John & Rach Empowered Living | Fitness trainer
John & Rach Empowered Living
Phone: +61 404 883 986
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25.01.2022 Being a #worldchanger is about empowerment. Its not often you get an #opportunity to step into your greater self. Have a look at this presentation.
25.01.2022 Love our morning hill climbers crew. Shared pain = fun, camaraderie and smashing goals. #team #hillclimbs #groupfitness #friends #heartattack #efa #edgefitnessalstonville #edgefit
24.01.2022 "Food for thought" - what are you feeding your brain on a daily basis to keep you on track. It doesn't matter if you're young or not, the message is for EVERYONE daring to be different. Rach and I have a mission; A. SIMPLE. VISION. There is a better way to earn money, to earn your freedom (whatever that looks like to you), to earn more time for you and your family, to earn your right to have the life you deserve. We KNOW there is a better way. We know that YOU KNOW THAT T...HERE IS A BETTER WAY. So let this be your food for thought on this amazing Sunday morning. #worldGN #worldchanger #technology #family #freedom See more
23.01.2022 Welcome to our page. If you want to have what you want in life you must listen to this video and ask for more information. #youngfamilies #stayathomemum #stayathomedad #mlm #becurious
22.01.2022 How prepared can you be for the amazing gift of a child. Does it matter? You will just fill our hearts with joy and all the what ifs will just dissipate! We are so excited we cant wait any longer. Our hearts are bursting for you. #surprise #love #babies #arrival #itstime #fullmoon
22.01.2022 Great start to running season. 14kms this morning with the boys and my little running buddy. He’s such a little trooper. #dogs #running
21.01.2022 As a parent, I often find my 6 year hidden under her bed watching youtube on my tablet or my 13 year old glued to her mobile in bed at night. We do have perimeters around these devices BUT in all honesty I am guilty of being tardy with enforcing these perimeters because sometimes its just easier to just let go then go in for the battle. How many of you do this? Knowledge is power and the more we read about the impact of mobile devices to the body (and the influence) the tou...gher our standing is on this subject. This is a MUST READ project conducted by these students and this is yet more evidence that we need to #change our way of thinking for bigger impact. Electrosmog is a real thing. As parents it iso our job to understand the negative impact it has on our bodies let alone smaller bodies. With advance in technology, family values are challenged. Health is one of the values that we are strict on within our household. And by reading these studies adds strength to our responsibility as parents to be tougher in our guidelines with these mobile devices. READ THE STUDY AND WATCH THE VIDEO - YOU MUST. 1. We have implemented that all mobile devices in our home has a #biozen chipped afixed to it. 2. All mobile devices to be on the kitchen table at night right on 8pm 3. We are committed to 30 day tech cleanse everything 4 months. 4. Scroll our page and read about the #biozen chip #electrosmog #boundaries #kids #parenting101 #health
21.01.2022 It's important to understand how your energy affects people. When you love what you do, people will love it too. We really are blessed to have a community where everyone loves showing up and getting involved. Most importantly we are the luckiest family to have our kids flourish in an environment that is safe, healthy and loving.
21.01.2022 Is it possible to think bigger than what you are now? I just love this guy and I want to share with you. Give yourself permission to think will achieve whats impossible.
19.01.2022 This is just a brilliant movie for the family to see. The message is powerful and stiring and ofcourse lessons so relatable to life. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour and see it while it is at the movies.
17.01.2022 Have you thought about how you can reduce radiation within your household? Unless you remove every device that emits electromagnetic radiation (better known as electrosmog) our households are drowning in this. Simple devices like the microwave, tv remotes, TV, cordless baby alarms, routers just to name a few. How about mobile phones and tablets, we are seeing kids attached to these devices all too often. To protect your babies, families, loved ones, every household needs thi...s device #biozen to mitigate the release of electromagnetic radiation. Every household needs 3 to put on each device that releases electrosmog, however if youre anything like my family YOU WILL NEED MORE. #biozen is a scientifically and medically approved device. The scary thing is that science and medicine agree that these remote devices within our households are making us sick. The great unknown is that we really wont understand the impact of these device to us until 20 years down the track. Its too late then for some. The great solution is that we have this device, #biozen . Prevention is better than a cure. These are cost effective and can only be bought through associates like @rach_mamamcd and myself. We will be doing a big order and if you want some of these devices #dropaline so we can include your quota as well. #safety #mumsnbubs #babies #kids #healthyhomes #prevention #cancer #electrosmog #pediatrics #doctors #schools
15.01.2022 Im looking for 3 people that would like to make $2600 in a week (even more). Launched brand new technology in Australia and we need to get the message out there. Ask for more information.
14.01.2022 Filling your cup
13.01.2022 There have been loads of questions about the chip we have been talking about that helps reduce your exposure to electrosmog. This clip illustrate how it helps your body's shield to electrosmog. My next video I will be sharing will be a test done to show how this little chip reduces the frequency of electrosmog when attached to devices that emit electromagnetic radiation.... This is a great video for all parents to watch. #health #emr #emf #protect #safetyinthehome
13.01.2022 Care for your loved ones. The HELO can potentially save lives. Imagine an elderly relative is having some sort of health episode and no matter where they are at you can see their vitals. They can't get to their phone, but as they lay on the ground they can reach their wrist.... HELO comes with: Wecare: the system that allows remote monitoring of your loved ones. Guardian SOS: ask for help from your loved ones whenever youre in danger or need immediate assistance. Add people to contact in case of danger or in need of emergency assistance. Simply click the button twice on your HELO and automatically an SMS with your GPS coordinates will be sent to your contacts. #care #family #bethefirsttoknow #WorldGN #helo
13.01.2022 Great start to running season. 14kms this morning with the boys and my little running buddy. Hes such a little trooper. #dogs #running
13.01.2022 To all the parent out there - Im interested in your solution to this problem. Lights left on. No matter how much we scream, its like talking to the wall. So today rather then scream, Ive removed the light bulbs. Hoping that living in darkness will finally get some understanding with my frustration of leaving lights on all the time. ... So Im interested in what you do at home with this problem?? Fire away. #turnoffthelights #kids #parenting #solutions
12.01.2022 Its powerful. Simple. Weve just got to get it right!
12.01.2022 Not long before structure comes back into our household. We love holidays. If only life could be one big holiday: no early morning fights no uniforms to deal with no rushing Time flies, i especially just want more time with these kidlets.
12.01.2022 The Helo vs FitBit. Why you should by a helo?
11.01.2022 Rachel McDermott I think we could relate to the "fun" couple. Maybe we just need to do our own video . Could be very risky....
11.01.2022 Lets all face it, your health is constant and consistent work. I get it, its a challenging commitment. One we all yo yo at. Were in an era where we want spontaneous and immediate results without the hard work. How far is that from reality? For me personally I love finding people who enjoy the same training as I. People who are fitter then me and will keep me in, when Im out. People that are committed so I never have to question whether or not they will be there, I HAVE TO... TURN UP. What Im finding is that Im enjoying the training more when theres an unspoken expectation of each other, that everyones buzzes on the same frequency (although we are all at different levels of fitness) and we all go through the same hard at varying degrees. Either way the workout is completed and we walk away feeling accomplished. This is the personal satisfaction we should all look in your quest for a healthier or more active lifestyle. Thank you to the crew this morning on the hill climbs, that was tough this morning. Some times I feel I smoke that hill, this morning she was a fxxking bitch. Near death experience, yes, but I finished it. Because nobody else gave up! Until next time, stay active. @jsynergylife @bartletts_lane_meat @goldenpawtregeagle @anna_mcnaught #hillsprints #alstonville #crew #team #neardeath #achieve
10.01.2022 Love it when my little fella joins us in the mornings for training. Clearly we can see who trained harder.
09.01.2022 Last night we had a conversation with our 14yr about taking her mobile off her as we werent happy with how attached shed become to it. The reaction was like wed taken her oxygen away. Itll be interesting to hear how other parents manage mobiles and kids. What age is acceptable for your kids to have one? #nomorephones
09.01.2022 ATTENTION to all my runners and walkers out there. RELEASED THIS WEEK! Run together with your Helo! Make your workout, start your fitness session! ... And do it in a classy way. HeloFit is the first app designed for your Helo to make running, workout and fitness session. With few clicks, you can pair your smartphone and your Helo to have a personal assistant for your sessions! -3 sessions mode -GPS Real Time Path -Continuous Heart Beat Monitoring -Session Report -Music IntegrationContinuous update will keep your app always cool and synchronized to your lifestyle. #WorldGN #WorldChanger #SayYES #runlikethewind #GoTellTheWorld #AndGoFigureItOut #athletes
08.01.2022 How often do we get caught up in our shit and totally ignore the smallest things. Or simply ignore our loved ones because were so busy. This clip is a big, what if?, But the message is pretty loud.
06.01.2022 What is the cost of electromagnetic radiation (Emr, Emf) to our health? What can you do to protect yourself, your loved ones and friends from this? #biozen #biozen #biozen.
05.01.2022 This system is so easy. Help 6 people make $500 for the week. Then watch your business grow fast.
05.01.2022 #diabetes #worldhealth #noninvasive #prevention #sugar Health of the family, relief for healthcare on the family is our primary focus with our global online business that we often talk about. As health professionals and care for our growing family it is paramount that we understand the sugar intake of our kids and community around us. ... What's so alarming and deceiving is that sugar comes in so many different forms under so many "healthy" titles. Our body cannot differentiate sugar sources, its black and white, SUGAR IS SUGAR. The #gamechanger .....#bloodsugartrend.......a smart wearable device! Listen to this short clip. As a parent, the impact of knowing blood sugar trends empowers us to make better choices for our family. This is the biggest breakthrough in humanity..literally. The impact of this piece of technology to many families who want better understanding for better health. The impact for families who are also pre diabetic. The impact for families who are affected by diabetes and you can monitor your sugar trends. THIS IS HUGE IMPORTANCE. What IF, there was more relief for families. Are you listening? Watch this clip.
05.01.2022 The value of money is different for each of us. The amount we all need to make a difference differs substantially between each of us. How much will it take to create your freedom? In freedom I mean, allow you to breathe a little easier, or much easier? Will having an extra $100 per week help your family out this week? Would an extra $500 relieve you of some of the overdue bills you have? Maybe an extra $2500 could this help? How about more? ... So my question is, in your current job, how many more hours would you have to trade your time for to create an extra $100, $500, $2500 in a week? Is it possible to work a 100 hour week? Would you be happy working these hours to create more money? Is this freedom for you and your family? So if I could show you how to make $100, $500 or $2500 in a week without giving time up with your family, would you be interested? Let me know? We all want freedom. Define your freedom first. #familyfirst #moneytalk #helpyourself #worldGN #thereisabetterway #helo
05.01.2022 Living Bliss workshop this Saturday at Edge Fitness Alstonville. Have a sneaky peak at what to expect.
04.01.2022 I never thought Id change my perspective on what it means to be a parent, until I met you! Im not sure if its because Im #older , more experienced with #kids but something tells me, #you , are my greatest teacher yet! Why? Youre strength is unmistakably obvious, your calm is remarkably independent. Youre aura is consuming me, us. Rafa, Im/We are in love. You are the perfect surprise. @rach_mamamcd ... #lethimspeak #heart See more
04.01.2022 We are beyond excited to host this interactive workshop with Author, Speaker, Ayurvedic practitioner and Yoga therapist Chara Caruthers. Chara is a passionate and outspoken advocate of the power of LIVING YOUR BLISS Her #mantra for #living is simple; KNOW YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF. ... Limited seats. Bookings 6628 0710. This workshop is for health and happiness seekers who are ready to renew their #vitality and live #juicer , more connected lives.
01.01.2022 Its so important that we start to wake up because the world is moving fast and the way we teach is still very backwards.
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