SWARA in Woolloongabba | Disability service
Locality: Woolloongabba
Phone: +61 7 3391 4119
Address: 101 Park Road 4102 Woolloongabba, QLD, Australia
Website: http://swara.com.au
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25.01.2022 Who else has been missing the SWARA Songbirds? Never to worry! Here is another classic "Music makes my heart take flight". Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com//music-makes-my-heart-take-fligt7-m
25.01.2022 At SWARA we love any excuse to dress up and Halloween Week has been so much fun!
23.01.2022 Whos excited for some Yoga and dancing with Tulip??? I know I am! These sessions will be run on Fridays and Saturdays starting next week! Please get into contact with SWARA or Tulip Daffodil directly for more information!
23.01.2022 Lest We Forget - Remembrance Day 2020
23.01.2022 Only 1 more sleep until ANZAC day! Could anyone work out which treat was an ANZAC biscuit? *spoiler alert* it was number 1!! With only one day left before ANZAC day, make sure that you are prepared and have organised your celebrations. Will you be having a minute of silence on your driveway at 6am tomorrow? For more information of what is planned for this special day, visit: https://www.abc.net.au/class/events/anzac-day-2020/12170216... For the final activity before ANZAC day, you will all have the opportunity to create your own poppies! There is a YouTube video attached to this post that you can click on to view the video. The materials you will need are: - Red A4 paper - 1 Green chenille stem - scissors - pencil - ruler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe0uqc6ImgQ Post your poppies in the comments section. We look forward to seeing the wonderful creations you make!
22.01.2022 Only 1 more sleep until Easter!! I hope everyone is as excited as we are for the special quiz tomorrow. Did everyone have a go at the Easter rabbit math puzzle? It was pretty tricky!! The answer is attached as a photo to this post. Did anyone have any other answers or have trouble working it out?? We would love to hear from you in the comments. The last activity before the fun Easter quiz is a spot the difference. So far we have counted 6 differences. Can you spot them all? ...The answers will be included in tomorrows post. Good luck everyone! Make sure you have a go at the activity. It will be the last one before the big quiz tomorrow!!
22.01.2022 4 more days until ANZAC day! How did everyone go with the questions?? The questions and answered can be found below: 1. Work out which flower is linked to ANZAC day. Is it 1? Is it 2? Or, is it 3? a. It was the 1st flower!... 2. What is the name of this flower? a. The flower is called a poppy. 3. Why is this flower linked to ANZAC day? (hint: think of the colour of the flower and why that colour may be associated with a war) a. Although the flower is usually linked with remembrance day, more and more people have adopted it as a means of respect for ANZAC day as well. During the first world war, poppies were a common flower to be seen. It was observed that all of the blood of the dead soldiers in the field of war looked like a sea of the red poppies and this became a symbol of the bloodshed. In todays activity, you are going to be presented with a poem that goes further into this theme. The poem was written by John Mccrae. Your job is to work out what the name of the poem is and then post your thoughts in the comments. Feel free to use google to help or simply have a guess!! Poem: In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. Good luck everyone!!
22.01.2022 Hi everyone! Who has missed dancing with Tulip Daffodil??? I know I sure have!!! Yellow Woodland is going to start Yoga and Dance classes for all interested SWARA participants. Arent we lucky!!! Here are the following times Tulip is going to be conducting these sessions: Online Class 1: FRIDAY DANCE FUN with Tulip the Fairy... Morning: 10.00am - 11.00am Afternoon: 2.00pm - 3.00pm Online Class 2: SATURDAY YOGA with Tulip the Fairy Morning: 10.00am - 11.00am Afternoon: 2.00pm - 3.00pm If you would like to be involved, please get in contact with SWARA and we can schedule you in. Thank you Tulip, we are all so excited!
21.01.2022 Yesterday we had a special morning tea to mark Narayan's last week at SWARA. Thank you Narayan for all of your hard work over the last few months. From transitioning services to an online capacity to keep our clients engaged during COVID-19 restrictions, to your invaluable contribution in establishing new services, you have been a true asset to SWARA and our community and you will be missed. We wish you the best moving forward and will always be here to welcome you back with open arms
21.01.2022 November 26 - today we celebrated Founders Day. Spreading the message of loving service in action, in honour of Dorothy and Moyia O’Brien (the Pink Twins) who established SWARA over 45 years ago.
21.01.2022 Another great SWARA Songbirds classic!! This one is called "A Tunnel Song". Why not spend the public holiday learning some new lyrics and listening to our favourite songs?? I know theres nothing wed rather do! Stay safe everyone https://soundcloud.com/swara-brisbane/a-tunnel-song
20.01.2022 At SWARA, we love art and crafts. Check out our recent Halloween and Melbourne Cup art pieces!
20.01.2022 Halloween Week (Day 2) Clients and Staff are dressed up and having fun
19.01.2022 Painting the mural this morning at SWARA
18.01.2022 Dont forget!! Tulip is still offering Dance and Yoga classes online. Get into contact with @yellowwoodland if you are interested! Here is a reminder of the different available sessions! Dance: Friday - 10.00am Friday - 2.00pm... Yoga: Saturday - 10.00am Saturday - 2.00pm
17.01.2022 Amazing artwork by one of our very talented clients!
16.01.2022 Hello everyone!! Another exciting addition for the SWARA songbirds. The very popular 'Music makes my heart take flight'. Make sure you give it some practice!! We are looking forward to hearing all of your beautiful voices in the choir very soon!... https://soundcloud.com//music-makes-my-heart-take-flight-m
16.01.2022 Make sure you get in contact with Tulip @yellowwoodland or simply call 0457 911 552 to get involved in todays yoga session at 2pm. Be quick! Theres only 4 spots left!
16.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone!! Take today to spend some time with family and friends - even if it's from a distance!! The government has advised everyone to stay inside during Easter and the long weekend. We will endeavour to provide everyone with some fun activities to complete at home over the weekend!! If you want more information on this decision, you can view it on this link https://www.abc.net.au//scott-morrison-urges-aust/12129558 ... Did everyone have a go at the spot the difference yesterday?? There were 6 differences between the first and the second image. Could you spot them all? Don't worry if you couldn't! The answers have been attached to this post. Now the activity we've all been waiting for! It's time for the Easter quiz. There are 10 questions in the quiz. Take your time and attempt as many as you can. The answers will be released in tomorrow's post. We are missing you all here at SWARA! Make sure you take care of yourselves during this difficult time. Let's make sure we are being sensible and continue to practice the hygiene requirements that we have talked about. Hopefully we can all be together soon! So, make sure you all stay safe over the weekend and #stayathome so we can #stopthespread. It is really important that we all follow these rules so things can back to normal quicker!!
16.01.2022 SWARA Service Update I hope everybody is well and is adhering to the necessary Coronavirus prevention measures. We have been missing everybody here at SWARA, but are enjoying staying in touch in an online capacity through regular phone calls, lessons and other forms of engagement in the social media page. If you would like to get involved in any of these programs, please call SWARA on 3391 4119. We are pleased to announce that there has been a reduction in the number of new ...coronavirus cases in Australia. Find more information on https://www.health.gov.au//coronavirus-covid-19-current-si Please continue to stay at home and follow the recommendations by the Government. Only go outside if it is for essential travel, such as shopping and exercise. When completing these activities, you should continue to adhere to the safety measures, such as social distancing, and limit them when possible. We hope you all had a great Easter weekend and that we can see you all very soon! Take care The SWARA Team
15.01.2022 SWARA Service Update! We are going to trial online AUSLAN classes over the coming weeks! Make sure you get in contact with SWARA over the next few days if you are interested!
15.01.2022 Who else is missing the yummy treats from the SWARA bakery?? I know we sure are! Why not try some baking from home? We made some rocky road treats earlier this week and they were delicious!
15.01.2022 Services Update: We hope you are all keeping yourselves busy at home!! After lots of planning, next week we are going to be providing a few different online services.. Yay!! If you would like to be involved in any of the services below, or think of any other services which we can provide you, please do not hesitate to get into contact with us! We would love even just a phone call!... Current Services - Regular phone calls and check ins - Online numeracy and literacy lessons - Mens and womens Group - Online arts and crafts workshops with Tulip - Online health and nutrition workshops - Personal hygiene workshops If you have any other suggestions or can think of some other services you would like provided, please do not hesitate to give us a call! Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!
14.01.2022 We are back!! SWARA is officially reopening for onsite services on Monday 13th July. It has been a challenging few months transitioning to online services. Thank you everyone for your patience and your support during this difficult time. Please let us know if you will be attending SWARA next week by calling us on 3391 4119. If you do not wish to attend the centre at this time, please let us know and we will endeavour to continue to provide you with services in an online capacity. If you are unwell, please stay home. We have come a long way in the last few months but still need to take the necessary precautions to reduce the chances of a second wave. We cant wait to see you all very very soon!
14.01.2022 We are back. Hooray! It was great to see lots of smiley faces over the last couple of days and celebrate the birthdays we were not able to in person during lockdown. A big thanks to the clients and families/carers for your continued support during what has been a tough few months. We are in no way out of the woods yet but its amazing to see how far we have come since the middle of March! Please make sure to remain vigilant in maintaining the necessary hygienic precautions and stay home if you are feeling unwell.
14.01.2022 The special day is near upon us!! Only 2 more sleeps until ANZAC day! How did everyone go in the ANZAC day find a word? The solutions will be uploaded with this post. In todays activity, you are required to work out which cookie/biscuit represents an ANZAC biscuit. Is it the 1st one, the 2nd one or the 3rd one??? Post your thoughts in the comments section as always!! Let the biscuit discovery begin!
14.01.2022 Yesterday we had a special morning tea to mark Narayans last week at SWARA. Thank you Narayan for all of your hard work over the last few months. From transitioning services to an online capacity to keep our clients engaged during COVID-19 restrictions, to your invaluable contribution in establishing new services, you have been a true asset to SWARA and our community and you will be missed. We wish you the best moving forward and will always be here to welcome you back with open arms
14.01.2022 Hello everyone! If you are interested in food delivered to your home, go check out "The Good Meal Co" on https://goodmeal.com.au/pages/ndis-meal-provider This service is an NDIS-approved meal provider. Food can be provided for as little as $1 per meal! Wow! isnt that cheap. ... You can contact The Good Meal Co on 1800 155 255 Go check it out everyone!
14.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone!! Take today to spend some time with family and friends - even if its from a distance!! The government has advised everyone to stay inside during Easter and the long weekend. We will endeavour to provide everyone with some fun activities to complete at home over the weekend!! If you want more information on this decision, you can view it on this link https://www.abc.net.au//scott-morrison-urges-aust/12129558 ... Did everyone have a go at the spot the difference yesterday?? There were 6 differences between the first and the second image. Could you spot them all? Dont worry if you couldnt! The answers have been attached to this post. Now the activity weve all been waiting for! Its time for the Easter quiz. There are 10 questions in the quiz. Take your time and attempt as many as you can. The answers will be released in tomorrows post. We are missing you all here at SWARA! Make sure you take care of yourselves during this difficult time. Lets make sure we are being sensible and continue to practice the hygiene requirements that we have talked about. Hopefully we can all be together soon! So, make sure you all stay safe over the weekend and #stayathome so we can #stopthespread. It is really important that we all follow these rules so things can back to normal quicker!!
13.01.2022 Melbourne Cup celebrations at SWARA! Today we spent the day participating in SWARA’s Cup Sweep and creating our own Fashion of the Field hats! We finished the afternoon tuning into the race!
12.01.2022 The SWARA Newsletter for June 2020. Go check it out everyone!
12.01.2022 Hello everyone!! We hope you are all well and are staying safe during this difficult time. Only 6 more sleeps until ANZAC day on the 25th April!!! We will have a fun activity prepared for you guys to do every day next week to kick off our celebrations! First of all, does everyone know what the word ANZAC stands for and what we celebrate on that special day? Please engage in the comments section. We would love to hear from you! As always, stay safe! We cant wait to see you all soon
12.01.2022 Here is the SWARA Newsletter for July 2020! Go check it out!!
11.01.2022 Isnt it great to be back learning some new skills?!?! We are so excited to see all of our new programs in action! Whats your favourite? Is it the technology lessons? Or maybe the choir? I know mine is the new art and craft activities!
11.01.2022 There are two spots left for Tulips Dance class today at 2pm!! If you are interested, please contact Tulip on 0457 911 552 or contact her through @yellowwoodland
11.01.2022 Only 5 more sleeps until ANZAC day!! In the last post, we asked everyone if they knew what ANZAC meant and what the day celebrates. Well done to Adrian who got it spot on! The word ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. It represents the Australian and New Zealand soldiers that fought in the first world war and the conflicts which followed this. So, why do we celebrate ANZAC day? Why do we celebrate people fighting in a war? It seems a little strange doesn...t it!! Well we celebrate ANZAC day because it is a time of commemoration. The day serves as a means of respecting all of those that died in the war, and to demonstrate that we are grateful for all of the sacrifices that those brave soldiers made. There will be more updates in the coming days for how you can show respect for these soldiers this year. Whilst the celebrations will be inherently different this year because of the impacts of coronavirus, the day still pertains great significance. Daily Activity: Todays fun activity to prepare for this special day is a little problem solving quiz!! There is an image attached to this post. There are three different flowers in the image. You have three tasks: 1. Work out which flower is linked to ANZAC day. Is it 1? Is it 2? Or, is it 3? 2. What is the name of this flower? 3. Why is this flower linked to ANZAC day? (hint: think of the colour of the flower and why that colour may be associated with a war) Good luck everyone!!
08.01.2022 It’s Halloween Week here at SWARA Today we made Halloween banners and paper mache pumpkins! Our clients have been so excited to dress up all week so stay tuned for some awesome pictures of our costumes!
08.01.2022 Hello everyone! Please see the SWARA Client Newsletter for April. Make sure you stay safe and show your respects over the ANZAC day weekend!
07.01.2022 Hello everyone!! Another exciting addition for the SWARA songbirds. The very popular Music makes my heart take flight. Make sure you give it some practice!! We are looking forward to hearing all of your beautiful voices in the choir very soon!... https://soundcloud.com//music-makes-my-heart-take-flight-m
07.01.2022 Did everyone have a good Easter?? Let us know what you all got up to!! Here are the answers for yesterdays big quiz! How did everyone go? Are there any other activities that you guys would like to see online? Let us know in the comments section. Stay safe everyone!
07.01.2022 NEW CLASS, happening this Saturday - Online Journal Writing Workshop with Tulip the Fairy! All you need is a pen and paper to join the creative fun! Contact @yellowwoodland to book your spot or to get involved in other sessions!
06.01.2022 Exciting news! This Saturday Afternoon Tulip the Fairy is trialing a LIVE YOGA class at 2.00pm - just for the SWARA participants on the private SWARA Family Facebook Group. All welcome! No bookings required! Just join in at 2.00pm on Facebook - Its FREE! Also as a reminder! There are 4 spots available for the Friday Dance Zoom Class at 10.00am and 2 spots available for the class at 2.00pm. There are also 3 ...spots available for the 10.00am Saturday morning Yoga Zoom Class. Dont miss out!! Contact @yellowwoodland for further information!
05.01.2022 Halloween Week, Day 3 Our Staff have embraced dressing up and gone all out with their costumes
05.01.2022 Here is the SWARA Newsletter for May! Take care everyone!
05.01.2022 3 more days until ANZAC day! Did anyone work out what the name of the poem was? It was called "In Flanders Fields". Todays activity is a fun ANZAC day word search!! Solutions will be provided tomorrow. Have a go and see how many you can get! Good luck!
05.01.2022 The day has arrived! I hope everyone showed their respects to the ANZACs today in some capacity or another. It was so amazing to see so many people celebrate such a significant today even through these tough times. Well done Australia and New Zealand! Over the next few weeks, we are going to try and give you guys as many things to do as possible! For those of you that are interested in the choir, we are going to be uploading some of the songs for you to practice over the next few days. Please stay safe everyone. Hopefully we can all catch up soon!
04.01.2022 Make sure you go check out Tulips classes. There are still some spots available for dance and yoga sessions! Dance: Friday - 10.00am : Spots Available Friday - 2.00pm : Spots Available... Yoga: Saturday - 10.00am: Spots Available Saturday - 2.00pm: Spots Available Why not give it a go!! Please contact SWARA or @yellowwoodland directly if you are interested.
03.01.2022 Whos missing the SWARA Songbirds performances? We know that we sure are!! Well we are all in luck! Tony Rice and Janek will be doing a live broadcast for all SWARA clients on 7th of May at 1pm. Lock in the time and date! We cant wait to see a great choir performance as always!
03.01.2022 The day has arrived! I hope everyone showed their respects to the ANZAC's today in some capacity or another. It was so amazing to see so many people celebrate such a significant today even through these tough times. Well done Australia and New Zealand! Over the next few weeks, we are going to try and give you guys as many things to do as possible! For those of you that are interested in the choir, we are going to be uploading some of the songs for you to practice over the next few days. Please stay safe everyone. Hopefully we can all catch up soon!
03.01.2022 That’s a wrap on Halloween Week at SWARA We all had a fabulous time dressing up and we hope you enjoyed seeing our costumes!
02.01.2022 Day 1 of Staff Training: Our wonderful Support Staff Team are working together to provide ‘Loving Service’ to our clients.
01.01.2022 'NEW CLASS, happening this Saturday - Online Journal Writing Workshop with Tulip the Fairy! All you need is a pen and paper to join the creative fun! Contact @yellowwoodland to book your spot or to get involved in other sessions!
01.01.2022 Good morning everyone!! Some very exciting news for the SWARA Songbirds and others that wish to have a go at some singing and practice learning some new lyrics! There are a variety of different songs that you guys can practice at home before the SWARA centre reopens. We will upload these songs on Facebook so make sure you stay up to date with all of our posts! Enjoy the music!... Song Number 1: Off on a Journey https://soundcloud.com/swara-brisbane/off-on-a-journey
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