Taking Charge of Anxiety | Other
Taking Charge of Anxiety
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23.01.2022 95% of what we do we do subconsciously - we're programmed. When someone puts you on the spot to speak in public it's not a conscious decision to have your heart start to beat out of your chest. It's a subconscious reaction to something that at some stage has been programmed into your subconscious mind as a threat.... So to make REAL change, we need to make the change on the subconscious level. For more information on how we go about doing this, grab our free course from our website, or feel free to direct message me and we can discuss it. Doc #subconsciousmind #subconscious #publicspeaking #anxiety #takingchargeofanxiety
20.01.2022 Ancient wisdom from one of the great Stoic philosophers. Humans have always had these issues. (Seneca lived thousands of years ago). It's our brain's job to show us the things that could, POSSIBLY, go wrong. Remember the structure of anxiety - taking your mind out into the future and imagining bad things happening. It's when we stay out in the future with these worries that we suffer before it's necessary. And most of what we suffer about never happens.... We need to get our mind back into the present and focus on the things that we can control to get the result we want, rather than the one we're worried about. Don't suffer more than necessary. #seneca #senecaquotes #stoicphilosophy #timferriss #tribeofmentors #anxiety #takingchargeofanxiety
13.01.2022 In the last post I talked about the difference between fear and anxiety. FEAR is a response to a present threat, like a wild dog trying to eat you, to use Jim Carrey's example. The human 'threat detection' system, often referred to as 'Fight or Flight' is built for this, it's supposed to switch on when the threat is there, and then switch off when it passes. ANXIETY on the other hand is a worry about something that hasn't happened and may never happen. It's the wild dog that...'s going to eat you IN YOUR MIND. Many of us are basically following this wild dog around, and so have our threat detection systems on high alert at all times. We need to learn how to switch it off, and that's what we're going to get to in future posts. To learn about this now, grab the free course from our website worldclassfriend.com #jimcarrey #anxiety #takingchargeofanxiety #fightorflight
10.01.2022 In this video I'll introduce you to your subconscious mind. That may sound heavy to some, but to me there's nothing more fascinating. We've talked about how the brain's No 1 job is threat detection. And how hundreds or thousands of chemicals are shot into your system as a part of your threat response, preparing you to Fight/Flight/Freeze. This predominantly happens SUBCONSCIOUSLY, without thinking. ... If there's a threat, there just isn't time for your body to wait for you to logically think your way through the scenario. For example, if your body has been programmed to consider something like public speaking as a threat, you may feel that response in your body as soon as it's mentioned. So let's get to know your subconscious mind, and why the answers to your anxiety problems have to be at the subconscious level. #subconsciousmind #subconscious #threatdetection #fightorflight #anxiety #takingchargeofanxiety #publicspeaking
10.01.2022 It may feel like there's a lot to worry about at the moment. But as Peter Guber says, just be aware that the vast majority of things we worry about will never happen. While it's your brain's job to alert you to the possibility of what could go wrong so you can prepare a possible response, when you've got the same scenario going through your head for the 10th time it's probably time to ask yourself "Is this helpful?" While we're letting those worries live rent free in our brains, there's so many other things we're missing out on.
05.01.2022 A great way to look at things from Plugger. Our threat response system, 'Fight or Flight', is built to switch on when something is life threatening, and then switch off when the threat passes. It's not designed to be constantly on alert obsessing over things. Your brain will continue to show you the threats - what could POSSIBLY go wrong in the future - and it makes sense to mitigate the risks when you can. ... But as a rule, "If it aint life threatening, don't worry about it." #anxiety #takingchargeofanxiety
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