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24.01.2022 The frantic panic you’ll feel when you’re running on empty just isn’t worth it.

24.01.2022 It’s always easier to speak from your scars, rather than your open wounds. I know you’re in the thick of your own problem and that you ache with uncertainty about what the next step should be. I remember ‘the yearn’ to trade and the old expectations about my career that I hung onto, bound to me like Velcro. But I also remember the liberation and joy that enveloped me as I broke free from my mediocre life. If you’re in the hole, realise that sometimes you need to get down to t...he depths to see your potential height. Trading was my solution. It can be your solution too.

24.01.2022 Should you delegate? Let’s assume you work the average 40 hours per week, but you’re an over-achiever so you put in 50-weeks a year. That’s 2000 hours of paid employment. If you want to make $100,000 pa, each hour is worth $50. If you want $1 million pa, each hour must be worth $500.... Thinking about getting a cleaner, or someone to mow your lawns? Well, if they’re charging less than $500 per hour, they’re an absolute bargain. Delegate the parts of your life that take time away from educating yourself about trading. It’s the only way you’ll be able to fit everything into your life without burning the candle at both ends.

23.01.2022 People, on average, don’t start seriously thinking about retirement until they are 49 years old (possibly as a part of the rich tapestry known as a mid-life crisis). 78% expect the Government will look after them if things get bad enough.

22.01.2022 A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within. -- Eudora Welty, One Writer’s Beginnings

22.01.2022 If you make it a habit not to blame others, you will feel the growth of the ability to love in your soul, and you will see the growth of goodness in your life. -- Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom

22.01.2022 So, now that we’ve found out that most of the big banks seem to be greed-obsessed, backwards-leaning, pockets-lining, unabashed destroyers of trust what does this mean to you personally? Well it means you’d better be even more determined to develop and control your nest-egg YOURSELF.

21.01.2022 So many people are old before their time. With their dour pessimism dripping off their faces, they snivel and grip about the most minor things. Even 30 year olds can seem like grumpy old men and women if their attitude needs an adjustment. What happened to their youthful awe and wonder about the world?

21.01.2022 On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have for turning it to use. ~ Epictetus

21.01.2022 People Don't Want Jobs Anymore - Sound Familiar? A load of people no longer want a boss. According to a new report by an accounting company called FreshBooks, the number of self employed workers could triple by 2020. According to CNN Money, today, the average person has four different jobs before the age of thirty two. Twenty years ago, the average person had only two jobs before they were thirty two. This lack of job security has a way of feeding into people’s paranoia.

20.01.2022 Listen to this episode of the Talking Trading podcast: Hear Rik Schnabel on what the wealthy do differently from the poor. Also Chris Tate discusses the awesome power of your subconscious and Louise Bedford on the naming your profession so it smacks with power.

19.01.2022 Loved hearing the spectacular results of a member of our Mentor Program, Con Bochrinis. Con Bochrinis has generated massive returns from his 4-hourly system and Chris Tate looks at what diversification means for him. Here’s the show:

18.01.2022 The ones you love deserve focussed attention, rather than you just 'being there'. However, without being a bit selfish, and striving to take control of your day, you probably end up just giving them half of your attention. The way I view it is that common time bandits in my life are shoving their hands into my pocket and stealing my cash, as well as stealing the fun I could have by being 100% present for my children. I could never tolerate that, and neither should you.

18.01.2022 The things that we love tell us what we are. -- Thomas Merton, Thoughts in SolitudeThe things that we love tell us what we are. -- Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude

17.01.2022 Have you convinced yourself that 12-hour work days, 6 days a week is normal even after a heart attack even when your child is sick and is weakly calling for you. What’s your ‘normal’? Isn’t it time you questioned the habits and patterns that have lead you to where you are now?

17.01.2022 Toughen up. Say no to that extra drink after work where the conversation will meander into office bitchiness. Refuse to continue talking on the phone to that relative or friend who always subtlety manages to drag you down a notch. Keep your energy high by setting mini-goals with deadlines. And, when you achieve these goals, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.

17.01.2022 The question is not what you look atbut how you look & whether you see. -- Henry David Thoreau, Journal, August 5, 1851

16.01.2022 You are the sum total of all the decisions you’ve made in the past. What you see in your life right now is the result. It’s ‘excuses’ or ‘results’. There is no middle ground.

16.01.2022 I’m exactly where I need to be, doing what I love doing. How often can you truly say that? Unless you get to say this to yourself at least 50% of the time, you’re probably feeling quite unfulfilled.... When you stop and think really think do you feel like you’re destined for more?

16.01.2022 Another Tate-ism: There is a difference between regarding yourself as smart and actually being smart.Another Tate-ism: There is a difference between regarding yourself as smart and actually being smart.

16.01.2022 I love listening to Chris Tate talk with our traders. A crazy blend of harsh life advice, and raw trading tips. Here are some quotes I feel will set you up beautifully:... You won’t have a life-changing trade based on a 5-minute chart. If you’re only trading short-term, you’re trading for cashflow, not wealth creation. See more

16.01.2022 We change, but always at a cost: to win this you lose that. -- Geoffrey Wolff, Apprentice, A Day at the BeachWe change, but always at a cost: to win this you lose that. -- Geoffrey Wolff, Apprentice, A Day at the Beach

16.01.2022 When I think about what sort of person I would most like to have on a retainer, I think it would be a boss. A boss who could tell me what to do, because that makes everything easy when you’re working. -- Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: (From A to Be and Back Again)

15.01.2022 Under pressure we snap. We get paranoid. We assume the worst. It crushes our sense of fun and our passion. I see it in my friends. Stress mounts up and they become their worst version of themselves or the best.... Some take it as a platform to launch themselves into their true life’s purpose. Recognising what they DON’T want makes what they DO want jump into clarity.

14.01.2022 Savour Steven’s stories from 25 years experience on trading floors which highlight what you need to become a top-performing trader in Part 2 of his Alpha Trading podcast on Talking Trading:

13.01.2022 What can you delegate or release to free you up? What habits can you alter to give you back your life?What can you delegate or release to free you up? What habits can you alter to give you back your life?

13.01.2022 Do you know in your gut that you can do more be more have more but you’ve just never been given the opportunity?Do you know in your gut that you can do more be more have more but you’ve just never been given the opportunity?

13.01.2022 Steven Goldstein’s words of wisdom really resonated with our listeners of the Talking Trading podcast in this show:

13.01.2022 Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. -- Leo Tolstoy, Three Methods Of Reform, Pamphlets: Translated from the Russian

12.01.2022 I guarantee you if you don’t make tough decisions now about where you invest your time you’ll end up with the same results you’ve always got.

11.01.2022 The majority of high achieving traders have big brass balls. They dump them in a wheel barrow just to get around. They need them to combat the arrows of condemnation they experience from family member, work colleagues and 9-5 enthusiasts.

11.01.2022 Happiness is a place between too much and too little. -- Finnish proverbHappiness is a place between too much and too little. -- Finnish proverb

10.01.2022 Don’t let the heaviness of the world suffocate and stifle your future. Energy flows to the lowest point, so hang out with those people old before their time, and you’ll become like them.

10.01.2022 Con Bochrinis, a member of the Trading Game Mentor Program, has generated massive returns from his 4-hourly system, and Chris Tate looks at what diversification means for him. Nuggets of wisdom in this Talking Trading episode:

10.01.2022 The recent stock market correction has seen millions of new brokerage accounts opened across the globe and many people with no prior experience have been willing to put their hard-earned dollars on the line to begin their trading careers. Listen to Chris Tate and Dr Andrew Fah on the Medical Money podcast. Click here:

09.01.2022 Short cut your trading learning curve with Dr Brett Steenbarger part 2 on how to become an elite trader in this special episode of Talking Trading:

09.01.2022 Some extra Tate-isms to brighten your trading results: If it does not conform to your rules, do not take the trade. There is a vast difference between cashflow and wealth creation. Every system begins in drawdown.... It’s not that you can’t do what it takes. It’s that you WON’T do what it takes.

09.01.2022 Here’s a beautiful quote by Victor Frankl Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning.Here’s a beautiful quote by Victor Frankl Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning.

08.01.2022 Linda Raschke is one of the finest share traders in the world and one of the nicest people to interview. After closing her own hedge fund, she still trades the same systems she has used since 1992. I dare you to not fall in love with her. You’ll love this episode on Talking Trading:

08.01.2022 Sometimes it's tricky to reward yourself for doing a good job, isn't it? However, if you don't, your subconscious will get sick of 'work, work, work', and before you know it, you feel like a slug getting out of bed, instead of a super-hero. Without an input of a little fun and luxury, you can feel like you're on a treadmill. One of the key differences between the rich and the mediocre is the way they manage their time. You've got to fight for your time, so you can do what you need and want to do in your life. Battle to stay on course, because despite how well meaning they may seem, your friends, family and workmates can become time vampires if you let them. They can inadvertently rob you of your time. What are you doing to reward yourself for a job well done?

08.01.2022 It’s so essential to have long-term goals. What were you after when you got started trading? The rent paid next month? That's pretty short-sighted.... Or were you after liberation? Financial serenity? Never having to worry whether there was enough money in the bank to go on that overseas trip first-class Think about how you want the next few years to play out. What's it going to take to fund that adventure, and what will be required of you to make those funds appear?

08.01.2022 Plan for your wealth to increase. To do this effectively: a. Don't count your money in open trades, only in closed trades. b. Learn to think in percentage terms, rather than dollar terms. c. Focus on developing your own psychology. d. Hang out with people much richer than you are. This will help you avoid catching the dreaded ego bug.... What are your tips for increasing your wealth? I’d love to hear your views.

08.01.2022 Loved this episode of Talking Trading featuring Chris Tate, Louise Bedford and Jason McIntosh:

07.01.2022 Chris Tate began his career as a research scientist before he transitioned to trading. Listen to this episode of How To Trade It for his unique story! Click here for the full interview:

06.01.2022 We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be. Jane Austen, Mansfield ParkWe have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be. Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

06.01.2022 By Seth Godin: "There's a common mistranslation that causes us trouble. We say, "I am afraid," as if the fear is us, forever. We don't say, "I am a fever" or "I am a sore foot." No, in those cases, we acknowledge that it's a temporary condition, something we have, at least for now, but won't have forever."

06.01.2022 You can hear our podcast on our brand new Youtube channel: Have a look, subscribe and like our videos. Brand new, never before released trading insights. Videos to show you the path to trading profits. New videos coming soon...

06.01.2022 Dr Brett Steenbarger is a trading performance coach at some of the world’s leading hedge funds and propriety funds. Hear what makes an elite trader and how you can be one. Loved this episode on Talking Trading:

06.01.2022 Find a goal to pursue or the flicker of your youth will be deprived of oxygen. Fan the ember of your desire for a better life into a flame. Read books, listen to inspiring podcasts, and focus on associating with traders who want the best for you.

06.01.2022 Don’t be so totally distraught with your job before you take the action to learn about the markets to win your freedom.

05.01.2022 Chris Tate - We miss the big moves and agonise over the small moves and if you do that enough, you’ll go broke.

05.01.2022 Chris Tate was heard saying: Avoid the noise. Seek the trend. There is an infinite number of potential trades for you. And There is no nexus between volatility and trend.

04.01.2022 If you’re completely emotionally drained before you reach up your hand for help, your recovery will be so much longer. Plug into your fuel your support system before you really need it. Your trading will benefit, and so will you.

04.01.2022 Linda’s first seven-digit profit day came from a short position on the SPs. Hear about her huge trend days, market losses and life in between. Listen to Part 2 of her interview on Talking Trading:

04.01.2022 Some of the interesting research (CNN Money): 97% of self-employed workers had no desire to return to traditional work. 43% of respondents (out of 2,700 full-time workers surveyed) feel that becoming self-employed will give them more control over their career and one-third cited "family reasons" for seeking to work independently.

04.01.2022 How do you sow those seeds of wealth in your mindset and become a millionaire? Life coach Rik Schnabel on the healthy mindset of wealth and Louise Bedford on her mission statement and living your life’s purpose. Listen to his Talking Trading episode now:

03.01.2022 Who is strong? He that can conquer his bad habits. -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack

03.01.2022 You can’t run alongside your grown children with sunscreen and ChapStick on their hero’s journey. -- Anne Lamott, Twelve Truths I Learned from Writing to Life

02.01.2022 Three inspiring quotes from Chris Tate: Most people are idiots. Don’t be like ‘most’ people. Understand your own psychology and the market’s psychology, and you’ll be rich beyond that which you could ever conceive.... Trading is a game. Don’t lose your sense of exploration and experimentation.

02.01.2022 Researchers were surprised to find that people with strong self-control spent less time resisting desires than other people did. . . . people with good self-control mainly use it not for rescue in emergencies but rather to develop effective habits and routines in school and at work. -- Roy Baumeister and John Tierney

02.01.2022 Isn’t Jerremy Newsome just so lovely. Here’s what he said about when I came onto his podcast Jerremy said: Far out I think I’m in love! (From a trading perspective, of course). Trading royalty, Louise Bedford shows how she raids the markets, and avoids shark bites (at 13:47 mins) in this revealing interview. Then she turns the tables on me and grills me over my own personal trading methods mercilessly (at 22:38 mins). This is probably the most fun I’ve had long distance in an hour and you’re going to love it. To pick up her free trading plan template, register on her website ( and she’ll send it to you straight away. Awww lovely man. We’ve employed some paparazzi to follow us around taking photos of us!

02.01.2022 Mentor Program member, Leanne Savory, is on this episode of Talking Trading: After years of hard work Leanne Savory is making great profits, and in this interview hear what turned her trading around. Chris Tate talks on the power of grinding and Louise Bedford on the magic of reinventing yourself.

01.01.2022 She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it). -- Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

01.01.2022 Tell me about one point to ONE successful trader who hasn’t an attitude of I’ve got this! before they really have got this. Point to one who was fully and completely ready and knew everything about trading before they put a dollar in the markets. I’ll bet you can’t.

01.01.2022 So, if you’re going through trauma in the markets, or personally look for the lesson.

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