Tamika Webber (Athlete) | Athlete
Tamika Webber (Athlete)
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21.01.2022 Looking the goods today doing a Bentonite clay body scrub. It's a mineral found in the ground from volcanic ash that is negativity charged. When consumed or placed on the body it attracts all kinds of toxins including heavy metals that r suspected to cause neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's. It also attracts toxins that are said to be carcinogenic causing cancer or so they say haha. For me you may have noticed ive been very quiet. I am one week post having surgery ( I will explain at length another time what my surgery was for ) so I'm using it to draw the toxins from the anaesthetic and byproducts out of my body! When I look 21 again I'll let u know if it works
16.01.2022 Hi everyone!!!! Sorry I've been awol for almost a year So I'm finally brave enough to share a piece of my journey that has been the most difficult 18mths I've ever had to date. I won't bore you all with the details but 18mths ago I contracted an awful bug whilst travelling in a third world country called blastocystis hominis. It basically a ameba parasite that wreaked havoc all through in my body. It took, 2 hospital admissions, a surgery, 5 specialists, countless doctors t...elling me there's nothing wrong with me coz my pathology was normal and more money than u can possibly imagine to finally find a doctor to finally diagnose me . Between the multi organ involvement, the depression, the fatigue, the adrenal shut down, the systemic inflammation, the hormonal dis regulation, amongst other symptoms I can finally say now 1 month after treatment therapy, I think my health is FINALLY improving! Add on top of that I ruptured a breast implant and the bug got into my root canal and started eating my jaw so to put it simply it's been a b%^+ of a year I've lost around 8kg of muscle but all I dream of is being healthy , happy and able to fit into my clothes again! It's been a huge journey for me but I can honestly say I've learnt more about myself than I could possibly imagine. It's given me a different perspective on life and shown precious your health is, how quickly it can be taken from you and for me how amazing my family and friends r with their patience. So thanks for still following me and sharing your support Love you guys. I hope to be back soon more regularly to share in my crazy antics. I have big plans and news coming so stay tuned Mwah
14.01.2022 Sorry I've been MIA! Thanks for still following My recent journey .... So I haven't really shared my recent journey on media as for a long time I didn't know what was wrong with me and either did doctors and slowly I just saw my health getting worse and worse and no one had answers. I was admitted to hospital two mths ago with bizarre symptoms that didn't correlate to any specific disease or disorder and every blood test scan and assessment came back normal but I didn't loo...k normal (pic on left). It got so bad I didn't recognise myself in the mirror. I was swollen from head to toe , so swollen I couldn't wear a single thing in my wardrobe. My heart rate was constantly elevated making me exhausted to the point where I wasn't functioning well at all. I have lost a huge mount of muscle, my memory became awful and it's hard to explain but I genuinely just looked toxic in the face. Well for the thousands of women out there with breast implants take note!!! I had a ruptured implant that was slowly releasing toxins into my body for months. It wasn't until I was admitted to hospital with chest pain and diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia that they found I had the rupture. I had no signs of deformity no pain on palpation, no signs of infection... Basically I had no idea it was ruptured. I have since has surgery to fix the issue and almost all my symptoms have resolved. I still remain very swollen as my lymphatic system is still working overtime with mitigated toxins and inflammatory processes but although I have no muscle left I am feeling like I am heading FINALLY into the right direction and that is to be healthy. So sorry I've been so quiet just trying to get well. Thanks for sharing my journey
13.01.2022 Because fitness is my art... Just because you haven't achieved your goals yet or others don't believe you have it in you to achieve, the most important aspect is to believe in the journey yourself. I remember before I started competing a close friend once said to me... 'for the love of god eat a cheese burger!' I took this to heart at the time not understanding their point of view but 15 comps later and 13titles to show for my journey I now understand that comment. That to good at something you have to be passionate and not everyone will share nor understand your passion. So as long as your traveling a road that leading your closer to where u want to be, you need to forget what others have to say if it doesn't support ur journey. Remember... It's often those closest to us who are scared we may actually succeed ;) Train hard See more
02.01.2022 I used to think I was completely strange for my obsession with fitness now I just see it was a hidden world that for those who catch onto it, eventually shAre the crazy obsession too. See it's not only about the way we look, it's helps to release the days tensions, it has been proven to diminish depression, it reduces body image issues it improves your inner health and releases endorphins that make you happy. So sure, call me crazy or obsessed... To me this is just life