Sweet and Sour Life Coaching in Parkside | Business consultant
Sweet and Sour Life Coaching
Locality: Parkside
Phone: +61 412 211 578
Address: 118A Glen Osmond Road 5063 Parkside, SA, Australia
Likes: 579
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25.01.2022 Choices! The discomfort of staying where you are, or taking 1 small step?Choices! The discomfort of staying where you are, or taking 1 small step?
25.01.2022 This is my go-to place. Connecting with nature and the beauty of our city. Notice the skyline in the distance. The clouds rolling in. The heritage grandstand. The fresh air. This creates my inner bliss. This aids my healing. ... What’s your go-to? How do you create your bliss? How can you make space for healing?
25.01.2022 Yes it can. If you allow it.
25.01.2022 If you are serious about finding your next job or increasing income....or know someone who does. This is the program that I am involved with, as a coach and consultant. Take a look. It may be your Next Step.
24.01.2022 Yesterday and now today. Worlds apart? Not really. They are both in my world, they are both what Im choosing to do. The thing is, how do I enjoy both? 3 guesses!
24.01.2022 The first step to creating change. Awareness. The next step? Choosing.
24.01.2022 I so love my trackies. Especially on cold days like today. Yesterday my early morning coaching calls to Florida and Colorado were in my trackie pants! Then I hit the road and did my steps. How about you?
23.01.2022 This is only one of the reasons WHY I shop here. What’s important to you when choosing your favourite shop, park, coach, therapist, restaurant?
23.01.2022 Theres something about this colour and the places I go, when I look at this pic. And its all about the places I take my clients to. So much hot air. . So excited to be launching my NEXT program....soon.
23.01.2022 Want to know where the jobs are now? Issue 3 "hits the internet" today of "Next Steps in Your CAREER" magazine - free to download/read online here: https://www.developmentatwork.com/next-steps-in-your.../ And if you want to know how you can join Next Steps for resources and Career Coaching...message me at [email protected] Its a fabulous program for South Aussies who are aged 50+ and wanting to get a job.
22.01.2022 Whats the one thing that makes you feel good? Really good? For me, apart from dessert and ....is this.....being in the training room! Im planning so many amazing trainings.....for amazing people who are ready to make it happen, create their future and take it to the next level! ... Are you with me?
21.01.2022 Did you know that? You generate the feelings....of abundance, success, excitement, joy. All of it. If youre not feeling it, change your focus, change your thoughts, change what youre doing, and notice how you feel. Then allow that feeling to expand.... It wont happen on its own. Its up to us to do it.
20.01.2022 Will today be a Cookie day? Set your intention.
20.01.2022 Just putting this here. Whether today is a work day or not, how can you enjoy it?
20.01.2022 Organic gardening means trying to find the bugs before they eat all the rocket, broccoli and cauliflower! Reminds me of the book, hungry little caterpillar! Rebecca Reid how is your crop fairing?
20.01.2022 Do you journal, write your story? When I started todays journalling, I didnt know where it would take me. Have a read. Todays wins. Not having a meant I walked everywhere. 7kms and 10k steps already. Still have to walk to 2 appointments. Having a body scan meant I had to keep my heart rate slow....it was a challenge to slow down my walking. While I did that I noticed the sky is blue and the sun is shining. ... Body fat was down and muscle up....after 5 weeks of consistent new habits. I retrieved my and credit cards from my very secure office at GO Road Co. Thank you Angela. Im feeling calm and yet energised. WHY? That monkey mind or itty bitty sh.tty committee totally disappeared a while ago. WHAT have I done to be so calm and peaceful inside? I do the WORK on me. Each time something outside triggers me....I do the WORK. Each time someone triggers me...I do the WORK. And it isnt about creating a new calm and confident me....its about letting go, unlearning the unresourceful strategies. And when that goes, you find you....the you who is. As Wayne Dyer says I am that I am. I am that I am. No more, no less. (Because we are ALL enough.). Have a beautiful day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiTtEQ_X2o8
19.01.2022 Its a glorious day. In between client sessions. Fresh air. Blue sky. Amazing.
19.01.2022 I am a Coach and this is my WHY.
19.01.2022 When we are not coming from our values, thats when life can seem like its going against you. Coaching brings you back to you. I know, because when I experienced NLP Coaching, I let go of who I thought I had to be, only to find who I always was, am and will be. Its from this place of empowerment that I create an amazing life. You can too.
17.01.2022 The more I appreciate .......... the better I feel, the more I do. Thank you Universal energy.The more I appreciate .......... the better I feel, the more I do. Thank you Universal energy.
17.01.2022 Falling asleep, feeling gratitude. Try it.
17.01.2022 Lacking confidence? You can only be confident if you have worked out what it is that needs to happen for you to FEEL confident. With my clients, we establish what's required and then we make it happen.... Plan, prepare and take action! photo credit WorldAthletics.org
17.01.2022 If today doesn’t look or feel all that great, what’s the one thing you can do to change? Your day depends on it! Make it amazing. Feel amazing. Be amazing.
17.01.2022 Nothing defines you, other than what you focus on, what meaning you give to life and how you live life. Let go of what was, embrace what is and imagine what can be. You have the power within you. We see you, we know you, we believe in you. ... Thank you for sharing this life with Sweet and Sour Life Coaching. Infinitely grateful.
17.01.2022 Be intentional. Today, I feel JOY in all that I do and be. Remember you chose this....you chose to create your business, your career. ... Did you choose consciously? Did you choose WHAT you’re doing knowing your WHY? Do you focus on your WHY when you HAVE to do the what, when it’s not your most enjoyable task. Or do you let the HOW stop you? Why, what and how. Simple. Yet powerful. Connect with yours. Feel the joy.
16.01.2022 What have you invited into your life? How has that impacted you? Is it time to drop it? Is it time for something new?
14.01.2022 Had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mark Aiston, host of Monday Drive, media trainer and PR expert. Mark, was very generous in inviting me to speak about Next Steps, the excellent career transition program I am involved in, which has helped mature aged South Australians find employment. We have assisted 170 job seekers to find employment and can assist another 100. If you would like to know more, comment below or email [email protected]... Bridget Hogg HR Development at Work
14.01.2022 Where are you today, what are you doing? I’m back in the office, making things happen for my business and with my amazing coaching clients.
14.01.2022 Is SHYNESS getting in the way of career, biz, relationships, life? Our SUCCESS depends on how we engage with other people. If you’re being limited by shyness, find it hard, awkward, frustrating, impossible to create relationships, speak up, put yourself forward, you’re limiting your success and impacting your wellbeing.... We work with you to create confidence and ease. . How does that feel to you? Would that be of value to you? How much will it impact your success, your income, your happiness?
13.01.2022 Lest we forget.
13.01.2022 I love this! Makes me laugh and imagine what the kids think when they visit the playground at Unley Oval. .
13.01.2022 Next Steps is continuing! If youre 50+ and unemployed, looking for that next job, listen to what Daryn has to say about the program and coaching, and then ask me for more details. A very experienced candidate, Daryn took on board the advice and coaching from the professional coaches and consultants, and was able to land that job!
13.01.2022 EN-gage to EN-joy Right? Right! Without engagement there is no joy.... Start by uncovering the reasons you feel the way you do. Stay in tune with the source of your emotions to unlock joy and enthusiasm for life. Challenge yourself to be better at JOY.
12.01.2022 My soul sisters. Fellow SA Woman business women!
12.01.2022 There are times I am not OK. Those are the times when something like seeing my broccoli and rocket growing in my garden, or hugging my daughter, a smile from a friend, listening to the birds chirp or watching children happily walking to school, those are the things which make me feel better. And appreciate the beauty of life. You can too. Simple, easy things. Look for them. Stop looking further. Stop making it harder. Start noticing the little things. Start taking the ...little actions. Share what youre doing today to increase your wellness.
11.01.2022 Tell me why you are where you are.
11.01.2022 A clearing walk in the morning sun. 4000 steps A cup of coffee. Connecting with the barista. Listening to Marianne Williamson talking all things life.... And yet I have SO MUCH work to do. When I focus on the work and use these words, my mind sees it all, feels overwhelmed and I create anxiety in my body. Anxiety creates chemicals which deplete me....draining my energy, foggy brain and unproductive. At this moment, I can CHOOSE - I repeat, at this moment I CAN choose. But, first, I must choose to change my focus, change my words, change the chemical reaction into restorative chemicals. I can choose clarity, energy, productivity. And I have. And I will......it doesn't happen automatically, it takes awareness. Sometimes you can't see that you have choices and may not know how to make the change. And that is what can stop you - so go ahead and STOP, pay attention, bring awareness to what is happening inside, and then find someone who can show you HOW. Life is what we make of it. Let's create it.
11.01.2022 How good is this! Hands up if you’re also sick of feeling unmotivated and stressed about working ON your business? Then let’s sort that out!... Access a FREE 1 hour Business Wellbeing Session with me through the Southern Business Mentoring Program. (for businesses and business owners in southern Adelaide from Glenelg to Yankalilla) As a Success Coach, I’m here to help you overcome whatever is getting in the way of making things happen in your business & your life. Just like Carly, we can shine a light on what’s blocking you, so you walk out relieved and knowing what you need to do. You’ll actually have a plan that will move you forward. With clarity about your strategy and what action steps to take, it’ll give you renewed energy and excitement about your business. And isn’t that what we all need to leave 2020 behind and start the new year on the front foot! Book one of the last spaces for December here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/.../mental-health-and... or book a Connection Call to find out more https://calendly.com/vasso-fessas/15min?month=2020-12
11.01.2022 This is my WHY. I get an amazing feeling when I am in a room of beautiful people who are all wanting to learn and evolve. And they do.
10.01.2022 If procrastination and productivity are getting you down - try eating the Frog! First thing in the morning. Do the deep work, the important work and notice how good it feels. Pay attention to the distractions like social media pings, which keep you from making things happen.... Psyche yourself up anyway you can ie do a Lleyton Hewitt come on, notice how good it will feel when its done, notice the space that will open up or talk to a friend/mentor/coach for some inspiration. Then do it! https://lnkd.in/eixrFce #nlpcoaching #productivitytips #careercoaching #successstrategies
10.01.2022 EXPECTATIONS let you down, cause pain. Why would you do that to yourself?EXPECTATIONS let you down, cause pain. Why would you do that to yourself?
09.01.2022 Last year I was working so hard! that I didn’t make time for fun experiences. This year, it’s a priority. Wednesday night family dinner at Metta Sol, right next to the Goodwood Tramline. What else could a mother want? Family, food, fun and no dishes or pots to wash. ... It was a beautiful evening! It was senses overload! Food, decor, outside view, bright sun and the noise of such a cosmopolitan life was evidence of how SA has been fortunate to enjoy the freedoms that others cannot, right now. Grateful
09.01.2022 When have you felt like it wasnt possible, yet you decided to make it happen, and you did? Last week was a huge week for me....coming off a few weeks of working only part time due to a small health issue which slowed me down and totally depleted my energy, I had so much to catch up on, plus fab new clients and add to that planning a family celebration for 30 people, with just a few days notice, and it was only when I used my mindset tools that not only did I pull it off, I a...lso enjoyed it. Mindset, use it to move you and empower you, or not. Your amazing life depends on it. Ask me more.
09.01.2022 Sometimes I dont realise that I can be too much too soon for some people. Principle #3 in the 5 Principles for Success is to have awareness. Lately with so much happening in a zoom coaching call, I can easily forget to apply #3 and miss the minute indicators from my client. Its when I do notice them, that I can adjust and build rapport, so that I can take them on the journey.... Are you utilising principle #3? With your clients or in interviews? Are your people on the bus with you? Or did you leave them at the stop?
09.01.2022 Be like Shelby. Connect, ground, expand.....and then go out and make it your day!
09.01.2022 I see the beauty in you, do you?
08.01.2022 It is not a miserable day. My thoughts are miserable. And I feel miserable. Hopeless. Helpless. I can continue to feel this way, or not. Do you know how to change how you feel, change how life looks like, today?
08.01.2022 Where are you minimising yourself? How can you notice your amazingness?Where are you minimising yourself? How can you notice your amazingness?
06.01.2022 Stay off Facebook!
06.01.2022 How can you make today, even better? Do it!
05.01.2022 If we don’t know where we want to go or where we want to arrive at, we can easily end up somewhere else entirely! This applies to most things in life, including how to ace an interview question. Some of the typical concerns I’m hearing from clients include: I don’t want to waffle. I find it hard to stay on track. I lose my confidence and forget what point I am trying to make.... If the interviewer asks you for an example of when you demonstrated a specific competency, you need to make sure that is what you do with your response. It’s so easy to demonstrate something else. How do you avoid that? Before you start a road trip, you usually know where you want to go to! Right? And usually you get there! That’s a successful strategy, which you can apply to interviews as well. Always get clear on your destination, before you reply and stay focussed while you’re replying. That’s how to ACE your interview! That’s how to stand out from the other applicants. The only other option is to miss the mark and lose points. And that’s not an option! Right?
05.01.2022 Why should kids have ALL the fun! No age Bias here! Which of these fun ideas are you going to make happen? Dance party? Cook up a storm? Chalk for fun? Maybe a Hopscotch game? ... https://openyourworld.sa.gov.au//entertaining-the-kids-at-
04.01.2022 Ha Ha. Tell Santa we can google for a dictionary, I would rather Santa gave me Xmas blessings for the next 12 months and lots of family, friends and chocolate. How about you?
04.01.2022 How do you get things done? For me, it’s early Sunday mornings when the house is quiet and the garden is cool and lush and my mind is open. Planning exciting things for the future. Oh, how I have missed the training room this year.
04.01.2022 I wrote a letter to my love....and in 12 months time I will read it to myself. Last weekend I went on retreat to Waitpinga, with my Fleurieu sisters. One thing we all did, was to write a letter to our future self. ... I wonder what my 2021 version will think of it.....did I live up to it, will the message move me? Time will tell.
03.01.2022 Coffee with a girlfriend? Watching an excellent movie? Swimming in the ocean? Travelling the world? Enjoying a massage?... Kissing your children? Winery hopping? How does that make you feel? How good does it make you feel? Its so easy to change how we feel, by what we do or what we remember, what we think or imagine. That means, when we focus on not so good things, like eating 8 squares of chocolate and stuffing up your health plan or hopping on the scales and seeing no results. Its so easy to feel hopeless, and give ourselves a hard time. Its so easy to stay in that place of feeling down. So easy. And yesterday I realised how I was only focusing on, only recognising, only noticing what I hadnt achieved, the things I had stuffed up. I realised I had overlooked all the progress made. The little steps which meant huge progress. And I had, made a lot of progress, step by step. And noticing my progress, I felt so much better, it felt GOOD, it motivated me. . Infinite love and gratitude. Let me ask you, when you think about where you are at, what is one thing you can do now, to make that change, that difference? Do it
03.01.2022 Without hope.....what do we have? Hope, dream big, reach for it. Even a little step. You know you already have, havent you? Thank you LinkedIn for this. ... #careercoaching #lifecoach #success #nlp
02.01.2022 procrastination overwhelm Structure. Its been a common theme with my coaching clients this week. Powerful!
01.01.2022 Career REGRET? Resentment, anger, disappointment......enough is enough?! Often we make decisions on high emotions or high ground....only to REGRET it later and sometimes forever!... Don’t make decisions based on any of that. Make the decision for you, not because you’re so annoyed and p....d off and full of resentment towards that other person! My beautiful boy and his fiancée....both making excellent career decisions!
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