Tablelands FNQ Branch ALP in Atherton, Queensland, Australia | Political organisation
Tablelands FNQ Branch ALP
Locality: Atherton, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Another reason to vote this guy out. He's totally full of it. Scotty from Marketing.
25.01.2022 George Christiansen is the type of clown who would propagate this sort of ignorant and dishonest behaviour. The Trumpian politics of disinformation and conspiracy must be called out and discredited by rational and reasonable voices.
25.01.2022 Just to put things into perspective when you next get asked what have previous Liberal Gov'ts done to Health. Don't give them another chance.
25.01.2022 Hooray for progressive politics in Latin America. Argentina has passed legislation to legalise abortion. The time has now come for every Australian state to come up to speed.
25.01.2022 I wonder if something similar will happen to the LNP in Queensland? Do you have any thoughts about this? Should farmers be legally liable in the protection of Koala habitats?
24.01.2022 It is a sign of a countrys moral compass is how we treat our most vulnerable workers. When backpackers come here to work, are these the stories we want them to tell the rest of the world?
24.01.2022 Great to see that the young woman used as a political plaything by Scott Morrison had spoken up and pointed out the obvious truth. Scotty from Marketing is a devious manipulator.
23.01.2022 So close to home. Atherton Tablelands farmer taking advantage of the Qld Governments Jobs and Region Growth Fund. Just one example of how the Qld Govt is committed to supporting our Small Businesses and the Agriculture sector.
22.01.2022 The ACTU has developed a National Economic Reconstruction Plan. Watch the video to find out more about the ACTUs plan for Australias future.
22.01.2022 The last thing a responsible government should do is cut Medicare during a global health emergency, but thats exactly what Scott Morrisons government is doing.
22.01.2022 Our afternoon crew at the Atherton pre-polling booth. Looking forward to Election day tomorrow and hopefully a successful result.
22.01.2022 Today's the day. Polling booths close at 6pm. It's time to get behind 2 great candidates for the Tablelands Region. Cynthia Lui for Cook and Michael Hodgkins for Hill. Let's secure a win for a Annastacia Palaszczuk led Gov't and Labor.#TeamQld #qldvotes #UniteAndRecover #AnnastaciaPalaszczuk #Labor
22.01.2022 Serial economic mismanagers, the Liberal party, have once again shown why they cant be trusted to run the country. Instead to helping to stimulate the economy, they think that its better NOT to invest in our people and what do we get? One million Aussies out of work. Thanks ScoMo.
21.01.2022 Don't listen to the reckless LNP or that litigious scaremonger Clive Palmer; only the ALP can ensure that our borders are kept closed and the people of Queensland kept safe from Covid-19.
21.01.2022 So close to home. Atherton Tablelands farmer taking advantage of the Qld Government's Jobs and Region Growth Fund. Just one example of how the Qld Govt is committed to supporting our Small Businesses and the Agriculture sector.
20.01.2022 For those who watched "Insiders" on Sunday, you may of heard Josh Frydenberg mention that his economic idols are Thatcher and Reagan. If you winced at that, then you should read this article.
20.01.2022 The Greens are no friend of Labor. Ten years ago they stabbed Labor and the Australian people in the back when they blocked our Carbon Trading Scheme legislation. They talk big but when it comes to the crunch, they fail to deliver.
20.01.2022 It is a sign of a country's moral compass is how we treat our most vulnerable workers. When backpackers come here to work, are these the stories we want them to tell the rest of the world?
20.01.2022 Stop that clown Clive Palmer from taking the WA government to court to force them to open their borders. Help bring this bully down and cease the circus which he propagates.
20.01.2022 This is something that we all should support, regardless of your political persuasion. Truth and democracy are fundamental to a free and equitable society.
19.01.2022 Please share this post and dont allow the LNPs distortion of the truth get in the way of the facts.
19.01.2022 Before voting in this election get the facts. Don't believe the LNP and Clives lies.
18.01.2022 It's time to stop wage theft for good. Criminalise wage left - sign this petition.
18.01.2022 Great to see MP Lui advancing Torres Strait cultural lore. Now to become state law.
18.01.2022 Robodebt debacle. Who will take responsibility?
18.01.2022 Please share this post and don't allow the LNP's distortion of the truth get in the way of the facts.
18.01.2022 This was always a news headline and not a serious policy. No wonder the Liberals are providing zero funding for this.
17.01.2022 A great election result for us and also great to see that right-wing conspiracy theory nutters like Clive and Pauline have seen their portion of the vote go backwards as well. A fantastic night for progressive politics!
17.01.2022 Debs failed on the borders with her mixed messaging and campaign of negativity. Her party is in disarray and the back room fighting is endemic of her poor leadership. The LNP dont deserve your vote.
17.01.2022 Serial economic mismanagers, the Liberal party, have once again shown why they can't be trusted to run the country. Instead to helping to stimulate the economy, they think that it's better NOT to invest in our people and what do we get? One million Aussies out of work. Thanks ScoMo.
17.01.2022 Now that the bushfire season is upon us, surely its time to recognise that climate is real and will have a devastating impact on many communities around Australia. Sign this petition to have a Royal Commission into last years bushfires and help put to bed the ridiculous rantings of the far-right conspiracy theory nut-jobs in the LNP.
17.01.2022 Todays changes fail to address some of the original flaws and gaps in the JobKeeper program, including the deliberate exclusion of millions of workers, including many casual workers in industries that have been hardest-hit by Government restrictions. Casual workers, early childhood educators, university staff and arts and entertainment workers would have been hoping for todays announcement to include some much-needed support for them, but they were sadly ignored by Scott Morrison.
16.01.2022 Please sign this petition to help free Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert from an unjust incarceration in Iran.
16.01.2022 Treasurer Cameron Dick explains how Labor builds for Queensland, the LNP build for themselves.
15.01.2022 Its about time that something was done about lifting the veil of secrecy in religious organisations in Queensland (and Australia). Only a Labor government will do the right thing and stand up for victims of sexual abuse.
15.01.2022 Just a bit of good news coming out of Federal Parliament sitting today for the first time in 10 weeks! Congratulations to the new Member for Eden Monaro, Kristy Mc Bain.
15.01.2022 For those interested in the reflections of Bill Shorten 16 months after our Federal election loss.
14.01.2022 Typical Liberal party economics. Profits over people. If youre too old or poor to afford quality healthcare, then you can just knick off and die.
14.01.2022 Dont listen to the reckless LNP or that litigious scaremonger Clive Palmer; only the ALP can ensure that our borders are kept closed and the people of Queensland kept safe from Covid-19.
14.01.2022 Photos from our ALP stall at the Malanda markets today. Members coming out to support our candidate Michael Hodgkins in his campaign to become the member for Hill.
12.01.2022 P H is irresponsible and callously putting at risk our friends and family members for her own political point scoring. Shame on her.
11.01.2022 We demand that the Government cover all workers in their Job Keeper/Seeker policy.
11.01.2022 We're supporting four tropical north #Qld tourism projects who will share $6.5M to kickstart new tourism infrastructure and attractions to entice visitors to th...e region and #Qld. This support is part of the Queensland Government's #COVID19 Economic Recovery $25M Growing Tourism Infrastructure fund to boost the regions economy. Paronella Park, Wildlife Habitat, Undara Experience, Dreamtime Dive & Snorkel
11.01.2022 Another step in the right direction. Only a Labor State Government will deliver more renewable energy projects for our great state.
11.01.2022 Great story on ABC's Four Corners tonight about the toxic culture within the Liberal party perpetrated by their Federal Parliamentarians. So much for conservative values held by supposed family men.
11.01.2022 This is a video from ALP party office.
11.01.2022 Now that the bushfire season is upon us, surely it's time to recognise that climate is real and will have a devastating impact on many communities around Australia. Sign this petition to have a Royal Commission into last year's bushfires and help put to bed the ridiculous rantings of the far-right conspiracy theory nut-jobs in the LNP.
09.01.2022 Deb's failed on the borders with her mixed messaging and campaign of negativity. Her party is in disarray and the back room fighting is endemic of her poor leadership. The LNP don't deserve your vote.
09.01.2022 Typical Liberal party economics. Profits over people. If you're too old or poor to afford quality healthcare, then you can just knick off and die.
08.01.2022 If you ever needed evidence that the Coalition Govt is in bed with the Murdoch media empire then read about this cynical move by the Morrison Govt to fund Foxtel, whilst cutting funding to the ABC. In addition, they're making the ABC pay Foxtel to telecast sporting events on free-to-air, hence Foxtel is being paid twice.
08.01.2022 It's about time that something was done about lifting the veil of secrecy in religious organisations in Queensland (and Australia). Only a Labor government will do the right thing and stand up for victims of sexual abuse.
07.01.2022 Undecided on how to vote? Maybe this might just remind you of what Labor has committed to. Qlders can place their vote for a positive Qld with Labor or cuts, cuts, cuts under the LNP.
07.01.2022 Should our future be lead by renewables or fossil fuel industries? We have an opportunity now to make this decision. Out of the ashes of this Covid-19 pandemic, we have a choice of what our country and its environment will look like. Unfortunately, the LNP are in government. With the majority of the Liberals not supporting renewables, it seems as though this commission is a fait accompli.
07.01.2022 Tablelands water quality improves through Works for Queensland Tablelands communities are set for better water security, reliability and quality which will improve overall health and liveability in the region, made possible through $3.41 million from the Queensland Governments $600 million Works for Queensland program. In opening a new bore in Atherton, as part of the Tablelands Regional Councils Water Quality Improvement Plan, Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe ...said the Works for Queensland program has had a positive impact on the region. This program is specifically designed to generate jobs where they are needed most by helping councils build or upgrade minor infrastructure projects, Mr Hinchliffe said. Projects such as helping Council deliver better water quality and reliability is a terrific example of how the program is benefiting Queensland communities. Throughout the three rounds of Works for Queensland, Tablelands Regional Council has received more than $10.6 million to deliver 24 projects which have created or supported 259 jobs so far. That is a fantastic outcome for local families and for the local economy. In fact, right across regional Queensland this program is helping to deliver 1,860 projects which have already created or supported more than 20,000 jobs. Accompanying Mr Hinchliffe, Tablelands Regional Council Mayor Rod Marti praised the Works for Queensland program. The Works for Queensland program has been about quickly delivering infrastructure projects that matter to our community, Mayor Marti said. The projects we have been able to deliver through this program not only provide employment opportunities, they have long-term benefits through improved liveability. It shows what can be achieved for our community when our two levels of government work together. The Tablelands Regional Councils Water Quality Improvement Plan has also been allocated more than $3.9 million from the Queensland Governments Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program and more than $883,000 from Tablelands Regional Council to further improve supply and quality. For more information visit: and Media contact: Bernadette Condren 0417 296 116 ENDS See more
07.01.2022 The Courier-Mail ran an article today quoting businesses that they can’t afford a rise in the superannuation rate. What absolute lying bollocks. They can easily... afford it. Thanks to the Keating Labor Government and our unions, Keating implemented compulsory super in the 1990s. The super levy was awarded in lieu of pay rises, so no skin off businesses’ nose. On top of that, wages have decreased in real terms since the 1980s so the impact on business was negligible and today businesses feel no impact whatsoever on contributing to workers’ super. And on top of that again, the Morrison anti-Australian government has scrapped penalty rates further diminishing businesses’ responsibility to its workers and their families. Business has never had it so good and here we get these whingeing bludgers crying poor over a negligible rise in the super rates. Where does business expect people to spend their money? See more
06.01.2022 Just to put things into perspective when you next get asked what have previous Liberal Govts done to Health. Dont give them another chance.
05.01.2022 Proof that Scott Morrison's government doesn't listen to feedback from the public. A faulty system from the start, Robodebt was always going to end in disaster.
05.01.2022 Our three-day lockdown doesn’t just apply to people who are in Greater Brisbane right now. If you’re somewhere else in the state but you’ve been in the relevant council areas since 2 January, we ask that you go into lockdown as well. We don’t stop the virus until we stop moving.
05.01.2022 Help prevent the passing of anti-gender diversity legislation in NSW.
05.01.2022 A fantastic result for Labor tonight. Whilst we may not have won the seat of Hill, it looks as though we have won government in Queensland. Great to see Cynthia Lui be returned in her seat of Cook. Thank you to all the true believers who have volunteered their time to assist our fabulous candidates during the campaign.
05.01.2022 Just as extremists have taken over the Republican party in the USA, we are seeing that extremist views are becoming more prevalent in the Liberal and National parties in Australia. Top anti-science Nut leading this surge in MP Craig Kelly. His behaviour is irrational and illogical and so far the PM has done nothing to silence him. Surely one must use evidence when throwing around theories of the universe?
04.01.2022 Just remember this is the alternative Premier. Every day we are grateful for the Palaszczuk Government listening to the Health advice.
03.01.2022 Crafty Conman Clive is up to his old tricks again. Don't let bogus billionaires dictate to you what are democracy should look like. He's all about making more money for himself and conning the people of Queensland for his own self-serving purposes.
03.01.2022 Introducing our candidate for Hill, Michael Hodgkins. Please like and follow his Facebook page. Good luck Michael.
03.01.2022 Our ALP candidate for Hill, Michael Hodgkins, is standing outside the Palaszczuk Government's latest investment in the Tablelands region, the new Atherton Hospital extension.
03.01.2022 Its time to stop wage theft for good. Criminalise wage left - sign this petition.
03.01.2022 Our ALP candidate for Hill, Michael Hodgkins, is standing outside the Palaszczuk Governments latest investment in the Tablelands region, the new Atherton Hospital extension.
02.01.2022 Announcing Michael Hodgkins as the ALP candidate for Hill. Congratulations Michael and good luck with your campaign.
02.01.2022 Michael Hodgkins ALP candidate for Hill, how to vote card
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Cnr Limestone and Ellenborough Street 4305 Ipswich, QLD, Australia