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Tamar NRM

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25.01.2022 Tamar NRM wants to help landholders to assess all greenhouse gas emission reductions and adaptation options available to them so they can select the most suitable ones to introduce into their farming operations. Many of these are easy enough to implement while supporting landholders’ productivity goals and providing a sound footing for the future of the business. The first Carbon Neutral Farming Field Day is to be held at Piper’s River at Baxter’s farm on: Thursday 15th 2020 9.30 am for 10.00 am start 3.00 pm Baxters Road, Pipers River It will explain the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit process.

25.01.2022 Applications are now open for the next round of the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund! Grants of up to $10,000 are available to farmers, community organisations, land managers, industry and other entities to undertake best practice, long-term and effective actions on priority weeds. This is a competitive small grants round with a total of $200,000 available for distribution. Another grant round for larger, more complex weed projects will be released later in the 2020/21 year. Eligible activities include on-ground management of weeds, weed education and extension activities, and critical weed management planning to underpin the effective management of priority weeds. Priority will be given to applications that propose a strategic and targeted approach to tackling priority weeds and demonstrate co-investment through funds or in-kind support. Please visit to read more, download the guidelines, application form and priority weed list. Applications close 11 pm, Sunday, 1 November 2020. For any questions, please contact the Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund Coordinator, Dr Raelene Mibus at NRM North on 1300 109 676 or [email protected].

25.01.2022 Come and join David Maynard, Simon Fearn and John Douglas from the QVMAG at the Trevallyn BioBlitz this Fri 4 & Sat 5th Dec. Chris Grose will also be there on Friday capturing images such as these of the mesmerising Wolf Spider.

25.01.2022 Tamar NRM have been involved in planting natives at Youngtown Regional Reserve with school groups and community members for ten years. Last week I took the students back to some of the original plots to see what we could discover. As you can see the students found a diverse array of plants and animals making their homes in the plots. It was fabulous to be able to demonstrate to the students how native plantings increase biodiversity over time.

24.01.2022 What a wonderful way to start your day by waking up with the birds.....

23.01.2022 This week is officially Boneseed Blitz week so keep an eye out for this invasive weed of national significance. If you spot any call Tamar NRM on 63233310. This is a photo of a group of enthusiastic Riverside residents that removed a ute load yesterday. Great job team!

23.01.2022 Opportunity to build sustainable farming practices in Tassie. If you are in the Tamar Valley we would help shape and support your application.

23.01.2022 Carbon Neutral Farming . . . What's it all about? Thanks to the Examiner for publishing an article in Thursday's paper. Get along this Thursday 15th October to find out more. Bookings required.

20.01.2022 Come and enjoy lunch with the one of Launceston’s iconic business figures, Errol Stewart. RSVP by Friday 28th Nov.

19.01.2022 It’s a timely reminder that snakes are becoming more active as the weather warms up. It’s also important to be vigilant when walking your dog in the local bush land reserves.

19.01.2022 A rather amazing day at the only known serrated tussock site in the Tamar Valley. Fonzi the detection dog with handler Mel Kelly showing what a keen nose can do. Fonzi can sniff out Serrated Tussock and assist Tamar NRMs eradication strategy. Serrated Tussock is one of the worst weeds we have in Australia.

19.01.2022 ROSEVALE & BRIDGENORTH LANDHOLDERS Weed Information Field Day was full of information about this emergent weed threat. Besom Heath poses a significant weed threat to our agricultural lands and the natural environment. On Tuesday we heard from Matt Baker Tas herbarium, Mandy Smith DPIPWE, Denis Giasli Land Management North, about what can be done and is being done. Importantly we heard from the affected landholders themselves. Big thanks to all concerned and a special shout ou...t to Bridgenorth Football Club for donating the use of the Clubrooms. "Go the Parrots". The Bridgnorth, Rosevale and surrounds is the only known infestation of Besom Heath (Erica scoparia) in Australia. If we don’t do something, potentially it could be worse than Spanish Heath! If you think you have Besom Heath but not sure we offer to come and take a look. or phone 0438 642 112.

18.01.2022 Landholders regularly report the problem they have with Feral Deer. It can be a contentious issue and each state in Australia deals with the problem differently. While we only have fallow deer in Tasmania, it still presents a problem for the environment and for producers hoping to manage their pastures for production. This ABC segment explores the conundrum of wild deer in Australia:

17.01.2022 NRM North are holding a giant freshwater crayfish citizen science training day in December for interested community members.

14.01.2022 Have you always wanted to know more about the plants and animals that live in the Trevallyn Reserve? A BioBlitz is the perfect opportunity to learn about the diverse range of species that exists right over our back fences and coexists in our urban gardens and streets. The Night Stalk is fun family event to get you started. Register at [email protected].

14.01.2022 A top week with Matthew Evans and Sadie Chrestman driving up from Huon Valley to Tamar Valley to share their experiences of ecosystem services. An inspiring evening presentation on "Farms as Ecosystems" (included Daniel and Kim from Fork it Farm). The afternoon workshop and farm tour (pictured) had Matthew tag team with Nevill Reed at Tasmanian Natural Garlic and Tomatoes. Thanks to Matthew and Sadie from Fat Pig Farm; Annette, Nevill and Becca from Selbourne; Daniel and Kim from Lebrina and all that help.

13.01.2022 For those that missed Charles Massey’s Farm on Australian Story last night, make time to see it on iView. Charles presented in Launceston in June last year at the Regenerative Farming Conference. While we are out and about, we can see local farmers heeding the message and implementing many of these practices to preserve top soil and moisture. Some of the credit goes back to Charles and others like him.

12.01.2022 Check out the latest Tamar NRM Newsletter "Naturally Yours". 28 pages of articles and upcoming workshops, events and Field Days. Something for Everyone.

12.01.2022 Your opportunity to comment.

12.01.2022 Pathways to boosting pasture management skills Tamar NRM has been successful in a state funding bid for a Tamar Valley Based Farm Business Discussion Group. In essence, our farmer extension project will address barriers to adoption by assisting producers to enhance their knowledge and skills with a big focus on managing pastures. We will be using our tried and proved delivery model of over the fence learning at field days For more information or to register contact program co...ordinator Nick Flittner m: 0409 343669 e: [email protected] Ministers Media Release See more

11.01.2022 Soil health and pastures. Today's discussion topic at Pipers Brook Field Day for Tamar NRM. Thanks to the Headlams and presenter Eric Hall. The MLA funded discussion group has one more session to go. In the meantime we are gathering EOIs for our CARBON NEUTRAL FARMING FIELD DAY on 15th October. See website for details.

11.01.2022 Get Registered for the BioBlitz today!

10.01.2022 ROSEVALE & BRIDGENORTH LANDHOLDERS Weed Information Field Day. Free event.... You are Invited! Tuesday 6th October, 10 - 12.30. Bridgenorth Football Clubrooms. 629 Bridgenorth Road, Bridgenorth and nearby farm. Besom Heath poses a significant weed threat to our agricultural lands and the natural environment. Hear from experts about what can be done and is being done to assist landholders control the declared weed Besom Heath. Free event. This is the only known infestation of Besom Heath (Erica scoparia) in Australia. If we don’t do something, potentially it could spread further and be worse to control than Spanish Heath! LINK TO POSTER: or phone 0438 642 112 for bookings. Relevant Covid 19 conditions to apply

09.01.2022 THREATENED SPECIES DAY Monday 7th September is Threatened Species Day. Not only time to ponder what it would be like if we lost key endangered and vulnerable species of plants or animals, but time to act. We all know the impact of habitat loss and this can be avoided and reinstated driven by community action. Check out the list of concern:

09.01.2022 Get your tickets for the Farmgate Festival.

08.01.2022 If you are looking for something fun to do on December 4 & 5 come and discover what makes Trevallyn Reserve so unique. Register [email protected] or call Alison on 0438 265 792

08.01.2022 It is only 3 days until the Trevallyn BioBlitz kicks off so get your registrations in so you don’t miss out.

08.01.2022 Native Bees so important.

07.01.2022 BUILDING BIODIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABLE FARMING Date: Wednesday, 25th November. Farming Workshop with Matthew Evans Afternoon of 25 November 1.30 to 3.30 pm... Tamar NRM’s Small Farm Roadmap project is offering the opportunity for 20 producer properties to attend a free workshop with Matthew Evans. From 1.30 to 3.30 pm selected landholders will share their biodiversity and sustainable farming experiences and observations. You can enter your farm by simply completing the 7 question On-Line Survey. Plus a Farms as Ecosystems evening presentation at Tailrace. (Open to the Public) See for further detail. Evening Presentation: from 6.30 featuring ‘Gourmet Farmer’ and small business owner Matthew Evans from Fat Pig Farm. Cost $12.00 Bookings Essential (Limited numbers)

07.01.2022 Besom Heath (Erica Scoparia) is a weed we want to eradicate in the north of Tassie. If you live in the Bridgenorth-Rosevale Area and think you have it we want to hear from you.

06.01.2022 Plastic Free Launceston Newsletter Latest Newsletter out now! If you would like to join the PFL mailing list send a private message with your email address Our mailing address is: [email protected] Tamar NRM are proud to have Plastic Free Launceston as an active working group.

05.01.2022 It was a hive of activity at a Youngtown Regional Reserve last week with over 70 students from Newstead College and John Calvin School helping out with native plantings in the reserve. Many hands make light work .

04.01.2022 Another BioBlitz event not to be missed: RSVP [email protected]

04.01.2022 Circular Economy Grants Worth Checking off the Launceston Council Website. George Town, Launceston, West Tamar, Northern Midlands, Flinders Island, Dorset and Break O’Day Councils have included Circular Economy initiatives as a part of their COVID19 recovery packages.

03.01.2022 Big thanks to Tim Reed (Wenlock Enterprises) for sharing your journey at the Tamar NRM Soils Health Field Day. The field day was all about landholders gaining a greater understanding about soil biology and health. Wenlock made available a paddock for a small scale trial looking at managing variable soils. Thanks also to co presenters Seona Findlay and Theresa Chapman. Great bunch of people in attendance, great topic made better by having Tim and Kathryn's property to showcase farm and soil improvement.

03.01.2022 Great day at Baxter's Pipers River "Greenside" Farm discussing all things carbon. The Tamar NRM Carbon Neutral Farming Project is officially underway with more field days and a Carbon Forum to come. Many thanks Will and Brian for the inspiring talks sharing your experience and innovative practices including the pasture renovator. Minimum disturbance for pasture renovation. Composting, Biochar and hearing about TIA's NEXUS project and TIAs perenial legume project and the Greenhouse Gas Audit conducted by RMCG. Info filled day!

03.01.2022 Sunday's Landline had an interesting segment on Spring Climate Outlook for Australia. Predictions are for warmer days and nights in Tassie and above average rainfall with possibility of flooding in some areas. Launceston snow event even got a mention!

03.01.2022 It is official and the dates are set so get in early to register your interest in joining the Trevallyn Reserve BioBlitz 2020............

03.01.2022 Field Days are more difficult to hold at the moment. But worth the extra effort to ensure covid safe. Day 1 of our MLA Soil Health Discussion Group had soil expert Dr Bill Cotching sharing his extensive experience with drainage plans. Well done Bill and seen here discussing where a drain should be installed for best effect. Bill has some excellent informative videos on his website:

02.01.2022 On Wednesday last week, Grade 4/5 planted 100 native plants in and around the frog pond in Wombat Walk. Tamar NRM partnered us by supplying the plants and Aliso...n Hugo came to help on the day . This project followed-on from our reporting of truckloads of dumped rubbish, which George Town Council kindly organised to have cleaned up and vehicle access blocked. When we get the bridge fixed, the area will be lovely again for our students, as well as the frogs! See more

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