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25.01.2022 In this weeks edition of relating Penguin photos to 2020 life, I call this "Quarantine Hygiene". When you're three days deep with the same white T shirt...is that blood, poo, food? Who knows #tailoredtravelandcruise #penguin #antarctica #quarantine
25.01.2022 To my Beautiful Clients, Now the madness of the last few weeks is over and all my clients are safely home (phew!) I wanted to check in and update you all. Firstly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love, concern, patience and generosity you've shown me over the last month. From beautiful emails and texts, a bottle of wine on my doorstep and all your understanding has made my life 100 times better. So thank you. ... It's been heartbreaking having to cancel and postponing trips celebrating 30th & 50th Birthdays, Weddings and Honeymoons as well as all the other well deserved trips you've all had in the pipelines. But know I will be here and super excited to help you re-book when the World is open for business again. For those of you that have upcoming trips, the airlines and suppliers all have varying policies which are changing frequently. My best advice is to be patient and wait before making any decisions until you're within a month or two of departure. I am here to guide you as best as I can with your options so please feel free to reach out any time and we can work through it together. In the meantime, now is the time to DREAM. Write a bucket list of all the places you want to visit in the next five or ten years. If nothing else this has taught us that life is short and we need to take each opportunity by the horns. You are all so much more than clients to me. Many of you I have known for more than a decade. So know, I am here for you beyond helping with your travel. Whether that's a chat on the phone, or if you need some milk dropped on your door, please don't hesitate to reach out. For now, stay safe and stay home so we can travel again sooner rather than later. It's an amazing world out there.
25.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Each Thursday I'm going to post a photo of a destination I've been lucky enough to visit. Hopefully along the way you'll be inspired, maybe you'll even start planning for a trip there when this is all over. To start us off, a picture from the most epic hotel stay ever, Giraffe Manor in Kenya. I will never forget having breakfast and then afternoon high tea with the Giraffes. If Giraffe Manor is on your Hotel Bucket List let me know now, the wait list... to book a room is usually about two years, so it really is a trip you can start planning now. #tbt #giraffemanor #kenya #giraffes #dreamingoftravel #tailoredtravelandcruise
25.01.2022 WHO'S EXCITED ABOUT THIS If you're ready for a domestic holiday to explore more of our beautiful country now is the time. And Tailored Travel and Cruise are here to help make it your best trip this year The Queensland border is reopening on 10 July so it's time to start booking your trip! We love all the activities on offer in Tropical North Queensland, the luxury of the island resorts on the Great Barrier Reef and all the fun that awaits you on the Gold Coast. ... So don't book online, book with your friendly travel agent with the first hand knowledge to make the holiday just right for you.
24.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS As Vanilla Ice would say And where are these chilly snaps from you may ask? None other than ICELAND ... A fun fact about Iceland, with a population of only about 330,000 a lot of the locals are distant relatives of each other. For this reason they have an App which translates to the Book of Icelanders where you can just do a double check you're not related to your boyfriend But the big question is, Iceland in Summer or Winter? What's your preference?
23.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Heading back to 2012 when I was lucky enough to experience the Cook Islands as part of a famil trip. The Cook Islands are a forgotten sibling to Fiji and Vanuatu and they do not disappoint! For something extra special, why not head out to Aitutaki, a short domestic flight from Raratonga. Here you'll find the white sandy beaches and super blue waters you've been dreaming of through ISO winter! ... Here's just some of options available to you in Aitutaki Fly fishing Snorkelling and scuba diving Hire a boat and visit the world's smallest post office Kayaking and kite boarding But my favourite thing about this trip was meeting one of my favourite friends, Joanne! Have you made any lifelong friends on your trip? And if so which trip?
22.01.2022 HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TAILORED TRAVEL AND CRUISE Wow, what a roller coaster of a year! They say the first year of a new business is the hardest, and that was before Covid. ... Despite the challenges I have loved connecting with my clients this past year in a more genuine and authentic way. I have enjoyed meeting you for coffee at a local cafe, having a lunch meeting, or even a cheeky evening drink Some of you have even invited me into your homes for a chat, a biscuit and some tea. More than anything I've cherished these relationships. The kindness, support and patience you've shown me since March has been beyond what I could have ever imagined and I'll be forever grateful for that And to finish off a difficult, but rewarding year, I was thrilled to find out I was nominated for the 2020 Travel Daily Awards
21.01.2022 Cruising into the long weekend like...
20.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Holidays, just like life, don't always go to plan. Sometimes it works out for the better, and other times not so much so. Like that time in Burma I got shat on by a bird, not my favourite moment. ... But rather than be cranky, just smile and laugh and take another step forward. 2020 has definitely not gone to plan for any of us I'm sure, but keep your head held high fellow Melbourians, we've got this
20.01.2022 Today I wanted to share with you some reflections on the my first year of business. I always knew this day would look different with my own business. I thought I'd be celebrating a successful first year of business and feeling so proud I had made the right move after so many years of wondering what if... I think today is a day to redefine what success means. Here's what I've decided success looks like in this new world... Caring for my customers, showing them empathy for t...he loss of their normal lives, their holidays and for some, the cancellation of their wedding, honeymoon or milestone birthday trips. Being available for my customers: I've always been a phone call or email away, regardless if you were due to depart tomorrow or in six months. Helping get my friends and referrals home from overseas when they were abandoned by the airlines they booked directly with. Working around the clock to get my clients home from South America as I watched more and more flights being cancelled by the minute. Being a friend and support network for my entire Travel Industry family. We absolutely love what we do and this whole experience had been heartbreaking for us on so many levels. Though this all, I am so grateful for the love, kindness and generosity all my beautiful clients have shown me. I feel the relationship I have with you all goes beyond a business relationship. The genuine care and concern you have shown me has picked me up time and time again. So whilst we may not be venturing far at the moment, I cannot wait for the day I can help you make those travel dreams a reality again! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart
20.01.2022 Wondering if you should travel at the moment with Coronavirus? See below an informative video from the World Health Organisation to help you make an informed decision and precautions to take whilst travelling to stay healthy.
20.01.2022 I think I might start a thread of relating Penguin photos to 2020 life... I call this one "Me after 6 months Quarantine Eating" #quarantinelife #quarantineeating #penguin #antarctica #tailoredtravelandcruise
19.01.2022 Many of you who have trips planned for this year may have some questions and concerns about the impact Corona Virus will have on your trip. I want to provide some information to help you make both an informed decision, and the right decision based on your circumstances. With an influx of information available via both news media and social media, please ensure you are obtaining your information from reputable sources. I would recommend the following World Health Organisat...ion (WHO) - www.who.int Smartraveller - www.smartraveller.gov.au Department of Health - www.health.gov.au Your next layer of support, is me, your Travel Advisor. I am here for you and want to support you in whatever way I can to make the best decision for you. One phone call to me and I can advise you the policies that relate to all components of your trip. As you can imagine the change and cancellation policies offered by airlines, tour companies and cruise lines is changing on an almost daily basis. I want to ensure I am always providing the correct and most up to date information to you, so please understand I may not know the policies on the spot but I will get the information to you in a timely manner. But what about if you are still wanting to book travel? There are lots of good options for people wanting to create new bookings, but want some added security in case of changes, such as: Flexible hotel rates that allow for cancellations just a few days prior to departure Airlines offering one free of charge change for new bookings. Cruise lines offering special change and cancellation policies, some allowing cancellations as late as 24 hours prior to departure. So whether you want to discuss your options for your current trip, or book a new trip, Im always just a phone call away and here to help you in any way I can http://www.afta.com.au//atas_covid-19_consumer-flyer-final
19.01.2022 Hands up if you're desperate to get away this year? Hands up if you're keen to see Antarctica? Well what if you could do both....THIS YEAR?! Yes you heard right ... You can see Antarctica in a day on a scenic flight on either 15 November or 31 December 2020. The charter flights are operated by Qantas on a Dreamliner with additional safety processes Temperature checks for all passengers Reduced seating capacity No check in required, proceed straight to security and the departure gate Strict cleaning procedures onboard Hospital grade HEPA filters which remove 99.9% of all partials including viruses But what about if the flight is unable to depart due to Government restrictions I hear you ask? In this case you'll be entitled to a full refund Even better, if you can't travel for any reason, you can transfer your ticket to another person for a $100 fee (minimum 48 hours notice required). Prices start from $2199 per person on 15 November and from $3199 per person on 31 December. Seats are selling fast so give me a buzz today on 0401 887 855 to book your ticket out of here!
17.01.2022 WHY BOOK WITH A TRAVEL AGENT EPISODE 2 Jeanette and Paul were a referral to me and were one of my first bookings at Tailored Travel and Cruise. They came to me because they wanted first-hand advice and expertise but I think it's safe to say they got a WHOLE LOT MORE. They left for their Antarctica cruise well before things went pear shaped. Following their cruise they were due to spend approximately 2 weeks in Argentina before returning home. Upon hearing borders wou...ld be potentially closing, I contacted them on their cruise and put forward would they like to come home as soon as the ship docked instead of staying on. They decided that was the best thing, and that quick acting meant we were able to change their existing ticket to get home earlier. However things don't always go to plan. Amongst the obstacles we faced trying to get them home Air New Zealand withdrew from Buenos Aires, leaving them stranded without a ticket home. Incredible amounts of uncertainty around when and where their ship would dock to be able to develop a plan to get them on a flight home. After securing them a new ticket home from Buenos Aires to Santiago to Melbourne, LATAM then cancelled their Buenos Aires to Santiago flight, leaving them no way to get to Santiago. The airline did not notify either the agent, or the passengers their flight had been cancelled. However I was checking the flight status' every few hours (being the worry-wort I am!) and saw the cancelled at 10pm Melbourne time. With the time difference, I called Paul at the crack of dawn in Buenos Aires, told him I had an alternative flight ready to go for them, departing at 2pm that day. I had secured the last seats on the plane for them and within an hour they had a new ticket and were packed and ready to go. Several days after their return they even called me to see if I could assist their friends from the cruise, who were still stuck in their hotel in Buenos Aires with no way home. That is the value of booking with an agent right there
17.01.2022 With the New Year fast approaching I wanted to wish all my amazing clients a wonderful new year filled with love, laughter, happiness and of course travel
17.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Is there anything more iconic than the Taj Mahal? I had honestly seen so many pictures I really didn't think I'd be blown away but boy was I wrong. I was completely struck by the sheer beauty of it. A few bits of insider information for you Get there super early, like I mean two hours before it opens. We were the first ten people in the gates when it opened and as a result were able to get beautiful pictures with not another human in sight. ... Want to see the Taj Mahal but not keen on the rest of India? You can fly into Agra (one stop flight options available from Melbourne to Agra) and then you're just a 15 minute drive from this beauty! If you've been, were you blown away? And if you haven't been, is it on your bucket list?
14.01.2022 This week I'm very lucky to be sailing from Dunedin to Melbourne on the beautiful Oceania Regetta. She is a small luxury ship with only 684 passengers, with 400 staff to cater to your every need. Oceania sails to six continents so if you're looking for a small ship experience for your next cruise then Oceania may be for you.
13.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS I was lucky enough to visit the majestic Denali National Park in Alaska as part of an APT familiarisation trip. Sadly most Canada/Alaska itineraries don't include Denali but I always encourage my clients to add on some land touring in Alaska as it's so magical. We were lucky enough to experience snow, see the peak of Denali, sight bears and moose and more. Did you know if you're lucky enough you can sometimes even view the Northern Lights in Denali? So if you're dreaming of Canada and Alaska get in touch now for 2021.
13.01.2022 WHY BOOK WITH A TRAVEL AGENT EPISODE 1 My dear friend Gugi and his wife were on a small island off the coast of Colombia, enjoying some scuba diving, when things started to get hairy last month. Gugi had booked his flights directly with Qantas frequent flyer points. With some insider knowledge that borders were most likely going to close I got in touch and told them I'd recommend they get home ASAP (his wife would claim I forced them to go to the airport that very ...minute to change their tickets!) Over the span of two days I was in contact with him almost hourly, checking available flight options, and telling him what flights to request with the airlines. Unfortunately, as I hadn't booked the flights I was unable to make any actual changes to his tickets. Eventually, after ten plus hours on hold to Qantas, unable to get through, I was able to book him a flight home and hold that flight while he confirmed his connecting flights. Once he had confirmed his connecting flights and paid, he had his new ticket home in twenty minutes. Sadly he was in a position where he had no choice other than to pay for a new one way ticket home, but he was just happy to be able to get home! The motto of the story? In a crisis, the airlines are not equipped to service the multitude of clients that have booked directly with them. Without a Travel Agent you really are on your own...
13.01.2022 Come across a great deal on a cruise or tour lately? Let me know and I'd love to check it out for you
11.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Today we're heading south to the Apple Isle, more specifically to the beautiful Cradle Mountain. This trip was back in 2007, a girls weekend away to unwind and recharge and it was perfect for exactly that. We stayed at the iconic Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge for two nights. Here are just some of the things I love about this property... It's a property you can enjoy in summer or winter. In winter curl up next to the fire with a good book and glass of red. In summer enjoy the Dove Lake Circuit Walk (pictured below) The rooms don't have TVs, so a real opportunity to switch off and connect with your travel buddy. The Waldheim Alpine Spa onsite is absolutely stunning. While I was having my treatment there it snowed and it was magical. The honey at the breakfast buffet! What about the honey you ask? Well they have an actual honeycomb, which drips fresh honey straight into the jar ready for your cereal or toast! So who's keen to snuggle up next to the fireplace with a glass of red this winter when the borders open?
10.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER I hope everyone is enjoying one too many eggs today and has enjoyed some quality Face Time with their nearest and dearest #stayhome #staysafe
10.01.2022 WHY BOOK WITH A TRAVEL AGENT EPISODE 4 Whilst lazing around on a post Covid19 Sunday I received a call from my cousin. Her friend, Kathryn had an adult child currently in Japan and was trying to get him home and asked if I could help. I jumped into action, and blew the dust off my work laptop. Kathryn had found one-way fares online from Tokyo to Sydney to Brisbane for $4500. The online provider was allowing these fares to be sold, despite the fact at the time you w...ere not allowed to transit domestically until you had fulfilled your mandated 14 day hotel quarantine. Not to mention the fares cost the equivalent to a normal business class return to Japan! After about ten minutes I had found an option for him to fly from Tokyo to Doha to Melbourne the following day, for a grand total of $2750. And an hour or so later he had his ticket on email and was ready to go. When he arrived into Melbourne he would be required to isolate in a hotel as per the government requirements. I had a friend currently in isolation so I hit him up with a bunch of questions. My friends hot tip was that there isn't a lot of snacks, so I advised him to stock up on snacks (ones that would pass Australian quarantine laws!) before he boarded so he didn't get peckish whilst in quarantine. He's now safely home with his family, and I was able to assist from start to finish without getting out of my pyjamas!
09.01.2022 I'm incredibly proud to have a blog post featured on the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) website this month, highlighting the challenges of getting customers home as the borders began to close in March.
08.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS This week I'm throwing back to late June 2020, remembering when we could at least travel within our beautiful State and I took the opportunity to visit the beautiful Hepburn Springs for my anniversary weekend We stayed at the beautiful Hepburn @ Hepburn Villas for two nights and enjoyed some bush walks, country drives and some amazing dinners ... Did anyone else get away for a mini-break in between the two lock downs?
08.01.2022 In this week's edition of Penguin photos that relate to 2020 life..."Seal in the role of 2020, Penguin playing the role of Victorians and my beloved Travel Industry" #lovemytravelagent #savetravelagents #antarctica #penguin #tailoredtravelandcruise
08.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Who doesn't love a silly photo And no better place in the world for silly photos than the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia. Although I've always seen the whacky photos, I had no idea how beautiful the salt flats they were. It's almost impossible to see where the salt flats end and the sky begins, absolutely magical. Fun fact, the salt flats contain 64 MILLION TONS of salt. That's just a bit more than a large fries from McDonalds
07.01.2022 WHY BOOK WITH A TRAVEL AGENT EPISODE 3 My long time client Tatiana called me one Saturday night as she needed assistance getting her German exchange student home amid Covid-19. He had booked with Etihad so I was only able to offer advice. Knowing things were getting more dire by the minute I advised him to leave on the next available flight and was able to tell him which flights still had seats left. He was able to change his ticket with Etihad to depart the following Thu...rsday. Unfortunately, two days before he was due to fly home, Etihad withdrew all services from Australia, he was stranded here. I jumped into action, checking every conceivable airline and route to Europe, there were no seats in economy. The best fare available was $13,500 one way to Germany in business class. Not exactly affordable for an exchange student. I held the seat as a last resort but was determined to find a better option. After about two hours of continuously refreshing different flight routes and dates, one single economy seat dropped into the system and, with a furiously beating heart, I grabbed it as quickly as I could. Finally he had a ticket home, for a reasonable price and I was even able to get him an aisle seat as he's well over 6 ft! Now that's service!
07.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS Today we're going all the way back to 2009 when I attended a top achievers trip to Western Australia. These beautiful images below are from Cape Leveque, a three hour drive from Broome. I will never forget the contrast of the red ground, to the pure white sand and vibrant blue ocean. At Cape Leveque you can learn about Aboriginal culture on bush-tucker, tag-alongs and mud crabbing tours.... Hands up who's keen to explore more of Western Australian when the borders open?
05.01.2022 Food glorious food! Oceania are famous for having the highest spend per passenger on food and the meals did not disappoint. They even match your olive oil for your bread with your meal! So if you're a foodie check out Oceania for your next cruise.
04.01.2022 After an amazing week onboard the Oceania Regatta we're back and ready to help with all your amazing trips. If my posts had you wanting to know more about Oceania get in touch as they have some client evenings coming up in March.
04.01.2022 THROW BACK THURSDAYS In light of the Queensland border opening up next month (all going to plan!) I thought I'd do a throwback to 2007 when I headed to the beautiful Hamilton Island with a friend. Have you looked at a travel brochure and thought "It doesn't really look like that in real life!" I certainly have. Which is why I was absolutely blown away when I checked into the Reef View Hotel (Coral Sea View Room), walked out onto my balcony and saw these views! ... Here's some of my top reasons to visit Hamilton Island this winter Views to die for! A chance to visit the beautiful Great Barrier Reef on a half day or full day trip where you can snorkel or dive your heart out! An average high of 22-24 degrees Just a short boat trip from Whitehaven Beach, voted the #2 beach in the world! Different accommodation styles to suit everyone, hotels, apartments, holiday homes and luxury villas. A range of activities to keep everyone happy including motorised and non-motorised water sports, spa, golf, tennis and gym. If this sounds like your cup of tea give me a ring and lets get you away on a great holiday!
03.01.2022 Me when I see my UK friend's holiday snaps online #jealous #missingtravel #getmeoutofhere #penguin #tailoredtravelandcruise #artarctica
02.01.2022 BUSINESS UPDATE With international travel unlikely in the short term, I had been forced to look at alternative employment to ensure I can meet my financial commitments while I wait for travel to resume. I have taken on a project role for the next few weeks which may result in ongoing part time work. What does this mean for you? Most of you would know I'm pretty quick on the emails and usually reply same business day, or at the latest next business day. For the next f...ew weeks I won't be checking my emails daily but instead every few days. As none of my clients are currently travelling nothing is time critical. If you do need something actioned quickly please text me and I'll get back to you when I'm on a break. Apart from that nothing else has changed, I'm not going anywhere, travel is still my passion and I am excited to get back to booking amazing holidays and adventures (hopefully sooner rather than later). And finally, thank you for all the support you've shown me over the last two months. I am beyond grateful for the messages, calls, hampers and generosity.
02.01.2022 Over the weekend I had the joy and privilege of not only being invited to my clients' wedding, but being a part of the wedding by presenting the bride and groom their rings during the ceremony. The lovely couple got engaged at Portal Point, Antarctica last January on one of the many holidays I've planned for them. The whole wedding was based around their epic adventures across the globe. Being a Travel Agent is much more than just organising people's trips, for me it's about creating long lasting friendships and being a part of what is often some of their biggest moments in life.
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