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S&W Seed Company Australia

Phone: +61 8 8445 1111

Address: 14-16 Hakkinen Road 5013


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25.01.2022 At S&W Seed Company Australia, we test our grain sorghum hybrids under field conditions with the help of farmer co-operators. A large-scale trial is being planted at Wee Waa, New South Wales with SW11668 and the newly released Tanami Grain Sorghum being tested against competitor varieties repeated across the paddock. Yield and grain quality will be collected at harvest. #swseedco #SorghumHybrids #ResearchAndDevelopment

24.01.2022 Thankfully, the South Australian lockdown was short-lived. It is important to remember that the spread of COVID-19 is still a risk. We have ensured all mandated safety measures as recommended by the SA Government’s Department of Health are in place, and we continue to operate mindfully, practicing good hygiene through this time. We ask for your ongoing patience as we catch-up. We will do our best to get your orders out the door as soon as possible. ... We will continue to keep you informed on your order status, and our situation. Stay safe and take care. We look forward to Monday! #swseedco

23.01.2022 The advantage of having a global breeding program, based both in the northern and southern hemisphere is that we’re able to concurrently run evaluation sites, so we’re not missing that season of planting. For the farmer this means a quicker turnaround of material going from the evaluation stage to the commercial stage, says Jo Williams, S&W Seed Company Australia Plant Breeder - Lucerne. #swseedco #40Years #agriculture #ResearchAndDevelopment

23.01.2022 Take a look at this picturesque crop at S&W Seed Company Australia Breeza Research site! Our summer trial is performing very well and includes 3 different planting rates of grain sorghum and sunflowers to see the effect on yield. Sorghum heads are emerging and the Sunflowers are in full bloom. . . . #swseedco #australianagriculture

18.01.2022 This pasture smorgasbord is an S&W Seed Company custom blend. It contains a mix of Tower Summer Active Tall Fescue, Balance Chicory, Renegade Red Clover and Jumbo White Clover. The custom blend was developed to provide high-quality feed to fatten lambs over summer on heavy, river flat soils and it has done just that. #swseedco #pasture #CustomBlend

18.01.2022 It’s not too late to start Sunflower production! Check out these beauties S&W Seed Company SuperSun 66 Sunflower in full bloom and as far as the eye can see! SuperSun 66 is proven to perform under marginal dryland in tough seasonal conditions with excellent yield potential. Ask your local retailer for S&W SuperSun 66 today! S&W Territory Manager - Paul Kleinhanss . . .... #swseedco #australianagriculture See more

17.01.2022 Congratulations to S&W Seed Company Australia territory manager Michael Christensen on celebrating ten years of service. Michael covers the Wide Bay Burnett, South East, Central, Far North Qld and NT regions. He is a passionate agronomist who says, I’m always prioritising my resellers and growers, constantly striving to generate positive outcomes for them. What does Michael enjoy most about his job? ... I love working in a team and family environment, he says. And that he does. Commercial General Manager - Australia, Rob Damin says, Michael shows unwavering respect for his teammates and all those around him. He is a natural leader and makes a constant effort to mentor and educate those coming up through our business and the industry. Today especially, we thank Michael for his hard work and dedication and wish him all the best for the next ten! Pictured: Michael with Garth Birrer, Nanango, Queensland in a thriving paddock of S&W Seed Company Bronco Forage Oats. #swseedco #careers

17.01.2022 When we are looking at developing new lucerne’s or developing new lucerne genetics, we are very focused on the forage attributes of the plants. We are looking for high leaf to stem ratio, nice leafy growth and we are also packaging that with its pest and disease profile, says Jo Williams, S&W Seed Company Australia Plant Breeder - Lucerne. #swseedco #40Years #agriculture #ResearchAndDevelopment

14.01.2022 S&W Seed Company SOWsmart Spring Finishing Blend four weeks after sowing near Warrnambool, Western Victoria. Our SOWsmart Spring Finishing Blend is a mix of Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica and Compass Chicory. An excellent quality, high production blend, where superior levels of animal performance is required. Ideal for finishing late prime lambs or yearling steers. Best suited to situations where management and inputs are at a high level to achieve high weight gain livestock performance. #swseedco #SOWsmart #SpringFinishingBlend

13.01.2022 S&W Seed Company is working on ground breaking Dhurrin-free technology to minimise the prussic acid risk within forage sorghum. Without Dhurrin, the modified plants do not produce prussic acid, reducing the risk of prussic acid poisoning in grazing animals no matter the weather. Read the full article here . . #swseedco

12.01.2022 Last week our Victorian territory managers got together in Echuca. Throughout the week they inspected many different properties and types of crops from lucerne to brassicas, chicories and clovers. Building their knowledge and experiences in different farming environments. Pictured here is Nicole Frost, Territory Manager Gippsland & Tas, holding S&W Seed Company Bouncer Hybrid Forage Brassica that has been sown with Compass Chicory for grazing lambs. #swseedco #BouncerHybridForageBrassica

08.01.2022 S&W Seed Company International Wheat Breeder Chris Moore at Breeza, New South Wales, overseeing the harvest of our wheat trials. While harvest is underway there is still lots of R&D work that happens from here, for us the job is only half done! These samples then make their way to cereal chemistry labs where these varieties are put to the test, assessing quality, baking tests for dough properties and noodle quality evaluations, just to name a few! #swseedco #wheat #WheatBreeding #SeedPlots #ResearchAndDevelopment

08.01.2022 Behind the scenes! Breeza, in northern NSW, is the home of the S&W Seed Company Australia wheat breeding program. At Breeza, we strive to find the next great wheat variety for your operation. Our International R&D Lead, Nicholas Willey, can be seen rubbing out seeds from a grain head whilst documenting progress. Let us know what’s important to have in wheat varieties for your farming business by leaving a comment below! . . . #swseedco #australianagriculture

07.01.2022 Looking to increase your winter and spring feed in 2021? S&W Seed Company Mona Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass has proven to be a winner due to its high stock performance, extended production window, and a heading date of +28 days. Give S&W Mona a go, it won't disappoint! . . . #swseedco #australianagriculture

06.01.2022 Take a look at one of our beautiful Bronco Forage Oats production crops at Mundulla, SA. Planted in May this year, and on track for a very good yield! Bronco features crown rust resistance, long season production, excellent warm soil emergence and high total yields. We are proud of the results our Bronco Forage Oats produced this year in 2020! #swseedco #BroncoForageOats #australianagriculture #forageoats

06.01.2022 The next generation of S&W Seed Company sunflower hybrids currently in development look even better than our proven performer SuperSun 66. With international reach and local breeding, the S&W hybrid crop breeding team is working hard to find the next best sunflower hybrid for our Australian growers. #swseedco #SuperSun66 #sunflowerhybrids

05.01.2022 On National Agriculture Day, we celebrate all that is good about Australian agriculture. Not only is it a day where we acknowledge the farmers of Australia, but the contributions of all those who make up the industry. At S&W Seed Company Australia, our team are genuinely passionate about creating an ever-growing range of high-performance crops and are driven by an ethical responsibility to meet the growing global demand for animal proteins and healthier consumer diets. With ...over 70 staff across Australia, our S&W family provide premium pasture and cropping products to the farmers of Australia. #swseedco #40Years #agriculture #AgDayAu #NationalAgricultureDay

02.01.2022 S&W Seed Company Kraken Forage Barley sown near Pittsworth, Queensland. This photo was taken roughly four weeks after planting. As you can see, the Kraken displays rapid and uniform establishment. Sown at 50 kilograms per hectare, on 14-inch row spacings you could say, it is Kraken along! Speak with your preferred reseller to find out how Kraken may suit your farming operation. #swseedco #KrakenForageBarley

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