Sweet Nutrients in Meadowbrook | Health & wellness website
Sweet Nutrients
Locality: Meadowbrook
Phone: +61 403 158 374
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25.01.2022 That’s honestly all that goes into our treats...pure plant-based goodness...and love of course Everything tastes better when it’s made with love! We hand roll all of our bliss balls to perfection and only put the purest organic ingredients in them.... You won’t find any nasties here. . . . . . . . . #blissballs #veganblissballs #plantbasedtreats #rawplantbasedtreats #plantbasedgoodness #veganfood #sweetnutrients #purefood #refinedsugarfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastfood #shoplocal #handmade #madewithlove See more
24.01.2022 Our Coco Cashew BB’s looking fabulous! These delicious balls of goodness are now available on subscription. Get 20% off and shipping direct to your door. So good you'll want to kiss your postie upon arrival!... Link in bio . . . . . . #sweetnutrients#plantbaseddessert#refinedsugarfreetreats#blissballs#energyballs#smallbusinessaustralia#smallbizlife#businesswomenlife#girltribe#businessbabe#bossbabetribe#bossbabemovement#bossbabelife#healthyactivelifestyle#goldcoastfoodies#goldcoastfood#veganfood #glutenfree #veganfoodshare #energyballs #dairyfreefood #rawfood #vegantreats #plantbased #energybites #healthysnack #proteinballs #dairyfreedessert #vegansnacks #glutenfreedairyfree #healthylifestyle
24.01.2022 We are big lovers of Mesquite around here, so we thought we might share with you why we love it so much. If you're not sure what mesquite is, it's a powder which comes from the mesquite bean. It is grown on trees known as the mesquite tree, which are native to southwestern United States and Mexico. Mesquite can also be found in drier areas of Australia, Africa, and Asia. ... As an ingredient, mesquite is highly nutrient-dense and beneficial to the human body as it is rich in iron, lysine, manganese, potassium, and zinc. Mesquite powder benefits come from its high fiber content, low glycemic index, high mineral content, potential anti-fungal properties, immune-boosting abilities and high protein percentage. Even though mesquite powder is an excellent natural sweetener, it ranks very low in the glycemic index because of all the fiber it has, which slows down its absorption rate. As it does not typically cause blood sugar spikes and may not require insulin to be broken down, it could be the ideal natural sweetener for people with diabetes or blood sugar issues. Have you tried mesquite in your cooking? #mesquite #mesquitepowder #mesquitebenefits #nutritionalbenefits #nutrientdense #nutrientdensefood #nutrition #healthykitchen #consciouseating #holisticeating #foodismedicine #foomedicine #norefinedsugar #cleansnacks #vegantreat #veganliving #veganbusiness #plantbasedfoodshare #veganig #vegansweettreats #sweetnutrients #holisticfood #rawfoodist #guiltyfree #rawfoodie #rawfoodlove #rawfoodism #plantbasedliving #goldcoastlocal #goldcoastfoodie
22.01.2022 Protein Balls are now live on our website! 10g of complete plant protein per ball! Available in Chocolate and Caramel.... ? Link in bio. . . . . . . #plantprotein #plantbasedprotein #completeprotein #veganprotein #proteinballs #energyballs #veganfood #plantbasedlifestyle #chocolateprotein #caramelprotein #veganfood #glutenfree #veganfoodshare #energyballs #dairyfreefood #vegantreats #dairyfree #plantbased #healthysnack #vegansnack #nobake #glutenfreedairyfree #protein #healthysnacks #healthylifestyle #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #sweetnutrients #goldcoastbusiness
20.01.2022 Check out our plant based bliss balls range via our website... Which flavour would you choose? Chocolate Brownie... Coco Cashew Salted Caramel Expresso Choc Mint Chia link in bio
20.01.2022 Did someone say sale? Oh yes, that was us. If you’re on our mailing list you know what we’re talking about! Announcement here Friday morning! Stay tuned.
20.01.2022 tell us what you think! and you could win a $50 voucher to our online store. let’s create some good vibes!... ’ ! one lucky person who comments will win a $50 gift voucher for our online store. 6, 13 . . . . . . . . . #sweetnutrients #feedback #telluswhatyouthink #wedlovetohearfromyou #giveaway #commentbelow #blissballs #veganblissballs #plantbasedtreats #rawplantbasedtreats #smallbusinessowner #goldcoast #dessert #veganfood #glutenfree #veganfoodshare #rawfood #vegantreats #dairyfree #plantbased #healthysnack #proteinballs #vegansnacks #nutrition #vegan #nobake #protein #healthysnacks #healthylifestyle #healthyfood
20.01.2022 this pretty much sums up our thoughts. ! Are we right!?... Are you guilty of snacking late at night?
17.01.2022 Sneak peak of some of the design work going into the creation of our new product packaging by @love_earth_food Over the next few months we’ll take you on a journey! Step by step you’ll see the creation of our product packaging, our website and more. follow our page and opt in for post notifications to stay up to date!... . . . . . . . . #buildyourtribe #thebossbabesociete #girlbosses #girlbosslife #goalgetters #girlboss #girlbosstribe #bossladymindset #blissballs #dailygrind #veganblissballs #plantbasedtreats #rawplantbasedtreats #productpackaging #graphicdesign #handdrawn #illistration #cacaobeans #sweetnutrients #veganfood #healthyliving #healthyfoodshare #vegansnacks #nobake #guiltfree #loveearthfood
16.01.2022 reminiscing on the day these balls of white goodness had people raving! would you believe these bliss balls were released for our Christmas product line in 2019. they were so loved we decided to keep them on our forever product list and rename them from ‘White Christmas’ to ‘Coco Cashew’.... you can find them online at www.sweetnutrients.com.au . . . . . . . . #blissballs #veganfood #glutenfree #veganfoodshare #foodie #energyballs #dairyfreefood #rawfood #vegantreats #dairyfree #plantbased #energybites #healthysnack #proteinballs #vegansnacks #vegansnack #nutrition #vegan #nobake #glutenfreedairyfree #protein #healthysnacks #healthy #healthylifestyle #veganrecipes #healthyfood #mealprep #plantbaseddiet #foodphotography #eatmoreplants
16.01.2022 happy world kindness day spread kindness by sharing the love of all living creatures . .... . . . . #charlesdarwin #kindness #kindnessmatters #kindnessquotes #worldkindnessday #worldkindnessday2020 #livingcreatures #spreadthelove #throwkindnesslikeconfetti #throwkindnessaroundlikeconfetti #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbasednutrition #goldcoast #sweetnutrients See more
14.01.2022 ’ This man has honestly played such a large role in Sweet Nutrients’ success. From designing and building our commercial kitchen to giving business advise and being our number one taste tester. I can always count on you for support, thanks Dad!... Dee x . . . . . . @wadesam #fathersday #fatherday2020 #thanksdad #sweetnutrients #girlbosshustle #girlbosstribe #livewithintention #fempire #buildingabrand #bossbabelife #goldcoastdesserts #goldcoastbusiness #vegancakes #proteinballs #blissballs #rawslice #vegantreats #rawtreats #wholefoodplantbased #wholefoodliving #plantbasedliving #veganfood #gratefuleveryday #appreciationpost #familylove #familysupport
13.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day! And if your not excited enough already we've got to make... ... With the re-launch of our website tomorrow we thought it fitting to offically . These little powerhouse protein balls are alkalising and contain sprouted and fermented pea & brown rice protein - helping to feed the in your gut. Each one is jam packed with nutrients, containing essential amino acids needed to , . . . . . . . @rowansamin_photography #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastdesserts #goldcoastbusinesswomen #goldcoastbusinesswoman #goldcoasttreats #rawvegantreats #rawplantbasedlifestyle #rawvegandesserts #veganproteinballs #veganblissball #refinedsugarfreebaking #glutenfreeveganbaking #plantbasedtreats #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #localbusinessaustralia #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #sweetnutrients #proteinballs #veganproteinballs #newrange #newproduct #comingsoon #smallbizlife #sproutedprotein #fermentedfoods #fermentedprotein #veganproteinpowder
11.01.2022 Hey there beauties, Dee here. We want to get to know our online community! Who here has a small business or side hustle?... Drop your IG handle in the comments below, let’s share the love and support. . . . . . . . . #community #localsupport #findyourtribe #localbusiness #goldcoast #gettoknowyou #gettoknowyourcustomersday #goldcoastcommunity #commentbelow #girlboss #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #goldcoastfoodie #healthysnacks #plantbasedtreats #vegan #rawdessert #sweetnutrients #eatmoreplants #smallbusinessowner
11.01.2022 Do you ever find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar then instantly regretting it? I do - we've all been there! We are ALL looking for that healthy...BUT delicious wholesome snack that will satisfy our cravings. Well.. step away from the confectionary aisle, we'll take it from here. ... Sweet Nutrients was founded to nourish your bod with wholesome, plant based, naturally sweet foods while satisfying those cravings! Our bliss and protein balls are made with nuts, seeds, and plant protein powders to fuel your body and keep your blood sugar stable between meals. They are also the perfect pre/post workout snack, or afternoon treat without being too heavy on your stomach. And of course guilt free . . . #blissball #healthykitchen #consciouseating #holisticeating #foodmedicine #norefinedsugar #powerballs #cleansnacks #vegantreat #veganliving #rawcacao #veganbusiness #plantbasedfoodshare #veganig #eatforpeace #vegansweettreats #sweetnutrients #whatrawveganseat #holisticfood #rawfoodist #guiltyfree #rawfoodie #rawfoodlove #rawfoodporn #rawfoodism #plantbasedliving #sweetstuff #sweetblogger #goldcoastlocal #goldcoastfoodie
09.01.2022 Our Black Friday sale has arrived! Get 20% OFF - use code ‘BFRIDAY20’ at checkout. Don’t forget we offer free shipping on orders over $60.... PLUS...we have released this years Christmas Collection for pre-orders! Jump online now and check it out. Link in bio. www.sweetnutrients.com.au . . . . . . #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastdesserts #goldcoastbusinesswomen #goldcoastbusinesswoman #goldcoasttreats #rawvegantreats #rawplantbasedlifestyle #rawvegandesserts #veganproteinballs #veganblissball #refinedsugarfreebaking #glutenfreeveganbaking #plantbasedtreats #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #localbusinessaustralia #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #sweetnutrients #blackfridaysales #blackfridaysale #blackfriday2020 #blackfriday #onlinesale #christmastreats #christmaspreorders #christmas2020
07.01.2022 sneak peak of our new packaging labels! we’re finalising the designs of our product labels over the next couple of weeks. want to see a sneak peak? SWIPE LEFT! >>>>>>... our labels will be printed on 100% recycled paper, with organic non toxic inks by solar powdered printers to reduce environmental impact. . . . . . . . . @love_earth_food #sweetnutrients #plantbasedtreats #rawtreats #veganblissballs #rawplantbasedtreats #blissballs #veganfood #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastfood #energyballs #plantbased #energybites #proteinballs #vegansnacks #healthydessert #vegansnack #nutrition #nobake #protein #healthysnacks #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #cleaneating #mealprep #productpackaging #productdesign #graphicdesign #bossbabe #girlbosslife @ Gold Coast, Queensland
06.01.2022 This photo pretty much sums up ' ! Think of this little peanut butter cup as our newly launched website and all the beautiful support we have recieved from you! My expression says it all.... -! . . . . . . #grateful #sweetnutrients #peanutbuttercup #newwebsite #littlepalmcreative #thankyou #localsupport #rawvegantreats #rawplantbasedlifestyle #rawvegandesserts #veganproteinballs #veganblissball #refinedsugarfreebaking #glutenfreeveganbaking #plantbasedtreats #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #localbusinessaustralia #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #websitesitedesign #shoponlinenow #freeshiping #locallove #vegantreats #plantbasedwholefoods #peanutbutter
05.01.2022 ...and we're live! In case you missed it, here is the recap. ' - .... Things you NEED to know: Sign up now for Sweet Nutrients Rewards and earn immidiate points for discounts Help us help Mother Earth! $2 from every purchase will be donated to @reforestnow_australia to plant trees Subscribe and save with our weekly and fornightly auto-ship options Join us in welcoming our new range of protein balls to the Sweet Nutrients family , ' . ! Link in bio! . . . . . . #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastdesserts #goldcoastbusinesswomen #goldcoastbusinesswoman #goldcoasttreats #rawvegantreats #rawplantbasedlifestyle #rawvegandesserts #veganproteinballs #veganblissball #refinedsugarfreebaking #glutenfreeveganbaking #plantbasedtreats #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #localbusinessaustralia #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #sweetnutrients #werelive #reforestnow_australia #reforestnow #rewardsprogram #shopnow #supportsmallbusinesses #smallbizlife #shoplocal #shoponline #freeshipping
05.01.2022 T w e n t y T w e n t y V i b e s Beauties we have got some seriously good content coming your way for the second half of 2020! We’re currently in the process of re-branding, or ‘branding’ I should say because we never really branded professionally.... And we’re focusing on giving back to Mother Nature and adding value for your support! The rest of twenty twenty is going to look something like this - SN website refresh - NEW environmentally friendly product packaging - Free shipping (Australia wide) - Email newsletter with promotions and recipes ect - An amazing rewards program for our loyal customers - New range of products (shhhhh) - Giveaway Collabs - Giving back locally - And so much more but we don’t want to give away all the goodies! What has your 2020 looked like? Do you have any big plans for the rest of the year? . . . . . . . . #sweetnutrients #buildyourtribe #goldcoastfoodie #goldcoastfood #gclocalbusiness #gcsmallbusiness #girlboss #mindset #girlbosshustle #bossbabesociety #womenwithaplan #healthyfood #rawplantbasedtreats #goldcoastdessert #healthysnacks #nobaketreats #protein #girlpreneur #twentytwenty #2020 #plantbasedbabes #goldcoast #shoplocal #madewithlove #sustainable #australianmade #shoponline #girlbossaustralia #girlbossmovement #smallbizlife
05.01.2022 WEBSITE UPDATE // Thank you Little Palm Creative Co for our amazing new refreshed website! We are just in absolute love! If you haven’t checked out the new and improved yet jump on over and take a look. www.sweetnutrients.com.au... Dee x
05.01.2022 So we’ve been up to something the past six or so months and the pieces are finally starting to come together! Drop an emoji below if you think we should spill the beans on what we’ve been up to. It’s big. Some might say a game changer! . .... . #sweetnutrients #rawvegantreats #rawplantbasedlifestyle #rawvegandesserts #veganproteinballs #veganblissball #refinedsugarfreebaking #glutenfreeveganbaking #plantbasedtreats #proteinballshomemade #energyballsvegan #smallbusinessownerau #localbusinessaustralia #bossbabeaustralia #goldcoastbossbabe #shoponlinenow #freeshiping #locallove #vegantreats #plantbasedwholefoods #rawtreatblends #rawtreatmixes #blissballmixes #blissballblends #announcement #bignewscomingsoon See more
04.01.2022 Did we mention our protein balls are now available from @nutrifit_meals_goldcoast ? Well... our protein balls are now available from @nutrifit_meals_goldcoast Can you tell we’re excited?!!... Are you a protein ball fan? What’s your favourite flavour? . . . . . . . #proteinballs #plantbasedprotein #blissballs #plantbasedwholefoods #nutrientdense #nutritional #veganfoods #refinedsugarfree #sweetnutrients #bossbabetribe #bossbabes #eathealthyfood #healthylifestyle #goldcoast #goldcoastbrands #mealprep #mealprepideas #proteinball #goldcoastbusiness #veganfoodshare #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #australianbusinesswomen #handmade #handrolled
04.01.2022 G I V E A W A Y with @tonikaco and @blissandbalance.au To celebrate the new year and new beginnings we've teamed up with @tonikaco and @blissandbalance.au to bring you all the perfect new year giveaway! TO ENTER: ... 1. Head to the 'giveaway' post at @tonikaco and follow the entry prompts! It's That simple. (commenting is turned off on this post, enter and tag your friends on @tonikaco giveaway post) Prize includes: - Yoga Mat made from biodegradable tree rubber & recycled plastic - Peanut Butter Salted Caramel Raw Treat Blend - Coconut Salted Caramel Plant Protein Open WORLDWIDE. Winner announced Sunday 24th January. . . . #giveaway #tonikaco #giveawayaustralia #worldwidegiveaway #plantbasedprotein #vegangiveaway #adaptogenicblends #healthyprotein #plantproteinpowder #veganproteinfood #adaptogenicelixirs #plantprotein #giveawaymelbourne #newyeargiveaway #veganaustralia #plantbasedcommunity #sweetnutrients #blissandbalanceau #blissandbalance #worldwidegiveaway #yogamatgiveaway #yogamat #ecofriendlyyogamat #rawtreats #cleantreats #newyear2021 #giveaway2021 #healthandwellnessgiveaway #blissballs #veganaustralia
02.01.2022 what is your favourite cake? a cake you wouldn’t be able to resist if someone put a slice of it in front of you right now! we are so blessed to be able to make beautiful custom cakes for our gorgeous customers creating a special moment on their day. We had so much pleasure in making this cake recently for one of our customers. It was a 'just because' cake.... It has an almond and coconut base, caramel cheesecake filling and hard raw chocolate top decorated with gorgeous fresh pansy and viola flowers. Comment below your favourite cake! I’ll go first! 'without a doubt my favourite cake is carrot cake! raw or baked, you put that bad boy in front of me i just can't resist! ' dee x . . . . . . . @tend_to_me #cheesecake #plantbasedcake #customcake #specialoccasion #justbecause #vegancheesecake #veganplantbasedcake #goldcoastbusiness #localbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #goldcoastcake #rawplantbased #rawchocolate #edibleflowers #flowercake #girllboss #girlbossaustralia #onlinebusinessowner #girlbossmovement #tendtomesocials #foodphotography #dessert #eatyourcaketoo #cake #glutenfreecake #refinedsugarfreecake #dairyfreecake #rawcake #sweetnutrients #goldcoastfood
01.01.2022 A little salty, a little sweet, we have got the perfect sweet tooth treat! ?
01.01.2022 If 2020 has taught me anything as a business owner and founder, it is that your business will be constantly evolving. You must learn how and when to pivot in order to keep our business alive. Upon founding Sweet Nutrients my number one goal was to become a wholesaler for cafes and restaurants from Brisbane to Northern NSW. That changed in 2020, let's take a look at what we achieved. we released our newest range of products - Plant Protein Balls. we had the honour of bri...nging educational raw treat cooking demonstrations to @rebourn_retreats we had the pleasure of making our first gender reveal cake. we switched to 100% ecofriendly compostable packaging. we updated our website and added free shipping options. we released our customer loyalty rewards program, where you can receive points for purchases, reviews etc and use those points to get discounts on your purchases. we collaborated with @reforestnow_australia and pledged to donate $2 from every sale to growing and planting of trees in Northern NSW. we wanted to give back to our customers by offering a 20% discount for reoccurring orders - you can subscribe to weekly and fortnightly deliveries via our website and receive 20% off. we started wholesaling our bliss and protein balls to meal prep companies on the Gold Coast. Yes, 2020 was in interesting year! For a-lot of businesses we had to completely change the way we operated. When I founded Sweet Nutrients my goal was to become a wholesaler for cafes and restaurants from Brisbane to Northern NSW. Boy did I have to re-think that strategy when COVID hit! COVID lead most cafes to close or remain open with strict takeaway procedures in place. As you can imagine raw cakes are not the best takeaway option, as they need to be climate controlled. But long story short...I'm grateful (in a way) this happened, as it forced me to rethink Sweet Nutrients' future and what other selling avenues would be more sustainable. Considering COVID is most likely going to be lurking in the shadows for a while. We can't wait to continue this journey with you and see what 2021 brings. We have a feeling it's going to be a big year!
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