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Tacoma Public School | Education

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Tacoma Public School

Phone: +61 2 4353 1154

Address: Hillcrest Ave 2259


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25.01.2022 A huge thank you to this beautiful girl who lifted all of our spirits on Friday. Flowers from picked from her Nan’s garden. Charlotte, your thoughtfulness and kindness made our day!

25.01.2022 Hello wonderful Tacoma families! I hope you have all enjoyed your holidays and had a chance to relax with your children. I have the following advice from the NSW Department of Education regarding Covid19 and our school. Physical distancing is not required for students....Continue reading

25.01.2022 READY! SET! GO!!!! Tacoma had a great day today participating in the Cross Country/Fun Run. Many thanks to Mr Mac for his incredible organisation of a wonderful day for our students.

24.01.2022 We can’t wait to meet our Kinder 2021 Happy Spirits. As we are not able to just yet, we are creating videos for you to learn about our staff and school. Video 1: Meet our principal and assistant principal. Video 2 later this week! Please share with any families you know are coming to Tacoma next year.

24.01.2022 Dear parents and families, THANK YOU so much for your input to our School Improvement Survey. We had 90 responses and have gained some great information. Each year, the Department of Education NSW provide a survey 'Tell Them From Me'. Students, Staff and Parents complete this survey.... I understand that it will be similar to our school survey, but I would appreciate your time to fill it out as it is collated into our central records and important for long term data. I have sent it to all families by email - but it may have landed in your junk or spam folder. The link is: This closes on Friday 23/10/20 It should take about 10-20 minutes. Your time continued support is much appreciated! Nicole Heazlewood

23.01.2022 Congratulations to our amazing K-6 award winners today. We are so proud of you. Also to our Central Coast Appreciation Award recipients, Mrs Nicolson and Mrs Lennon. As a proud NSW Department of Education school we recognise your commitment to our students, staff and community. Thank you.

23.01.2022 Happy Spirits 2021 Video 2. Meet our amazing Kinder teachers and see our beautiful classrooms. Enjoy!

23.01.2022 We have had an incredible week celebrating NAIDOC week at Tacoma PS! We love how our students have actively enjoyed the many activities. Many thanks to IngoArt - Mrs Ingram and Adam for sharing their valued knowledge and skills with our school. And to our dedicated staff who always give 100% to our students learning. We are very blessed. Next stop, Yulunga Games Day on Friday.

22.01.2022 Jump online to our website and watch our amazing #EdWeek2020 Tacoma video! NSW Department of Education Tacoma Public School P & C Happy weekend Tacoma! Be safe.

22.01.2022 Dear Tacoma families, Today the school has been placed into precautionary lock down by Wyong Police due to an event unfolding in the area. All staff and students are SAFE. Please do not approach the school, as gates are locked and will not be opened until advised by authorities.... To reassure you, ALL students and staff of Tacoma PS are safe. I will send a notification update shortly. Thank you. Nicole Heazlewood - Principal

21.01.2022 The new NSW school curriculum will build strong foundations in numeracy and literacy, give teachers more time on essential learning, and better prepare students for future work and study. Find out more: *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

21.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers It has come to our attention that there was a live suicide streaming on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok today. We understand that the clip is extremely graphic and is likely to cause concern to people who view it. While the school has no evidence at this stage to suggest any student has seen the actual footage, we strongly recommend you heavily supervise all social media interactions of your child until this content is removed.... We have also receiving reports that trolls are using videos of puppies and kittens to lure young people into viewing the video. It is also being inserted into videos of kittens on Tik Tok. It is strongly recommended that you adhere to the age restrictions on social media apps Tik Tok 16 years old; Instagram and Facebook 13 years old. If your child has seen the video footage and needs support, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school. Nicole Heazlewood

20.01.2022 Having a ball at our athletics carnival!

19.01.2022 Tomorrow all students are invited to wear a sports jersey to school to help Year 6 fundraise for their end of year celebrations. Don’t forget to bring a gold coin donation!

17.01.2022 Dear parents/carers, Today's lock down is over. Everyone on-site at Tacoma remains safe and happy. A note will be sent home with your child today from the NSW Department of Education.... Pick up procedures AS USUAL today. Thank you. See more

17.01.2022 ONE MORE SLEEP! Happy Spirits orientation starts at 9am tomorrow for Kinder 2021 students! We are SO EXCITED to meet you all

16.01.2022 School Improvement Surveys went home today! Please fill in and send back to school to win one of 15 canteen vouchers!

15.01.2022 Athletics Carnival is ON tomorrow at school. Don't forget to wear your house colours and be ready to have FUN! Canteen is open with some lovely treats. Remember your water bottle!... See you in the morning! Sleep tight!!!

15.01.2022 So fortunate to have this beautiful nature area in our playground for our kids to #play, #create, #discover and #explore in. Nature brings out the best in us all!

15.01.2022 From NSW Department of Education: Dear parents and carers As a precaution today the school is secured and students are within their classrooms in line with police advice about a nearby operation.... We will advise you when police confirm that the school can resume normal operation. Be reassured that all students and staff have been safe at all times, and wish to advise that police have asked parents to avoid the area until the incident is resolved, in the interest of maintaining safety. NSW Department of Education

15.01.2022 Cross Country tomorrow. Wear sports uniforms or coloured house shirt!Wear sunscreen and bring a big, cold water bottle.

15.01.2022 Hi everyone, Please consider joining our Zoom P&C meeting tonight! Hope to see you at 7PM.

14.01.2022 Please join our Zoom Meeting! 7pm tonight! Meeting ID: 733 7947 1194 Passcode: k05REj

13.01.2022 See you all on TUESDAY!

12.01.2022 Something to make you smile today from our incredible artists from Gundang! Amazing re-creations of natural environments of Australia.

11.01.2022 Some engaging work happening in Gundang this term. I LOVED hearing your incredible poetry readings and so very impressed with their posters and creations for their mythical creatures! Best part of my day is being in classrooms, being a part of our students’ learning. Well done, Gundang and Mrs Blumer!

11.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! Our Happy Spirits Orientation Program is going ahead! The school will be in contact with families tomorrow and information sent next week. We are so excited to meet our Kinder 2021 class!

11.01.2022 Happy, happy birthday to our holiday birthday kids! Koda - 6 Zach - 8 Isabella - 6 Patrick - 7 ... Mason - 6 Zak - 7 We all hope you had/have a wonderful day!

11.01.2022 Here is a little video to capture parts of the races today on the oval. A few age races were missed but hopefully you get a glimpse of how much fun we all had! Thanks Mr Mac for your incredible organisation. Well done, Tacoma kids. You make us so proud every day!

09.01.2022 Happy Education Week 2020 Tacoma! Education Week is an annual celebration of NSW public education and the achievements of local schools and students. The main theme is ‘Learning Together’. Thank you to the amazing staff for being dedicated professionals who know, value and care for our students of Tacoma. I appreciate your professionalism, resilience, collaboration and commitment to create positive learning environments for our students to achieve their best.... We celebrate the incredible diversity of skills and talents of our students, who all bring something unique with them to Tacoma every day. We love watching them accept challenges, persevere and succeed! Many exciting activities are planned and on Thursday our ‘NSW Education Awards of Excellence Assembly’ at 11.40am. This will be LIVE STREAMED to Facebook! Jump on and be involved. A school video will also be released on Thursday celebrating #EDWEEK2020 at Tacoma! I will send a link via Facebook and school stream. It will also be on the school website. Parents and Carers are invited to a zoom webinar Thursday - Technology for parents and carers at 7pm. Presented by the Federation of Parents and Citizens Association of NSW in partnership with the NSW Department of Education’s Rural & Distance Education team, this one-hour Zoom webinar has been specially created to give parents and carers a working understanding of the technology most commonly used in NSW public schools. Book early! This is bound to be popular. Find out more and register for Technology for parents and carers -

08.01.2022 Happy Dad’s day to all our AMAZING Tacoma dads! We love you so much and hope you are having a wonderful day!!!

07.01.2022 High Jump Champs @ 110cm

07.01.2022 Hello Tacoma Families! Grab a coffee or tea and take a seat, as this is a LONG one! Best read through School Stream App. Or read full version for all schools here: I have summarised the updated advice to families from NSW Department of Education for you - the parts relevant to TPS. Please email me or call the school with any questions or clarifications! ...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Please support our amazing Year 6 students for their ‘Crazy Hair’ fundraiser tomorrow. Don’t forget your gold coin donation!

06.01.2022 Staff vs Year 6 Capture The Flag game. Thankful for the Year 5 kids stepping in to even up the staff team! The result?? A DRAW! Best player on field? Miss Russell! Stay tuned for re-match next term!

05.01.2022 Many thanks to our Year 6 leaders who volunteered to help at the Father’s Day stall today. You did an outstanding job! Thankyou to our P&C for the awesome gifts!

05.01.2022 THANK YOU TO OUR INCREDIBLE SUPPORT STAFF! Our Office Staff, our GA, our SLSOs, our Wellbeing Officer and our Cleaners - we value and appreciate you so very much. 2020 has already been a huge year that has shown the absolute best of what school support staff do in difficult times. Through fire, flood and now the Coronavirus epidemic, you have kept schools running continuing to support students, teaching staff and our school community. So thank you to: * Mrs Byrnes * Miss San...try * Mrs Sammut * Mrs Young * Mr Doran * Mrs Fenner * Mrs Longuet * Mrs Glachan * Mrs White * Mrs G * Mrs C * Miss K * Mrs Lesley * Miss Russell * Mrs Edmonds * Mr Gates * Mrs Hardy * Mrs McGregor * WE LOVE YOU! See more

05.01.2022 Always wonderful celebrating student success and leadership! Congratulations to our SRC receiving their badges, those students who received a class award or principal award and to Gundang - best class at assembly. Happy holidays Tacoma! Keep healthy and safe.

04.01.2022 Father's Day is this weekend and our P&C have arranged some gifts for our students to purchase. The stall will be on WEDNESDAY, 2nd September. Cards $1... Gifts ranging from $2 to $10 Please bring your own bag. Any questions? Head to the P&C Facebook page.

04.01.2022 See you all back at school on MONDAY, 12/10/20, ready for Term 4! We can't wait to see you all!

04.01.2022 CHESS NEWS from Mr Kirk..... ‘Our A-team beat Bateau Bay 4-0. The C-team lost to Avoca 3-1, but our captain Melinda G had a hard fought game to cause a draw with Avoca's captain (it was so close that the State Adjudicator had to be called!) Our D-team beat the Wamberal A-team 3-1. And our E-team, so our 5th ranked team, beat Lake Munmorah 3.5 to 0.5! Our B team played a friendly competition game against our reserves. Smallest school in the comp with the most amount of teams ...on the Central Coast. We have as many teams as Gosford, Wyong and Wamberal combined. Little school, big heart. I feel so privileged to share the experience with our little dudes, fair dinkum they have so much ticker! ’ CONGRATULATIONS to our incredible, clever chess teams. We are so proud of you all. And many thanks to our leading Knight of Tacoma, Mr Kirk. We value your passion and commitment to our students!

03.01.2022 110cm high jump!

03.01.2022 What a great Term 3 we had! Some moments to enjoy plus our 100% attendance in Term 3 awards.

03.01.2022 Very proud of these shining stars achieving Principal Awards this week. We value your responsibility, kindness and positivity in our school - Marley, Finn, Soha, Tilly, Kye and Caleb.

01.01.2022 Mmmmmmm! Yummy pies, sausage rolls, pasties, cheesecakes, brownies and MORE! Year 6 Fundraising Thompson's Pie Drive - orders by CASH only and due to school by 9am Friday 16th October. Delivery will be made to Bayview Ave Rocky Point on Tuesday 27th October. ... Please share this fundraiser with family and friends to support our Year 6 end-of-year activities. A note will be sent home on the first Monday back. Thank you so much!

01.01.2022 CRAZY hair + CAPA day = F U N! We had such a great time! Here are a few shots of our wonderful day - many more will be uploaded to our website on Monday. Have a great weekend, Tacoma!

01.01.2022 Celebrating Aboriginal Children’s Day at Tacoma! Thankyou Mrs Fraser and Mr Tedd.

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