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Tamborine Mountain Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in Tamborine Mountain | Alternative & holistic health service

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Tamborine Mountain Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic

Locality: Tamborine Mountain

Phone: +61 7 5545 0500

Address: 16-18 Main Western Road 4272 Tamborine Mountain, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 LIKE A WATER BALLOON, ONLY LESS FUN Remember the joy of filling water balloons at a tap, watching in glee as the tiny sac filled and bulged and grew ready for watery warfare? Well, your body contains over 140 structures like miniature water balloons called bursae, but when they become inflamed and bulged it is definitely not joyful! Bursae are tiny, slippery sacs of fluid that facilitate tendons, ligaments, muscles and skin to glide over your bones during joint movement. They... are your body's shock absorbers and provide a thin cushion to reduce friction between the surfaces. If a bursa becomes irritated and inflamed it is called bursitis. The most common symptom of bursitis is joint pain and it is often found around major joints like your shoulder, elbow, hip and knee. Bursitis is diagnosed most often in adults over the age of 40. It is usually caused by overuse of a joint, but can also occur when sitting or standing in the same posture for long periods of time or occasionally from sudden injury. Examples of high risk activities include raking, carpentry, scrubbing, tennis, golf and throwing ( Better reschedule that water balloon fight! ). In addition, any problem with the structure of a joint, such as arthritis can put more stress on the bursa and cause it to become inflamed. The tendency of ligaments and tendons to become stiffer and less elastic with age will also cause more friction and irritate your bursae. Treatment of bursitis relies mainly on ceasing the aggravating activity, but Gary and Mandy of Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy can also reduce the severity and longevity of your pain with ice, specific strengthening exercises and stretching. Examination by Your Family Physiotherapists will also confirm if your pain is derived from bursitis and not some other condition. So, if bursitis is ruining your ability to lob a hydrous hand-grenade, give us a call on 5545 05

23.01.2022 GET A GRIP! Forget about reading palms! An article by Professor Adam Taylor from Lancaster University suggests a strong handshake may be a better indicator of your future. The human hand is remarkable. Not only does it allow us to throw, grab, climb and pick things up, it can also be a measure of health. Using hand-grip strength which assesses the amount of force a person can generate with their grip, researchers can not only measure a person’s strength, they can also estimat...e the rate a person is ageing and even diagnose certain health conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. The test is performed on both hands, usually three squeezes on each hand, and then the average is taken. Unsurprisingly, men aged 20-30 typically have the greatest strength, while women over 75 have the lowest. Research shows that having a grip strength that was lower than average compared to people of the same gender and age was associated with increased risk of cardiac death, hospital admission and even a higher likelihood of death from certain cancers. It's enough to make you blow the dust off the bull-worker or join an arm wrestling club! So grip strength can be used as an indicator, but what is the root cause behind the numbers? Aging, obesity, chronic illness and diet can all impact on grip strength due to a corresponding reduction in muscle mass and function. Researchers therefore concluded that the most important thing you can do for your health is to maintain your muscle strength through exercise! At Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy, Gary and Mandy can provide exercise programs tailored to your needs and monitor your progress to ensure you have strong hold on life! Call now on - 5545 0500 and let us get to grips with your health.

23.01.2022 PUT THAT HAMMER DOWN! There was a young Tamborine-ite, Who injured his arm in a fight. He damaged his shoulder,... Wrestling a boulder. Building rock walls isn’t light! The Covid-19 isolation has led to us seeing more home and garden renovation injuries than usual. Too many re-runs of ‘Love it or List it’, combined with too much spare time, has led to building site bruises! At Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy, we applaud you getting out and using your brains and brawn to improve your environment so here are some tips for getting the most out of your project, without getting the most out of your Private Health Fund! 1.Be smart - Choose a project which is within your capabilities. If you normally spend your days sitting at a desk it’s best not to try and landscape your 10 acre block in a week. Also, give yourself regular breaks in a day to avoid overuse injuries. 2.Be aware - When using ladders, make sure you set up on level ground and have someone else around. Move your ladder into position and don’t reach out or over balance. 3.Be safe - When using power tools, make sure your work area is clear and be aware of the power cords which pose a tripping or tangling hazard. This is the perfect time to get out into the fresh air in your garden or work around the house. You can get some great incidental exercise and the satisfaction of a job well done. And if you do get sore from wrestling a rock, you can give Scott or Gary a call on 5545 0500.

23.01.2022 PEACE AND LOVE PART ONE A telltale sign that things are evolving in soft tissue injuries can be seen from the changes in the acronyms used to guide their management. Most of us are familiar with ICE ( ice compression and elevation ) which quickly morphed into RICE, PRICE and ultimately POLICE! Phew! Seems you get a recipe for alphabet soup with your injury! Researchers writing in the BJSM ( British Journal of Sports Medicine ) last year proposed yet another acronym which th...ey feel is more representative of the journey from acute injury to rehabilitation. It is a two part process, know as PEACE and LOVE. Looks like the hippies got into the science labs for this one! They wrote that immediately after an injury, you should do no harm and let PEACE guide your approach. P for protect. Unload and restrict movement for 1 3 days to minimise bleeding and swelling. Be guided by your pain as to what you can attempt. E for Elevate. Raise the limb higher than the heart to promote interstitial fluid to flow out of the damaged tissues. A for Avoid anti-inflammatory modalities. They feel that inflammation is a natural part of the healing process and should not be hindered by medication. C for Compress. Taping or bandaging limit tissue haemorrhage and intra-articular oedema. E for education. Therapists educate their patients on the benefit of an active approach to recovery. In our next article we will present the case for LOVE in the post acute phase of injury. Meanwhile, if you want rehabilitation after you stage your peaceful sit-in, call Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy on 5545 0500.

20.01.2022 FORE!!! Whether you are a regular weekend fairway bandit or have never held a club in your life you can suffer from Golfer's Elbow! Golfer's Elbow or Medial Epicondylitis is a condition that causes pain where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain may also spread into the forearm and wrist. The condition is similar to tennis elbow, although that causes pain on the outside of the elbow.... Golfer's Elbow is caused by repetitive stress, often with forceful wrist and finger motions, so although it is commonly associated with the game of golf, it can also be a problem for people in trades where gripping is involved eg. carpentry and painting. Due to tendon degeneration the elbow may feel stiff and painful and the hand and wrist may feel weak. Males and females are equally affected and the most common age of onset is between the ages of 35 and 50. Don't throw your clubs into the water hazard just yet, though, because Gary Brooks at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy has a treatment regime for Golfer's Elbow that will save your elbow and your handicap! Using a combination of rest ( yes, you may have to! ), ice, stretches, gentle massage and strengthening exercises he will work to reduce the pain of the elbow and strengthen the tendons and muscles of your forearm. So come to Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy for relief from Golfer's Elbow and we'll have you teeing off before you can say 'birdy'. Call now on 5545 0500

19.01.2022 TEAM SPORT? BRING IT ON! As the final stages of restrictions begin to lift, many of us are just itching to get back into our team sports and the benefits are obvious for both physical and mental health. And whilst we don't want to be the ones to curb all that pent up enthusiasm, it is also true that sports clubs and players are being urged to ensure they are match fit before they hit the court or field. Many more of us have been walking, running and cycling during quarantine ...which is great for maintaining general fitness, but that doesn't mean we are ready to go straight back into the high speed running, agility and contact activities of the competitive sporting arena. Having played at a high level in the past, Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy's, Scott O'Driscoll is super keen to return to his preferred sport of hockey, but also understands that he will have to prepare carefully to avoid injuries to hamstrings, knees, ankles and hips which are common in most of our field sports. At Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy, Scott and Gary can provide a graded, return to sport training program. These programs are great for injury prevention and focus on a combination of targeted strength and balance exercises. Research has shown that targeted preparation can reduce ACL injuries by 50% and overall injuries by 30%! So, make Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy part of your team and 'go hard or go home!' Call us today on 5545 0500

19.01.2022 4 BENEFITS OF REGULAR MASSAGE THERAPY Believe it or not, the benefits of regular massage are about more than the instant relaxation you feel post treatment. As outlined by professional body, Massage and Myotherapy Australia, each session is a building block, training your body to maintain its relaxed state and teaching your muscles to remain loose even during high-stress periods. Here are four key benefits of regular massage therapy. 1. Pain Relief - Regular massage is a grea...t tool for pain management. As well as addressing specific problem areas, massage can help alleviate pain tied to injuries, arthritis and a range of other conditions. After regular sessions you may see benefits like a reduction in need for pain medications. 2. Immune System Support - It's a well-known fact that people with high levels of stress are more likely to get sick more often. This stress often leads to other negative side effects such as lack of sleep, a bad diet and a weakened immune system. Regular massage sessions help alleviate stress and, as a result, improve your wellbeing. 3. Injury Resilience - Massage plays an important role as a supplement to standard injury rehabilitation procedures like physiotherapy. By encouraging blood flow and relaxing muscles, it helps the rehabilitating injured area to become more flexible and heal at an accelerated rate. 4. Improved Posture - Massage can loosen the muscles and alleviate any pain caused by bad posture. This will enable your body to position itself more naturally. With so many benefits to be gained, it's natural to want to book in some sessions! Call us on 5545 0500 or visit to book your next treatment with our massage therapist, Amara.

18.01.2022 DON'T LET ISOLATION RUIN YOUR HEALTH By now, we are all aware of the benefits of preventative measures for protecting against Covid-19. Australians in general appear to have heeded the messages about social distancing, hand washing and the like for respiratory and infectious diseases, however, there is a growing concern that people may be neglecting other aspects of their health. Doctors have noticed that some of their patients with chronic conditions have isolated to such an... extent that they are not following up with required monitoring and testing. In the same way, physiotherapists are noticing that some patients with chronic physical conditions, acute injuries and post-operative conditions are not seeking management in an appropriate manner. There is absolutely no need to suffer with pain just because you are following Covid-19 guidelines! You are still allowed to visit your physiotherapist for all your injuries, aches and pains. At Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy we are following all government recommendations with social distancing in our waiting space, frequent hand washing by our team, alcohol disinfection of all hard surfaces and changing of linen between patients. For those who don't want to leave their homes we can offer telehealth consultations and home visits. So if you need us, don't hesitate to come in for a visit! We want to make sure you can enjoy your activities like gardening, cycling and walking without pain to make isolation a more enjoyable experience . Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy can help you find the pain free, silver lining of the Covid-19 cloud. Call us for an appointment on 5545 0500.

18.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL THE TEAM AT TAMBORINE MT PHYSIOTHERAPY !! We will be open over Christmas and the New Year, apart from the public holidays, so help is at hand if you need it. Give us a call on 5545 0500. We would also like to wish you and your families a successful and happy New Year for 2021!

15.01.2022 OSGOOD-SCHLATTERS DISEASE : HARD TO PRONOUNCE, EASY TO MANAGE! If your child often complains of knee pain and is developing a lump just under the knee joint, they may be suffering from Osgood-Schlatters disease. But don't panic, just because it's called a disease doesn't mean it's contagious or will make them sick (....although they might carry on like it!) Basically, as kids go through their pre-teen and teenage growth spurts, their bones grow faster than their muscles. Thi...s means the muscles struggle to catch up in length and become very tight. They then pull on the bone, creating discomfort and pain. Osgood-Schlatters disease relates specifically to this condition around the top of the shin, just below the knee. Kids in the 11 - 14 year old range are most commonly affected and those with a passion for sport are more at risk. Although any activity can cause this type of knee pain, it is common in kids who play sports which involve a lot of running, jumping or changes of direction, like netball, basketball, soccer and gymnastics. The good news is that the knee pain is easily treated and managed. A visit to Gary at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy is a good idea if the pain and swelling is frequent, getting worse or is interrupting their sleep and activities. Gary can assess your child's muscle length and knee alignment and give advice and treatment to reduce pain and swelling and keep them active through their growing years. As the parent of a teenaged child, you have enough on your plate! Let us solve their knee pain and at least they can tell you their story walking! Call for an appointment on - 55450500 See more

14.01.2022 DO SQUATTERS LIVE LONGER? No, this is not an article about avoiding the pitfalls of the housing market by illegally occupying a building, but rather about whether a simple exercise could improve your longevity. A recent study from the American National Academy of Sciences postulated that regular squatting with your feet flat on the floor could add years to your life by keeping your muscles working. Squatting, rather than sitting in a chair, has benefits for strength and flex...ibility and requires energy, pulling triglycerides out of the bloodstream, which assists cardiac health. Another trial, published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology in 2014, revealed that people aged 51 - 80 who could get up from a squatting position without using their hands were less likely to die in the next 6 years than those who couldn't pull themselves up! That should raise your rate of interest! Overall, the advice continues to be that sitting is slowly killing us so we need to frequently change our position if we don't want to mortgage our health. The benefit of squats in particular is that this exercise works the largest muscles of the body so you are getting more 'bang for your buck' and as we age, the ability to move in and out of a squat position has implications for strength, mobility, independence and longevity. If you would like to evict your health and fitness problems, give Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy a call on 5545 0500.

13.01.2022 Finally celebrating Scott's birthday which fell on his holidays, last week. Happy 24th!!!

13.01.2022 EXPERIENCED MASSAGE THERAPIST JOINS TMP This has been a very odd year and if stress is leading you to feel locked up and tense or you need a little extra help between physio treatments, we have the solution! Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy have been fortunate to secure the services of senior massage therapist, Amara Norris of 'Scenic Rim Remedial Massage'.... Amara is a Remedial Massage Therapist with over fifteen years of experience. She has studied both in Australia and abroad, in the USA and Thailand. Amara enjoys caring for a varied clientele and has previously worked alongside physiotherapists and other health professionals in clinical settings. Her clients include however, are not limited to; Tradespeople Hospitality workers ADF Members/ veterans Medical staff Sedentary workers Patients recovering from injury People living with ongoing medical conditions Those working towards specific fitness goals Additionally, Amara has had the privilege of working with professional jockeys, Strongman and Powerlifting competitors, dancers from the Queensland Ballet Company, competitors at the 2015 Ironman World Championship (Kona, Hawaii), as well other local Australian, professional and semi-professional athletes. Amara is a Member of Massage and Myotherapy Australia and offers 'on the spot' rebates for most major health funds. She is available for appointments Tuesdays and Fridays, between 9:00am and 2:30pm, starting 29th September. Appointments can be made online via the link or by calling the practice on 5545 0500 Amara is also able to be contacted directly on 0416 882 268

12.01.2022 PEACE AND LOVE PART TWO In our last article, we introduced the British Journal of Sports Medicine theory of PEACE and LOVE for the management of soft tissue injuries, like sprains and twists. We expanded the acronym of PEACE to describe the treatment immediately after injury. Now it's time for the LOVE! Once the first few days have passed and you have minimised harm by following PEACE, it's time to rehabilitate and strengthen. So break out the kaftan and daisy chains and take... a look at LOVE. L - for Load - An active approach with movement and exercise benefits most musculoskeletal injuries. Loading should be started early and normal activities resumed as soon as symptoms allow. O - for Optimism - Keeping positive will aid recovery. Beliefs and emotions around injury are now known to be a major factor in determining patient outcomes. V - for Vascularisation - Cardiovascular activity represents a cornerstone in the management of soft tissue injuries. Pain free aerobic exercise should be started a few days after injury to boost blood flow to the injured structures. E - for Exercise - So long as pain is avoided, exercises help to restore mobility, strength and stability post injury. Managing soft tissue injuries must flow from short term damage control to ensuring favourable long term outcomes and reducing repetition of the injury. So, if you want to give PEACE a chance and all your injuries need is LOVE, give us a call at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy on 5545 0500.

11.01.2022 NEED A MASSAGE? Is end of year tension starting to catch up with you? Why not book in with Amara from Scenic Rim Remedial Massage for a tune up now? Conveniently located within Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy, Amara offers a predominantly Remedial style massage which involves deep tissue/ stretch holds/ releases and focuses on specific areas of the body which are causing tension and pain. She also incorporates traditional Hawaiian Lomi (long deep, rhythmic flowing strokes) and Ja...panese Shiatsu (more focused acupressure) influences in her treatments. This unique combination of techniques allows Amara to work deeply into the muscle and fascia, whilst maintaining a relaxing experience for her clients. Amara works with high quality, all natural, locally sourced balms and oils. Some basic aromatherapy therapy blends (traditional sports and relaxation blends) are available at no extra cost. Rebates are available from many major Health Funds. Don't let the run down into Christmas run you down! Call to book a massage with Amara on 5545 0500 and greet the silly season with a spring in your step!

11.01.2022 HEAT-GUNFIGHT AT THE OK CORRAL Their eyes locked as they squinted across the cubicle. A tumbleweed rolled forlornly in the background. The heel spurs jangled as the clock struck midday and he made a lightning fast play for the heat gun! Whoa, hold your horses. Who writes this stuff? The receptionists at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy would never let a tumbleweed into the practice, although it's true that Gary may reach for the heat gun when moulding orthotics for the treatment of... Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. The Plantar Fascia is connective tissue that runs from under the heel, along the arch to the base of the big toe. Its function is to hold up the arch and help in the push off phase of walking. Unsupportive shoes, flat feet or collapsed arches can cause the Plantar Fascia to become stressed, inflamed and painful. In extreme cases, a heel spur may also form. Typically, swelling gathers in the tissue overnight so that when you get up the pain is unbearable until you "walk it off" dispersing the swelling. The good news is, although this condition is exquisitely painful, it is also fixable by following these steps : 1. Support the arch - shoes with arch support, orthotics or strapping will all help to support the arch and reduce the pulling on the Plantar Fascia 2. Stretch the Plantar Fascia - if the tissue is nice and elastic it will stretch rather than tear and swell. 3. Reduce the swelling - ice, massage and medication can all help. If pain in your arches and heels is causing you more grief than a sidewinder in a saloon, come and see Gary at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy for treatment and relief. Phone - 5545 0500

10.01.2022 EXPERIENCED PHYSIO JOINS GARY BROOKS AT TAMBORINE MT PHYSIOTHERAPY The wait is nearly over! On Monday 26th October, Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy will welcome new team member, Mandy Button. Mandy, who has been practicing for over 30 years, offers her patients a wealth of experience in the physiotherapy field. She also has the additional benefit of a Masters Degree in Sports Physiotherapy to address the injuries of our keen sportsmen and women. She is a skilled physiotherapist wh...o has an extensive range of treatment techniques, built up over the years of treating a variety of physiotherapy conditions. She believes in combining hands on treatment with rehabilitation exercises and advice to allow patients to manage and maintain their recovery. Mandy owned a successful physiotherapy practice in South Africa for over 20 years and since her arrival in Australia she has been a team leader in a busy physiotherapy practice in Adelaide. Mandy enjoys cycling, running, and hiking and spending time on the beautiful Queensland beaches, so is looking forward to moving into this part of Australia! With the addition of Mandy to the practice, waiting times for treatment will be significantly reduced and you can be assured you are in extremely caring and capable hands. To see the difference an experienced physiotherapist can make to your health and fitness, make an appointment with Mandy or Gary on 5545 0500

07.01.2022 FIVE PHYSIOTHERAPY STEPS FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASE In simple terms, Parkinson's disease is an illness that affects the part of your brain that controls how you move your body. It can come on so slowly that you don't even notice it at first, but over time, what starts as a little shakiness in your hand can have an impact on how you walk, talk, sleep, and think. An article published to coincide with World Parkinson's Day on 11th April 2020, presented five evidence based points fo...r physiotherapists working with people with Parkinson's disease. 1. High intensity aerobic exercise may provide disease modifying effects in people with early Parkinson's disease. 2. Balance training in people with Parkinson's disease should be complex and challenging to get the best results. 3. Physiotherapy for the freezing of gait, associated with Parkinson's disease needs to consider assessment of multiple factors. 4. Falls can be prevented with appropriately prescribed exercise in people with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease 5. Upper limb function can be improved with appropriately prescribed exercise in people with Parkinson's disease. At Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy, Scott and Gary understand the frustration and fear associated with the effects of Parkinson's disease and follow these guidelines in order to ensure the best quality of life for their patients. If you or someone you know is battling with this progressive disease, give us a call on 5545 0500.

04.01.2022 I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR! ..AND SOMETIMES WHIMPER Chronic pain is common in Australia. An Australian Bureau of Statistics survey published in 2017 found almost one in five Australians ( 1.6 million ) were living with persistent, ongoing pain. This pain can be disabling and stressful, making it hard for a person to work and do the things they enjoy. Interestingly, there is also a gender gap when it comes to chronic pain. Women reported more frequent, longer-lasting, and more s...evere pain than men with rates of 21% compared to 17%.Those really are numbers 'too big to ignore'! It is believed that for women, the continual variation of hormonal levels through their lives contribute to these gender differences. For instance, prior to puberty, there are no significant differences in the development of painful conditions between boys and girls. Afterward, the differences are dramatic, with women two to six times more likely to develop chronic pain conditions, such as headaches and fibromyalgia. So, what can women with chronic pain do to improve their lives, particularly if they want to decrease the amount of painkilling medication they are taking? Some strategies include, physiotherapy, exercise, mind- body relaxation techniques such as breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation, along with hypnosis and other behavioural therapies. Other advice suggests lifestyle changes such as stretching, yoga, walking, diet and nutritional changes, improving sleep and addressing relationship problems. These pain management strategies if skilfully applied, are effective for most people. Physiotherapy has long been shown through research to alleviate both acute and chronic pain so don't suffer unnecessarily. There is 'wisdom born of pain' so call us on 5545 0500 See more

04.01.2022 UGG BOOT FOOT. NOT JUST FOR BOGANS! One of the more interesting conditions to have surfaced during isolation is "Ugg Boot Foot". This is classified as foot pain caused by wearing shoes with little or no support for long periods of time. And, let's face it, isolation or working from home has led to many of us donning the faithful sheep skin from dawn until dusk!....they're comfy and they go so well with the high end fashion of trackie dacks and hoodies!... And it's not just uggies. Fashion search platform, Lyst, has recorded global searches for Crocs up by 32% and fur slides up by 62% and goodness knows how many people are spending their days in their slippers! The problem is this, worn over long periods of time, this sort of unstructured footwear can lead to increased risk of foot injuries such as Plantar Fasciitis due to their lack of support and also increased risk of falls due to the loose fit and poor sole structure. Pain in other lower limb areas can also develop due to repetitive 'clawing' of toes in an effort to keep the shoes on. This in turn can lead to back pain and suddenly your Ugg boots aren't looking quite so comfortable! But, help is at hand. Your family physios at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy are specialists in settling your aching feet, limbs and back. We provide treatment and advice to ensure your emergence from isolation can be a catwalk strut instead of a stumble. Give us a call on 5545 0500 and keep the Ugg boots for 'after five' wear only.

04.01.2022 Is the stress of Christmas creeping up on you? We have ONE last massage treatment available today at 2pm! Get in quick!

04.01.2022 KEEP CALM AND CALL TAMBORINEMT PHYSIO Things in the health care industry are changing rapidly in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and Tamborine Mt physiotherapy is no exception. Whilst all government directives thus far have encouraged physiotherapists to try and keep their clinics open to take the pressure off doctors’ surgeries and hospitals, we have now also been able to add telehealth to our armoury. This will be of particular interest to those who have been advised self isolate or those who are unable to drive due to injury or surgery. Of course, we can’t provide our excellent hands-on services at a distance until physiobots are invented, but there are plenty of other options for us to help via video conference or phone call! This may include prescribing and demonstrating exercises, showing you techniques for self massage or mobilisation and giving you specific advice for the care of your condition. When you call to book an appointment we'll send you a secure email link for you to access our online treatment rooms at the prescribed time. The link is very simple to use and can be accessed via email on your phone, laptop, ipad or pc ( if you have access to camera and microphone). Processing of telehealth appointments is already approved by Workcover and NDIS ( Both on a case by case basis ) and EPC/medicare . Veterans Affairs claiming is due soon. Private patients can already make use of telehealth so long as they have a recommendation from their doctor. Private health fund rebates will be available from 14.04.20 to 30.09.20. Rest assured, until advised otherwise, our clinic will be open for business and care as usual, but because self isolation is painful enough already, we're waiting for your telehealth call 5545 0500

04.01.2022 DIY PHYSIO FOR WORKING AT HOME All those DIY projects you’ve been doing whilst trying to dodge that teleconference for work are done and now it’s time to knuckle down. Trouble is, long periods of inactivity, sitting at a desk in front of a computer or laptop really play havoc with your body. The best advice? Keep moving! Every half hour or so put the cat or a sock puppet in front of your computer and do some stretching and exercises. It will make you feel so much better. You’...ll also get the benefit of better sleep and your boss will get the added bonus of some extra productivity. Here are three DIY exercise suggestions from a recent physiotherapy post. 1. Wall pectoralis stretch. Stand in a wall corner and place one arm on each wall, facing the corner. With your elbows bent to 90 degrees, move forward into the corner of the wall until you feel a comfortable stretch in the chest muscles. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds. 2. Back extension. Stand up and place your hands on your back at hip level, elbows pointing straight behind you. Using your hands for support, gently extend backward three times. 3. Walk around! Walk on the spot or down a hallway a couple of times to take a break from sitting. And remember, if your ‘renovator’ of a body needs some fine tuning, Gary and Scott from Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy are still open for treatments. Call 5545 0500.

03.01.2022 WE DON'T LOOK A DAY OVER 23! On the 1st of June 1997, we opened the doors of Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy for the first time. It was an exciting and daunting time, starting a business from scratch, but we soon hit our stride with the support of our local doctors and community. Over the years, we have repaid the favour by caring for locals and visitors alike by staying true to our core values of excellence, empathy and humour. We feel proud and grateful to have also mentored a n...umber of young physios who have since gone on to success in their careers. At the heart of our practice is our lynch pin, senior physiotherapist, Gary Brooks. With over 30 years of experience, he has become a specialist in diagnosis and treatment! He will always take the time to listen to you and ensure your treatment plan is right for you. There is not too much in the physio world that he hasn't seen before, so you can be guided by his he loves a challenge, so bring it on! In the latest worldwide business crisis, we have been fortunate to keep our doors open during the Covid-19 pandemic and have adapted well to the changing landscape by implementing upgraded sanitization and offering telehealth as a treatment option. As we celebrate our 23rd birthday at the clinic, we look forward to the coming years with excitement and would like to express our gratitude for everyone's support. Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy - 5545 0500

03.01.2022 TRADIES NAILED DOWN August is National Tradies Health Month and in these Covid19 times, looking after our tradesmen and tradeswomen is more vital than ever. The construction industry alone employs over 1.1 million Australians and if Deputy PM, Michael McCormack is to be believed, is vital for the economic recovery of the nation. That's a lot of responsibility to stack in the ute! Figures from Safe Work Australia show that tradespeople make up almost three in five serious injuries! And although many tradies assume a few aches and pains are part and parcel of their demanding physical work, seeking regular preventive health checks can reduce common musculoskeletal conditions including muscle and tendon injuries and back pain. As part of August being National Tradies' Health Month, the main message from Gary Brooks at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy is to come in for treatment when your issues are just a niggle and not a full blown injury that keeps you away from work! He regularly successfully treats issues such as back pain, knee pain and repetitive strain injuries, so you know you will be in good hands. He can also give you insights on how to prevent a workplace injury from occurring in the first place. Afterall, you wouldn't neglect or abuse your tools, so why should your body be any different? It's much less painful to replace a socket set or hammer drill than your shoulder or knee. So, measure twice and call once on 5545 0500 for effective treatment and injury prevention.

02.01.2022 YOU TUBE IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL! Review of activity on You tube during isolation by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy in the UK, revealed millions of searches for advice on common muscle, bone or joint problems. The results for back pain, as an example, ranged from the ridiculous such as applying garlic in a wet sock to the back, to the downright dangerous such as taking on a Navy Seal workout! In fact, of the 100 most viewed videos, the reviewers found... 1. Almost half contained a myth (43%) 2. More than half contained false or misleading information (60%) 3. Nearly a third had an unrealistic video demonstration ( 32%) 4. Almost half did not state their qualifications for providing advice (45%) Although the internet can be a rapid source of information, it's hard to separate the fact from fiction and unregulated health advice can lead to people making their conditions worse! Of course, your best source of reliable advice on Musculoskeletal conditions is your family physiotherapist at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy. We have remained open during this time for people to receive treatment in a safe environment and we also provide telehealth consultations so people in full isolation can still receive the guidance they need. Remember, garlic is best used in the culinary arts and socks are always best on your feet and dry, so if you are struggling with pain, give your computer mouse a break and call us on 5545 0500.

02.01.2022 OLDER SHOULDER Did you watch 'Skippy' as a kid? Do you remember leg warmers as a fashion accessory? Did you have the bands 'The Church' and 'Models' on high rotation? Do you remember the strange phenomenon of Max Headroom?...Congratulations! You have now made the danger age for Rotator Cuff shoulder injuries! The Rotator Cuff is a group of four shoulder muscles and associated tendons that maintain the integrity of the shoulder joint by holding the shoulder ball in the correct... position within the socket. If the Rotator Cuff is injured then the shoulder is prone to weakness and pain during activities such as lifting the arm and reaching. Damage can be caused by activities such as lifting, throwing or falling onto the arm or shoulder. And sadly, normal age related changes can also predispose the Rotator Cuff to problems. Injuries usually present as an aching pain around the top of the upper arm and the pain is often sharper with elevation of the arm or lying on the affected shoulder. Physiotherapy treatment at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy generally involves modification of activities and specific re-training exercises for the Rotator Cuff and supporting shoulder blade muscles. Recent research indicates that, except for in extreme cases, conservative treatment is as effective as surgical intervention in the long term. So if your shoulder is in worse shape than your betamax cassette of 'Flashdance' come and see us at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy for advice and relief - 5545 0500

01.01.2022 YOUR GRANDMOTHER DIDN'T LIE! Remember when your granny said she could predict a change in the weather by the aching in her joints? You should have paid more attention because it turns out she may have been right! Robert Jamison, Professor at the Harvard Medical School and his team found that two major factors led to arthritis sufferers having increased pain with changes in weather.... The first was that changes in weather could simultaneously bring changes in barometric pressure. When the pressure drops it can allow body tissues to expand and put more pressure on the nerves that control pain signals. The second critical factor was that people became less active over the winter months and did not stick to their usual exercise regimes. This caused their joints to become stiffer with a corresponding increase in pain. So what can you do to reduce the risk of a flare up in your arthritis symptoms over winter? Dressing warmly is the first easy step. Pay particular attention to your extremities and your head where most of your heat is lost. Next, and most importantly, keep exercising! Regular, moderate exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness, build strong muscles to support the joints and increase flexibility and endurance. Whilst we'll leave it to your granny to knit you a beanie, your family physios at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy can assess your condition and tailor treatment and exercise programs specific to your needs. Don't let the pain of arthritis ruin your winter. Call for an appointment on 5545 0500

01.01.2022 YOUR BACK IS NOT "OUT" This figure of speech is misleading and scary! People will tell you your back is weak and you have to be careful, but the truth is, your back is a strong and stable structure designed to bend and flex. It supports your whole body as you move. The majority of back pain is due to joint sprains, muscle spasm or disc bulges. Short of major trauma, your vertebrae don't move out of their intended positions ever! They are stabilised and held in position by bo...ny locking, strong ligaments and muscles. Are you suffering back pain at the moment? Do you have pain with twisting, coughing or sneezing? Do you have pain with bending forwards or backwards? Do you have pain which is sharp or pain which is aching? Do you have burning, tingling or numbness that radiates down your limb? All of these symptoms can be addressed at Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy. Let us put your mind at ease! Gary will carefully assess your symptoms and with over 30 years experience, he has many treatment options available to alleviate your pain and reduce your fear. It is important to know that the vast majority of back injuries respond well to treatment and do not lead to chronic disability. So if you want to know the ins and outs of back pain give us a call for treatment and peace of mind. Tamborine Mt Physiotherapy - 5545 0500

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