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24.01.2022 Ah, the famous comfort zone. You’re probably aware that in order to truly flourish and grow, it's essential you step outside of your comfort zone. To go from where you are to where you want to be, you must do things you’ve never done before. When you’re in the second zone (fear zone), you'll feel afraid and insecure, but that’s where the magic happens. That’s where the learning and growing start to take place. When you eventually reach your growth zone, plant your feet firmly and don’t look back

23.01.2022 Does helping people look and feel better every day sound like a fun time? Explore our range of quality beauty therapy & hairdressing courses by clicking the link the link below

23.01.2022 How to tell it's time to upskill? If you're experiencing any of these signs you might be ready for further education. 1. Personal Frustration You feel frustrated or flat and the thing you’re most looking forward to is a holiday.... 2. Accidental Stagnation Any regular work activity has been in place for one year or more without review. 3. Professional Jealously Someone younger, newer or less experienced than you is moving ahead.

23.01.2022 The Gordon Institute of TAFE is one of the largest regional TAFEs in Victoria and has been helping people gain real skills for real jobs for over 130 years. Explore a wide range of TAFE Courses including nationally accredited training across apprenticeships, traineeships, certificates, diplomas, and advanced diplomas, which can lead you to a great career or create pathways to university. Browse opportunities with The Gordon Institute: ----- Gordon Institute of TAFE is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 3044)

22.01.2022 If you're a jobseeker looking to upskill here are a few things to keep in mind.

21.01.2022 Progress over perfection! If the idea of completing a task imperfectly makes you want to give up on it all together, these tips can help you feel less overwhelmed. Something doesn't need to be done flawlessly for you to feel good about checking it off your to-do list

21.01.2022 The average Australian will hold 10 jobs before the age of 40, and will often work more than one job at a time in order to make up full time or more hours. We are living in a society that is increasingly valuing lifelong learning and personal development as a part of our careers, and upskilling is a crucial part of that. There are a number of reasons that people choose to upskill, but generally, upskillers have one of these four.

20.01.2022 A word about learning on this Monday morning It keeps you healthy studies have shown that our mental facilities are best protected when we use them It’s good for self-esteem conquering new skills is great for confidence It increases creativity and imagination embracing new thoughts, ideas and perspectives helps you expand your own... It can make you more successful by opening doors to new opportunities See more

17.01.2022 Interpersonal skills (often called "people skills") involve the ability to communicate and build relationships with others. Effective interpersonal skills can help you during the job interview process and can have a positive impact on your career advancement. Here are the top 5 interpersonal skills that this new reality demands out of its new work culture

15.01.2022 Types of Photography Careers There’s a whole range of new photography career opportunities to choose from - we've listed some of the most popular choices! Event Photography... An event photographer specialises in capturing pictures of events such as a wedding, a live concert, or a corporate event for a private business. Commercial & Product Photography Taking photos for commercial use - think business, advertising, and product photography. Commercial photography is used by companies who want to promote a product, lifestyle, or brand. Portrait Photography Portrait photography is photography of a person or group to capture their personality using lighting, backgrounds and posing. Documentary Photography Documentary photography is a style of photography that provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events, and is often used in reportage. Fine Art Photography Fine-art photography is photography created in line with the vision of the photographer as artist, using photography as a medium for creative expression. Here's an article that goes into more detail about each type of photography career:

14.01.2022 Upskilling is essential if you're an employee striving for career success. It important to keep up to date on new skills and training programs that can help you progress and gain you a competitive advantage! Whether you want to improve your knowledge for your own sake or for the sake of future proofing your career, our site has a wide variety of options to choose from. We have also created two upskilling checklists for jobseekers and employees. You can screenshot those from our stories or freebies highlight

13.01.2022 It's incredibly powerful to think that just with a click of a button, we can reach people globally who have the same interests and expertise. We can even get access to countless career opportunities. But, how can we best use these tools to build our virtual network and create opportunities for our future careers? Below we've listed a few ways you can do just that:... Be clear, know your story and what skills you have Find relevant professional connections & online communities - reach out! Know exactly what you want to learn from them and be specific Prep your Q’s in advance and have a follow-up strategy Schedule a video call (and be presentable) Send check-in emails to keep the relationship fresh

13.01.2022 "We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone" - Katie Thurmes. Photography adds so much value to our lives - by recording special events, people, or places, as well as helping us learn and grow as people. It offers so many possibilities for creative expression and it's important because it allows people to see the world from different points of view and see scenarios captured in a frozen moment

12.01.2022 NEW BLOG POST: 5 Most Enjoyable Jobs in the Beauty Industry There’s a huge range of jobs available in the beauty industry, and with beauty products and beauty brands taking over social media, there’s never been a better time to start your beauty career. Whether you want to work for yourself or one of the big beauty brands, as a makeup artist or in a business related role, there’s an option for you!... Discover five of the most enjoyable jobs in the beauty industry by clicking the link below

11.01.2022 Here's your personalised toolkit for starting a career in the beauty industry! Neat, well-groomed appearance Warm and tactful Fastidiously clean and tidy... Sensitive and understanding when talking with clients about their faces and bodies Make people feel welcome and comfortable See more

11.01.2022 JOURNALING As you can see, there are many benefits of journaling! It’s something a lot of us need to do on the reg as it can be a truly transformative practice for our mental health. It’s important to gain that extra bit of mental clarity so that you can be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself. Check out our stories for some journal prompts to help you start your week off on a refreshed and positive note. You can save them and come back to them whenever you feel like opening your journal

10.01.2022 Surrounding yourself with the right people can impact your success and overall happiness! Tag your favourite people in the comments below

10.01.2022 Automation is a term currently heard a lot, but what do people mean when they say automation? Automation has a single purpose: To let machines perform repetitive, monotonous tasks or to take the robot out of the human. Some examples of automated systems used today are local banks recording your payments in a matter of seconds or personalised marketing emails being sent to customers automatically.... So, what impact will this have on our nature of work and how can you adapt to these changing times? Follow our feed over the next couple weeks to find out

10.01.2022 What is the value of upskilling? Upskilling is certainly a great investment. Whether you’re a student, career changer or organisation, upskilling can have a positive impact on job satisfaction, skills base and, ultimately, better job performance. Upskilling can open up more job opportunities and allow you to progress into higher paying roles! ... In the coming weeks follow our posts to discover the value of upskilling, and how you or your business can make the most of your skillset

10.01.2022 Saturday motivation for anyone on the job hunt We all know the process is stressful and exhausting, especially if you don't have a plan. Sending out resumes and making cold calls can be hard on your self-confidence. Being strategic about your job hunt can give you the motivation to keep going Here are 8 things you should try to do while you're looking for work!

10.01.2022 Happy Saturday One of the biggest causes of creative exhaustion is too much consumption and not enough creation. Here's us throwing some weekend motivation your way - reminding you about that passion project or hobby you haven't thought about in a while.... What are you planning to do this weekend?

09.01.2022 Do you find yourself sucked into the never-ending news feed after just checking your phone for the time? You can imagine what this does to your productivity when you should be working. Next time, try asking yourself these questions to unplug from your smartphone and take back control of your time!

09.01.2022 FUN PHOTOGRAPHY FACT Over the years, many theories have popped up trying to explain why people never smiled in old photographs. The most popular ones were that people didn’t want to show their bad teeth or that people thought smiling made them look ridiculous. The actual reason is due to insanely long exposure times, meaning one shot took hours. After smiling for a couple of hours, not only do your facial muscles start killing you, your smile will look more creepy tha...n sincere If you have a passion for photography, follow our page over the next few weeks as we look into all things photography. Including how to start a photography business, a full career guide, and courses available for you to study

07.01.2022 It’s expected that particularly younger generations will continually upskill so they can take on different career paths and learning journeys over the course of their working life. Gen Y's are on the look out for businesses who offer opportunities to grow as career paths are not linear anymore

07.01.2022 ALWAYS DREAM BIG! It may seem easier to set small, realistic goals because going after what you really want demands too much time and effort. Abandon what you think is possible and realise that you are capable of achieving almost anything. Life is too short to settle for mediocre, challenging yourself is when you will grow and live life to the fullest! ... If you're feeling inspired to reconsider your future career prospects, browse our ever-expanding course list through the link in our bio to see if anything takes your fancy. We've also made this quote into a collection of phone wallpapers. Just go to our story and screen shot the colour you like.

06.01.2022 The new reality of being back in the office is that you will have much less flexibility around errands and doing chores at home. Here's how you can adapt! You can read more about how to survive the return to the office in this article:

04.01.2022 Most of us have not necessarily thought of CURIOSITY as a must-have skill. Not only can it improve the way we work, it can also transform the way we think by allowing us to see creative solutions that may be missed by others. We are all innately curioushowever people who think critically and ask the right questions tend to discover more answers... ... Don't underestimate the power of curiosity, it can be a game changer! Sourced from Linkedin.

02.01.2022 How to respond to: "What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?" in an interview. Avoid the answer everyone uses about being too detail-oriented or too much of a perfectionist. Use the job description to get clues as to what strengths they're looking for, what weaknesses to avoid.... Have a story prepared to explain how the strength or weakness has helped you work through problems in the past, and how you can apply it to the job at hand. When revealing a weakness, honesty and self-awareness are going to be your biggest allies. Take it one step further and tell the interviewer how you plan to work on your weaknesses. For example: Perhaps you lack confidence in a group scenario, so you’ve recently enrolled in a public speaking course or you're seeking mentorship with someone who you admire. Apply these tips and you're ready to go!

02.01.2022 The right techniques to apply skincare. Are you doing this correctly? Tell us how you apply skincare products!

02.01.2022 Struggling with overwhelming workloads and competing priorities? The Personal Kanban method can help you to visualise your task list and increase your efficiency by not switching from task to task! Here's how you can make your Kanban board most effective: Prioritise your tasks and make sure top priorities are listed first in your To Do column... Don’t overcrowd your To Do lists Review and refresh your Personal Kanban board regularly Comment down below any organisational tips you want to share!

01.01.2022 BLOG POST: 6 tips to help you land a job you aren’t qualified for. It happens to all of us. You come across your dream job, but it calls for more experience or qualifications than you currently have and you can’t help but feel unqualified. Read this article to help you out for when you apply for a job you’re not qualified for. ...

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