Sydney Pomskies-Australia wide in Silverdale | Pet service
Sydney Pomskies-Australia wide
Locality: Silverdale
Phone: +61 499 893 808
Address: 2320 Silverdale Road 2752 Silverdale, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Prince boy doing his thing SP’s instagram #sydneypomskiesaustralia#
23.01.2022 I’m so proud to soon show my Tamaskin tri coloured Pomklee’s to you guys it’s so magical Black eye lined eyes, with white faces, red coats, some grey, some orange, many with black ears and tails -all with strong husky markings. This gift is going to Unmistakenly be an exclusive to Sydney pomskies
23.01.2022 To everyone waiting I dearly mean it.... " thank you " I currently have an Agouti/ Merle pomklee litter ( another record broken for the Southern Hemisphere ) as soon as I get them home safe and settled, I will be focusing all my attention on the waiting list ( please don’t think iv forgotten about you, I HAVEN’T ) it’s just my current energy is making sure my bubb’s are suited to the right home . I’m currently behind on my messages but I will always get back to you 100%. thank you to all that have been supporting and patiently waiting honestly you’re amazing and your understanding shows me I’m making the right decisions.
22.01.2022 Attention To all sydney Pomskies adoptess !!! around 70% of my bubb’s have a red or partial red noise PLEASE APPLY sunscreen especially on the red part !! The pigmentation is missing making it much easier for harmful UV rays to penetrate the skin. Luckily I noticed Lani girl had slowly formed a very small odd looking mole on the tip of the red part of her nose. After receiving the lab works it could have easily been cancerous if I didn’t get on top of it as as I did please be mindful of this guys having said the above please only apply a neutral odour, organic sunscreen as scented creams can really irritate your bubb Their noses are hundreds times stronger than ours. when applying a new product observe how they react till you find one they’re comfortable with. To adoptess in any sort of contact with each other or meeting in different states at dog parks please pass the word on to anyone with my lines ( or any other partial or full red nose breed for that matter if you feel comfortable enough to approach the owner) in case they’ve missed this post See more
22.01.2022 ok so get this Winnie’s Sister ( also a toy sized ) has emerald green eyes . I have no idea how or why !! ( no wonder it was so confusing trying to establish her eye colour as a pup ) iv never experienced that before ! I’m currently looking through my Klee kai stud ancestry to try put the puzzle together. I’m so proud Nature blessed me with 2 such an amazing dogs .... truly blown way ATM ) ... Picture of Winne ( blue eyes And his sister green ) See more
21.01.2022 Winnie having a play with Mum
20.01.2022 missing my family so so much xoxo
20.01.2022 Loki and mishka are both brothers
20.01.2022 Important notice Lots of pomskie breeders in Australian are saying they have the same dogs as I do THEY DONT !!! Not even close. My dogs are Pom-klee’s not pom-ski’s A POM-KLEE is a cross between a Klee Kai ( toy husky and Pomeranian) .... I am 1 of 3 pomklee breeders in the world, the other 2 being in the United States breeding Genuine pomklee’s. The fastest way to catch them out is easy -have a close look at there pups ( pomskies look very stocky & stumpy as pups there frame does not match their bone structure. On the other hand, pomklee’s look in proportion regarding their musculoskeletal frames. Besides the ethics side that I don’t agree with for what you would think are obvious reasons!!! what really irritates me the most is the blatant lies regarding other pomsky breeders saying "we have the same or similar pups available" ( nothing about their dogs is even remotely similar to mine) from size to temperament and most importantly health ! ) Some are even claiming the pups to be pomklee’s- please PLEASE !! Get a $ 30 DNA test kit form your local vet and get your money back from these con artists before the dog grows as large as a husky ( and hopefully you fluke any health issues) before realising it’s too late. Ask to see there Klee Kai’s And the pedigrees if they insist there breeding what I am, genuine "pomklee’s."! Others have even tried to crossed with other spitz breeds- again not my bubb’s I Haven’t a thing to do with them. Sharpen your eyes because these people are getting very crafty. In short there’s a very big reason my pups look very different to other breeders, Both dogs are small and nature naturally takes its course with toy huskies being in the mix, ethical breeding is the number one priority . At the top I will post 2 pictures of real pomklee’s and at the bottom,pictures of 2 pomskies. You should easily be able to see the difference in frame size as pups you should easily have the ability to distinguish between the two. The Pomklee’s have the small proportioned frame. As for the spitz - coat Colours and facial features don’t look anything like my baby’s best of luck always PM if you’re unsure Ps It’s a free world and everyone has the right to choose what They would like to breed, Right or wrong I respect that. what I don’t respect is trying to affiliate or associate with me in any way shape or form, if this continues I will start using kennel names backed up with all the lovely things that have been said about Sydney Pomksies in texts and emails. It’s really sad seeing this over and over when I deliberately Don’t speak down to, or about these breeders, yet they seem to have a lot to say about S.P
16.01.2022 the Mac daddy Of them All, pooch Bailey SP’s instagram #sydneypomskiesaustralia#
15.01.2022 One of my beautiful Girls Sunny Much more on instagram Sydney Pomskies Australia
15.01.2022 Harmony girl my teeny tiny Red " toy Pomklee " I know the word "toy" sounds horrible, however please know I’m referring to the Klee Kai Size standard, is still very VERY tiny But thank goodness in excellent health and ready to take on the joys of the world ( I’ll also post a vid for you guys ... She’s so tiny it’s just mind blowing ) fully matured I think she will still stay somewhere in the 2 kg - 3 absolute max !!! When the time arrives for her to be a mum if it’s not done 100% naturally I will definitely stop any of my future mums being that small. I’m blessed enough there’s absolutely no reason to push it. See more
15.01.2022 just another morning for Winnie with Mum . SP’s instagram #SydneyPomskiesAustralia
15.01.2022 with a warm heart I’m blessed to say you guys are weeks away from seeing something really magical Australia’s first tri coloured Pomklee’s . Black, tan, white, brown all in the Same coat . As always a huge thank you to everyone thats patiently been waiting for there special day to finally arrive , this Christmas is definitely going to be a special one
14.01.2022 Waiting list, open Before I go any further I’m SO ! sorry in advance I can only take on a very small amount of people After the screening process im going to try split the adoptees equally between states, so others living in different states can also vist... My bubb’s I really really!! Can’t remember who iv said I will contact when it opens ( it’s been so long ) I just can’t remember, I know that sounds super horrible but I promise it’s not my intention!! Prefrance will go to those Flexible on coat and eye colour ( this will really help because I can’t predict a litters coat and eye colour. Please send through 1 Contact number 2 state 3 flexibly on eye and coat colour As a dog lover myself warm wishes the rest is up to the stars hope to talk soon
11.01.2022 The average weight of a matured husky is around 27 kg. Zen "pictured here" is a fully matured Sydney pomklee weighing just under 7KG keep in mind there’s also toy Pomklee’s that will mature to about 2-4 kg This question seems to be coming up a lot lately so I hope this post helps settle any confusion. remember Sydney Pomskies stud is a alaskan Klee Kai ( toy husky). I know that word "toy" sounds horrible but I’m just referring to the size standard. With klee Kai’s ...and Pomeranians both being small breeds size can somewhat Be guaranteed. if you have a keen eye you will realise original Pomskies ( "husky breed" will appear a lot more stumpy as pups this is the Dead giveaway it’s not a pomklee ) not to mention they could easily grow as large as their husky father without mentioning all the other complications. there’s many ethical reasons I’m against this breed when it could be easily done ethically insuring the safety of the Small Pomeranian but that’s a subject for another post. I know many may say the Pomeranian can be used as stud without mentioning any mishaps or complications this could never be achieved in nature and that should say a lot it self. If you’re still in doubt please research Alaskan klee kais and what I’m saying will make total sense. Always warm regards Sydney Pomskies Ps: to all other original Pomsky Breeders please don’t take this personal, this is just my internal truth I understand the world is bigger than me, if original Pomskies are your thing you have the right to live that truth just like I live Mine, however my path and vision is very different. In saying that it’s a big planet and there’s room for everybody. Warmest regards Sydney Pomskies SP’s instagram #sydneypomskiesaustralia#
11.01.2022 Spring girls also doing fine, very cheeky but as always just beautiful !!
11.01.2022 Operation green/Hazel eye. When Red Winnie’s sister Koda was born she didn’t have Blue eyes like her red brother Winnie did,however her eyes took a lot longer to mature as a pup something I’ve never experienced !! it’s either a very dark brown or changing to blue....Continue reading
10.01.2022 update... Winnie girl has come a long way !! ( I’ll post a vid, she just cuteness overload ) and the orange coats are starting to come through
10.01.2022 To all Sydney Pomskies adoptees And family- I have meet a super talented artist that can draw the Most beautiful images of your Pomklee’s faces etc... Her style is very unique. during a time originally gifted artists seem to be disappearing like relics of the past -I’m super to have crossed parts.... PM me the picture of choice and we will go from there. SP’s instagram #SydneyPomskiesAustralia
10.01.2022 Yesterday in my palm, today on top of the world . My beautiful toy husky ( pomklee ) girl
08.01.2022 How time flies , yesterday a baby , today.... well,Ziva will still ! always be my baby
06.01.2022 I never show pups this early but Im just so excited to share!!Spark boy is exactly a week old today,part of the current Tri coat pomklee litter.As he grows bigger and stronger Within about 2 years he’s coat is going to mature into a brilliant fire orange ( going off previous pups getting darker as they mature I’m 99% sure he’s going to be a orange star ) along with my other tri’s, that are so different and diverse in there own colours & personality’s like DC "dark choc" His sister in the same litter. When their first born they can be quite dark giving a good indication of colour, they then lighting up as pups for around 15 weeks from the white double undercoat pushing through then again start to darken into their permanent coat as they get older
06.01.2022 flavor of the week Ziva Girl
06.01.2022 you can’t walk a Sydney pomklee anywhere without someone stopping to say "OMG what breed is that". without sounding stuck up, it’s such a lovey exchange . A really big thank you to everyone thats helped me along the years from the States all the way back to Australia the Vets, sitters, nurses, Mother Nature friends, Family, staff and all the supporters along the way (to many to list )... Who hasn’t thought Wow !! We really are part of something so special . See more
05.01.2022 summer loving
03.01.2022 to what has come and what is to come , thank you grate mother for giving and giving and asking nothing in return, I’m thankful I’m blessed along with many others and dedicate this post to you ....
01.01.2022 Mother nature is so beautiful and ore Inspiring if you just take the time to slow down listen and look I feel so privileged to be A part of the sacred web and contribute with my bubb’s Much more on instagram Sydney Pomskies Australia
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