Sydney Women's Physiotherapy in Bella Vista | Medical and health
Sydney Women's Physiotherapy
Locality: Bella Vista
Phone: +61 412 382 834
Address: Suite 106B, 10 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista 2153 Bella Vista, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 We are VERY excited to be starting our very own SWP RUN GROUP ! This group is designed for beginner runners or those wanting to return to running who are seeking some guidance with their technique to assist their management of pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, pelvic pain or other musculoskeletal complaints (or even just returning to run post Bub ) So many women and men love the idea of running due to the many health benefits and the convenience of it but feel t...hat they don’t know where to start or need a little push to get going, so we are here to help! Our run program is a one of a kind program and we are very excited to bring it to the Hills District For more information please contact our friendly staff on (02) 8883 5360 . . . . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
23.01.2022 REVIEW TIME Marissa, one of our running enthusiast physiotherapists has recently been wearing the @asicsaustralia Gel-Cumulus 22 (2A Narrow) and these are her thoughts LOVE the narrow fit! As someone with skinny feet it can be really hard to find the right pair of runners and I love that I don’t slip or slide in these They are breathable, even when it’s hot my foot doesn’t feel like it’s sweltering inside... The colours are nice to look at. It’s a nice, neutral shoe that I can pair with most of my expansive activewear wardrobe The cushioning is nice on a longer run or when my legs feel heavy and my landing is not the best My biggest upset... these are the ONLY shoe that I can find in a narrow fit and as primarily a forefoot runner I find that there’s just too much cushioning in the heel and I can definitely feel the weight of it. Unfortunately, as I fatigue it messes up my gait even more as I feel the drag Overall impression... I do really like this shoe and it’s a great fit for my narrow fit but it’s perhaps not the best shoe for my foot strike If anyone has been in the same boat or if @asicsaustralia has any recommendations, I would love to hear them! PS. Yes, I’m a defender and can get a bit of height in that last photo . . . . . . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney #running #asics #gelcumulus #asicscumulus #asicsaustralia
23.01.2022 1 Week Until Our 11th Birthday!!! It is 1 week until we turn 11 years old at Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy! We are all so excited that in November we would love to offer you a discount on our Spikey Balls!... Spikey Balls are so helpful to self-release so many areas of the body. Come in and we can show you how versatile and helpful they really are! Spikey Balls are normally $10 but are only $8 for the month of November!! We also have a variety of colours to choose from!! For more information please contact us on (02) 8883 5360 or email us at [email protected] #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #pilates #yoga #nervepain #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney #spikeyball #spikeyballs
23.01.2022 It’s not too late to join us! Call now for more information and to lock in your spot (02) 8883 5360
21.01.2022 Free virtual conference about endometriosis, pelvic pain, treatment and management options. It's Amercian based, conference so time zones might be different.
21.01.2022 This is an awareness post, as we see too many wonderful men seeing too many healthcare practitioners such as urologist/pain specialists/acupuncturist/ and taking too many courses of antibiotics, pain medication and herbal medicine... But no one told them to relax their pelvic floor muscles . Pelvic Pain in Men: a great video explaining chronic prostatitis and how it's not always an infection. Men have pelvic floor muscles too, and sometimes they are too tight and Our physiotherapist Trisha, can help treat and manage chronic pelvic pain for men.
21.01.2022 Female orgasm! Yes! Our Women's Health Physiotherapist drew a few clitoris this week for a patient in her 40's and another one in her 60's! Penetrative sex may not be your solution to achieve orgasm, but clitorial stimulation will. Sex education through the ages... you may not be comfortable talking about pleasure or asking your partner for your pleasure at age 20 or 30, but by the time you're 40, 50, 60 you may be ready. ... Growing older and wiser with our changing body and adaptive mind, learn through our Women's Health Physiotherapist. Call: 88835360
20.01.2022 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: *** I was wondering if I need to wait until I am 6 weeks postpartum to book an appointment? *** It depends on what your concerns are. If you have pain, bladder or bowel voiding or incontinence concerns it is better to see you now. If you have abdominal separation concerns and or want a pelvic floor assessment to work out your baseline you can wait till 6 weeks, where by you have established better routine for yourself and your new baby and may hav...e more questions for us to answer for you. *** Is there any Medicare rebate available on appointment costs? *** If you hit the safety net this year, ie. saw a privately paid Medical Specialist (had used an obstetrician, gynaecologist) which usually makes you hit the safety net quicker, then you will get over 90% back for your consultation. But if you have not, medicare will give you back $54.60. We do not bulk bill. If you have one area of general pain we change $123, if we are only checking and giving exercises for your abdominal wall muscles we charge $133, if it is Pelvic floor abdominal etc $183. Best to book us online via out website, or call us on 02 8883 5360.
20.01.2022 We are open Christmas Eve! Limited appointments available with Kimia. Feel free to call our friendly team to ensure that you don’t miss out on an appointment . . . .... . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
18.01.2022 We are OPEN Saturday 03.10.2020 (Trisha is working) Closed: Sunday 04.10.2020 Closed: Monday 05.10.2020... Business as usual on Tuesday 06.10.2020. Hope you all can enjoy the beautiful spring weather this long weekend! #hillsdistrictmums #musculoskeletal #womenshealthphysiotherapist #sydney #choosephysio #norwestprivatehospital #painmanagement #wholebody #pelvicfloorexercises #hippain #buttockpain #enjoyspring
18.01.2022 SWP RUN GROUP IS STARTING SOON! Running has so many health benefits however most of us tend to avoid it due to: - Difficulty of getting into the rhythm - High injury rates - Not being able to stick to it for the long term! ... The physiotherapists at SWP are here to help you kickstart your running journey with our six week program designed for both men and women! Receive on the spot analysis of your running technique and feedback on how to improve efficiency and enable long term sustainability! A few short term benefits of running include: - Improved mood - Mental relaxation - Improved sleep Long term benefits include: - Improved energy levels - Weight management - Improved running technique to reduce the load on the pelvic cavity, in turn reducing the risk of pelvic organ prolapse, stress incontinence and pelvic pain - A more positive outlook on life For more information please contact our friendly staff on (02) 8883 5360 #physiotherapy #physio #healthcare #running #physiomanagement #pelvicpain #northwestsydney #hillsdistrictmums #bellavista #endometriosis #nervepain #hillsrunning #runclub #fitness
17.01.2022 RETURN OF THE MASKS AT SWP! In light of the recent spike in cases, the girls at SWP have brought back the use of masks with all patients All patients will be screened prior to their treatment We will continue our strict cleaning regime to ensure the safety of all our staff and patients ... We will be open throughout the Christmas and New Year period to continue treating all your physiotherapy needs! #physiotherapy #pelvicfloor #pelvicpain #sydneywomensphysiotherapy #christmas #openinghours #hillsdistrictmums #hillsdistrict #maskuse #hotspots #covid #safeworkplace
14.01.2022 Simple cueing can make a BIG difference in getting the right muscles to 'turn on'. Foot posture cues such as keeping, and maintaining your arches can help some patients: 1. Activate gluteus medius 2. Reduce pain in their feet such as plantar fasciitis... 3. Reduce pressure and pain in their hips, knees, even in some patient's pubic bone joint. 4. It can even help reduce vulva vaginal pain! We love to treat the WHOLE BODY! Our Physiotherapist are pelvic conscious and whole body musculoskeletal trained! #smalltweaks go a longway! Book an assessment to see one of our physiotherapist for assessment and treatment! 02 8883 5360
13.01.2022 Happy 11th Birthday To Us!!! Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy is 11 years old this month!! We are all so excited that we have discounts on our Archie’s Thongs, MoveActive Grip Socks and Spikey Balls for the entire month of November!!... - Archie’s Thongs = $25 (normally $35!) - MoveActive Grip Socks = $10 (normally $15!) - Spikey Balls = $8 (normally $10!) Come in, say Happy Birthday, and enjoy these amazing discounts!! We would like to thank everyone who has supported us in the last 11 years, and we are looking forward to continually providing the best care possible for all our patients now and in the future. For more information please contact us on (02) 8883 5360 or email us at [email protected] #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #pilates #yoga #nervepain #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney #spikeyball #archiesthongs #moveactive #gripsocks
10.01.2022 In light of the recent COVID outbreak, we have made QR check ins compulsory at Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy. This helps our contact tracers who work tirelessly to assist our community. Unfortunately the internet in the building is not great and therefore we ask that you do aim to come in 5 mins prior to your appointment to avoid missing out on treatment time due to check in difficulty. During this time, if you are able to come to your appointment by yourself we do ask that do so to ensure that our team and community stay safe . . . . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
09.01.2022 2 Weeks Until Our 11th Birthday!!! It is 2 weeks until we turn 11 years old at Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy! We are all so excited that in November we would love to offer you a discount on our Grip Socks by MoveActive. These awesome grippy socks are comfortable, fashionable and have all the grip you would want in a Pilates Sock.... These MoveActive Grip Socks are normally $15 but just $10 for the month of November!!! So many cool styles and various sizes to choose from Come and enjoy!! For more information please contact us on (02) 8883 5360 or email us at [email protected] #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #pilates #yoga #nervepain #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney #moveactive #moveactivesocks
08.01.2022 3 Weeks Until Our 11th Birthday!!! In November we will turn 11 years old at Sydney Women’s Physiotherapy! We are all so excited that in November we would love to offer you a discount on our Archie’s Thongs. Archie’s Thongs are so comfortable! They provide you with more support, are less likely to break compared to other thongs, ensure less toe gripping and do not give you that awful rubbing between your toes.... We have various sizes and colours for you to choose from. Come in and try them on so we can order them for you at this great price! Archie’s Thongs are normally $35 but only $25 for the month of November!!! For more information please contact us on (02) 8883 5360 or email us at [email protected] #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #pilates #yoga #nervepain #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
07.01.2022 Lest We Forget!
06.01.2022 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are here to remind you to perform a monthly breast exam How? Step 1: Examine your breasts to check that they are their usual size, shape and colour. Notify your doctor if you notice any dimpling, puckering, bulging of the skin, inverted nipple, redness, soreness, a rash or swelling of the breasts ... Step 2: Raise your arms and examine for the same changes as step 1 Step 3: Examine for any fluid coming out of one or both nipples Step 4: Feel your breasts while lying down Step 5: Feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting (make sure that you cover ALL of the tissue). If you find any limos notify your doctor Step 6: Mark a date in the calendar for next month to perform your monthly self exam! . . . . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
05.01.2022 Did you know that we hold Online Mums and Bubs Exercise classes? During COVID we have chosen to migrate our Mums and Bubs to an online format as it ensures the safety of our little ones while allowing our special mums to still rebuild their strength post-partum Why invest in our Mums and Bubs program? This post natal period is just as important for your growth as it is for bubs! You will strengthen your core, pelvic floor and upper body all from the safety of your home.... Your mental health will benefit from doing something for YOU and you will feel the happy hormones from participating in some exercise Call our friendly team on (02) 8883 5360 for more information . . . . . . . . #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #healthcare #pelvicfloor #childbirth #pelvicfloortraining #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pelvicpain #endometriosis #nervepain #yoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
02.01.2022 Group Exercise Timetable - Term 1 2021! There are limited spots available for Term 1 so if you are interested, now is the time to give us a call to secure your! Classes start Wednesday 27/01/2021 and will run for 10 weeks. For more information please call us on (02) 8883 5360 or email us at [email protected] We can’t wait to hear from you! #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physio #healthcare #healthcareworkers #healthcareprofessionals #pelvicfloor #pelvicpain #pelvicfloorhealth #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloormuscles #childbirth #menopause #physiomanagement #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #painfree #therapeuticyoga #pilates #clinicalpilates #yoga #nervepain #hillsdistrict #hillsdistrictmums #norwest #bellavista #northwestsydney
01.01.2022 We have 2 appointment spots available tomorrow 01.10.2020 with Marissa Joseph: 8.50am (60-40 minutes) 3.40pm (40 minutes) You can book online via: Or call us on 88835360 in the morning. #hillsdistrictmums #musculoskeletal #physiotherapy #choosephysio #backpain #hippain #pelvichealth #prolapse #smalltweaks
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