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23.01.2022 Convenient ordering for customers, 100% Free for restaurants... there’s no catch, that’s just our model... click the link to download the app and join our community . . .... . #supportlocalrestaurants #brisbane #melbournerestaurants #melbourne #brisbanerestaurants #brisbanepubs #melbournepubs #melbournecafe #brisbanecafes
22.01.2022 Here’s a fun fact for your Monday friends... did you know when you order with TableTime instead of one of the delivery giants, you spend less? That’s because our partners aren’t forced to increase their prices to survive... and even with our small convenience fee added, we end up being the cheaper solution pretty tasty! Convenient for you, sustainable for your restaurant - a true win win . . . .... #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #brisbanerestaurants #melbournerestaurants #pubs #melbournepubs #brisbanepubs #sydney #brisbane #melbourne #sydneypubs #brisbaneeats #brisbanecafes #melbournecafe #sydneycafe #tabletime #fooddelivery #fooddeliveryservice #orderingonline #preorder
19.01.2022 Happy Friday TableTimers! You must be feeling like letting your hair down and treating yourself to a Pizza night... We certainly are ... And the good news is, we've just arrived in the 4017 region of Brissy and La Pizzeria Brighton is ready to take your orders! Go on, supporting your local has never been more convenient or delicious!! Click the link to download the app and order for pick up or delivery tonight... Sandgate Mums Sandgate Mums Business Sandgate Business Page Shorncliffe pier #supportyourlocal #supportyourlocalbusiness #sandgatemums #sandgatechamberofcommerce #shorncliffepier #shopsandgate
18.01.2022 Ok we went there... but if you're keen to support local that includes us too! Born and bred, Brisvegas, foodies we are! Not to mention 100% behind our very own locals... Literally... When you order with the big guys - your local restaurant is being deducted anywhere up to 35% off your meal price. When you order with us, they get to keep the lot - yes 100%... If that doesn't make you think twice about whether you are in fact supporting that local business, we'd urge you to a...t least take a moment to consider where this portion of your meal goes? Perhaps a well-paid software engineer in Silicon Valley? Certainly food for thought... Next time you want to support your local - remember that HOW you order matters just as much as who you order from... and if you can say g'day and thanks to the staff when you pick-up or dine-in, there's one more way you can support those heroes. #preorder #pickup #dinein or even #orderdirect #supportlocal #australia #brisbanerestaurants #sydneyrestaurants #melbournerestaurants
18.01.2022 Contemplating a mid week takeaway? Don’t be left with an answering machine or the engaged signal... order with TableTime! Browse for food, order and pay from your mobile... easy as that. Download the app by clicking the link
10.01.2022 Version 1.7.0 of our TableTime app is now live! We know the feels when you’re hangry and aren’t quite sure when your meal will be ready that’s why we’ve improved our notification services so you are always kept in the loop in real time. Make sure you’re on the latest version of TableTime v1.7.0 available for download or update on Google Play and the App Store. . . . .... #supportlocal #wearelive #brisbanerestaurants #melbournerestaurants #melbournerestaurant #brisbanecafe #brisbane #melbourne #melbournecafe #sydneyrestaurants #sydneypubs #sydney #melbournepubs See more
07.01.2022 Last weekend we saw QLD put stage 3 eased restrictions into effect and the streets were bustling. If there's one thing this year has proven, it's how much we've taken our our local watering holes and eateries for granted... Now that we've had a forced break from the social scene, it's time we take a moment to appreciate just how much these establishments bring to our lives. They are the very thing that brings vibrancy to our communities. They are the places we go to catch up with old friends, meet new friends, celebrate a milestone, knock off from a big week, or even meet a potential new love interest. Unfortunately, this year our hospo friends have been doing it really tough and there is still a long road ahead. If there was ever a time to support local, it's now.
07.01.2022 Our Hospo industry has been doing it tough for some time. It is only now, with the sudden impact of COVID19 that a spotlight has been shone on just how bad things really are. But even as restrictions slowly start to lift, there is still a long road to recovery for our industry. As restaurants grapple with a whole new normal, many will struggle to survive. But the silver lining for some, is this window of opportunity to drastically change the way we dine out with customer exp...erience and sustainability for restaurants at its core. We can continue the dialogue around what lies ahead for our industry, but what are we actually doing about it? As industry tech supporters, we also need to take responsibility. For TableTime, it begins with the fundamental need to cut costs. From day dot our mission has been to support the industry, which is why we take a unique partnership approach to help restaurants significantly improve their bottom line. . . . #puttingrestaurantsfirst #supportinglocalsinceday1 #supporthospo #helphospo #restaurants #restaurantsaustralia #hospitalityaustralia #hospitality #cafes #pubs #mobileorderingplatform #preorderapp #preordersystem #fintech
06.01.2022 That’s right! We’re not pulling anyone’s leg... you did read correctly, our restaurant partners keep 100% of the order amount when you order with TableTime. By now you’ve heard how much your local restaurant has to give away when you order from a digital platform for pickup, dine in and delivery - it can range anywhere from 3% to a whopping 35%... With us - they keep the lot. Want to support your local? Order with a platform like TableTime - it’s convenient for you, and sus...tainable for your local restaurant. #supportlocal #brisbanerestaurants #sydneyrestaurants #melbournerestaurants
03.01.2022 Supporting your local cafe, restaurant, pub or bar has never been more important. But what many people don't realise is that HOW you order can have a huge impact on your local business. Most digital ordering services and multi-national food delivery giants take a fee from the restaurant every time you order. In some cases, that fee can be as high as 30% plus GST... Factor in the cost of food supply, rent, licensing to sell food, utilities, packaging and of course staff, there... isn't much left to take home... If you run a restaurant, or know a restaurant owner who feels there is no other option, take a moment to watch our video and share it with your friends. There IS an alternative that doesn't cost a cent. No monthly fees, no commission fees, no merchant fees and no set up fees. And for all you hungry diners out there who are just in the mood for convenient food, make sure you take a moment to consider that HOW you order can make a big difference. Choose a platform like TableTime or go direct - it's just as convenient, more sustainable for your local business and what's more, it's cheaper for you as well! #supportlocal #supportinglocalbusiness #supportyourlocalbusiness #supportyourlocal #tabletime #fooddelivery #orderahead #orderdirect #helphospo #supporthospo
01.01.2022 Friday night is Pizza night! Good news for the 4017 region as we’ve just arrived in the area and La Pizzeria Brighton is ready to take your orders... never has there been a more convenient and tasty way to support your local... and the best part? We take zero fees from all of our restaurant partners so they get to keep 100% of their hard earned margins. Download the TableTime app by clicking the link in our bio and get your orders in for pick up or delivery with La Pizzeria t...onight . . . . #sandgate #shopsandgate #sandgatechamberofcommerce #shorncliffepier #shorncliffe #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #tabletime See more
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