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Tamara Haakman in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Author

to load big map

Tamara Haakman

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 400 017 522

Address: 1, 3-5 Loughnan Rd, Ringwood. 3134 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Creating a solid foundation for yourself in your life is the gateway to achieving all your dreams & desires. Whatever it is that you want to do, see, achieve, the best way to ensure you achieve it, is to first focus on your foundation

23.01.2022 EXPRESS - DON’T REPRESS! Is it easy to express how you feel? Even when you are disappointed at people for their actions? ... Do you shut yourself down to avoid an argument? I was the Queen of not expressing myself! this rendered me Angry! Why? Because I was taught to be quiet in public as a child. To not share myself. I was a quiet little girl out of the house. But in the home I was more of myself, more expressive. As I grew I became a lot more wild and to the point. But still afraid to really open up to who I was and how I felt unless I had a drink in my hand! What if we could find the balance of expression between inside the home and outside in society.? Always speaking our truth, without judgement. Just acceptance of who we are. Unfortunately society doesn’t really support this (yet)! There is always blame and shame set upon us. So we hold back. This is what I did anyway to avoid confrontation. This shut down my ability to really follow my flow and my life path purpose. As I have moved through the path of self honouring and self love, slowly I am beginning to feel safe, not worrying about judgements others cast upon me as much. I found a partner who loves to here me sing, loves to hear my point of view and never puts me down, even when I faulter with my strong point of view. This made me feel safer to express even more. So now l am beginning to say what I need to say without fear of being judged. I except that sometimes when I am mistreated, I can say what I need to say and allow the ramifications of that inner expression fall where it may. Without much worry and pain. I understand that people come and go in life and that is ok! The more you stand in your power of expression, the more people fall away. This is growth, this is real love, this is real self honouring. To love the self and awaken to the ‘feeling’ being that you are, requires you to speak up and let go! Over and over again.! Express - DON’T repress.

23.01.2022 Anxiety! We all experience this from time to time. Some more than others.... Some constantly. So what creates anxiety?! The mind plays a massive part. Currently I am preparing my house for market. I have decided to let go of the safety and security of my home to create my dreams with my beautiful partner. But with a sick child and forms galore for another child I’m finding myself a tad overwhelmed. The lists keep piling up of paper work. The shopping and just maintaining the basic needs of the family are banging in the background. My desire to get back into writing my book echos in the distance begging me for attention. Bills and reminder notices, time restraints all pushing me to the brink of confusion. I FEEL ANXIOUS! How do we cope when we are constantly inundated with life chores ‘to do’ and complete by a schedule? How do we slow the mind and calm the heart when we are continuously pushed by our lives, to do more and to be more? How can we find peace in a world that has us by the short and curlies, dragging us one way and then pulling us swiftly back to another? The idea of zen and meditation seems like a distant dream when we are all pushed to the limits with time and it’s constraints. And then..... at the end of the day, the brain is fried and worn and a glass of wine seems like the only respite from this god forsaken world fueled by ‘doing’! Sip....And then the mind slows, sip, the joy comes, sip, the feeling of warm zen begins to cover the stress and warm the heart, sip! The mask that covers the anxiety and pain of a mind fueled world of doing, doing, doing! Anxiety is created from excessive thoughts, busy lives and also being in a state of action. Well I say STOP! STOP the demands we put on ourselves. STOP caring about the expectations society inflicts on us. STOP worrying about what we can not control and just be in the present moment to support that sick child. STOP going above and beyond for other people and START COMING BACK TO YOU! Your HEART. START honouring what feels right for YOU! (Not what everyone else thinks you should be doing.) Ask your heart a question, should I ? ....... does it tighten with Anxiety? ..... This is then a NO! Does your heart feel warm to the question? This is a YES! Live by this gift of heart conversation everyday and you will find your way to a life of PEACE! Tammy H!

22.01.2022 Kids are a massive stress! They argue with siblings. They test boundaries.... They bullshit their way to get what they want. They can begin lie as they get older to pursue less than advantageous pursuits. They push parents to the limits, so much so, that we crack from time to time. Some days more than others.... When I talk at events people ask me how I manage my children. I have four! I have no real definable answer that can cure them from these emotional ill’s. No pill to pop or wine to drink, that can change the situation. Kids are kids. They are their own living individual person. They are all different in personalities and have different needs. Juggling many of these disputes and indiscretions are just part of mastering yourself. Learning to listen to each child’s needs. Seeing through the bullshit! Not favouring one child and seeing all aspects of behaviour that effects their siblings whilst maintaining some sort of equilibrium within. Disciplining each child when needed. Praising each child when they are respecting themselves and others. Learning to be easy on yourself when you have lost your marbles! ..... and getting up the next day to do it all again..... To attempt to MASTER YOU. Your emotions, your feeling state. Making choices that are fair and responsible, not just for each child, but more importantly for YOURSELF! When you give yourself permission to care for yourself, you begin the journey of mastery. Set rules. Set boundaries. Follow through!! Take time out in nature for YOU! To MASTER yourself, you need time to observe yourself and your behaviour. See what rules and boundaries you are putting in place and allowing them to shift as your children shift. MASTERING yourself means to look within, day in and day out. Have heart conversations regularly. (Refer to yesterday’s anxiety post!). MASTERING yourself means to be gentle on yourself and knowing that we are all learning, especially your children. MASTER yourself by teaching your children to go inward and master themselves. Be patient. Breathe. Send yourself compassion. You’ve got this!

21.01.2022 I’m getting sick again! I have suffered from pain in my left side (inflammation) for the last year or so. Nothing bad, just a niggle, but when I’m driving in the car, it becomes uncomfortable. I can’t stand being uncomfortable. It puts me in a mood. My joy goes down to 2 and my patience for the people around me reduces dramatically also. ... I just want to be left alone. The last two days I have been extremely busy getting the house sorted for photos (this Wednesday). So basically I was cleaning, painting, bogging, decluttering all weekend as well as yesterday. And I’m still not finished. The fumes have also contributed to my feeling unwell. ( I know now why tradies drink after work). But most of all, my food intake has slipped. I’ve been going back to the ‘easy’ meals instead of sticking to my daily juices and green food. So surprise, suprise! My left side has become inflamed and uncomfortable again.!! FOOD INTAKE IS THE KEY TO ‘FEELING’ GREAT! Healthy, high nutrient food! Fresh organic fruit and veggies with EVERY MEAL! So I’m back on the juices today and whilst I drop the kids to school and take a trip to Bunnings for some more supply’s, my lovely partner Michael Clarke is making me juices. Thankyou hun! So if your feeling uncomfortable, tired, moody or unwell, consider what you are putting in your body. Is it living food? Or are you fueling your body on quick and easy options to get through your day? Food for thought!

20.01.2022 I love my children so much, so much it hurts me to see them sick. My youngest has been unwell for the last six months and it absolutely breaks my heart. She has chronic gut issues where she can’t get to sleep at night, she struggles to get out of bed in the morning. She feels like she wants to vomit most of the time. She struggles to eat, her face pale from exhaustion. Last night I cracked. ... I was up healing her at 9:30pm trying to relieve her pain and urge to vomit, attempting to get her to relax and fall asleep. As I healed her, prickly pain encumbered my hands, creeping up my arms. I felt her sickness penetrate my limbs. Then I begun to press on the locked up stagnant emotional pain lodged in her tummy, her pain worsened and so did her need to vomit. Tears of grief and sadness begun to release from her beautiful brown eyes.... some relief begun to shower over me as I knew this was a good sign. A release as in such. But she pushed me away, insisting that she could take no more. So I took her to bed with a heat pack and eventually we all fell asleep. (I can only image a small portion of pain a mother would feel with a dying child, or a mother sick herself watching a child starving in front of her, like so many third world countries deal with this daily.) I know why my daughter is ill, she is carrying the sickness and pain that comes through the hereditary line. Someone near and dear to her that is very ill, someone she loves so much, so much so she is willing to carry their unhealed wounds!! Why? Because she is a child who loves, she is a born nurturer and carer. She is the divine angel who wants to hold space for those who cannot hold space for themselves. She is like so many woman and men out there who hold the wounds of others. Who carry the burden of the old world into the new world. My advice to you if you are that woman or man. Let go of the idea that you can help and save another. That you can change the direction of their life path if you hold onto their pain. Holding onto their pain is supporting them to hold onto their bullshit longer. Choosing to let go of their pain is giving them back the power to deal with what is inevitably theirs to heal and deal. Step back and create the space for them to feel the real weight of their issues. Allowing them space, gives them true insight as to how they can heal. To love yourself first and be the role model and show your children to do the same. My old and patterns of needing to heal others left me only a few years ago, but the pattern is still echoing in my children. Be the change you want for the children. I implore you. This is the only way. Words have power (they omit a frequency), but actions (are movement that shift’s life) speak beyond the confines of a sound alone. Be the movement. Make the change.

18.01.2022 Happy weekend peeps! If your having trouble finding your inner peace it’s time to get a little selfish. Escape to nature & listen to the sound of sweet F A!

18.01.2022 This Video will have you understand EGO in a simplistic way and provide you an Ah-HA moment. :-)

17.01.2022 We must love ourselves first always. When our cup is full and overflowing we can give to others from a point of joy and ease. Set boundaries and surround yourself with genuine compassionate people. (This is self love). If you don’t ........ Low self esteem is created, which creates a negative mind (negative self talk). Abusing the self, then opens up the gateway to abusing other people. This is the cycle! Only you can alter your life course!

10.01.2022 Are you emotionally stable?

10.01.2022 CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF YOUR LIFE ! It starts with a THOUGHT! (The seed if you will). taking baby steps to achieve the Thought... (the goal).... But..... Life throws us in different directions constantly. The kids. The home needs. Work needs. And then hopefully we take a direction that we enjoy from time to time. OUR NEEDS.! (Filling our own cup). What if we could love a life where your goals are part of our work, part of OUR enjoyment and the steps we take along the way to achieve these things are done with ease and grace because we live in the flow of life and the joy of BEING human. (Without the grind)! Does this seem unrealistic? Five years ago, I would have said YES! I was raising four children practically on my own. My partner worked long hours and travelled. I was the mother, the father, the cook, the cleaner, the teacher, the nurse, the psychologist, the gardener plus more. All I wanted was to live in a community, where I felt heard, supported and could fill my cup up, instead of draining the shit out of myself!!!!! Well that seed I planted five plus years ago has come to fruition! I write. I draw. I take time out for me. I play(work), with my best friend and partner. Everything I do in life is fun. Is easy. I have support in the home. (Only cook two days a week). I garden with a team of my tribe. I look after the children with a team of adults. The house is attended to by a team of these very same people who also had planted the seed many years ago. To live a life of ease, in a community, doing what we love. Living together to find stillness and peace and share the load. You too can find this if you choose, by planting that seed (create the thought) and water it ( bring the vision into your awareness from time to time. Listen to the calling of your inner voice, to live a life of ease, peace and support! Take the steps to shift into the new. Take the time to ...... LIVE TO LOVE YOU!

07.01.2022 Life is full of trials and tribulations. Making the ‘right’ choice is the catalyst for either a positive or negative outcome when challenges arise. These ‘right’ choices are not always easy to make when we are stuck in old beliefs, role modelling old and outdated patterns from our youth. ... In the past, I would act out these old beliefs and patterns which rendered me stressed, angry, feeling unworthy, unloved and in emotional turmoil. This patterning would effect all the people around me especially my children. After unknotting my inner mind structure and implementing new strategies, my life has changed exponentially. I found love for myself, respect for myself, I chose to create tighter boundaries to honour the contentment and joy that started to burn inside. It was with this self honouring and love that I attracted a wonderful, kind, gentle giant Michael Clarke. Just recently a client had seen us together. She said that her hope for ‘Pure’ love had been restored! Shucks We all have the potential to have this pure love in our lives, but the riches of this feeling state must first be found within ourselves. So for all the woman out there (and men) who are seeking such a relationship, there is hope. Demand = Supply!!! Demand to be respected, demand to be heard, demand to be with someone who inspires you to want to love them unconditionally because they love you unconditionally without judgement or expectations.

01.01.2022 Where your thoughts go, your energy will follow!

01.01.2022 You know I love practical tools and processes to implement especially on #ParentsDay Learning how to discipline kids (and adults) in a healthy and helpful way mean the difference from an unhappy or happy human being. Remember to be helpful, not hurtful, when you're coaching a team member or speaking to your kid. Thank you Justin Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families

01.01.2022 Mike on how persistence creates resistance!

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