Symetri in Highton, Victoria | Medical centre
Locality: Highton, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5241 9565
Address: 53 Barrabool Road 3216 Highton, VIC, Australia
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22.01.2022 C H A L L E N G E S : We all have them! Regardless of what yours is...keep at it . . . #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong
22.01.2022 C H E C K I N : Where’s you’re head at this week? It’s okay to not have all the answers...especially during these unpredictable times! Focus on what’s in YOUR circle, i.e. what you can control. NOT all the things beyond it #WeGotYourBack . . .... #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong See more
21.01.2022 G I V E Y O U R M U S C L E S S O M E L O V E : Iso got your body craving some TLC?Create direct pressure on those sore spots to: Release ‘specific’ knots in the muscle (or trigger points) that may otherwise be hard to reach yourself. Reduce pain. Increase movement.... Improve blood flow. Assist with injury prevention & rehabilitation. . How? Use the wall, floor, or another body part to apply pressure with a ball (rolling the ball directly with your hand may not be enough). Position the ball in the region. Move it slowly to find the ‘honey’ spot. Try coming onto that spot in different directions to target the muscle fibres in different directions. There will be discomfort but should NOT be pain. You can keep the ball stationary or roll. Hold until the discomfort eases. Move onto the next spot. . . . #massageball #triggerpointrelease #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong See more
20.01.2022 D I S C S : A question posed by many patients! While disc injuries can be a debilitating condition, every case is different. Just as many factors predispose an individual to injury, many factors will affect their ability to heal. This does however provide people with treatment options! See a professional & have your body assessed. (Reference Zhong et al 2017) .... . . #LowerBackPain #DiscPain #DiscHerniation #symetri #healthhub #FamilyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
20.01.2022 L E S T W E F O R G E T : Let us remember them. Let us give thanks. . We are closed for today. . .... #anzacday2020 #lestweforget #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong See more
20.01.2022 F I N D Y O U R S Y M E T R I : As Osteopaths we look at the body as a whole, on the basis that the structure of the body affects how it functions. . So guys that means if a body part is not positioned well, it can’t move (or function) at its best. . Does that mean we want perfect ‘symetri’? No! There’s no one size fits all approach here. Your ‘state of symetri’ will be different to the next person’s. We’re all build differently.... . Removing any physical restrictions to get your body functioning at its best will not only get you moving better, but promote health by creating a healthier ‘house’ for your insides! . . . #FindYourSymetri #balance #symetri #healthhub #FamilyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
18.01.2022 S M A L L S T E P S : When you aim for everything, sometimes we forget to hit the middle of the target! Start small & be consistent! . . . #Symetri #HealthHub #FamilyHealth #Health #Wellness #Osteopathy #Osteopath #Highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
17.01.2022 M A S K S : Many of you are accustomed to seeing our smiling faces covered by masks for sometime now. . We are well & asymptomatic, but will continue to now follow the guidelines where all health care workers in Victoria MUST wear a level 1 or type 1 disposable surgical mask. . Patients are encouraged to wear a mask also, but it is optional. This can be a disposable mask or face covering, ie scarf. Masks are available for purchase on request.... . Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Your health & safety is our priority. . . . #symetri #healthhub #FamilyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
17.01.2022 H A P P Y E A S T E R : Happy Easter from our family to yours! . We may be spending today somewhat differently to other years but take the time to be grateful for your loved ones & connect with them in other ways. #TheresAlwaysChocolate #SilverLining . .... . #Easter2020 #Symetri #Healthhub #FamilyHealth #Health #Wellness #Osteopathy #Osteopath #Highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
17.01.2022 W A R M U P : With many of us being more sedentary of recent months, you may be coming back to the gym stiffer & weaker. Warm up with 10 minutes of dynamic stretches that involve movement & some light cardio to the key areas you will be training/moving. This will help prepare you body for training - encouraging blood flow to these muscles & reducing the risk of injury. The type of cool down you choose will often depend on the type of exercise you have done in your workout. S...pend some time doing slow, gentle movements, stretching and foam rolling. #FindYourSymetri #symetri #healthhub #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
16.01.2022 S A T U R D A Y S : Did you know we are open every Saturday? We understand pain doesn’t stop on the weekends or outside business hours so we cater for both! . Head to the website to book online & snap one up! . .... . #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong See more
16.01.2022 H A P P Y B D A Y C A I T L I N : Happiest of birthdays to you! Have a great day today. I know our gifts might not top your BIG present of being a new home owner...but it’s pretty darn close! Congrats on the big news & enjoy your special day!
15.01.2022 S P E C I A L O F F E R : $20 OFF your first Osteo treatment with Dr. Andrew Tivendale. For new & existing patients. We are so excited to have Andrew joining our team & to celebrate we would like to offer you $20 off your first treatment with Andrew. Andrew has a strong background in sports injuries & rehabilitation - he loves the challenge of returning an athlete to peak performance. He also has a keen interest in headaches & chronic pain.... Andrew will be available from this Thursday the 5th November on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s & Saturday’s. Evenings are available. Call the clinic today, or book online at & mention this offer to redeem. Tag & share to tell your friends. See you all in the clinic soon! #NewTeamMember #3Amigos #3Osteopaths #Symetri #HealthHub #FamilyHealth #Health #Wellness #Osteopathy #Osteopath #Highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
14.01.2022 H A P P Y M O T H E R S D A Y : To all the mum’s out there we want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. . It’s a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness & wellbeing before your own. You teach the hard lessons. You do the right thing even when you don’t know what the right thing is. You love us unconditionally. #BestJobInTheWorld #WeLoveYouMums #HappyMothersDay
14.01.2022 J O I N T H E T E A M : All applications please send through to [email protected] #FindYourSymetri #symetri #healthhub #healtwh #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
11.01.2022 W O R K I N G F R O M H O M E ? Are your eyes level with the top 1/3rd of your screen? Check out our latest blog for some hot tips from Osteopath, Dr. Caitlin Wright. Go to the link in our bio. . Make use of our Telehealth Online Consultations & have your Osteopath assess your home office set up. .... . . #DeskErgonomics #OsteoTelehealth #TakeUsHomeWithYou #Symetri #Healthhub #FamilyHealth #Health #Wellness #Osteopathy #Osteopath #Highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
11.01.2022 PART-TIME OSTEOPATH GEELONG, VIC Symetri is a fast-growing multi-disciplinary clinic, comprised of Osteopathy, Myotherapy and Chinese Medicine.... We have a bright, modern, newly renovated clinic, located in the heart of Highton, Geelong (10 minutes from the Geelong CBD). We are looking for a well presented, passionate and confident Osteopath to join the team. Someone who is an outstanding communicator that enjoys working in a team-orientated environment. The position is for permanent part-time with incentives, for 2-3 days and the potential to build to full time. Hours are flexible. New graduates are welcome to apply and mentoring will provided. Please send all enquires and expression of interest to [email protected]. Applications close 4th October. See our website for more information at
10.01.2022 C L I N I C P E T S : Three new team members! Hit us up with some names!
09.01.2022 A F A M I L Y A F F A I R : the kids were super keen to use their own pocket money for @run4geelong to support the great work of @barwonhealthfoundation...some were not so keen on the actual running part!
06.01.2022 H A P P Y F A T H E R S D A Y : To all the Dads, soon-to-be Dads, Step-Dads, father figures & those whose fathers are no longer with us - we are thinking special thoughts of you!
06.01.2022 B A B Y B O N E S : A baby’s skeleton has close to 300 bones, which are mostly comprised of cartilage. As we grow, our bones undergo ossification where the cartilage is slowly replaced by bone. Many bones fuse together, decreasing the number of bones to 206. This process is not complete until about 25 years old! . . .... #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong
04.01.2022 I T ‘ S A L L A B O U T T H E D I S C : During the course of the day the weight of your body on the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae creates compression, causing the spine to shorten slightly. It may only be about 1cm but I know some of us will take it where we can! This is why astronauts return from space slightly taller! #FunFact . . . #symetri #healthhub #FamilyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
03.01.2022 T W O : What a year! With the current reduced clinic hours we had planned to celebrate today somewhat differently. We love a birthday & we will celebrate in true ISO-style! . We want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you to our patients for their ongoing support & kindness. It has been great getting to know you all & we thank you for making us part of your lives. We are so fortunate to work in a such a great community. . Thank you to our amazing team past & p...resent...our family! It has been a pleasure to work with such a great bunch of people who are so knowledgeable & passionate about what they do. You have each played an instrumental part & we would not be who we are today without you. . We are so excited to see what lies ahead for Symetri! . . . #symetriturnstwo #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong
03.01.2022 E X E R C I S E F O R L O W E R B A C K P A I N : A study was performed to find which type of exercise training was most effective for treating lower back pain (Owen et al 2019), concluding there was a lack of evidence to support one type over another. . Instead of focusing on a particular type of exercise, we should be focusing on doing more of any type of exercise & making it a habit! So choose a type of exercise you enjoy! #MotionIsLotion . See one of our Osteopaths to... determine the best management plan for you & to #FindYourStateOfSymetri . . . #LowerBackPain #symetri #healthhub #familyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
02.01.2022 R E S T : Rest & recovery is very important to get results & maintain CONSISTENCY! If you haven’t been training with weights or resistance for a while, having a rest day between sessions will help to prevent injury & reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Another option is to train different muscle groups the following day. #FindYourSymetri #symetri #healthhub #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
02.01.2022 W E A R E O P E N : As we move into stage 3 restrictions this week, it is business as usual at Symetri. When I say ‘AS USUAL’ I mean with all the additional safety measures of course! . In car check-ins, temperature testing, sanitising stations, masks...& now we have the addition of protective eyewear! (as per the governments regulation of health practitioners). . Hours may be altered so get on our waiting list if you can’t find a suitable time...that way we know you’ in need & will do our best to find a time. . . . #symetri #healthhub #FamilyHealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong See more
01.01.2022 Q U E E N S B I R T H D A Y : We will be closed on Monday the 8th for the Queen’s Birthday Holiday. . For appointments call 5241 9565 or check out our website for online booking! . .... . #symetri #healthhub #familyhealth #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #osteopathhighton #osteopathgeelong See more
01.01.2022 Y A Y : Gyms are now back open! Over the next week we will be giving our top tips for getting back to sweating it up in the gym & avoiding injury. As you resume your workouts, try not to rush back to doing what you were doing pre-lockdown...or after any long break.... Instead focus on your technique - the quality of your movement over the quantity! We recommend you decrease the load & intensity you were training at pre-lockdown by 30-40% for the initial few sessions, especially if your training has been really inconsistent for the last few months. Then increase by 10% each week after that. Proper technique is important to decrease strain on other body parts, such as your neck & back. Is your spine neutral? Can you maintain a neutral position of the shoulders when performing any upper body weights?(drawing your shoulder blades back & down) Hit us up if you have any questions! #FindYourSymetri #symetri #healthhub #health #wellness #osteopathy #osteopath #highton #OsteopathHighton #OsteopathGeelong
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