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25.01.2022 Integrity in marketing For years I have felt uncomfortable marketing myself or my work. I am not a fan of the social influencer. I dislike the seduction and spin selling that gives offerings of little substance a temporary super gloss. I am deeply cynical of the solo hero who takes the stage, revelling in their own glory as the measure of success without really caring about the people they influence. I admire the genuine. Those that care for others above self. Those who toil deliver high quality every time. I especially admire those who measure success by character, integrity, and qualities such as compassion and deep humanity. There is a subtle distinction I am learning. With Syntropic World I believe so deeply in the integrity of the work. I believe the tools and models transcend any single person, including me. I know it is about a future for Earth and all her creatures. That we, the people, can lead change for a world with a future. To tell this story, to let others know, is my responsibility. To give people sovereign choice, with access to information absent spin or seduction, is my duty as the steward of this work. Never to impose. Never to sink into absolutism, righteousness, superiority. But to say, herecheck it out. We make it easy for you to do that with little risk. Today is the last day to register for the September 15th Masterclass at the early bird fee. You can do so here. We would love you to join us. Photo taken September 9th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
25.01.2022 What does Steward leadership, complimentary currency and Common have in common? All part of Syntropic World. Join us tomorrow, Thursday 8AM Sydney, (Wednesday at 3PM Pacific) One hour. 3 provocative conversations. A small taste of Syntropic World. Register here.
24.01.2022 How is your Soul doing? I was in a conversation with a friend this week prompted by an intuition of possible internal dissonance. It was not until I is your Soul doing?that we stepped into a real dialogue.... How is your Soul doing? This beautiful question invites a truthful conversation with self. Are you and your Soul in flow? Is there coherence? Have you turned away and taken a path of wilful blindness? Are you attending to the soft whisper of your Soul? Or do you dismiss it as irrelevant to your ambition? Where are the broken places? Where have you determined to partition aspects of self so as not to deal with the deep unexpressed volume of emotion? Our Soul, our Pattern Integrity, the thread of our being, is eternal. Our choice to partner with it, us, is to move closer to our own integrity. Photo taken September 27th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
23.01.2022 The importance of an Integrity Council Success breeds hubris. All of that work to get to success, however you define it, becomes forgotten as our success stabilises. Equally, those who are fortunate enough to have a life of privilege gifted to them, never knowing the experience of living on the edge, striving to build something from nothing, often see those with less as deficient in some way, lesser than, lazy, always seeking handouts.... We become infected with hubris in many different ways, often slowly, blinded to it finding fertile ground in our psyche. No one is immune. An Integrity Council is a thoughtfully considered team of people who have life experience and who know us, the best of us and the worst of us, and will never fear inviting us to consider when hubris has occupied our interior. They will also hold us as steward leaders, if that is a role we have chosen, of bringing to life an idea, and in the process maintaining the Pattern Integrity of that idea, against all temptations. Great businesses often fall to the slow infestation of hubris. Arrogance seeps in, staff begin to treat customers as objects, the business falls in love with counting numbers, objectification takes over from the original love that was the source idea. An Integrity Council is a potential antidote to this. Photo taken September 12th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
23.01.2022 Bringing out the best in peopletheir integrity, compassion, humanity If our systems and structures enable gross hypocrisy, lies as normal, alternative facts, increased polarisation, increased disparity between the haves and the have nots, the Earth and all its creatures as a resource to be extracted from. Then how do we design systems and structure that enable an increased well being for all, the opportunity for people to show up and bring their brillianceto be better for ...having been a part of Where it is safe to make mistakes and hence own themsafe to learnto not knowto be a novice. Where there is an opportunity for all involved to become better, wiser, kinder as they are engaged Where we can be human, with families, loved ones who get sick, children who have special events that we get to attendall without shirking the responsibilities we have agreed wholeheartedly to.. Where the whole thrives because of the contribution of allsynergy the thread, the field, the ecology of how we do things Where integrity is the essencethe shape, the direction How to create these places of human engagement and contribution, what we currently call work, is the focus of Syntropic World. To not do this is to agree to the systems and structures we haveclearly no longer working for the majority It is joyous, exciting, emergent workand we welcome anyone who knows an alternative is possible and is committed to the creation of that. Photo taken September 23rd 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
23.01.2022 The steady river of integrity Keep showing up, keep doing great work, keep your eye to the horizon that calls you, pulls you, insists that you attend to its possibility. We never know which part of our work will land, which part of our work will touch someone, move someone, light a spark.... And rather than buy into the popular opinion of adapting your work to the largest audience, create work that is loved and sustained by your smallest viable audience. I would rather build intimacy of connection than crowds of consumers. Not be the shooting star of fame, but the steady river of integrity. It’s a longer slower road. Photo taken September 14th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
22.01.2022 Givers and takers Giving is an act of syntropy. Taking is an act of entropy.... When we give without giving to ourselves, without regenerating our own energy, our reserves, without being syntropic to ourselves, we are stealing from our forward capacity to be generous and syntropic. Our bodies are vessels of flow. Rich energy flowing in from deeply nourishing sourcesfood, company, sunlight, nature, contemplation, learning, rest and our capacity to outflow giving and syntropy becomes far greater. Our soil is a vessel of flow. When we humans take, and take, and takefrom the soil, from the ecology of the forest, grasslands, water tables and riversit is no wonder the syntropic nature of soil is flipped and it becomes entropic. To take, to be unaware of our taking, to be so focused on our own accumulation, is the disease that might cost humanity our future. Giving says we live in a syntropic Universe, one where the game is not zero sum, but infinitely regenerative. Photo taken September 29th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
20.01.2022 STARTS TODAY. Join 20 other stewards leaders from Hong Kong, Tanzania, Taiwan, Australia, Germany, UK, Netherlands... All committed to enterprise for a world with a future.
20.01.2022 Normalisation Of fires that burn down more land, homes and animals each year. Of over 200,000 people dead in the USA of COVID.... Of endless daily lies and corruption of politicians, business leaders. (And the irony of good leaders, who speak truth, and do so quietly and with dignity for as long as there is a question, being slammed as incompetent.) Of the complete lack of vision of almost every ‘leader’ on the planet. The drama cycle of news, feasting off the carcas of our normalised, numbed out souls, has no shame. Journalist who expose the corruption seen as criminals. And we the peopleit feels endlessand so we swim in the sea of awful numbed out to the real pain of those burned, sick, uprooted, thrown onto the trash heap of callous disregard. I wonder, I genuinely wonder, if I will be alive when we look back at this time and did we let this happen? I feel myself so overwhelmed by global events, the urge to retreat into my comfort and privilege, yet knowing that now, more than ever, we must dedicate ourselves to a more beautiful world. We must turn to that, lead that, be thatspeak truth, be integrity, respect Earth and all her creatures.. If not uswho? If not nowwhen? Photo taken September 24th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
19.01.2022 Excellent whole systems view
18.01.2022 The last vestiges of human dinosaurs If 2020 has taught us anything, it might be that our human desire to plan, to have a linear pathway forward, a map with straight lines, the goal setting, step by step process, no longer works. Perhaps this type of thinking has been rooted in our desire for dominion over our environment, our circumstance.... The position that we get to control things. We have believed that this is true. Yet life teaches us that change occurs in a nanosecond. That the best laid plans more often end tangled. It might be that we are entering a new parallel Universe, one where our beginning is to be broken down to the level that we learn to partner with the larger forces and fields of our Universe. To give up dominion. Superiority. Hubris. Arrogance. That what we are now witnessing in the global political leadership is the last vestiges of human dinosaurs trying to hold onto the old. Photo taken September 19th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
17.01.2022 Stewardship and custodial response to the laws, the land, all creatures.. is intrinsic to life. If you and I agree to play a game of tennis, we know that there is a set of rules, plus an ecology - a tennis court, tennis racket, tennis balls - that we also agree to. Universe - the whole of existence - has a set of rules. If you drop your favourite glass onto a cement floor, no matter how much money or power you have, no matter your culture, size, age the result will be the Humans, in the slow process of ‘growing up’ and inhabiting our planet, have dismissed these laws of Universe. We want the game of tennis, but each of us want it to be played by our individual rules. Which of course does not work. Chaos, fighting, bullying, exploitation, win at all costsall consequences. (I would like to honour cultures that existed respectfully within these laws and rules for thousands of years.) The future child will be born and educated to the laws of Universe. Inherent in that education will also be the teaching that as a right of our birth we have responsibilities towards the active maintenance of the laws of Universe. I do propose that to be born, implies responsibility to. Stewardship and custodial response to the laws, the land, all creatures.. is intrinsic to life. When we create communities, be that a family home, a community action group, an enterprise, a global businessthe laws of Universe do not disappear. It is not for us to replace them with human constructed ones. Rather it is for us to create the ecology of our enterprise in respect to. And like a game of tennis, be clearthis is the game we are playing. If you do not like the rules of the game, the ecology under which we play, no worries, find another game. But if you show up at our game and disrespect that which we hold as sacrednamely the laws that govern us all, like gravity, synergy, precession, unity is plural at minimum two, clean communicationthen you will be invited to leave and find your own game. If you are interested in learning more about how to apply the laws of Universe to enterprise design and the creation of communities, then do consider the next Masterclass, October 6|7, commencement. Photo taken September 25th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
17.01.2022 What brings you alive? In a world of increasing polarisation, where the propagation of conspiracy, amped up media BS, human issues being advantaged for political gain, bullying as normal, and people flocking to platforms to gain fame as the voice of truth through drama magnified (And while they might believe they are speaking truth delusion is rife and the net of lies thick) we get to choose where we spend our time. Is the rush of the drama hook feeding some unsatiated righte...ous tendency? Do we get drunk on the taste of your superiority? Is the web of drama and conspiracy the drug of our addiction? What brings us alive? This path.or perhaps instead imbibing in beauty, love, grace, connection, deep humanity, the future we know is possible? At this time in humanities emergence, the increased polarisation will cause explosion. For our future to emerge through the rubble, the tipping point, the incendiary incident that causes the explosion, is close, but forever unknown until it happens. So while we need those who stir the pot of crazy, who add volumes to the cesspit of polarisation, so that this explosion happens What brings you alive? I and we at Syntropic World have chosen to turn to beauty, love, connection, grace, humility.. To turn from the rabbit hold of increased nasty. To hold with clear and humble intention the world where Earth and all her creatures are held with love and consideration in all of our actions, designs and purpose. If this feels aligned to your path then we invite you to join us. Photo taken September 15th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
15.01.2022 What can we do as we face large scale systems breakdown. Turn and create the world we want to see, rather than complain or try to fix the one we have. Apply the laws inherent in nature to enterprise design and human co-ordination. This is what the Syntropic Enterprise Masterclass is about. Learn more and register
15.01.2022 Take the first step and the second step will reveal itself What to do? I don’t know what to do. The loop of this inner conversation is a form of paralysis of life.... We over think. Hesitate. Convince ourselves that when we have a set of conditions in place we might take that first step towards what is calling us from deep within. To know the difference between Kairos timedivine timewhen all becomes aligned.and procrastination, is to speak truth to the call of our Soul, often against the prevailing forces of our culture. Even not knowing what to do can be a form of self denial. Take a step towards something that matters to you. Take it fully, even if you squeeze it into the after hours. The second step will reveal itself. We move towards a life that mirrors our fullest Pattern Integrity through consistent action over time, the map only revealing itself as we walk. Arrival is an illusion. The path is life. Photo taken September 28th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
14.01.2022 22 intrepid souls commenced this journey...if enterprise for a world with a future is in your heart, you can still join...
13.01.2022 Are we profiting from our wilful othering? The more we live in a world of ‘the other’ - the other being other religions, other colours, other cultures, other classesthe greater the separation and consequential isolation we feel, the more threatened we become. (In distinction to considering others in all we do, instead of being focused on our own self. Thinking of others as whole others..people, fellow to live in service to others.) It has become a political impera...tive to keep the story of the other alive. The other side. Those others from another place. It keeps the machine of war, the prison industrial complex alive. It keeps those with hoarded money and power protected from the other riffraff. It keeps a party in power. The story of the other propagates dehumanisation. What brings us together is dialogue that invites us to show up whole. Where we can share with each other, our stories, our joys and fears, our falling down and rising up. A Syntropic Enterprise has a tool to enable this. We call it Synergistic Accounting. In the sharing of our stories we not only experience the rich diversity of each lived experience, we also unleash a host of synergies that would never have been seen prior to. We can chooseare we on the team human that invites these dialoguesthat brings together humans and dismantles the myth of the other, or are we profiting from our wilful othering? Photo taken September 26th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
11.01.2022 The precession of cheap Cheaply produced has packed within it Cheap labour. Disposable humans.... Cheap material. Nasty for the future. Nasty from the present. Cheap design. Planned obsolescence. Zero care for endurance. Cheaply produced leads to broken communities, broken environments, broken education Cheap fails beauty. Fails the future. Fails love. Care, patience, kindness is extracted from cheap. Photo taken September 21st 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
10.01.2022 Our power is always in holding ourselves and others to truth. To Integrity. How we disintegrate integrity, and in so doing, humanity. We tell a small lie. Or we witness a small lie, and in either case, step right over it.... If we are honest with ourselves, at this point of a lie, there is an internal dissonance. (Unless you are a sociopath or psychopath, absent any feeling from birth) The fabric of our being has been rent, ever so slightly. If we get away with it, the next lie is a tiny bit easier. It feels powerful to get away with it. Hubris builds. Multiply the small, seemingly innocuous lie by a thousand, and our immunity becomes strong. Multiply our stepping over lies made by another by a thousandand we roll our eyes and numb ourselves down just a little more, as the lies roll on by. Hardy disturbed by anything now, are we. It is a tale of time immemorial. Of the boy who cried wolf. As the lies accumulate, our bodies toxic from junk (food, air, news, media, BS), our senses numb to anything but the most horrendous, and even thendifficult to rouse the energy to be madpower feeds the liesand power accumulates. One day we wake and discover that we have agreed to atrocities. And we did we get to this? We did it one small lie, one nano atrocity at a time. We do it to ourselves. We lie to ourselves. ‘We will not do thisand then we do’ We do it to others’you will not do thisbut when you do I will do nothing.’ And we claim powerlessness. Our power is always in holding ourselves and others to truth. To Integrity. When we inhabit a world, as we do now, where the lies have been so normalised, when hypocrisy is the currency of power, we must, with all-in-commitment, turn back to integrity. Beginning with our own. Photo taken September 20th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
09.01.2022 To win at the cost of a single human life is the model of pre-cognitive man Taking an issue like a global pandemic and turning it into a platform to enhance political power shows the shadow of politics. The same can be said of climate, health carethe list goes on. An elected official is a representative of the people. They have a duty of care to people, paid for by people. They speak for the better lives of people, all people. Not the corporations, not the elite.... The moment an elected official makes it about them, or the party they have been elected under, or the corporation that paid for their ticket into politics, they have relinquished their responsibility to their people. We citizens conflate the voice and actions of our politicians with addressing issues. Most are simply invested in remaining in power. A few are genuinely invested in supporting greater opportunity for all citizens and Earth. Around the world our global political systems are failing the people. Evidence is clear. Decades of ‘minus inflation’ wage stagnation. Decades of erosion of public assets and commons. Decades of striping out public health, education, social services. And the rise of monopolies that occupy and colonise our minds while making a very few obscenely rich. And now, in 2020, the rise of the authoritarian dictator, so infected by hubris and narcissism that they see nothing but their own glamour. To turn towards what we, the people can do, how we can effect change, to recognise that evolution and (r)evolution is in our hands, to never relinquish our power to those who are failing to really speak for us, is to begin to turn towards the future we want. And for those living lives of privilege, who have never known what it means to fear making it through next week, those who have never known what it feels like to have war tear your home apart, to live under regimes of suppression and daily fear, to consider, long and hard, that your privilege comes with responsibilitywe all live on Spaceship Earth, this is our home planetand to win at the cost of a single human life is the model of pre-cognitive man. We can do better. Photo taken September 11th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
07.01.2022 Essential ingredients for Syntropy If we want to create Syntropy, if we want to leave everything better, no matter if it is a home, a relationship, an enterprise, a garden, the education of a child, a communitythere are essential ingredients The intention for Syntropy, held as one of the primary incentives, which simultaneously requires a response that is context driven as not everyone responds to incentives in the same way. Which means that we deeply inquire into what ince...ntivises individuals rather than assume it might be this or that. Therefore a deep respect for the individuals participating, for their unique Pattern Integrity, unique contribution. The creation of an ecology that enables synergy, where together the outcome is exponentially greater than it is if we participate as atomised individuals. We do this through agreements and dialogues of intimacy. The ability to hold the field for what is emerging. To not impose a form, a business plan, a linear time line, a particular shape. And in the emergent field, to listen deeply, and respect that which is emerging. To respond to what is arising as it arises. To commit to the maintenance of integrity, no matter what, in all domains. Integrity of communication. Integrity of the individuals participating. Integrity of the product, service, relationship or idea that we are stewarding. If we do these things expect miracles. Photo taken September 17th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
07.01.2022 The impact we have I choose the word impact with deliberation. As a lover of going to Source, be that the Source Idea, or the Source of nourishment, or the Source of a word.. the etymology of the word impact is from 1600 Latin, 'to push into, drive into, strike against. I am not a fan of Impact Investing, as a term, for this reason. While the intention might be towards good, the choice of word carries the very energy I believe those people who might seek Impact investing wan...t to transcend. You might well accuse me of being pedantic. And I will agree. Yet words, and their Source, carry energy. If we want to create a world with a future we need to choose our words and our actions with deliberation. Do we want to create enterprise that pushes into, strikes against? Do we want that to be the effect? Will more push, more drive, more striking against move us towards a more beautiful world, where the centuries of Yang energy are balanced by the Yin? Instead of impact we might want to influence, from Old French influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny" (13c.), also "a flow of water, a flowing in," from Medieval Latin influentia "a flowing in. Photo taken September 18th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
06.01.2022 All-in-consequence and freedom of speech absolutism On Tuesday at a local beach on the Gold Coast, Australia, a surfer was mauled by a shark. The injuries resulted in his tragic death. Now footage of the attack has made it to all media outlets.... Who would think to post this? And why? For hits? Likes? Sport? And what platform would say that this is acceptable? Imagine if this was your relative? That you had the opportunity to watch, overland again, a beloved be mauled? How does anyone say this is acceptable? Ever? What value does it serve anyone? The all-in-consequences of our actions, our choices, our response, is being called due. We stand on our platforms demanding our rights to so much. Freedom of speech absolutism is another form of fundamentalism. Refusing to consider the precession, the effects of our arrogance to enact our rights only shows us for the narcissists we have become. I am sickend. To know that every word, every act, every thought has a consequence is to become a human that cares deeply for something beyond self. Photo taken September 10th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
06.01.2022 Let us become the leaders we long for I long for Political and business leaders who tell the truth. No matter the cost.... Political and business leaders who own up when they have made a mistakeeven a serious one. Political and business leaders who cannot be brought, or sold, their eyes and soul cast on the vision they hold, clear, bold, uncontaminated by the pull of power. Who will not stab their own integrity in the eye for the party or company. Rather will stand for integrity, no matter the cost. Who work for the people and our all-thriving future as their primary, secondary and tertiary objective. Who listen as if their lives depend upon it. To a wide cross section of people, bringing an open heart and an open mind. Who listen to the land, the larger story of our home planet, and this moment in time with the utmost respect. Who clearly do what they have said they will do. And if they change their mind will clearly do it for reasons that reflect the desires of people. Who are transparent, compassionate, generous, humble, reliable. I know many people in leadership roles in business-as-usual. Good people. Yet despite their best, they are playing in a game that has designed into it incentives and structures that erode the fabric of this type of integrity. We need new models, new maps, new mindsets. Where integrity, humanity and an increased well being for ALL is the central organising principle. This is the purpose of Syntropic Enterprise. Let us become the leaders we long for. Photo taken September 13th 2018 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
06.01.2022 If you are tired on the broken systems, green washing, corruption..if you have felt exploited, devalued...if you long for enterprises and organisations that honour people, the Earth, and our future, then consider the Syntropic Enterprise Masterclass. September Cohort commences on the 15th. Read more and register
05.01.2022 For the love of learning I have been a pool/squad swimmer for a quarter of a century. Up and down that black line at least 3 kilometres per session, at least twice a week. What keeps me coming back?... I love learning. I love that swimming, like surfing, is a I have never arrived at mastery sport. Technique is critical, how you feel in the water, the nuances of stroke, catch, kicking, breathing multiplied, if desired, by 4 different types of stroke. I love the feel of the water, of moving into my relationship with water. Am I flowing? Do I feel heavy? Where am I in the water? And the feeling afterwards, is worth everything. When we know our personal learning formula, the secret that has us dive in deep to a new something, or stay long towards mastery, we can tailor our learning to meet our aliveness. The fear of not knowing, of looking like a klutz, or making mistakes, shrinks our life. Loving learning is to invite aliveness. Photo taken September 16th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
04.01.2022 Simple things For a moment in time I want to put aside the problems of the world and turn to beauty. My gaze turns to the ocean in front of me, the greys of the weathered sky soft, the ocean, after days of wind, calm.... People out and about, walking, running, drinking coffee. Simple things. Yet in the simplicity, everything. When things fall apart, which they tend to do, it is the simple things we long for. Yet when we have the simple things, we forget just how precious they are. Today I revere the simple things. Photo taken September 13th 2020 #beautyofbeginnings #beautifulbusiness #socialentrepreneur #syntropicenterprise #syntropic #syntropy #syntropicworld #worldwithafuture #businessreimagined #cleancommunication
03.01.2022 Precondition. You care about business for a world with a future You are not prepared to wait for others to lead change But how do we create enterprise for a world with a future. This is what we to do this... And we do this within a community of truly amazing global leaders. Read more and register. #syntropicworld #syntropicenterprise
02.01.2022 Want to know what Steward leadership is and why we need it? Interested in a global blockchain based community currency? Or care to learn from a zen priest drummer and CEO of a global community... The Syntropic Alumni +Open call is back. Register here for $0
02.01.2022 This feedback came in today from the Masterclass that ended at the end of August. No edits...thanks Michael Smitts. "As a business and innovation consultant and advocate for a better future - one that works for all life on our home planet - I've adopted and advised on many great frameworks and principles - even have co-created innovation metamethodologies - but had not yet found a framework/model that truly encapsulated all the wisdom and common sense that nature and the univ...erse teaches us. A complete package of mindset, practical tools and principles that can be utilized to build regenerative enterprises, new (business) models and even entirely new community structures, and an engaging caring crowd that captures all that I envision when I think of a better world and a better future. A future I'd like to live in today. All that fell into place after I met Christine, went through the Syntropic masterclass, and found my place and home in the syntropic community of inspiring and skilled earth citizens. Christine and the community are an inspiration for each other and everyone that dares to care about the planet we call home and all life on it. For those that have the skills, mindset and commitment to help realize a better future for today's and tomorrow's generations. The Syntropic framework, and the combination of learnings and principles covered during the masterclass will be transformative, and not only for you, but also for all those you will touch throughout your life. I highly recommend it." To register See more
01.01.2022 Business for a world with a future? How to do this... Sign up for the Masterclass and learn how.