Synergy Therapeutic & Wellness Services in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health
Synergy Therapeutic & Wellness Services
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 450 036 363
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20.05.2022 The root causes of hormone imbalance are interconnected systems, like dominos, affecting weight and metabolic function. Here are the top reasons why women have weight loss resistance and tips for what you can do about it...
12.05.2022 It might be a surprise to learn that iodized salt is not a great source of iodine. But there are three common misconceptions about salt and iodine that might surprise you even more...
10.05.2022 According to the Stoics, we can’t change the world, but we can change our mindset and, thus, the position we take towards the world. With the right mindset, we can overcome any adversity. Of course, this isn’t easy. It takes a lot of practice.
04.05.2022 The link between the brain and the gut is critically important. Many of us are not aware that what we eat has such a big impact on our moods. We are what we eat.
25.01.2022 All about your thyroid!
25.01.2022 Emerging research on the vagus nerve, a major nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system, sheds light on how people can tune in to their nervous systems and find ways back to a rest and digest state amidst the chronic stress.
25.01.2022 It's all in the gut. Turns out you can beat eczema, just like I did and many others including my brother/client James. No expensive medications or fancy lotions necessary, just good old-fashioned diet. James had been battling a very bad case of ringworm and eczema for nearly 2 years till he had enough with all the prescription medication and steroid creams his doctors assured him was the only way to manage eczema. January 2020 he decided to take control of his own health, m...aking lifestyle changes to improve his health and well-being, feeling better than ever You may have a leaky gut without even realising it. A leaky gut is implicated in allergies, depression, anxiety, autoimmunity, digestive disorders and so many more illnesses. You may have lived for so long with nagging health issues that feeling horrible is normal. The good news is you don’t have to live this way you can rejuvenate your health by using healing foods to restore your damaged digestive system. We have the power to manipulate our microbiome to heal a leaky gut and beat eczema. PM me to find out more!
24.01.2022 Can tap water potentially aggravate asthma and eczema?
24.01.2022 Everything you need to know about nootropics: what they are, what they do, all the jargon explained, and how to find the best nootropics for you.
24.01.2022 How does learning to play a musical instrument change the brain? Can music be instrumental (pun intended!) in helping people recover from strokes? These are just two questions being answered by researchers at McGill university and the Montreal Neurological Institute.
23.01.2022 Seeds are nature's way of perpetuating the life of plants. A few interesting edible seeds that top the nutrient charts are chia, flax, hemp and pumpkin seeds.
23.01.2022 How CBD can benefit different organs and processes of the body.
22.01.2022 How To Detox Your Liver : Evidence Based Natural Liver Cleanse Protocol
22.01.2022 During times like this it's important to remember that a lot of things we stress about are out of our control but what we do have power over is both our mental and physical health. Use this time to look inwards and focus your attention on your well-being.
21.01.2022 Jordan Peterson ~ INSANE Correlation Between Prevalent of Infectious Diseases & Authoritarian Belief:
20.01.2022 Is colloidal silver the solution to ending the 97% death rate from infections caused by brain-eating parasites (amoebas) in the water supply? Here’s the straight scoop...
18.01.2022 Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is found in all living cells within the body. Studies have shown that there are plenty of important B5 vitamin roles within the body, such as converting nutrients from food into energy, balancing blood sugar, reducing bad cholesterol, lowering high blood pressure, preventing nerve damage and pain, and preventing heart failure. Vitamin B5 is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract, boosting immunity in the process.
17.01.2022 Heavy metal toxicities are often one of the most overlooked culprits of our declining health/vitality. Not many are aware that these toxins that were all exposed to in a variety of different ways can wreak havoc on our health..
17.01.2022 If youve done your research, you already know most of the cleanses your favourite celebs swear by could actually kill you. What you might not know is that your body comes equipped with its own detoxification system you just need to do it a few favours. Here are the healthiest and most effective ways to aid your body in removing potentially harmful toxins every day.
16.01.2022 The Importance of Spinal Health! Every cell, organ and tissue is controlled by the nervous system. The spinal column is what protects the central nervous system, so its able to function properly by facilitating communication between the body and the brain. When the spine is out of alignment, the central nervous system is often negatively impacted as well, which can lead to an unhealthy ripple effect throughout the body. Characteristics of good posture include a normal, thoracic and lumbar curve. From the side, the shoulders should fall directly over the hips, and the ears should fall directly over the shoulders. The shoulder blades should be lowered and relaxed. In this position, our bodies are made to work most efficiently and expend the least amount of energy during our everyday tasks. We should try to maintain good posture for our back and neck in all the positions that we find ourselves in throughout the day, including: sleeping, sitting, driving, working at the computer, cooking, lifting, etc. Poor posture can lead to cervical (neck) pain. In the neck, there are a group of muscles called deep cervical flexors that are attached directly to the front part of the spine. Their action is to stabilise the cervical vertebrae, maintain the ideal curve of the neck, and to nod the cranium (head) down. These work best when the head and neck are maintained in proper alignment. When our posture deviates from ideal positioning, the deep cervical flexors can no longer do their job. As their strength and endurance diminish, it becomes harder to hold the correct posture. More superficial cervical muscles, those that are more visible and easily felt from the front of the neck, are recruited. Relying on these muscles result in creating the more abnormal posture of forward-head and rounded shoulders. Without correction, this will lead to a cascade of problems, including muscle spasm, arthritis, nerve impingement, and headaches. Some more info and tips from Harvard Medical School on posture and back health:
16.01.2022 While detoxing was once considered a 'fad,' in today's world, regular detoxing has become more or less a necessity. Heavy metal toxicity, just like chemical toxicity, has become one of the most pressing health hazards of our day. Whether you recognise it or not, your body is assailed by chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. This article explores the wide range of health benefits of Chlorella, single-celled fresh water algae, often referred to as a near-perfect food.
15.01.2022 Your gut and thyroid are intimately connected. To heal your thyroid you must heal your gut! Your gut is a major site of thyroid hormone conversion, meaning it activates your thyroid hormone to increase your energy, mood, metabolism and so much more.
14.01.2022 Learn the truth about processed food, it is easier to try and prevent disease than treat it.
14.01.2022 While the food industry has become notorious for funding anti-obesity programs that focus on physical activity, research clearly shows that processed foods, sugary beverages and high-carbohydrate diets are a primary concern.
13.01.2022 The cognitive benefits of learning and playing a musical instrument.
13.01.2022 Gut health is key! Ohio State University researchers have concluded that in toddlers, gut bacteria affects "mood, curiosity, sociability, impulsivity, and in boys extroversion."
12.01.2022 Benefits of playing the piano!
12.01.2022 For anyone in Australia in need of Kefir Grains
09.01.2022 Evidence based recipe for liver cleanse juice!
09.01.2022 Benefits of fasting!
08.01.2022 If you have no disabilities, you may not have given much thought to the financial, psychological and emotional ramifications of not being able to do things that perfectly healthy people do automatically. If you look physically healthy, you may not have any awareness of the painful discrimination in all areas of life that people with disabilities live with on a daily basis.
08.01.2022 You probably know that sleeping with your neck all scrunched up might cause you to wake up with a headache, or that a crummy mattress may contribute to back pain. But did you know that your sleeping position can have other effects on your health, and even increase or decrease your risk of certain diseases? Though the strength of the evidence varies, here are five health problems that research suggests may be caused, worsened, or eased by different sleep positions.
07.01.2022 Why the piano is amazing for your brain. (via
06.01.2022 Seeds are natures way of perpetuating the life of plants. A few interesting edible seeds that top the nutrient charts are chia, flax, hemp and pumpkin seeds.
04.01.2022 Power of the immune system
04.01.2022 In nature, hyper communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insect states proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as intuition. But we, too, can regain full use of it.
04.01.2022 On the matter of sugar addiction
03.01.2022 Every tooth in your mouth, even the ones you have had removed, are linked to one of the 12 meridians in the body. A meridian is a sort of energy channel that runs through the body. According to TCM, energy in the body follows a specific pathway through these channels, and any blocks in this energy can cause adverse symptoms, including pain or illness.
03.01.2022 How to reprogram your mind to be the best version of yourself.
03.01.2022 In a healthy state, the good bacteria in the gut limits candida from overgrowing. Toxic heavy metals can damage the healthy bacteria in the gut and disturb the good bacteria or candida balance; with less good bacteria to control candida growth, candida as an opportunistic organisms changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and cause a wide variety of issues and yeast infections all over the body. Heavy metal toxicity can prevent the body from healing candida overgrowth and in many cases can make the yeast infections become worse. If you have candida overgrowth and toxic heavy metals issues, the heavy metals need to be addressed. Ive seen many cases of people with a long history of stubborn candida overgrowth and yeast infections that couldnt be healed. Only when the heavy metal toxicity problem was addressed, the candida overgrowth became easier to manage. This is very common in people that have mercury fillings or a known exposure to mercury.
03.01.2022 While detoxing was once considered a fad, in todays world, regular detoxing has become more or less a necessity. Heavy metal toxicity, just like chemical toxicity, has become one of the most pressing health hazards of our day. Whether you recognise it or not, your body is assailed by chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. This article explores the wide range of health benefits of Chlorella, single-celled fresh water algae, often referred to as a near-perfect food.
03.01.2022 Jordan Peterson warns against government power (relevant now during Corona Virus):
02.01.2022 2000 kinds of toxic chemicals have been found in our water supply. Read on to see how this could be affecting you!
02.01.2022 During times like this its important to remember that a lot of things we stress about are out of our control but what we do have power over is both our mental and physical health. Use this time to look inwards and focus your attention on your well-being.
01.01.2022 Reaching in, reaching out: The play between Prana and Apana. Living life in our current world of distraction and overstimulation can be very draining. We live in a society that is almost always plugged-in. Yet, we may discover that being plugged-in actually causes a disconnection from the healthful needs of our physical, emotional and mental bodies ultimately a disconnection from our true Self. In a world largely touting the importance of being connected to things outsid...e of ourselves, how can we realign our focus? How can we achieve balance and harmony? The ancient yogis, saints and sages understood that our energy can bring us out into the world, or deeper into ourselves. These energies, called prana and apana, influence how we experience flow in our life. Prana is the life force, the life energy. Apana is the eliminating force or removing force or energy. Sushumna is the channel through which these energy move around our body. Hari and Har are the names of the that divine source of infinite energy, healing source, some also say that word Hari comes from Hara, which means the remover, remover of pain and negativity. This mantra is a very powerful healing device. Both for physical as well as emotional healing. When using this mantra for healing, concentrate on your breathing, and as you inhale visualize that a life force, life energy or prana is energy into your system. With Apana, visualise that all the pain and negativity and energy blockages inside your body are being removed and Sushumna is the channel through which the energy is circulating in your body. Visualise that air and energy is circulating within you entire body, each and every cell of your being is lit up by the life force. And as we come to the word Hari, smile and take in all the wonderful things the universe has to offer. That Hari has to offer. Draw yourself inward, in order to examine the ways in which you are being drawn outward. Find your unique balance and dance with the flow of prana and apana. The mantra for meditation: More info on this mantra:
01.01.2022 Learn how your gut health could be impacting your hormones and how to start healing from PMS and other hormone-related symptoms.
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