Sydney U3A | Brand
Sydney U3A
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25.01.2022 Endeavour region’s Walking Around Sydney group, otherwise known as WAS, can’t be stopped. Always out and about exploring Sydney, this group keeps super busy. Thank you Wendy Donelan for sending in these pictures from one of their many walks.
25.01.2022 The latest "Stay Connected" newsletter is at
24.01.2022 The latest "Stay Connected" Newsletter is now available at
22.01.2022 AN ONLINE ABECEDARIUM Many U3A groups have found creative ways to continue their activities through the COVID-19 pandemic without meeting face-to-face. Georgie Tucks Greater West calligraphy class decided to jointly create an abecedarium (a primer for teaching the alphabet). In Georgies words: We chose a basic format and then students did their own thing and sent the results to me by post (which was like having a birthday). All put together it forms an alphabet about 45 by 40 cm. Zoom has been a great way to keep our class going - though of course nothing beats hands on attention. Two students who were completely new to calligraphy had only two classes before the lockdown started, and another (also a complete beginner) started after the lockdown began. I have found the challenge enjoyable. Luckily, my device is an iPad mini, so I can reverse the camera, hold the iPad above my writing pad with my left hand (sometimes obscuring my own view) while I demonstrate letters with my right. Our classes are followed by a lively exchange of photos of homework and comments on it by email. Now three months into Zoom, we have done two new scripts and hopefully can keep going until we come out the other side of the lockdown. Contributors were: Val Apps, Mary Chastain, Geoff Clark, Susanne dAmato, Helen English, Merlyn Fernandes, Deborah Gracic, Connie Harrison, Joanna Lee, Ellen Pilgrim, Kay Porter, Maria Teylan, Georgie Tuck, Saraswathi Venugopalan and Anne Williams.
22.01.2022 While U3A is not currently running face-to-face meetings, some groups have found ways of seeing one another other than on a screen. The U3A Gordon Library Tai Chi group has been meeting informally (with appropriate social distancing) on the St Ives Village Green.
20.01.2022 One of the great spectacles of Sydney in November is the display of jacaranda trees on the harbour foreshores. A Northern Beaches U3A group recently toured the harbour and enjoyed not only the glorious mauve jacarandas, but also the opportunity for a social gathering with appropriate social distancing. More information at
19.01.2022 Read the latest "Stay Connected" newsletter at
18.01.2022 Read the latest "Stay Connected" newsletter at
18.01.2022 Many U3A groups have found ways of using Zoom to continue activities without meeting face to face. The Upper North Advanced/Medium recorder group has been meeting via Zoom for several sessions. They have worked out methods to stay in touch musically and socially during this period through the good offices of one of their members, Gerry Foley.
16.01.2022 As parts of Sydney are now back in lockdown, we hope that this verse, penned by your Facebook editor, might return a little Christmas cheer to U3A Facebookers.
13.01.2022 From 1st September, Sydney U3A has started running some face-to-face courses alongside the many Zoom-based courses. These courses are run under very strict COVID-safe guidelines. In the picture, speaker Austin Mack is giving his talk "On Apollo's chariots from the Earth to the Moon" to an appreciative U3A group at the Narrabeen Tramshed.
12.01.2022 As Covid19 restrictions eased in the state, Northern Beaches U3A’s 3rd Age Rock Orchestra met live for the first time since March this year on 28 October. Fortnightly Zoom sessions have been successful in keeping the orchestra together during the several months of lockdown. Leader Harvey Broadbent thanks the NB U3A committee for support in arranging with NB Council for the hire of the Ted Blackwood Memorial Hall. For a recording of the session, and enthusiastic comments by members, see the video at
11.01.2022 Endeavour region's friendly group of budding artists from the U3A Art for Appreciation group enjoyed our recent visit to the Hazelhurst Gallery at Gymea to see the latest Art Deco Exhibition and Doreen Kellett, our group leader, surprised and delighted us all with her beautiful Art Deco outfit.
08.01.2022 Sydney U3A now has a large variety of lectures available on Zoom. These can be found in the "Regions and Courses" section of the web site .If you would like help in attending a Zoom lecture, check out the Sydney U3A Zoom Guide at .
08.01.2022 A message from Harvey Broadbent, leader of U3A's 3rd Age Rock orchestra: As this difficult lock down period continues Northern Beaches U3As 3rd Age Rock Orchestra (3ARO) is meeting every two weeks on Zoom. That way we can continue to be creative and play our music even though distanced physically from each other. The limitations of Zoom mean we have to be extra creative. One result is that we have found a way to produce a video performance. So wed like to share the first ef...fort with you, our fellow U3A members. 3ARO guitarist and vocalist, Francis Buttle, has composed a song, Having A Ball, and we have succeeded in making a recording and video of it, which we have posted on You Tube. If you click on the link below, we can share our pleasure in producing it with, we hope, your enjoyment of our performance. Click on or type into your internet search window. We wish all U3A folk a safe and happy Spring season. Harvey Broadbent, Leader 3ARO.
07.01.2022 Read the latest "Stay Connected" newsletter at
05.01.2022 A great example of U3A members participating online in an interactive course is Jill McLellands Photobooks course held in the Endeavour region. After an introductory session, members produced their photobooks and were able to share the results of their work in follow-up sessions. In these images we see Jim Sloan and Bronwyn Haddock showing their work, and Ross Duker and his photobook, featuring a Galapagos marine iguana.
05.01.2022 How does U3A enrich your life? Hear what U3A means to three active members of Sydney U3A in this short video.
03.01.2022 Read the latest newsletter
02.01.2022 While indoor meetings are still very limited, some Sydney U3A groups have taken advantage of Spring sunshine to meet informally outdoors, such as this group from the Greater Western region seen here at Nurragingy Reserve in Doonside.
01.01.2022 The Semester 1 2021 Course Book is now available online. Go to for information about hundreds of U3A courses and events.
01.01.2022 Read the latest "Stay Connected" newsletter at
01.01.2022 Read the latest Stay Connected newsletter at
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