Taigum Child Care Centre in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Childcare service
Taigum Child Care Centre
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3865 4000
Address: 241 Church Road, Taigum 4018 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.taigumchildcarecentre.com.au
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24.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Mandeep and Miss Loula Friends here today - Julian Ronick Ikshvik Evana Oscar Ridge Jade Jemima Arjun Alessia Florence Josephine Rayah Ronick Parteek Olivia Gaurish Praditya Aashi and Amrutha. Senior kindy had a great day today. We had outdoor activities in the morning. Children had fun riding the bikes, learning to take turns. We are encouraging them to ask their friend I would like a turn, have you finished? Some of our friends played... soccer while others enjoyed drawing and tracking numbers. Children chose to continue tracing the numbers inside as well. Then we had group time where we read a book called, 123 with Peppa pig. After reading the book we washed hands for morning tea where we enjoyed freshly baked delicious caramel muffins. Inside friends continued counting, each trying to count higher, with our best attempt was to 100. This is their current interest! We continued on with our Christmas art and craft activities. We also enjoyed building with many different types of blocks, organizing a pretend picnic in the home corner, and learning new dance moves to a baby shark. Wow, children jumped and moved their bodies. So much fun! Bye for now and enjoy the weekend. Thea Loula, Miss Mandeep and Miss Vivienne
20.01.2022 Junior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Jo, Miss Tori, and Miss Lakhwinder
19.01.2022 Happy 3rd Birthday Alayna. Thank you for celebrating your birthday with us.
19.01.2022 Nursery Daily Blog with Miss Rochelle
18.01.2022 Toddlers Daily Blog with Miss Rochelle
18.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Surinder Friends here today - Finnley, Siffat, Santiago, James, Ariana, Abigail, Selam, Qianyu, Alexander, Zachary and Arya Book of the day: - Stories for 2 year olds. ... We had a great day in the Senior Kindy room today. We had morning play with our Pre prep friends in pre prep room because outside was really hot. After transitioning in our room we sat on the mat for morning group time. Some of our friends friends requested to read a book of stories for 2 year olds We all listen very carefully and ask few question about books. Then we all washed our hands and lined up the door for morning tea. After morning tea we we started our indoor activities. Children enjoyed sustainability activities with Miss Mandy where she put all We are going to trace our own names in the afternoon. Blocks corner was very busy today, our friends were helping each other to build towers. While some of our friends enjoyed cooking in the home corner. Thanks for today and have a great day. Miss Raji and Miss Vivienne, Miss Sukhjeet
17.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Colleen We had an indoor and outdoor play this morning. We came in for our morning group time and first of all, we got to acknowledge the land that we live on. We continue to count by saying the next number and going backward. With support, children were able to get the number before or after. After morning tea we continue with indoor activities. Our home corner was busy with children putting real-life experience into play through preparing meals... and dress up. Over at the block area, children were playing with dinosaurs and pretending to be in the dinosaur world. We also had children over at the table activity with magnets or drawings. Children are making meaning to their play while teachers are preparing for the end of year Graduation and our Christmas party. Have an awesome Tuesday afternoon as our friends have just had lunch and are resting for afternoon adventures. See more
16.01.2022 Nursery/Toddlers Daily Blog with Miss Rochelle
15.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Erma and Miss Surinder This morning our friends enjoyed the outdoor play, running pretending they are spies, riding bikes, and hide and seek with our friends in Senior Kindy before we transitioned inside. We had our morning group time which we acknowledged the land that we live on then sang songs and rhymes. Today we dressed up in our national costumes to celebrate the multicultural day. After morning tea we had a free play or free time. During ...this time, teachers initiate Christmas decorations activities. We had children in the home corner area pretending to put real-life experienced into their play. Our block area was also busy with dinosaurs and doll play. Our table activities were magnetic building, rocket building, drawing, and coloring, and teacher activities. We packed away after our play and had our group time of book reading and our book today All around the world. We had an awesome day of fun learning. We hope that everyone will have a good weekend. See more
14.01.2022 Junior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Jo
14.01.2022 Junior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Ashlee
13.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Raji Friends here today - Julian Ronick Simreet Evana Oscar Ridge Jemima Arjun Florence Josephine Ronick Frosini Gaurish Praditya Aashi Lucy Lucas Eknoor Samuel Sofia Lucas and Amrutha.... Senior kindy was full of energy as they played outside this morning getting excited as each friend arrived. Children have built beautiful friendships in our room. Children are always encouraged to use their words during play. Books read today were In the Bush and Farmer Jackson’s farm. Who is listening? We ask awaiting a reply from the children I am listening. When we have their attention we can begin. They chose books today. Our room was busy with children painting and decorating their Christmas wreaths with gems and colored sequins. We started a Christmas tree with paper plates and then decorated with green sparkly paint.This is so much fun! Children smiled as they enjoyed this sensory art. Blocks of all sorts built into towers, cars were raced, lots of cooking and dress ups in the home corner. Christmas songs were viewed and were sung along with. We are counting, saying, and recognizing letters of the alphabet too. Reminder- could we ask if you could send your child in a Christmas T-shirt for a couple of days so we can take a class photo. Thank y See more
13.01.2022 Happy Birthday, Miss Letti, Thank you for sharing your special day with all your friends at Taigum Child Care Centre.
13.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Colleen This morning, we enjoyed the outdoor play with our friends from Senior Kindy. We transitioned inside and had our morning group time of acknowledging the land that we live on. We also got to do some fun games with numbers that involve everyone. We counted in 5s than in 2s. While counting in 2s we came across as very difficult to count therefore we learned about odd numbers and even numbers. Each child stands up and everyone had to guess if... they were in the odd or even spot. By the end of our 22 children, children were able to recognize the pattern. They also recognized how to count in 5s and we did this all the way to 100. It was fun and we will continue these counting games. After morning tea we had free time and children were in the home corner putting real-life experience into play, some with dinosaurs and block building while others were on table activity with magnets and drawing. We had an awesome Wednesday halfway through week 9 term 4. See more
11.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Colleen This morning we had indoor play with Senior Kindy followed by our combine morning group time. We got to acknowledge the land that we live on together. We also talked about the special mat and why it is important to honour these. Senior Kindy left to go to their own room but we pre-prep continue with our Phonemic Awareness program. Together we got to blend, add, segment and delete phonemes as well as identifying letters and sound. After mo...rning tea we had free play and children were in the home corner serving lemon drinks under the new lemon store stand while others built a track for their trains which they moved around in the block area. Children also extended their learning in the sustainability area learning more about the environment. We went outside to water our plants which is getting everyone involved with watering our plants. Children continue to learn through our daily activities throughout the day. We also encourage hand wash and singing to twinkle twinkle little star while washing hands. We packed away, had our Read It Again program then made beds, lunch and rested well. We have had an amazing day of fun learning through play, set activities and teacher initiated program. See more
11.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Colleen This morning our friends enjoyed outdoor play before we transitioned inside. We had our morning group time which we acknowledged the land that we live on then sang songs and rhymes. After morning tea we had a free play or free time. During this time, teachers initiate activities or extend on children’s learning. We got some new resources today which is a backorder. It had a wooden number of sorting or counting activities. We opened this a...nd our friends enjoyed putting it together and counting. We also continued with our Label the Continent. We had children in the home cornered area pretending to put the real-life experience into their play. Our block area was also busy with dinosaur and doll play. Our table activities were magnetic building, rocket building, drawing, coloring, and teaching activities. We packed away and had our group time of book reading and our book today ‘Nursery Rhymes’. We had an awesome day of fun learning. See more
10.01.2022 Junior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Tulasi FRIENDS HERE TODAY BOSTON, MALIK, ETHAN, PEARL, NISSI... Junior kindy had a wonderful day today. We started our day with our Toddlers and Nursery friends. They all learned how to use gentle hands with the babies and after that we all washed our hands and went inside. After transitioning in our room we sat on the mat for morning group. Today our little toddlers joined with our junior kindy friends for a while. Then we had roll called and confidently our friends are saying, Here I am. We read a book called’ wheels on the bus’. We enjoyed, ‘see the little bunnies sleeping.’ Then we washed hands one by one for morning tea. Junior kindy is learning how we can line up before going to the dining room. We placed various colour shoes on over the floor. Children are encouraged to stand on over the shoes and we could see the happiness on over children’s face while standing in the line. After morning tea we started our indoor activities. As our friends asked for play dough today as they want to use the play dough toys so we did the play dough activity and they really like to make different shapes out of it. Our friends enjoyed playing in the home corner station with their favorite food and they had a little picnic. Our friends pretended to serve each other and helped each other. Our friends are learning how to do their things by themselves and they helped the educators in making beds and packing away the toys. Then we washed hands for lunch and rested after lunch. Thanks for today and have a great day. Miss Tulasi, Miss Simran.
10.01.2022 Toddlers Daily Blog with Miss Lakhwinder
08.01.2022 Happy Birthday, Zain. Thank you for sharing your birthday with all of your Taigum CCC friends. And a BIG thank you to Miss Erma for making all the cakes in pre-prep this year. The children love each and every design.
07.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Raji Friends here today - Julian Ronick Rayah Evana Oscar Ridge Jemima Arjun Florence Josephine Ronick Ikshvik Gaurish Praditya Aashi Lucy Lucas Michael Samuel Sofia Lucas and Amrutha. Senior kindy had a wonderful day today. We had a great morning with our Preprep friends outside. We are excited for Christmas as only 23 days left. Children are talking about Santa and Christmas presents with each other. They are telling each other Santa i...s watching us therefore we have been nice to each other. After morning outdoor play we sat down for morning group time. We read about the clouds and rain. Then we washed our hands for morning tea. After morning tea we started our indoor Christmas activities. We are very busy finishing our Christmas presents. Children are sharing how and with whom they are going to celebrate Christmas. Reminder- could we ask if you could send your child in a Christmas T-shirt for a couple of days so we can take a class photo. Thank you. Bye for now and enjoy your evening. Miss Raji, Miss Loula and Miss Mandeep
06.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Raji Friends here today - Julian Ronick Gaurish Lucy Josephine Jade Simreet Florence Evana Lucas Praditya Olivia Oscar Alessia Ridge Samuel Ikshvik Saanvi Jemima Arjun Sofia and Amrutha. We had a wonderful day in the Senior Kindy room. We had morning play outdoor activities. Our friends enjoyed bike riding, kicking the balls, and having fun on over the slide. Oscar brought a book to read with his friends. It was about the safety tips and how..., where, and when we need to follow the safety rules. It is very important to keep ourselves and others safe. Then we had our morning tea. After morning tea we had morning group time where we had roll call, date, day, and weather of the day. Then our friends had shown and tell the session. Children are getting confident day by day by speaking in front of their friends. After group time we started our inside activities. Today one of our friends asked for stencil painting. Our little hands created a beautiful design. They were excited to show their creativity to their educators. We continued our tracing names of the parents. Children are exploring their fine motor skills and their gripping is improving as well. Thanks for today and have a great day. Bye for now, Miss Raji, Miss Mandeep, Miss Sukhjeet See more
06.01.2022 Nursery Daily Blog with Miss Mandy
03.01.2022 Pre Prep Daily Blog with Miss Erma and Miss Surinder This morning during our outdoor play with Senior Kindy, the children enjoyed riding the bike, racing around the bike track. They were playing What’s the time Mr. Wolf they all run away when the wolf said it’s dinner time and the wolf chased them, then they take turns in being wolf. This helped children being patients and also supporting each other. At the activity table, children did coloring and number tracing, this help...ed children use fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. We went inside for group time and roll call, then we went for morning tea. After our morning tea, we had an indoor play, our friends continue with their bag painting with Miss a Surinder while others were doing table activity with magnet connector. They also played with the dinosaurs in the block area, they built the bridge for the dinosaurs to cross. Children are creative and using their imaginations in their play. In the home corner area, children were using resources for pretend play. We had an awesome day today. See more
02.01.2022 Senior Kindy Daily Blog with Miss Loula Friends here today - Julian Ronick Parteek Rayah Aashi Michael Frosini Gaurish Josephine Jade Florence Evana Praditya Olivia Oscar Alessia Ridge Ikshvik Jemima Arjun and Amrutha. Children loved being outdoors this morning enjoying social play using their imagination to create exciting and engaging games. Their gross motor skills are developing as they run, ride, and climb.... Some children came dressed in clothes from their own culture as we celebrate the feast of DIWALI. At our center we are lucky to have many cultures for children to be exposed to, helping them to learn RESPECT for Diversity. We began our group time outdoors, doing roll call, and reading two books, which grabbed the children’s attention. They were GOOD NIGHT ME and TIME TO GET OUT OF BED. After morning tea children are presenting their Show and Tell their class friends who listen attentively. This is N.A.I.D.O.C. week. So to create an awareness of this culture, paper leaves were dotted with colored paint using matchsticks, using fine motor skills. Experiences enjoyed included connecting small cube blocks, matching keys and locks, by recognizing and counting numbers. Number magnets were explored, LEGO blocks were built into towers and cars. Dramatic play with cooking utensils encouraged sharing. Reading a good book in the book corner was relaxing. Thanks for a lovely day. Bye for now! Enjoy the weekend! Thea Loula, Miss Mandeep and Miss Vivienne. See more
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