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25.01.2022 Just for fun: Can you read this? Have a go! Reading backwards is a skill that not everyone possesses, but how useful is it? Let me know your thoughts (and how you went!) Nicole
25.01.2022 Join me as I go live tomorrow at 9am for Episode 5 of Nicoles Weekly Words - your free weekly vocabulary learning lesson and the perfect way to set yourself up for vocabulary success for a new week. Ill be live right here on the Facebook page, over in my Facebook group, and on my Youtube Channel - I hope to see you online tomorrow! Nicole
23.01.2022 Join me for this weeks FREE Conversation Club tomorrow, Saturday 12th September, at 10am (Sydney time). All registration details are in my Facebook group The Successful English Learner by Sydney English Teacher. I look forward to having a fun chat, and to giving you lots of helpful feedback - I hope to see you then! Nicole
22.01.2022 Dont forget to join me live at 9am (in one hour) for Episode 5 of Nicoles Weekly Words - your free weekly vocabulary learning lesson, setting you up for vocabulary success for the rest of the week. I look forward to seeing you online then! Nicole
21.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Have you found "Mr Right" (or Miss Right) yet? If you have, it means that you have found your perfect partner for life. Congratulations! Nicole
21.01.2022 Improve your grammar: Ive heard a lot of errors with the word whom lately, so thought Id share this simple and easy to remember image about the difference between who and whom. To make things even easier, remember that whom is used with a preposition (to whom, with whom, for whom etc) That will hopefully help you remember the difference. Nicole
20.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Have you heard the expression "spring to life" before? It means that a person, animal or even an event suddenly wakes up, suddenly comes to life, suddenly becomes active or exciting or starts existing. For example, a party could spring to life when a particular song is played or when a particular person arrives. Can you think of a situation where this expression rings true? Nicole
19.01.2022 Do you use ITS and ITS correctly? Are you sure? Watch this short learning video where I give you lots of helpful tips and tricks so that you never confuse them again. Click here to watch: Have you visited my new Youtube Channel yet? Its filled with lots of helpful learning videos - and I add more and more every week. Have a look, and if you enjoy watching this video, explore the others on my channel - I am sure that you will learn something new... - better yet, hit the subscribe button while youre there so that you never miss out on a learning video again! If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below, or directly on the Youtube Channel, and I will answer them for you asap. Have fun watching and learning, and have a great day! Nicole
19.01.2022 Thought for the day: "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up." What a great philosophy in life! Definitely one more of us need to follow Nicole
18.01.2022 Improve your grammar: Do you know the difference between less and fewer? Well, both give the meaning of smaller amount when compared to something else, but LESS is used with uncountable nouns, and FEWER is used with plural nouns. I hope that this makes it a little easier for you. Nicole
18.01.2022 Idiom of the day: Its anyones call means that anyone can win - there is no real indication of who the winner will be, it could be anyone. Tis is often used in competitive sports where you have no idea who the winner will be because both sides are doing so well. Listen out for this idiom next time you are watching the tennis or a game of soccer or rugby - sports commentators use it all the time. Nicole
16.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Have you ever come across any red herrings? If so, you have met some misleading clues or information along the way to finding out the truth. Of course, herrings are never red, so this expression shows that something is wrong and the alarm bells immediately start ringing! Nicole
16.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Heres a great idiom for you all - "Knowledge is power!" It means that the more knowledgable you are, the more you are able to achieve. Never forget that! Nicole
15.01.2022 Improve your grammar: Grammar - it really isnt that hard! Some of the most commonly made grammar mistakes are made with these words (even native speakers are guilty of this!) Do you make mistakes in these areas too? Make sure you read the information in the image and be careful when you are writing - these mistakes are too simple to be making - you know these points and you can get them right! Nicole
15.01.2022 Join me live for Episode 5 of Nicoles Weekly Words, your free online vocabulary learning lesson and the perfect way to start the week! Nicole
14.01.2022 Idiom of the day: It takes two to tango is a great idiom which means that it takes more than one person to do something - it can not be done alone. It also means that not just one person can be blamed for something, especially when there is more than one person involved, which is usually the case. An interesting idiom to remember Nicole
13.01.2022 Trivia Tuesday: The most common adjective used in the English language is _______. What do you think it could be? Write your guess in the comments section below and Ill come back later with the answer. Nicole
13.01.2022 Idiom of the day: Its a small world is a great idiom which we use for exactly that - to show how surprised we are about something, that the world is actually a lot smaller than we think. This idiom is commonly used if you realise that you and another person have the same friend in common, or if you are overseas and suddenly run into someone you know - what a small world! Nicole
12.01.2022 Pick the mistake: Which is the correct form of the word? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Answer coming soon! Nicole
10.01.2022 I love grammar - what about you? Learning English grammar can be both exciting and frightening. It is a great feeling when you learn a new grammatical point and are able to use it correctly, but at the same time it can be extremely frustrating when you realise how many exceptions to the rule there are in the English language. Join me in my love for grammar! Every week I highlight some of the most common grammar mistakes or worries and provide clear simple explanations so that your fear of grammar or of making grammar mistakes can turn into a more positive feeling of enjoyment and achievement. Keep coming back for regular daily updates! Nicole
10.01.2022 Idiom of the day: In the heat of the moment means that you do something while you are emotional and do not properly think about it. For example, if you are very very angry, you may say something without thinking, and you will most likely regret those words later on after they have been said and you have had the chance to think about what you did. Does this sound like an idiom which you could use? Nicole
09.01.2022 Thought for the day: "All things are difficult before they are easy." Just remember, practice makes perfect. Every beginning is hard, but the more you practise and the more you try, the easier things will become. This holds true even for the most successful people - what they have in common is that they never give up, even if they fail, they pick themselves up and try again. Apply this rule to learning English and you are already half way there Nicole
09.01.2022 Thought for the day: The problem today is that "most people dont listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply." What type of person are you? Do you really listen to others, or do you half-listen already planning what you are going to say next? If you want to be successful in learning a language, it is important to listen with the intent to understand, to listen fully and to concentrate on what is being said. Communication includes both listening and speaking, it is important to use both skills! Nicole
09.01.2022 Thanks to those of you who joined me live for Nicoles Weekly Words this morning - it was such a great session! If you were unable to make it, you can watch the REPLAY anytime, either here on the facebook page, over in my facebook group, or on my youtube channel. Head on over to my facebook group The Successful English Learner by Sydney English Teacher for your free downloadable WORKSHEET for todays vocabulary lesson - Ill be uploading it shortly and its the perfect accompaniment for your vocabulary success this week. Wishing you all a fabulous Monday! Nicole
09.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Are you an "eager beaver"? If so, you are a very enthusiastic and dedicated person who works very hard. You are keen to get something done and to do it well. Does that sound like you or someone you know? Nicole
08.01.2022 Thought for the day: "Failure. It can destroy you or it can drive you to work even harder to become the winner you know you are." Its all about your perspective, never give up! Nicole
08.01.2022 Improve your grammar: Just remember that A LOT is two separate words! If you wish to have the meaning of many or large in quantity, then please write a lot as two words, not one! For your interest, allot is a verb with the meaning that something is given or shared for a particular purpose, so if you write a lot as one word instead of as two, it could be confused for allot (even though the spelling is a little different) Be careful! Nicole
07.01.2022 Do you use WHO and THAT correctly? Are you aware of the differences? Do you know when and how to use them? Watch this short learning video where I help you with these tricky grammatical points and make sure that you never make a mistake with them again. Click here to watch: Have you visited my new Youtube Channel yet? Its filled with lots of helpful learning videos - and I add more and more every week. Have a look, and if you enjoy watching this... video, explore the others on my channel - I am sure that you will learn something new - better yet, hit the subscribe button while youre there so that you never miss out on a learning video again! If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below, or directly on the Youtube Channel, and I will answer them for you asap. Have fun watching and learning, and have a great day! Nicole
07.01.2022 Thought for the day: "One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day" - try it tomorrow morning - lets make tomorrow a great day! Nicole
06.01.2022 Come and join me and my community of learners from all over the world in my FREE Facebook Group The Successful English Learner by Sydney English Teacher which will help you reach your English goals more quickly and easily. We have FREE Weekly Conversation Lessons, Live Monthly Ask Me Anything Sessions, a library of Mini Learning Videos on all topic areas (and more added every week), access to Key To Success Downloadables, regular Webinars and Challenges, helpful Activities, daily learning posts and updates, and me helping you every step of the way. There are so many opportunities for you to learn and improve your English skills in this supportive interactive environment - and the bonus is that youll make some new friends from all over the world! You can request access to The Successful English Learner by Sydney English Teacher here: I look forward to seeing you in the group soon! Nicole
05.01.2022 Idiom of the day: If something is in the bag its as good as done, you have achieved it, or you feel very very confident about achieving it very soon. This idiom is used if you wish to express your confidence about something or simply if you want to show that something is done and dusted and that goal has been achieved. Try to use this great idiom some time this week Nicole
05.01.2022 Vocabulary focus: Any idea what it means to go dutch? It means that you split the bill with another person, you pay half and they pay half. Such a funny expression but an important one to know! Nicole
04.01.2022 Just checking in to see how you went with Nicoles Weekly Words this week - did you practise this weeks words through the week? Did you try to use them (or at least one of them) every day? Dont stress if youve been too busy - this weekend is the perfect time to watch the replay of the live video and practise this weeks five words. How can you practise? You can print a copy of the downloadable worksheet (which includes this weeks words, their definitions, and some example... sentences) directly from my facebook group The Successful English Learner by Sydney English Teacher and use it to write your own sentences. You could even write one word on each hand to remind yourself to use them throughout the day - sounds funny, but it works! If you have any questions, please ask - and come back on Monday for Episode 5 and a new group of words to learn and practise. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Nicole
02.01.2022 Its not too late to start practising and improving your English skills this month - let me help you with my FREE gift to you - my amazing learning planner will help you achieve your goals and see fast results, even in the final two weeks of this month. Ive done all the hard work for you - all you need to do is fill in the gaps. Dont let another month pass you by - use my FREE learning planner to help you do something small for your English every single day - I guarantee yo...u will see great results by the end of the month and that youll feel very proud of your achievements. Are you ready to do something for YOU? Are you ready to MOVE FORWARD with your English skills? Click on the link below and a FREE digital copy of this months Learning Planner will head straight to your inbox. Lets make September your best month yet - a month of learning and practising and wonderful achievements. Im so excited for you! Nicole
02.01.2022 Improve your grammar: heres a great graphic which will help you better understand the order of adverbs of frequency - please ask if you have any questions and use them as often as possible this week to practise! Nicole
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