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25.01.2022 A massive thankyou to my gorgeous friend Ali Young for this delicious sweets grazing box that got delivered this morning I’m so spoilt xx And a big thanks to Carly from @_sweet.sienna for organising this, it looks almost too good to eat!!
25.01.2022 Focus on adding value and sharing your knowledge with your community!
23.01.2022 Why investing in myself as business owner is soooo important to me! In the past 8 months I have spent just under $4000 on personal development (this doesn’t include the $109 per month that I pay for the 2 business groups that I am in) and it has been worth every penny! I could have invested $0 and yes maybe I could’ve still learnt all the same things but here’s the thing, to gather all of the knowledge that I have now would have taken me 3 times as long and 100’s of hours tr...awling through internet sites, listening to podcasts, watching youtube videos and downloading 100’s of free trainings! Believe me I tried that at the start I really did, then I decided that would bite the bullet and I would sign up to an Instagram Intensive and guess what? I learnt more in the first 15 minute then I had learnt in the previous 3 months. Here’s a breakdown on how I spent that - $1100 Video Marketing $1346 Social Media Training $732 Brand Builders Academy I’m paying off over 6 months this is my 1st two payments $500 Copywriting Course $200 Business Books + My paid group memberships - $79 per month $30 per month Do you need to spend this much? Of course not. Do I still listen to podcasts and do free trainings? Absolutely, the only two things you will find in my podcast app is Business + True Crime and I have a file on my computer that is full of great free trainings and downloads. If I am being completely honest, sometimes it does take me a little while to talk myself in to spending more money on learning. But the thing is I know that I don’t want to be spending hours of my time searching for new things I would much rather pay an expert to teach me how much more quickly, so I can get to where I want to be in my business journey a lot sooner than if I tried to learn it all myself. So if you are wondering if you should take the leap and invest in yourself, my advice is just do it, because it’s so worth it! P.S. Most businesses will also allow you to set up a payment plan and if there isn’t one on their website, shoot them through an email because most of the time they are happy to set one up for you.
23.01.2022 SUCCESS - what does that look like to you? Each and every one of us will have a different idea about what success looks like. My idea of success is most likely not what your idea of success is. Your idea of success could look like earning 200k + a year, living in a big beautiful house, driving a fancy car, wear the latest fashions and going to a day spa for the works every month.... Where my idea of success looks very different to that. I will feel successful when I can buy my big old farmhouse in the country on a couple of acres that I can restore to it's former glory, I can afford to see my Osteo every week like I really need to and I don't have to check my bank account when friends ask us to go out to dinner or the kids need new shoes, to make sure I can swing it this week. So when someone says they run a successful business or have a successful career just remember their idea of success is just that, it's their idea, not yours. See more
23.01.2022 LET'S GET REEL!!! You are going to want to SAVE this one for later! I know REELS seem a bit scary and I know it seems like it's just another bloody thing you have to learn. ... I know you're thinking there ain't no feckin way I'm doing one of those dancing + pointing videos!! (I was exactly the same and only did a couple of those for a challenge but let's just say I'm not a fan either.) I know some of them look like they take a lot of time to create but you don't need to so any of those fancy ones either, if you don't want to. Here's the thing REELS are here to stay, so why not embrace them and use them to your advantage because right now with them being the ‘new kid on the block’ they are getting pushed out further, getting you in front of more eyes which = my exposure for your business. Think of them as just a 15-30 second video they don't have to be anything more, seems all little less overwhelming when you think about it that way yeah?? Here's a bunch of ideas to get you started xxx
23.01.2022 Are you ready to get your business seen on Instagram but have no freakin idea where to even start? Are you feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it? Do you want a personalised Instagram coaching program for YOUR business? ... Then the Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums 1:1 Coaching Program is perfect for you! I’ll design you a custom coaching plan and have you walking away with the CONFIDENCE + KNOWLEDGE to rock your Insta Game!! Payment Plans Available!
21.01.2022 WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO POST ON INSTAGRAM? I get asked this question so often and my answer used to be, check your insights to see when your followers are online the most or go check out this website get even more detailed insights or try a few different times and see what works the best for you. But my answer now....... Whenever you have a 15-minute block of time to dedicate to engagement right after you hit post! Because here's the thing, those first few comments being responded to straight away tells the Instagram algorithm that ’hey this post seems to be getting great engagement, let's push it out to more people!’ And then, well it gives you an even better chance of more of your followers seeing that post and more engagement! Even if I have a post scheduled, I will always schedule it at a time where I know that I will be able to pause whatever it is I'm doing for a bit and spend some time in my feed. Plus posting and ghosting just really isn't cool! Give it a try and see for yourself. See more
21.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to the Best Daddy/ Step Daddy ever!!
21.01.2022 PICK YOUR PLATFORMS You don't need to be on every social media platform, find where your audience is and focus on those!
20.01.2022 When starting out in business people think all they need to do is set up a social media account and maybe even a website, share some pictures every once in a while and the dollars will come rolling in... But the reality is social media is a slow burn, you have to be in it for the long game. You have to put in the effort just like anything else if you want it to pay off. You have to slowly and surely build your community, people buy from... people that they know, like and trust. You don't need thousands of followers to make sales. You also don't have to post everyday, or have a perfectly curated feed. What you do have to do is show up consistently, tell people how they can work with you, share some of you, give value, engage with your followers and be social... it's called social media for a reason. I like to use this break down for my posts - 20% promotion 80% of everything else Because nobody like to be sold to all the time. If all you do is show up to sell and not give anything else, you won't get very far. The opposite also applies if all you do is give, give and give some more and never tell people how they can work with or buy from you then they won't because you haven't told them how. It's all about balance. Always remember that not everyone is going to like you and that's ok. Just show up as your authentic self and you will build the kind of community for you. See more
18.01.2022 Here's 3 ways you can work with me just in case you didn't know - Insta Made Easy 1:1 Coaching Program This is for you if - ... You want to get your business seen on Instagram but have no freakin idea where to even start! You feel overwhelmed just thinking about it! You look at other people's accounts and think I could never do that or be as good as them! What do you get? I’ll design a tailored coaching plan just for you. 5 x Weekly 60 min zoom coaching calls + email support A recording of each coaching call to refer back to. And the confidence to get your Insta Game on + get your business Seen! 1:1 Strategy Session This is for you if - You have been on Insta a while now but you feel like you aren't getting where you want to be and you don't know why! What do you get? A full audit of your Instagram account, the day before our session. 45-minute video call where we go through everything I've taken notes on during the audit (I usually come away with no less than an entire page of notes!) We brainstorm content ideas Advice on how to research the best hashtags for your business I will share with you a bunch of great resources that I personally use and I will answer any questions you have. 30 Hashtags to get you started. Recording from our session emailed to you within 24 hours so you can go through everything in your own time, because I can guarantee your brain will be overloaded! Source My Hashtags This is for you if - You aren't using hashtags but you know you should be. You just can't seem to work out which ones are right for you. You have no time to dedicate to find them or you have no idea where to even start. What do you get? I will source the right hashtags for your business, so you don't have to. 3 Sets of 30 Hashtags that you can mix and match with your faves for only $115 Plus you’ll also get my Hashtag Handbook that I created to help you make the most of them and tips on how to find new ones to add to your list. Got questions or want to find out more? Jump into my PM’s and let's chat!
18.01.2022 There's still time to jump on the waiting list and score yourself 1 of only 12 spots available for this round of Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums - The Course + you also get exclusive waitlist only discounts and bonuses even if you choose to join on a payment plan!!! I'm also super excited to be offering a VIP OPTION this year as well! So if you are ready to say FECK IT to fear, to be SEEN, to be HEARD + CONFIDENTLY share your message with the world then head here - https://www.tallowwoodlane.com.au/insta-made-easy-for-start to join quick sticks before the door officially open next week!!
16.01.2022 When I first started my business (back then I was doing basic bookkeeping + some VA work) I honestly had no freakin idea how to use Instagram other than to post some pictures + I sometimes added in a few random hashtags! Which obviously didn’t work so well I was getting no where! So then I turned to Pinterest. We all know that rabbit hole has almost anything you are looking for + I spent months trying to piece together all the free content that I could find and I while was ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Anyone else as excited as me that this is back on??
14.01.2022 STOP - Is this you? Do you think just because you run a business that you have to pretend to be somebody you’re not on social media? Do you feel like you always have to act all super professional and corporatey (ok maybe that's not a real word but you know what I mean)?... Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't! I bet it’s really tiring constantly worrying about how you sound, how you look and how you act. Remember you aren’t building your business for your followers, you are building your business for you! Wouldn't you much rather build a community of people that love you for who you are and how you show up? I know it sounds a little scary, ok maybe really scary! I totally get that because I’ve been right where you are now, It scared the hell out of me but I felt the fear and did it anyway. Some days I still cringe at how I sound or how all those extra iso boredom binges has made my face look fat in that video that I just filmed for my stories but I go ahead post it anyway because f**k it, it is what it is! Be brave, start small and just take that first step, then build on it a little each time and I promise you that after a while you will realise that it’s not so scary anymore and you will start to see the difference it’s making. People are going to love you or hate you regardless so you might as well just show up as YOU! What small step will you take today to show up as your true self?
13.01.2022 Reviews like this make my heart so happy and make me love my job even more Thanks so much Style Your Soul with Katya xxx
13.01.2022 Video Tip Are you are finding it hard to not look at yourself on you phone screen when shooting videos? Then today’s #tiptuesday is perfect for you! Get yourself all set up and ready to go, just before you hit record stick a post it note on your phone screen. ... Why this works - not being able to see yourself will help you focus on the camera lens so it actually looks like you are looking at your audience instead of somewhere else when you are speaking to them. Tag a friend in the comments so they can use idea too. Learnt this little golden nugget from the one and only @suzchadwick x See more
13.01.2022 Tallowwood Lane turns 1!! Holy crap what a year it's been! When I first started Tallowwood Lane I never imagined I'd be where I am now. ... There has been laughter + tears lots of mistakes + lessons learned + so many beautiful friendships forged. I truly a billion percent love what I do and can't wait to see what the next year brings! Thank you for all so much for your support + love, I wouldnt be here without you xxx
12.01.2022 When I first started my business I had really no one to talk about things and bounce ideas off that were actually in business too. No one that actually understood my passion, my drive and determination, no one that actually had any idea what I was actually talking about and feeling. I am so lucky to have an extremely supportive partner who encourages me and backs me all the way, he listens to me and my ideas he was even willing to let me apply for a loan to sign up to what ...I thought was an amazing business program (thankfully I didn't get it because as soon as I told the person that ran that program that I could do it she turned really bitchy so clearly I dodged a bullet there, thanks universe!) but he doesn't really understand it all. I was lucky enough to eventually find my tribe not long after that incident and many other near misses and then... well it felt like home! And my business and confidence soared. I know not everyone is so lucky that's why I want to be able to support you in your journey so that you and your business can soar too!! The waiting list for Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums is now open, sign up here https://www.tallowwoodlane.com.au/instagram to be the first to know when doors open!
11.01.2022 Last year when I ran the first round of Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums - The Course I sent though a questionnaire at the end asking for feedback on how I could improve and what I could change... Giving my students what they need is so so important to me because they are investing their hard-earned dollars in me so of course I want them to have the best experience possible. While the feedback was all-round pretty dang amazing, there were two things that my students said they... would have liked, some 1:1 coaching and access to the modules that are further along, sooner. So this year, instead of releasing one module per week, everyone will have access to all the modules straight up. Of course, they can still choose to stick to the weekly schedule but they can also pick and choose which ones to watch, or go all in and binge the whole lot at once too. And I have also added a VIP option with all the Insta Made Easy Goodness including weekly group coaching calls, a private Facebook community for ongoing support (and when I say on going I mean for as long as Facebook allows groups, the support will also be there) + 3 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching calls to use anytime in 2021. Pretty great right? Doors officially open next Wednesday but if you’re super duper quick you can still jump on the waiting list and get access to my wait list only perks! Shoot me a PM to get your spot on the wait list now!!
09.01.2022 Do you know the number 1 thing my clients struggle with when it comes to Instagram? You got it HASHTAGS! Finding them, finding the good ones and finding the time to actually sit down and research more than one set because they have a million & one other things on their to-do list or just have no freakin idea where to even start! ... Sound familiar? #Hottip - I've got it covered! I will source the right hashtags for your business, so you don't have to. 3 Sets of 30 Hashtags that you can mix and match with your faves for only $115! Plus you’ll also get my Hashtag Handbook that I created to help you make the most of them and tips on how to find new ones to add to your list. Got questions? Jump into my DM's, let's chat. @ Australia
09.01.2022 It know it makes it a heck of a lot easier to invest in yourself and your business when you’re a startup, if you can pay things off in monthly instalments. Thats why I offer payment plans for both Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums - The Course and my 1:1 Coaching. ... So if you’re ready to gain the CONFIDENCE + KNOWLEDGE to rock your Insta Game, you now you have one less thing holding you back! Got questions? Shoot me a DM, my inbox is always open xx
09.01.2022 Did you know??? Blue whales are the largest animal ever to have lived. Their hearts weight approx 181 kgs which is appox 640 times as much as a human heart.
09.01.2022 It's ok to miss the world we once had and the future that we had planned. It’s ok to feel sad and it's ok to grieve for what we have lost. It's ok not to be ok.
09.01.2022 My everyday... Never have I had so much vomit in my hands and so much washing for 1 little baby! Are you a reflux baby mum?... Share your best tips below
09.01.2022 The doors to Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums - The Course are opening again veeeeery soon!! Even sooner if join the waiting list!! Annnnnd if you do join the waiting list, you get access to wait list only perks!! Soooo what are these wait list only perks I speak of??... Not only will you get first dibs on 1 of only 12 spots buuuuut you also get exclusive waitlist only discounts and bonuses!! So what are you waiting for?? Head here - https://www.tallowwoodlane.com.au/insta-made-easy-for-start to get on that wait list quick sticks!!!
08.01.2022 I thought it was about time that I did another into post seeing as I have so many new followers, so here are 6 random things about me - I'm a mum to 5 crazy kiddo’s + I drink way too much caffeine (energy drinks for the win because I can't stand coffee as much as I've really tried to like it )... My favourite food is chicken I'm a country girl at heart, I grew up in Broken Hill, an outback mining town in NSW and most of my family still live there. And while I would never move back I do miss the stars. We are saving up to buy our own little piece of heaven just outside of Ballarat and by heaven, I mean a big old farmhouse on a couple of acres that we can restore and have out own little farm. And lastly... I’m a teensy tiny bit addicted to stationery! I own a ridiculous amount of notebooks! It’s not like they are going to go to waste right?! Yep I know, I have a problem Ok so now you know about me it's your turn! I would love to know some random things about you, so drop them in the comments below xx P.S - How the heck is it Thursday already?! See more
08.01.2022 Have you got my free guide yet? Head on over to www.tallowwoodlane.com.au to grab your copy now!
08.01.2022 Some love from one of my gorgeous Source My Hashtags clients @sherellepacker! I just love seeing my clients so happy with the results they get after getting their new Hashtag sets
07.01.2022 I'm soooo excited for all that is to come! So much has been happening lately here at Tallowwood Lane HQ! If you've been watching my stories you know that I'm currently doing Brand Builders Academy with @suzchadwick and boy has she got us digging deep! ... I'm not gonna lie some of the things have been hella hard! And at times I've cracked the shits because I couldn't get it right but boy has it been worth it! Over the next month or so you’re gonna see some big changes around here so.... WATCH THIS SPACE!!
06.01.2022 Are you choosing to be worthy enough to follow your dreams? or Are you sitting there still thinking about it and not doing anything? ... Sometimes following your dreams can be scary, perhaps you think you will fail or that people will judge you. But what if you don’t fail? What if you flourish? And those people they will judge you either way so screw them, I say!
06.01.2022 Anyone else right now??
06.01.2022 Did you know?? Benin, a country in central Africa, has highest birth rate of twins in the world. While the world average is just 13 twins per 1,000 births, Benin more than doubles that rate, at nearly 30 twins per 1,000 births. ... There's no single factor that causes this, but genetics, diet, and even the mother's height are thought to play a role. See more
05.01.2022 Can anyone else relate??
04.01.2022 My Brand Values Inspire - Inspire change + knowledge. Think bigger, brighter + create the life you truely want. Authenticity + Honesty - Just be real + tell it like it is. Because life’s too short to be fake!... Empathy + Kindness - Kindness + compassion always matters. Because you never know what’s going on behind the highlight reel. Creativity - You were born to stand out, to be different, NOT to fit in! Which one of these resonates with you the most??
04.01.2022 Black Friday Bonus!! Do you want to get your business seen on Instagram but have no freakin idea where to even start? Do you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it? ... Have you looked at other people's accounts and thought I could never do that or be as good as them? If this sounds like you then the Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums 1:1 Coaching Program is the perfect solution for you!! Helping you - To be BIGGER + BRIGHTER! To be SEEN! To be HEARD! To CONFIDENTLY share your message with the world! Prior to our first session, we’ll have a strategy call via Zoom to discuss your business goals + the areas you would like to focus on during our time together. From this conversation, I’ll design a personalised coaching plan just for you. 5 x Weekly 60 min zoom coaching calls + a bonus 60 min zoom coaching call Email support A recording of each coaching call to refer back to. And the confidence to get your Insta Game on + get your business Seen! Payment Plans Available!!
03.01.2022 I'm launching a course Yay!! Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums!
02.01.2022 Hands up if you really need to give yourself a break + stop being so damn hard on yourself! I'm certainly guilty of piling on 7 million tasks on my to-do list and then get shitty at myself when I don't get them all done! ... Thanks, @suzchadwick and @annasmalecelebrant for reminding me today that I need to slow down a bit and not put so much pressure on myself xx
02.01.2022 Homeschooling I’m definitely not a fan and I commend all of you mums and dads taking on the role as teacher even though, it’s a bloody tough gig! The struggle is real! I see you, I hear you, I am you! ... I wish u could give you all a big hug and tell you that it’s gonna be ok and It’s not going to be like this forever, even if it seems like it right now. I tell myself this each time Sunday night roles around I’m sitting in my office printing off the million work sheets for the week and sorting them in plastic sleeves marked with each day. When I’m scanning those million completed worksheets to upload to google classroom. When I’m about to lose my god damn mind because one of the kids is taking all day to complete max 2 hours of work. When I’m trying to work and I’ve been interrupted for the seventeenth time because they won’t stop fighting and just do their work and I want to scream. We will get through this! We just have to take it one day, one task, one meltdown at time.
02.01.2022 Please take 60 secs out of your day to sign this petition xx
02.01.2022 Confidence comes from Action. It comes from saying Screw You to fear and doing it anyway!!!
01.01.2022 We’re almost there Melbourne, we are so so close! Be proud, you've all done so so amazing. It’s been a bloody tough year but... we’ve come this far. We just have to hang on in there for just a little longer and keep those numbers dropping so we can get back to some kind of normality. I can do this, you can do this, we can all do this together xxx P.S. Did anyone else do a little happy dance yesterday when you found out the kids finally get to back school? See more
01.01.2022 Insta Made Easy For Startup Mums virtual doors are opening on the 5th of October!! Head to www.tallowwoodlane.com.au to jump on the waiting list!!
01.01.2022 I see WAAAAY too many people in my FB business groups that have not put any details about their business on their personal FB profile, I cannot stress enough how freakin important this really is! About 40% of my clients find me in FB groups but I can guarantee you if I didn't have my business page linked to my personal profile it would be waaay lower!! If you comment or like a post of mine or you post something of interest to me I’m gonna be checking out ...your profile to see what business you have and so other many people do this also. BUUUT if you don’t have your business info on your personal profile you’ve lost me! Your personal Facebook profile has so much room to share what you do and links to your Facebook Biz Page, Instagram and Website, don’t waste it. I don’t want to be searching through group posts trying to see what your business is so I can check it out, I just don’t have time for that and neither do most people and by you not having that there, you are leaving money on the table! So if that’s you, do yourself a favour and go add your business to your FB profile now, it will take 5 minutes tops!
01.01.2022 First impressions matter whether we like it or not! Your Instagram bio is such an important part of your Instagram feed. It’s often the first thing people look at when they click on your feed. So it’s important to have an awesome Instagram bio that draws in your ideal clients, encourages them to follow you and hopefully turn them into paying clients.... How the heck do I do that? Head to my bio and click on the link to check out my FREE guide - How to create an awesome Instagram Bio! You’re welcome xx
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