Sydney Street Dawah | Community
Sydney Street Dawah
Phone: +61 430 329 224
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25.01.2022 To you and all your loved ones. #eid2020
24.01.2022 Our value in the world, simply and beautifully expressed.
23.01.2022 Salam Alaykum, Our brother Ahmed gives a run down on, Newtown. Probably the most popular locations for da'wah amongst the group.
23.01.2022 SATURDAY DAWAH A very interesting and engaging day it today at the da'wah. Minus the usual foot traffic caused by the markets due to them being closed, we made our day productive by moving around to find the most appealing location for engaging the people. A brother had an interesting conversation with a Christian brother in humanity around the faith and explained our purpose for giving da'wah. He was actually quite positive about our work surprisingly and seemed interested the concept of tawheed of Islam. Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam.
21.01.2022 Asalam Alaykum, Peace be upon you. Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr:... The Prophet said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence..." (Sahih Bukhari) Despite how limited our knowledge may be, we should never stop giving da'wah with what we know. Instead, we continue to follow in the footsteps of the noble prophets, conveying the message. Regardless if it is just one teaching. Three new brothers joined the street da'wah team today, and despite the cold and at times rainy weather, they performed admirably in representing Islam and inviting to the religion of Allah (SWT). With more people coming on board we are always looking for new talent to expand our team. Please get in contact if you'd like to contribute to the da'wah initiative. Jazaak Allah khairan! Wasalam Alaykum wa rahmatullah.
20.01.2022 Peace be unto you Praise be to Allah (swt)!... Nothing better than emulating the prophets and following in their footsteps today at the street Da'wah in Newtown. So many engagements and every opportunity presented to convey the religion of Islam. A number of key conversations included our friend frank who spoke with us on the differences in concepts of forgiveness and mercy between Islam and Christianity. We reiterated the nature and simple concept in Islam around forgiveness from God for sin. So many pamphlets handed out, leaving us quite impressed with the level of interest in Islam amongst the wider community. Thus showcasing the true importance of seeking Allah's (swt) pleasure through conveying the message to, and informing those who are keen to listen and understand the truth. Wasalam Alaykum
19.01.2022 Another weekend, another da'wah opportunity, alhamdulillah! On this hot day, we took to the streets of Newtown and Bankstown to convey the message of Islam and invite people to our upcoming Jesus (A) exhibition. If you know and non-muslims that may benefit from or have been wondering about the Islamic view on Jesus, please direct them to our event page innshaa'Allah to register....
18.01.2022 SUNDAY DAWAH Today was a perfect day of dawah with each of the daees having multiple conversations with our brothers and sisters in humanity about tawheed and the purpose of life along many other topics. The highlights included a brother that held the belief that all races have their own religion each with its own divine law giver (shirk) and two siblings who were incredibly humble in their search for the true face of Islam, in the hopes of clearing up what they had heard in... the media. Please send us a DM if you're interested in joining us for Dawah in Sydney and refer any non Muslim contacts to our ISLAM - Inquire Seek Learn & Ask a Muslim Facebook page.
17.01.2022 HAJJ THEME DAY 2020 | REVESBY
17.01.2022 SUNDAY DAWAH Alhamdulillah we hit the heart of the city in order to convey the message of Islam to the masses. A day we were priveleged to be part of, to be sure, but one that had its challenges as well. Being in the middle of one of the biggest commercial centres on Sunday means everyone is busy and distracted with shopping or work.... You have to have a great amount patience like the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the other Prophets (peace be upon them all) must have had in order to be persistently motivated to talk to the community about these topics that people make as point to avoid. "He cried, My Lord! I have surely called my people day and night; but my calls only made them run farther away; And whenever I invite them to be forgiven by You, they press their fingers into their ears, cover themselves with their clothes, persist in denial, and act very arrogantly; Then I certainly called them openly; then I surely preached to them publicly and privately; saying, Seek your Lords forgiveness, for He is truly Most Forgiving." -Surah Nuh, Ayah 5-10 (Dr. Mustafa Khattab)
15.01.2022 All praise and gratitude belongs to the One most high, we were able to, once again, go out for Street Dawah on the streets of Sydney. This weekend took us to three different locations across our city and even with people distancing, and trying to keep contact to a minimum, we were able to have fruitful conversations and inform people about the beauty that is present in Islam. May Allah SWT keep us all steadfast and motivated to continue giving dawah in whatever shape or form it may take innsha'Allah!
15.01.2022 Sunday at the #QVB. Alhamdullilah, we were inundated with conversations on the day, from those who are interested in the religion to those who have misconceptions of what Islam actually is. There is nothing more pleasing than guiding people to the truth.
14.01.2022 HAJJ AND OTHER SACRED RITUALS | DEFEND YOUR DEEN SERIES We are proud to launch our very first FAQ topic in the Defend Your Deen series. Every theme will feature a series of questions picked by you that we will answer over the course of the campaign bi'idhnillah. Vote for your Top 3 questions in the comments below by leaving a reaction to your choice your FAQs innsha'Allah!!... See more
13.01.2022 AlHamdulillah our Deconstructing Christianity event this weekend with brother @ashraf.schneider was a massive success. It was fantastic to see brothers and sisters taking the time out of their busy Ramadan nights to engage in upskilling themselves towards better communicating Islam. May Allah SWT reward you all we wish you all the best in your ibaadah in what remains of Ramadan
13.01.2022 Asking the big questions.
13.01.2022 DAWAH THROWBACK Alhamdulillah this was an amazing and fruitful session at Bankstown Station. After having many conversations and handing out countless pamphlets, the brothers had a very emotional experience as they were able to witness a shahaada (declaration of faith) being taken infront of them on the street. Brother Jackson who was looking for the purpose of life, after getting the answers to his questions, beared witness to the Oneness of Allah and the messengership of M...uhammad SAW alhamdulillah. He put in touch with UMA and ANMA to learn more about deen and seek guidance . "You surely cannot guide whoever you like O Prophet, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are fit to be guided" -Surah Al-Qasas, Ayah 56 (Dr. Mustafa Khattab)
12.01.2022 Words small in number but great in value. Our beloved prophet (pbuh) advising on da'wah.
12.01.2022 Some pics from our Hajj/Mecca Theme Day Training. We had a fantastic time while we prepared for our upcoming theme day and campaign on the same topic. Stay tuned for some exciting news tonight!!!
11.01.2022 MAKKAH THEME DAY 2020 | NEWTOWN
11.01.2022 HAJJ THEME DAY 2020 | TOWN HALL
10.01.2022 How the truthful stand apart from the hypocrites? What you enjoin with and what you forbid! Allah says regarding the hypocrite:... . : "The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them [accordingly]. Indeed, the hypocrites - it is they who are the defiantly disobedient" [Surah At-Tawba 9:67] As for the believers, Allah says: . : "And the believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise" [Surah At-Tawba 9:71] #GiveDawah
09.01.2022 Alhamdulillah, the team headed out once again to the streets of Sydney to invite and expose the masses to the truth and beaty of Islam. Following the recent events, people had many great questions which led to us making connections through various conversations as well materials and Qurans being given out, Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT allow Islam to speak to the minds and to reach the hearts of everyone that is sincere and may He make us people of humility and of ikhlaas on ...order to do our job to propagate the gift that is Islam. #islamic #islam #allah #muslim #islamicquotes #quran #muslimah #allahuakbar #deen #makkah #dua #ramadan #sunnah #hijab #islamicreminders #islamicpost #prophetmuhammad #muslims #love #islamicart #alhamdulillah #jannah #muhammad #islamicreminder #madina #namaz #madinah
08.01.2022 Getting motivated for the da'wah. Even in the wet.
06.01.2022 As a test for Prophet Ibraheem (AS), and a command from Allah (swt), after finally receiving a son, i.e. Ismaeel (AS) following many supplications (prayers), he left his wife Haajar with Ismaeel, a toddler at the time, at the valley of Mecca. Like any other person, naturally, Haajar was surprised, and asked Ibraheem (AS) to tell her the reason for this but he was commanded not to address her. After much attempt to get an answer, Haajar, finally realized the reason and aske...d Ibraheem (AS): Did Allah (swt) command you to do this? and he indicated: yes. Haajar, through her piety, strength and faith replied: Then go! He will not lead us astray." Haajar, was left with some provisions but these soon dried up. Despite this, her effort never faltered, and she travelled forth between two hills, in search of water. These hills are the Safa and Marwa hills. Her efforts are indeed still commemorated through the Islamic pilgrimage, i.e. the Hajj as part of the Saee, a ritual to travel between the two hills. Haajars patience through trials, her determination to strive for her child and her upright faith in Allah (swt) is a beacon and model example for women. It is of little consequence that millions of muslims commemorate her actions in the Hajj and remember her struggle, recounting the tough conditions presented before her and the utmost steadfastness to the plan of Allah (swt).
05.01.2022 Introducing a brand new endeavour of the SSD team! Please be sure to share the ISLAM - Inquire Seek Learn & Ask a Muslim page with any one you know is interested in Islam or has any questions or misconceptions innsha'Allah.. Let's keep the dawah going and maximise the rewards... All while sitting at home!
05.01.2022 Salam Alaykum Shots from the brothers at Bankstown. Our da'ees were in some engaging conversations with plenty of interaction and dialogue. The crew also handed out flyers and spoke about our upcoming Jesus Exhibition (AS) which will be on the 28th November at the UMA, Padstow, God-willing.
04.01.2022 DAWAH THROWBACK We had a very long conversation with Tyrone who was after one of the booklets on Understanding Islam, as he misplaced it months ago. He had so many questions regarding the "evil spirits" and science in Islam. He was gifted a copy of the quran some with some more pamphlets. He showed his intentions to becoming Muslim one day and was ready to quit habits such as alcohol and pork. We pray that Allah guides him soon
04.01.2022 Peace be upon you. Brothers and sisters in islam. Hope you all are doing well. ... Praise be to Allah (swt), at Bankstown we had a very busy day. I would like to say a big thanks to the brothers who joined and spread the message of islam. Apart from distributing so many pamphlets that we ran out of some and giving a copy of quran, we had some interesting conversations as well. From all walks of life, we engaged with all those eager to hear the message or express their understanding about Islam. May Allah guide all those through our good works and reward us for our efforts. It is only through the will of Allah (swt) that we get a chance to spread the message and reach out to our communities, inviting them to the religion of Allah (swt). Peace be upon you.
04.01.2022 Cherish the one of whom, beneath their feet, heaven lies.
04.01.2022 In the prophets, no better is a place to see an example of how dawah should be conducted. The knowledge, approach and wisdom in speech and action is thoroughly represented in them. Of note in particular was Ibrahim (AS). Ibrahim (AS) was commanded to bring the message of pure monotheism (tawheed) to his people including of course his own immediate family. The effort to bring his father to the truth and leave the falsehood was recounted in chapter 19 (Surah Mariyam), verses 4...2 to 48, where we see a conversation between Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his Father, Aazar. Throughout the exchange, Ibrahim (AS) addressed his father always with the words: ya abati, which is translated to: Oh my father, never harsh in tone, with respect and the dignity he should show his closest. Even though his father threatened him with stoning, Ibrahim (AS) replied with the words: Peace be upon you, refusing to disrespect his father and use harsh, inappropriate language that is not benefiting for a Muslim and certainly not a prophet of God. When we give dawah, yes we should be firm in our stance on monotheism and defending the prophet (PBUH). Be mindful to maintain your audience with a respectful and engaging tone particularly to relatives. Dawah from those closest are far more likely to be received than from anyone else.
03.01.2022 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful How beautiful is the affairs of the one who sincerely invites others to the religion of Allah (swt). Whether those whom they engage with accept the call or reject it, the da'ee (or caller) is rewarded in their efforts to guide.... Morever, if the one who is invited accepts the message, the da'ee becomes the very person in which Allah (swt) chose to have a share in the rewards of their guidance to Islam. Remember this famous hadith from the prophet (pbuh): The one who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer. [Muslim] Just consider what potential rewards await those who serve in the path of Allah and be the vehicle for another's guidance. Based on the hadith above, if they were to enter Islam, whether directly through your call or indirectly after being presented the message through you, what you recieve in return can only be great. So get in contact with us if you would like to have a share in the reward through the guidance of humanity to the truth, to the religion of Allah (swt) And may Allah (swt) reward you indeed.
03.01.2022 Some important info on the pilgrimage of muslims. Take note.
02.01.2022 Peace be upon you. Out in faith and out in strength, the da'wah is on again. Praise be to Allah (swt) who gives us this opportunity to gain rewards and call to the truth, call to Islam.... A new location today as well, Hyde Park. A tranquil location, beautified with Islam. Bringing the focus at the park to discussing about the deen and combating misconceptions as well. To all those who are keen to share in the rewards of conveying the message, the group is always open to those who are passionate and willing to fulfill an important part of the deen, educating and inviting to the religion of Allah (swt). Look forward to see you out there with the rest of the street da'wah crew. In'sha'allah (god willing). Wasalam Alaykum
01.01.2022 While it was extremely tough to refrain from going out to the streets to teach people about the blessing that is Islam, when the time did come, we were out in numbers, AlHamdulillah! We set out to 4 different locations across Sydney and were pleased to see that with the recent lockdown, people had been exposed to a very rare situation in this day and age; they were forced to isolate and reflect upon their morality, the fact that we are all going to die some day. The fact tha...t noone can say with confidence that they are guaranteed tomorrow, and the belief that the consequences of our actions in this life have a profound effect in the life after death, lead one to examine these choices. To set right our affairs with other people, but most of all, with our Creator, should be of the utmost importance in all of our lives before the luxury of time is taken away.