day... the 1ST day of SCHOOL ! My daughter starts this week. I have no real idea how she will go... with having less free days, more structured time, larger classes, navigating the social dynamics, forming friendships with new kids etc...but I sense I may need more support than her this week!. :) After being a full time mama spending A LOT of contact time with her for 5 years, its quite an adjustment for me to let her go... give up that w...onderful loose unscheduled free- time that we have enjoyed, and send her off to more routine, more structure, more outside influences.. and more independence, having to trust her to have the resources to begin to navigate challenges on her own. A lot of our friends kids are also moving to new schools and having to start afresh. For some it will be a breeze, while for others there may be a few challenges. There may be the fears of leaving home, of not making friends,There can be overwhelm of being immersed in so much new and the excited and amplified energy that tends to come with the start of the school year. With every child it will show up differently; maybe for some there will be clinging on and tears at drop off, or not wanting to go; for others it may show up over time as extra tantrums, difficult behaviour or becoming more withdrawn. One thing I have learned from working with kids in Kinesiology, is that they are just as complex as we adults are!.. and they experience very similar stresses and responses as we do, yet they arent often able to easily communicate or understand it yet. This is where Kinesiology can be so powerful. By helping reveal underlying stresses and the causes, we gain insights and more understanding of whats behind their behaviour or condition. Kinesiology can also help release this stress and thus help support them to rebalance and stabilise in whatever way is right for them..not by trying to reason or necessarily explain to their concious mind (which is often not developed enough for them to understand anyway), but by supporting them at the powerful non concious level. I have been extremely grateful to have had Kinesiology as a tool to support Arwen through the various transitions in her life; and as challenges have arisen for her. I am not sure how we would have coped without it to be honest! SO I am writing today to let you know that if you feel your child ( or you) are struggling with this transition, initially or over the next few weeks, kinesiology can offer support to ease you through this time. Feel free to contact me to chat more about your situation or book a session. I work Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school hours from my lovely treatment space next to Crystal Castle. love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
01.01.2022 BEST RESPONSE TO THE CORONA VIRUS? boosting your immune system as best you can! Kinesiology can help support your body to do this; safely and effectively. Its sounding fairly inevitable that over the next weeks and months many of us will come into contact with the virus, and your best defence will be your bodys immune system; having it functioning optimally to fight any bug it comes into contact with.... There are such a wide variety of options available to help... food, herbs, vitamins, exercise, specific meditations, etc.. as well as modalities such as acupuncture and Kinesiology. Personally I have found kinesiology an incredible tool to use with clients (and at home with my family) to boost lethargic , stressed, overactive or under active immune systems. Whether we do a complete immune protocol, identifying and releasing stress from every part of your immune system, or address sideways issues which are causing the stress that is impacting your immunity...it is incredible how effective it can be. In the last week I have given my daughter and myself kinesiology balances specifically focussed on having our immune systems functioning optimally across all aspects of our being... and specifically in relation to exposure to the Coronavirus. Every session will always be unique, but in our cases, emotional stresses and attitudes were identified, nutritional pathways of vitamins and fat in the body were boosted while toxic heavy metals were removed. And I received clear direction on the best methods of defence for my system. Both balances will take a week to integrate (and some balances may take longer), but i feel a lot more confident and prepared for the oncoming weeks now. If you are feeling concerned that your immune system may not be in its most optimal state, consider doing what you can to help boost it. If you would like further information on how kinesiology could help or are interested in a session, please contact me. much Love Swaha www.swahakinesiology.com
01.01.2022 winter is here... a time for going inwards. Perfect for reconnecting with your essential nature.. delving deep, inquisitive and reflective. Reflecting on what you are truly here for. Where are you in Life compared to where you would like to be? What are your deepest desires in this life? Do you know? What holds you back from truly reaching out to achieve them? What patterns or thoughts, emotions or behaviours keep you looping in the same old dramas or circumstances that no ...longer serve you and inhibit your ability to expand into your full potential? What blocks your ability to move forward, and really make changes, even if you feel you want to? Many of us consider these questions at times, yet many of the answers are hidden from us, deep within our subconcious; a place we cannot reach just with mental inquiry. This is where kinesiology can help. By acting as a bridge between your non concious and your concious mind, it can reveal the real root causes behind our issues.. With clarity and understanding we can really begin to see the light. Of how we got to where we are... and how we can transform. By releasing blocks, we have the opportunity to break free from the constraints of our past; this is similar to hitting the reset button, but with the opportunity of new perspectives and more freedom. We can begin to perceive, create and experience a whole new reality. Contact me for more information on kinesiology or visit my website www.swahakinesiology.com Much Love Swaha
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