SWAN Anglicans in Middle Swan, Western Australia, Australia | Religious centre
SWAN Anglicans
Locality: Middle Swan, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9274 2661
Address: 3 Yule Avenue 6056 Middle Swan, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.swananglicans.org.au
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25.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS517 Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2O_b_aqrPw... TIS224 All hail the power of Jesus name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Ly-VfWSiU TIS406 Spirit divine, attend our prayers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzT1gHS4raY&t=44s TIS212 Christ whose glory fills the skies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMoIgEKVTOI
25.01.2022 CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Christmas services at Swan Parish.... Christmas Eve - Thursday 24 December 2020 - ... An evening of carols on the lawn opposite St Mary's (in front of Brown House) preceded by a 'bring your own' picnic from 7.00 pm. The service of Nine Lessons and Carols begins at 7.30 pm and concludes with the first Eucharist of Christmas in time for a family-friendly finish around 9.30 pm. We will have an accomplished musical ensemble and the singing group will be contributing some special items. All are welcome and there are no restrictions on numbers for this outdoor service. Christmas Day - Friday 25 December 2020 - The service for Christmas Day will be held at All Saints at 8.00 am under the shade of the giant London Plane tree. All are welcome and there are no restrictions on numbers for this outdoor service.
24.01.2022 Please follow this link to listen to Fr Evans service for Palm Sunday (last Sunday, 5 April 2020) including the homily and intercessions. https://parishnews.postach.io/post/a-service-for-palm-sunday In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
24.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS432 Christ is made the sure foundation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bC0tgG_blE TIS239 Jesus the Lord said... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODJlnAHDZZ8 TIS629 When I needed a neighbour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fExR7eOhJO0 TIS145 The King of love my shepherd is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNnuM1Z8FzI See more
24.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS245 We have a gospel to proclaim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-SPYAgCtkw... TIS387 Christ is alive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD8pxDgTZZU TIS650 Brother, sister, let me serve you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttW9oQ-yiuU TIS613 Lord of all hopefulness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8mti7VL3gg
22.01.2022 Alleluia! RachaelKels Art
22.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS90 Ill praise my maker while Ive breath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7BB6kArmoI TIS254 O changeless Christ for ever new... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17H5AqK3eNc TIS277 He who by a mothers love TIS619 Have faith in God my heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHNdvIWUtqE
22.01.2022 The Beatitudes for a Global Pandemic cartoon has been made into a video. If you enjoyed the video wed really like tips to go to The Trussell Trust via https:...//www.justgiving.com/beatitudes Beatitudes for a Global Pandemic was written by Jayne Manfredi, and illustrated by Dave Walker - Cartoonist. David Elcock brought together Tim Raggett (video editor) Andrew McCracken (voice), and Patrick Burbridge (music) to create the video. Huge thanks to all of them for their work on this. Last year, food banks in the Trussell Trust network provided more than 1.6 million emergency food parcels to people in crisis. The Trussell Trust are working to end the need for food banks in the UK. The original text of Beatitudes for a Global Pandemic by Jayne Manfredi is here: http://thewomanfredi.blogspot.com//beatitudes-for-global-p A downloadable version of the Beatitudes for a Global Pandemic cartoon you can print at home is available via: http://cartoonchurch.com/content/cc/beatitudes-pandemic/ Andrew McCrackens Soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/andrewsmcc Tim Raggetts website: https://www.trfilms.co.uk/
22.01.2022 Listen to this week’s hymns by following the links below... TIS90 I’ll praise my maker while I’ve breath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7BB6kArmoI TIS254 O changeless Christ for ever new... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17H5AqK3eNc TIS277 He who by a mother’s love TIS619 Have faith in God my heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHNdvIWUtqE
22.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evans service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 17th May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0e6xJ3j6VuIuo48cA8IPWQ To listen and read along ... https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-sixth-sun In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
20.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evans service for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 3rd May 2020), including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/OsUGPG8ARiA To listen and read along ... https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-fourth-su In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
20.01.2022 The June edition of 'Messenger', the Diocese's monthly magazine is now available to view online in flipbook and PDF formats. Follow the link below for this edition as well as access to earlier editions. https://www.perth.anglican.org//messen/messenger-june-2020
19.01.2022 Listen to this week’s hymns by following the links below... TIS129 Amazing grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU6GWeBY3qw... TIS607 Make me a channel of your peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daGWdbrSGBM TIS201 King of glory, king of peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypqaV5fKP8Q TIS418 She sits like a bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7N4Oipvj6g
19.01.2022 This Sundays Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) service will include a blessing of the palm crosses that you have made at home. Fr Evan has shared these instructions from Pinterest for making your palm crosses. Alternatively, you could make a cross from paper or cardboard and decorate it. Wed love to see your palm crosses if youd like to share a pic in the comments.
19.01.2022 Taize Laudate Dominum (Domi !) Praise the Lord (at home!) https://www.youtube.com/watch
19.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS398 Come down O love divine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIvKDgktutI... TIS407 Breathe on me breath of God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmkzSjs9eAw TIS413 Holy Spirit, come confirm us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz03CrBprE0 TIS411 Filled with the Spirits power, with one accord https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ieo3unicW8E
18.01.2022 Something for the children and youth in your life! Check out this site, Love Out Loud Oz, for free, fun and interactive videos of scripture lessons to keep young people connected to their Faith whilst practising social distancing. Just click on the link below...... https://www.loveoutloudoz.com/
18.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evan's service for Fifth Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 10th May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To listen and read along https://parishnews.postach.io/post/test To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel ... https://youtu.be/TwbvT5uoyEQ See more
17.01.2022 A reminder that all our units are free to audit online now for a limited time only!
17.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evans service for the Feast of Pentecost (last Sunday, 31st May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/HbOA2cgSaKg ... To listen and read along https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-feast-of- In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
16.01.2022 Something for the children and youth in your life! Did you know that the parish website has a new page, Kidz@Home with a selection of lectionary-themed and other resources to help primary-aged kids keep learning about God and worshipping through story, art and craft, music and activities? Just follow this link...... https://www.swananglicans.org.au/kidz-home See more
15.01.2022 The June edition of Messenger, the Dioceses monthly magazine is now available to view online in flipbook and PDF formats. Follow the link below for this edition as well as access to earlier editions. https://www.perth.anglican.org//messen/messenger-june-2020
15.01.2022 Taize Stay With Me... watch and pray... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCr2tn4yYKY
14.01.2022 Something for the children and youth in your life Check out these sites for Holy week activities to keep young people connected to their Faith whilst practising social distancing. Just click on the links below for some great ideas... https://godspacelight.com//celebrating-holy-week-with-kid/... https://buildfaith.org/holy-week-in-a-box/ https://buildfaith.org/holy-week-at-home-family-practices/
14.01.2022 'Messenger', the Diocese's monthly magazine is available to view online in flipbook and PDF formats. Follow the link below for the May edition of Messenger as well as access to earlier editions. https://www.perth.anglican.org//messeng/messenger-may-2020
14.01.2022 ***Exciting news!*** You can now watch our Sunday services on Swan Anglicans YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0e6xJ3j6VuIuo48cA8IPWQ To hear and SEE Fr Evans service for Second Sunday of Easter, 19 April 2020, just follow these links...... https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-second-su https://youtu.be/MdANQbf7EDc, You will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
13.01.2022 Weekend church services are back! All Saints - Saturdays, 4pm and Sundays, 7:30am. St Marys - Sundays, 10am. Numbers are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please email [email protected] in advance to advise your intention to attend a service.... For those unable to physically attend weekend services, a recording of the sermon along with readings and intercessions will be published on the Parish Blog - https://parishnews.postach.io The weekly newsletter can be found on the parish website https://www.swananglicans.org.au/newsletter Also midweek services - Tuesdays, 10am, All Saints, midweek Eucharist service. - Wednesdays, 10am, St Marys, midweek Eucharist service. - Thursdays, 4:30pm, All Saints, Meditation and Evening Prayer.
13.01.2022 Weekend church services are back! All Saints - Saturdays, 4pm and Sundays, 7:30am. St Mary's - Sundays, 10am. Numbers are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please email [email protected] in advance to advise your intention to attend a service.... For those unable to physically attend weekend services, a recording of the sermon along with readings and intercessions will be published on the Parish Blog - https://parishnews.postach.io The weekly newsletter can be found on the parish website https://www.swananglicans.org.au/newsletter Also midweek services - Tuesdays, 10am, All Saints, midweek Eucharist service. - Wednesdays, 10am, St Mary’s, midweek Eucharist service. - Thursdays, 4:30pm, All Saints, Meditation and Evening Prayer.
12.01.2022 When, in the lead up to Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday), you get a song stuck in your head all day and youre not at all annoyed by it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmjyDmoCLTI
12.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS393 Christ is alive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD8pxDgTZZU... TIS608 Where cross the crowded ways of life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bxmRN0vWq8 TIS398 Come down O love divine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIvKDgktutI Taize - virtual choir: "In resurrectione tua" https://youtu.be/M-hybuhxJg8
11.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS361 The day of resurrection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czh8YTVfyCU... TIS382 Now the green blade rises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-5Bi2jM40E TIS380 Yours be the glory, risen, conquering Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbBOOmkMLmI TIS390 Alleluia alleluia give thanks to the risen Lord https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U1MuOCHon4
09.01.2022 An update from Archbishop Kay on COVID-19 restrictions in the Diocese. https://parishnews.postach.io//a-note-from-archbishop-kay-
09.01.2022 Listen to this week’s hymns by following the links below... TIS398 Come down O love divine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIvKDgktutI... TIS407 Breathe on me breath of God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmkzSjs9eAw TIS413 Holy Spirit, come confirm us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz03CrBprE0 TIS411 Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accord https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ieo3unicW8E
08.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evans service for the Third Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 26 April 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch... To listen and read along https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-third-sun In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
07.01.2022 Listen to this week’s hymns by following the links below... TIS517 Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2O_b_aqrPw... TIS224 All hail the power of Jesus’ name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Ly-VfWSiU TIS406 Spirit divine, attend our prayers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzT1gHS4raY&t=44s TIS212 Christ whose glory fills the skies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMoIgEKVTOI
07.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS129 Amazing grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU6GWeBY3qw... TIS607 Make me a channel of your peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daGWdbrSGBM TIS201 King of glory, king of peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypqaV5fKP8Q TIS418 She sits like a bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7N4Oipvj6g
06.01.2022 Weekend church services are back! All Saints - Saturdays, 5pm and Sundays, 7:30am. St Mary's - Sundays, 10am. Numbers are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please email [email protected] in advance to advise your intention to attend a service.... For those unable to physically attend weekend services, a recording of the sermon along with readings and intercessions will be published on the Parish Blog - https://parishnews.postach.io The weekly newsletter can be found on the parish website https://www.swananglicans.org.au/newsletter Also midweek services - Tuesdays, 10am, All Saints, midweek Eucharist service. - Wednesdays, 10am, St Mary’s, midweek Eucharist service. - Thursdays, 4:30pm, All Saints, Meditation and Evening Prayer.
06.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evans service for Fifth Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 10th May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To listen and read along https://parishnews.postach.io/post/test To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel ... https://youtu.be/TwbvT5uoyEQ See more
05.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evan's service for the Feast of Pentecost (last Sunday, 31st May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/HbOA2cgSaKg ... To listen and read along https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-feast-of- In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
05.01.2022 Looking for hand sanitiser? We hear that The Great Northern Distillery, 496 Great Northern Hwy, Middle Swan WA 6056, (08) 9250 5422, are making and selling hand sanitiser to front line workers and the general public. Support local business and check them out! NOTE - Word is that the gelling agent is in short supply so it doesnt have the same viscosity as what youre probably used to, but it does the important bit.... The Great Northern Distillery is also asking for donations of any 1L or 4L containers or bottles you have lying around (washed in hot soapy water with lids please) to assist them with packaging for distribution. A donation box has been set up out the front of Great Northern Distillery, accessible from the car park. https://maps.app.goo.gl/N9Emyegw2YNrNqHHA
05.01.2022 Did you know that the Swan Parish Website has a new page, Spirituality@Home, containing a collection of resources for spirituality and worship at home (and preferably as a household)? Just follow the link to check it out... https://www.swananglicans.org.au/spirituality-home Also available on the Parish Website, todays parish newsletter, readings and lots of other news and information.
05.01.2022 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. - Romans 12:12 (NIV) https://fal.cn/37KLc
02.01.2022 Messenger, the Dioceses monthly magazine is available to view online in flipbook and PDF formats. Follow the link below for the May edition of Messenger as well as access to earlier editions. https://www.perth.anglican.org//messeng/messenger-may-2020
02.01.2022 Listen to this weeks hymns by following the links below... TIS339 O Sacred head sore wounded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5hjdz4xZF4 ... TIS141 Praise to the holiest in the height https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snf1FiBSLvY TIS345 Were you there when they crucified my Lord? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLJ0IjLAmOA&t=59s TIS242 I danced in the morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf93gp-HafA
01.01.2022 Please follow these links to Fr Evan's service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (last Sunday, 17th May 2020) including the homily and intercessions. To watch the service on the parish YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0e6xJ3j6VuIuo48cA8IPWQ To listen and read along ... https://parishnews.postach.io//eucharist-for-the-sixth-sun In addition to an audio recording of the service, you will also find the Liturgy to read along with, a link to a written version of the homily, links to the hymns, information on giving to the Anglican Parish of Swan and a discussion box where you can add your comments, prayers, praise or encouragement for the whole congregation.
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