Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group | Businesses
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group
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25.01.2022 It is breeding time on the Estuary, so please take extra care not to disturb nests and chicks! This is a family of Pied Oystercatchers spied at Milyu recently. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #perthbirds
25.01.2022 THE FLOCK HAS ARRIVED They look amazing and well worth a visit. If, however, you can't make it in person, please get online to City of Melville website and Vote One for #1 in the Happiness Returns Community Art Trail.
24.01.2022 For years we have known the small population of fairy-wren at Pelican Point as ‘Variegated Fairy-wren’ (Malurus lamberti); however, The Fairywren Project and eBird Australia now class them as ‘Purple-backed Fairy-wren’ (Malurus assimilis). Even though they are very tiny birds, the iridescent blue of the male of the species during breeding season is simply dazzling. These photos of male fairy-wrens flitting about in dense shrubbery were taken with just a phone, but certainly, ...capture the jewel-like beauty of the birds! #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #perthbrides
24.01.2022 SMILES OF PLANTINGS Last Tuesday we had a great morning planting 'smiles' (or maybe curvaceous trenches) of sedges at Alfred Cove. These plants - $3000 worth - were donated by Plantrite - many thanks to them. After SERAG's volunteers' 2 hours of work, a team of volunteers from Wirambi Landcare took over and finished off the planting. ... Once again we've had good rain to follow up on the planting. It could mean a pretty soggy morning tomorrow though
23.01.2022 Djilba season Spring is bringing exciting changes in the Swan Estuary Marine Park at Alfred Cove. You are welcome to join a Community Bird Walk and may catch sight of a newly arrived wader from the lower Artic. SERAG members are conducting a guided bird walk for anyone interested in learning more about the birds and plants of the Marine Park. WHEN: Saturday 12th September 3:30 - 5:00pm... HOW: Register your interest by contacting Margaret, [email protected] . Just bring yourself (and binoculars if you have them) to the Meeting Point. Registration is required as places are limited. Details of the meeting point will be provided when your registration is confirmed. Some extra binoculars will be available. #birdwalk #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit #community
23.01.2022 A family of Australian Shelducks mum, dad and many ducklings braving the waters at Pelican Point. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #perthbirds
22.01.2022 Today is National Threatened Species Day - an opportunity to stop and reflect on the potential loss to our extraordinarily wonderful natural heritage, and what each of us can do to arrest this decline. The small areas that comprise the Swan Estuary Marine Park support a number of listed threatened and priority species, including Fairy Tern (Sternula nereis) and a number of migratory shorebirds that begin to arrive on the Estuary from Arctic regions around about now. The main ...threat to these species is habitat loss. Strong protection of their remaining habitat is critical for the survival of these and other beautiful birds. You may like to visit the Threatened Species Commissioners Facebook page Threatened Species Commissioner where community entries into the light-hearted 2020 Threatened Species Bake Off! will appear. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community
21.01.2022 Last Friday SERAG was pleased to host a small team of people from LendLease, for a morning’s work on the Estuary. As there is always so much to be done to support the ecological values of Estuary, the team was quickly engaged in the planting of large bags of sedges to help in the provision of habitat and the management of erosion along the Tompkins Park foreshore. It was extremely hard work digging into the rubble at a site which was once used as a rubbish tip. However with perseverance the team managed to plant 40 bags and two giant hedge bags of Juncus kraussii - the principal sedge native to this part of the River. Thank you everyone involved! #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community
21.01.2022 ..... and finally they made it to the water. Those little cygnets must have been exhausted!! But a terrific outcome.
21.01.2022 Would you like to catch sight of the winter colours and birds of the beautiful Alfred Cove Marine Park and Nature Reserve? SERAG members are conducting a guided bird walk for anyone interested in learning more about the wintertime birds and plants of the Marine Park. Just bring yourself (and binoculars if you have them) to Alfred Cove - everyone welcome. Registration is required as places are limited. Extra binoculars will be available. ... WHEN: Saturday 8th August at 3:30 - 5:00pm HOW: Register your interest by contacting Margaret, [email protected] Further details will then be provided. #birdwalk #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit #community
20.01.2022 Today is WORLD RIVERS DAY and this family of swans knew where to head. A wonderful man had shepherded them from across Canning Hwy as they attempted to reach the river. I met them on Burke Dve Attadale. We eventually guided them to the viewing platform where they jumped down into the sedges and samphire and made it to the river. ... How amazing to have been a part of this. Please share this post as a contribution to World Rivers Day which has as its theme this year "Waterways in your Community" - how appropriate!
20.01.2022 What a difference a year makes! Photo 1 taken this time last year when we first started work on this area at East Tompkins Park. Photo 2 taken last week while doing some more planting and minor weeding. ... Very satisfying! It just shows how nature fights back once she's given a go and a little help from her friends.
19.01.2022 Among the bounty of Spring flowers gracing our natural areas is Conostylis aculeata, commonly known as prickly conostylis. This clumping grassy perennial is a resilient groundcover and endemic to Western Australia. It and its grey cousin Conostylis candicans are in flower in places along the Estuary this one beautifully revealed after a morning’s weeding along the foreshore at Tompkins Park.... #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #springflowers
19.01.2022 Sunday was World Rivers Day and hopefully I can now add the videos that go with the text that was posted on the day. Mum and Dad with babes in the middle, determined to make it to the river......
19.01.2022 This coming Sunday, 23rd September, is World Rivers Day and this year's theme is WATERWAYS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. To celebrate our own wonderful waterway, the Swan River, SERAG has mounted a display at A H Bracks Library in Melville and we would love as many people as possible to come along and share the experience. We want to encourage everyone to learn about the river in their own community and just how fortunate we are to have this amazing slice of nature right on our doorstep.... Please share this post with others then check out the river yourself and see why it's so special.
18.01.2022 It's so good to be back getting on with the rehabilitation of the river foreshore after our lengthy break. We are starting on a new part of Tompkins Park foreshore and the first 2 weeks were spent removing the dreaded Atroplex prostrata which was taking over the sedges and samphire and also some Hardenbergia (a lovely native in its proper place but that is not in a wetland). Last week we had the use of a trailer from DBCA to move the masses of Atroplex, which was great. ... This morning we planted loads of Juncus kraussii as the start of our work rehabilitating this part of the foreshore. So satisfying! As this is National Volunteers Week, we thought we'd announce our presence to the world with a photo of our hi-vis vests on display. (Please forgive us for 30 seconds of lack of social distancing.)
18.01.2022 Just a quick post for those who had joined SERAG's Group Page: We have had a rethink and have decided that a Group is not what we want at this time and have closed down the Group. Thank you to those who had shown interest and we're sure that you will continue to follow SERAG on our Facebook page.... Stay tuned for new content!
17.01.2022 ...... they made it to the viewing platform and then had to make the big jump.....
16.01.2022 SERAG congratulates the McGowan government on its recent decision not to sell Crown Land at Alfred Cove to the City of Melville. This land would have been added into the lease to Urbnsurf to enable them to build an artificial wave park on the site of the Melville Bowling Club and nearby ovals. Along with our year round work enhancing and strengthening the natural values of the Marine Park and associated A Class Nature Reserve, SERAG will now keep up the pressure on the gove...rnment to add that piece of Crown Land into the Conservation Estate, making it a welcome addition to the A Class Nature Reserve and allowing it to be rehabilitated. This would strengthen the buffer of riparian vegetation. SERAG'S committee and all its members and supporters put in huge amounts of time and effort to ensure that this man-made facility did not go ahead on this fragile piece of river foreshore and we should all be extremely proud of ourselves for what has been achieved. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
15.01.2022 Formerly known as the Black-winged Stilt, the Pied Stilt is an elegant black and white wading bird with long orange-red legs and a straight black bill. Over the last month or so a small colony of Pied Stilts have nested in the saltmarsh at Pelican Point - their nests being anything from a simple shallow scrape on the ground to a mound of vegetation placed in or near the water. It has been a productive time, with as many as sixteen chicks counted one evening!... #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community
15.01.2022 World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world's waterways. Celebrated on the fourth Sunday in September, it highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and encourages the improved stewardship of rivers around the world. Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense. - Mark Angelo SERAG acknowledged the day with some hands-on conservation work on the Attadale foreshore.... #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #worldriversday
15.01.2022 THE WEATHER CAN'T KEEP THE FLOCK AWAY After a restful night, the flock returned this morning, braving the weather. Don't forget to get onto the City of Melville website, Happiness Appears and click on the online map in order to Vote for #1 - Welcome Home to our Intrepid Travellers.
14.01.2022 SERAG is very pleased to support The Overwintering Project - an environmental art project inviting artists to visit, research, and respond to the unique nature of their local migratory shorebird habitat. The Projects primary aim is to bring visibility to Australias most endangered group of birds, our migratory shorebirds, and their habitat. Together with the Printmakers Association of Western Australia (PAWA) we are preparing for an exhibition of Overwintering works at N...yisztor Studio, Palmyra in October 2020, to correspond with World Migratory Bird Day in the southern hemisphere. Printmakers are invited to contribute to the exhibition, which will be entitled Summer on the Swan. #perthart #perthartist #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit
14.01.2022 We started on the entrance to Troy Park last week with help from 3 DBCA team members. This morning, with only 4 SERAG female members (of indeterminate age ) we cleared a good majority of the rest - collecting 20 bags of weeds all up and finding many little plants that had previously been completely smothered. We then enjoyed our usual lovely morning tea on the viewing platform with a wonderful outlook onto Alfred Cove.
14.01.2022 *CALL FOR INTEREST FROM PRINTMAKERS* A last minute chance to join a Skill Share workshop run by Printmakers Assoc of WA this coming weekend. PAWA, in association with SERAG, are inviting artists to enter a print for inclusion in The Overwintering Project: Summer on the Swan, the exhibition to be held in October at Nyisztor Studio for World Migratory Birds Day.... See the PAWA website for all information on the Overwintering Project and the workshop. Please register via the PAWA website. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Extra July 2020 Skill Share When 18 July 2020 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Location PAWA Tresillian Art Centre, Tyrell St, Nedlands Spaces left 6 Registration 18 July Extra Skill Share $15.00 Busy times! An extra skill share is being held on Saturday July 18 in lieu of the August Skill share. This will be a second chance for members to develop prints for the Overwintering Exhibition in October with guidance from Shelley Cowper. Bring your ideas, research, plates and materials. We will experiment with drypoint, collograph, lino and woodcuts and have some plates available to purchase cheaply on the day if you want to try some new techniques. PAWA is still practicing Covid Safe hygiene and social distancing so please register your interest as places are limited on a 1st in basis. Cost is $15 and you will receive an invoice on registration. Our preferred payment method is by direct bank transfer prior to the session. However cash on the day will be accepted. Please bring your own cup and snacks/lunch as we are limiting share food at this stage. Tea and coffee provided. Closed shoes required. Please do not attend if experiencing Covid19 symptoms.
13.01.2022 Somewhere along the Troy Park/Tompkins Park/Alfred Cove foreshore you'll find us every Tuesday morning - weeding, hauling weeds away, getting bogged (this was a one off!), planting. All this is done with one aim in sight - to enhance the quality of our beautiful Swan River for the wellbeing of the flora and fauna. And it pays off.....when we're joined by dolphins as we were this morning. ... Just brilliant!
13.01.2022 Great evening for SERAG on Tuesday 1st October - we were awarded a Western Australian Coastal Award for Excellence in On-Ground Coastal Management. The awards ceremony was part of the Perth NRM 2019 Conference. Our Chairperson, Margaret, received the award on behalf of SERAG and committee members Steve and Robin were also present. It's fantastic to have all our hard work recognised. Congratulations to all the other award winners and nominations.
13.01.2022 Transforming the foreshore: before and after photos showing the effect of our TREEmendous Tuesday weeders! #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #weeding
12.01.2022 Transforming the foreshore: ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos showing the effect of our TREEmendous Tuesday weeders! #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #weeding
12.01.2022 Saturday was World Migratory Bird Day, and to celebrate we opened an exhibition of original prints that aim to draw attention to the plight of our migratory shorebirds. These intrepid travelers fly 25,000km each year between their breeding areas in the Arctic to the shores of Australia and New Zealand. Due to habitat loss, they are among the most threatened of our birds.... The Overwintering: Summer on the Swan exhibition focusses on the natural habitat provided by the Swan River Estuary - its unique combination of physical and biological features that makes it a place for migratory shorebirds to return to year after year. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #exhibition
11.01.2022 A great clean-up event today in Cottesloe with more than 40 volunteers working with the Town of Cottesloe, Keep Australia Beautiful, Minderoo Foundation to remove over 10kgs of rubbish. It's that simple -- all you have to do is #take3forthesea!
10.01.2022 National Bird Week Starting today, people across Australia commence a week-long celebration of our wonderful feathered friends. Among the native flora and fauna surviving in the small pockets of Swan Estuary Marine Park and bushland reserves are many species of bush and water birds - including this little fellow, looking a little grumpy.... He and his mates continue to inspire SERAG’s habitat-conservation efforts. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #nationalbirdweek
10.01.2022 Its weeding time again at Tompkins Park! This week our TREEmendous Tuesday team cleared an embankment of winter weeds primarily wild radish giving breathing room to seedlings planted earlier this season. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #plantingseeds
07.01.2022 This was last week's work at East Tompkins Park - ongoing battle with wild radish (currently SERAG 3 vs Radish 0 - we WILL win!!) - and then to add to our satisfaction, the pelicans and dolphins arrived. This is why we do what we do - to make the river a healthy and sustainable place for these magnificent creatures to live.
07.01.2022 For those who ventured out to view the birds last Saturday, Alfred Cove didnt disappoint, and we were treated to seeing these two Tawny Frogmouths huddled together, the iconic Yellow-billed Spoonbill, the family of Osprey, Egrets, Ducks, including a Pacific Black family with 15 ducklings, not to mention a very special Wood Sandpiper fossicking in the mud in the morning. There will be another opportunity for you to join a bird walk at Alfred Cove on Saturday 12 September at 3:30pm - mark your diary. #birdwalk #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit #community
06.01.2022 Weeding time again at Tompkins Park that took place on Tuesday morning. After removing wild radish (some already going to seed), fumaria and others, we found tiny plants of gahnia making steady headway which was very rewarding. We decided to leave a few flowers for the bees! #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #weeding
06.01.2022 DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR SERAG'S ART INSTALLATION The link below will take you to the City of Melville's Happiness Returns website with map, details of installations and how to vote for your favourite. SERAG's installation - "Welcome Home to our Intrepid Travellers" - happens to be #1 to it'll be easy to Vote One.... After a great effort by numerous SERAG members, we have a wonderful "flock" of migratory birds ready to alight at Alfred Cove tomorrow morning. If the weather is kind to us, we will also have information to share about these amazing birds. Voting is on line and we'd love to get as many votes as possible. Please share this post with as many people as you can. https://www.melvillecity.com.au//engagem/happiness-appears
05.01.2022 World Habitat Day takes place on the first Monday of October. The theme of World Habitat Day 2020 was ‘Housing For All’. To compensate a little for the loss of natural habitat hollows due to the clearing of mature trees over many years, SERAG has steadily erected artificial nesting and roosting boxes at Pelican Point - now totalling five boxes for pardalotes and three for microbats. Their success has been terrific - although this year we found a colony of lovely little Gould'...s Wattled Bats (including a pregnant female) settled in a pardalote nesting box, while a pair of Striated Pardalotes was trying desperately to enter a roosting box for microbats! It’s an upside-down world. with a conspicuous shortage of housing. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #WorldHabitatDay #HousingForAll
04.01.2022 An opportunity to celebrate the ancient beauty of the Derbarl Yerrigan - Swan River Estuary has presented itself through Riversymposium 2020, organised by the International RiverFoundation - a global organization advancing the sustainable management of river basins. People from all over the world have been invited to film a river-related performance for ‘Rivers Got Talent’, to be viewed at the Brisbane symposium in November. SERAG’s contribution: Scherzo and Cantabile for t...he Swan by local composer Glyn Marillier was performed at Alfred Cove, a quiet nook on the Swan River Estuary, by the recorder quartet ‘Les bons vivants’, and produced by Steve Napier. We think you will agree it is fitting tribute to the natural values of the Estuary, the recorder being a woodwind instrument historically associated with nature, its clear sweet notes suggestive of birdsong and its more mellow tones of the gentle meandering of a river as it broadens into the estuary. The general public is invited to view all entries to ‘Rivers Got Talent’, and to vote for their favourite piece. Vote For Your Favourite Rivers Got Talent Entry at this https://www.facebook.com/100000654384225/videos/3691100787588364/
04.01.2022 HAPPINESS APPEARS Pop Up Community Art Trail Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June PLEASE VOTE FOR SERAG's installation ... SERAG has been successful in being chosen as one of the groups or individuals to present their art installation in the City of Melville initiated "Happiness Appears" pop up community art trail. This project recognises the importance of connecting our local spaces, places and each other in creative ways. SERAG's artwork will be titled "Welcome Home to Our Intrepid Travellers" and will feature a "flock" of shorebirds standing adjacent to the shared pedestrian/bike path on the Tompkins Park foreshore behind the Melville Bowling Club. The "flock" will be cut outs of the amazing migratory shorebirds that return annually to Alfred Cove from as far away as the Arctic Circle. They will be made from recycled core flute panels. (See the photo of a sample cut out.) The artwork will be accessible by car (parking at the bowling club), bus (Canning Hwy) or by foot or bike via the shared path. Walk among the birds and find out more about them from information boards nearby. We will also have information about the proposed Melville Bird Sanctuary. We gain great joy from the appearance of these birds each year and this artwork will help us share this happiness and knowledge with the community. As we will be competing for the most votes for the display, we would love all of you to vote for us by visiting in person or online. We would be in the running to win $1000, $500 or $250 which SERAG would use for our ongoing rehabilitation of the Alfred Cove foreshore. Please share this with your contacts. We'd love to see as many people as possible come and view our installation but they can be viewed on line view City of Melville website from Saturday onwards.
03.01.2022 After a wonderful sunrise to start our morning's work at Troy Park , we set about removing weeds and planting sedges. Now we'd just love some rain please!
03.01.2022 Good news! We have two new oyster-catchers waddling about the Estuary. For a number of weeks supporters have been monitoring a pair of Pied Oyster-catchers nesting on an exposed area of River foreshore. Yesterday - twenty-six days after the eggs were first noted - two chicks have emerged and taken their first tentative steps, under the watchful eyes of both mum and dad. There will be many challenges facing the little family over forthcoming weeks predation, human disturbanc...e and the vagaries of weather, to mention a few. We wish them all the very best, and hope they will stay free from harm as they grow and learn. #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #perthbirds
03.01.2022 For those who ventured out to view the birds last Saturday, Alfred Cove didn’t disappoint, and we were treated to seeing these two Tawny Frogmouths huddled together, the iconic Yellow-billed Spoonbill, the family of Osprey, Egrets, Ducks, including a Pacific Black family with 15 ducklings, not to mention a very special Wood Sandpiper fossicking in the mud in the morning. There will be another opportunity for you to join a bird walk at Alfred Cove on Saturday 12 September at 3:30pm - mark your diary. #birdwalk #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit #community
02.01.2022 SERAG is very pleased to support ‘The Overwintering Project’ - an environmental art project inviting artists to visit, research, and respond to the unique nature of their local migratory shorebird habitat. The Project’s primary aim is to bring visibility to Australia’s most endangered group of birds, our migratory shorebirds, and their habitat. Together with the Printmakers Association of Western Australia (PAWA) we are preparing for an exhibition of Overwintering works at N...yisztor Studio, Palmyra in October 2020, to correspond with World Migratory Bird Day in the southern hemisphere. Printmakers are invited to contribute to the exhibition, which will be entitled ‘Summer on the Swan’. #perthart #perthartist #volunteerperth #swanriver #nonprofit
02.01.2022 As part of the Places You Love Alliance’s #PlushieProtest event we have received a number of photos to demonstrate support for stronger nature laws. Plushies and other critters across Australia have taken to social media to make the extinction crisis visible and to demand stronger laws to protect themselves, their mates and habitat. We support them.... #volunteerperth #nonprofit #swanriver #community #beforeitsgone #plushieprotest
01.01.2022 RESTORATION, REHABILITATION and RUBBISH We've had 3 weeks of great planting both at Tompkins Park and, today, at Attadale foreshore - Ficinia nodosa... Juncus kraussii Atriplex cinerea Enchylaena tomentosa Rhagodia baccata Conostylis candicans Gahnia trifida - with follow up rain to give the plants a good kick start (with luck this week's showers will happen tomorrow). Along with the energy and sense of fulfillment that we all get from planting, there is ongoing frustration at the amounts of rubbish that we collect each time. As the quote goes " 'It's only 1 straw', said 7 billion people." The bag of rubbish in the photo was collected in an area of about 4 square metres where we were planting copious numbers of Juncus kraussii. As soon as we'd finished, the ducks popped by to check out the new plantings and to thank us for removing the rubbish.
01.01.2022 Last Saturday students from UWA joined SERAG volunteers at Pelican Point to continue restoration of a bush site devastated by fire a year ago. After clearing the site of winter weeds, around 150 seedlings were carefully planted. Work was temporarily interrupted with the accidental disturbance of a fabulous skink - a West Coast Ctenotus (Ctenotus fallens) - which was greatly admired then quickly returned to a safe refuge.... The mornings work concluded with the planting of a Melaleuca rhaphiophylla sapling, to celebrated National Tree Day. National Tree Day acknowledges the important contribution trees make to life on Earth. Apart from providing beauty in our landscapes, they supply us with the oxygen we breathe; they moderate weather conditions and are essential in maintaining a stable climate, and they underpin bushlands and many terrestrial ecosystems - providing habitat for a myriad of other wonderful species. #volunteerperth #weeding #nonprofit #community
01.01.2022 On the 21st of July, we held a planting volunteer event in support of a Rivercare Project managed by the City of Melville. SERAG volunteers weeded a section of Marine Park foreshore along Melville Beach Road in Applecross, then planted sedges (Juncus kraussii & Ficinia nodosa). A small group of students from Murdochs Universitys Roots and Shoots group joined in too. The aim of the project is to strengthen the existing but very narrow sedgebanks to better withstand the in...creasing ferocity of winter storms and tidal-surges, which are eroding the foreshore as well as to improve its function as an ecological corridor for our native flora and fauna. A confident Buff-banded Rail and a cheeky Willy Wagtail helped mop up the insects disturbed by our work. It was a fabulous and very enjoyable blue morning! #nonprofit #plantings #volunteer
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