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Tammi Lou

Phone: +61 418 841 768


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23.01.2022 A little bit of deep squat action for a Tuesday...... Loving my new white @on_running shoes and of course the @lightfeetau socks partner perfectly. Thanks to @theathletesfootmountgambier

23.01.2022 Ok, who doesn't stretch enough? You know you feel good after a decent stretch session. If something feels good and has positive benefits then maybe it's a good idea to incorporate into your daily/weekly routine

23.01.2022 Oh hey there! KEEP SCROLLING if you don't want to know a few interesting things about me (well, some people may think they are interesting ) First of all, I chose this pic because this is one of my favourite sides.... you can't see my face and I like the muscularity of my back ... Did you know that I was pregnant at 18? Yep, I had my first son when I was 19 years old! Seriously, that is so young but at the time, It didn't feel like it. My second son was born the day after my 21st birthday... I wouldn't change it for the world, I loved/love being a mum. MUMMAS! Don't feel guilty about looking after yourself! Take that 30 to 60 minutes per day for self-care or self-love. Trust me! You need it, your kids need it, your other half needs it. I did this often, even after finding out that 'friends' were saying I was a bad mum for taking time out. But, sometimes these people are the ones who don't yet have kids. You still have YOU to be, to work on, to love. Because if there is no YOU, then who do your kids have? My boys are now 17 & 18. They are two of my most favourite people in the world. Its been a huge challenge, there are so many different stages of motherhood, im in a tough one now with my boys being so independent & that it makes me sad Another thing is that i suffer from anxiety... i know it doesn't look like it on my socials, and it may not look like it to some of you when you see me, but it's there... I fight it the best I can by pushing myself to do things that scare me, but sometimes it takes over. Oh, I LOVE loud and fast cars & motor bikes. I love loud music (metal, rock, pop, hip-hop) and bodybuilding. I love to travel and go hiking. I love making people happy but hold a grudge if people screw me over. Im an empath and feel everything and im a massive overthinker..... I often need time on my own to recharge.

21.01.2022 Love a good #throwback There's no point living in the past, but it's good to look back on your experiences and achievements for future motivation, life lessons and creating & living your dreams. Be proud of what you achieve in your life ... Gold Coast 2019 #wbff19 Mike Brooke The WBFF Australia

20.01.2022 Food, training, sleep then possibly some cardio. Here a is a great representation of the hierarchy of importance if you wish to decrease overall body fat. We se...e so many petty arguments between coaches over the little 1%ers such as cardio, supplementation, food timings and different recovery techniques. Don’t get us wrong they do make HUGE difference! But first and foremost get consistent with the basics. The reality is, the little things make no sense incorporating and no difference unless you are nailing the most important basic factors first. Nail the basics first! In order to lose body fat, your dietary intake must be less than your overall daily expenditure = a caloric deficit. Strength training, protein intake and sleep will assist in speeding the metabolism, gaining and maintaining muscle mass and balancing out proper hormonal ratios. Cardio should always be used a last resort.... a tool in the toolbox.... that should be used once all the other basics are completed! This should be really simple. There is no magic pill! If you can not understand and follow the basic fundamentals of getting stronger through training hard, eating to fuel the results and recovering with proper sleep....the little shit doesn’t matter! You won’t lose body fat. The best coaches know to keep everything in terms of body composition simple! Train hard, eat correctly, get enough sleep, increase overall movement and you are 90% of the way there. Then, once consistent, we look towards the things that can gain the extra edge! For a less complicated, more effective approach to your goals. Shoot us a DM @teamindomitable - - #TheIndomitableCrew - - - #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitgoals #fullbodyworkout #personaltrainer #instafitness #gymlife #gymmotivation #bodyrecomposition #bodytransformation #fitspo #personalcoach #musclegain #gymgoals #fitnesschallenge #workoutmotivation #workout #instaworkout #abs #bodygoals #hardwork #bodybuilding #fitnessforlife #activeliving #beastmode #fitspiration #nopainnogain #fitfam #fitnesslifestyle #gymlife

20.01.2022 Why not set goals? Why not change your life? Why not make someone smile? Why not post that photo you are proud of? Why not brag of an achievement? Why not? #giveitallyougot

20.01.2022 Find your people and hang onto them

19.01.2022 When your girl comes home for a visit what do you do? You hit the gym of course

19.01.2022 I didn't want to go, but I did. Sometimes the best workout is the one you don't want to do........ until you do it. With a healthy dose of #suckitupprincess, matching gym clothes & @on_running shoes, @ehplabs_ausnz #oxyshred non-stim Appletini (so yummy BTW) and good music, I got my shit together and got it done. How do you feel after a good workout? #happyplace

18.01.2022 How many times have you been motivated to get started but then fallen off the bandwagon due to a lack of motivation? Yep, ALOT of us! Discipline takes time... goals & regular routine helps but sometimes you just don't feel like it right? That's exactly when you should GET UP AND GO! You will thank yourself after

17.01.2022 If you have goals & dreams, what are you doing about it? If you don't step outside of your comfort zone, how do you know what you are truly capable of? If you don't occasionally do something that scares, how do you know what your potential could be?... If you dont challenge yourself to do something a little harder, how do you know how far you can push yourself? If you don't take that next step, then how far do you think you could go? You are capable of so many, amazing, wonderful things. Sometimes you need to take a little leap of faith..... It will be a bumpy ride with loads of falls, failures and f#$k ups but if you have the strength to keep going, you never know what doors will potentially open for you

17.01.2022 Something a little different for me. My first Podcast interview with the The Travelling Nutritionist. Aka: my sister Belinda Martinella

15.01.2022 Wanna do something cool? Go get your motorbike licence at age 25 but don't ride at all until you decide to buy your first bike at age 37 (make sure its a Harley Davidson 1200 of course) and go for your first ride, with no practice, and drop it, within the first 10 metres! Yep, that's me. I did that just over a year ago. Not to mention about a month after that i may have slid that big heavy fu#*er out on gravel and just walked off it #nodamage Oh but now, now I've ridd...en in Adelaide, in the city & in peak traffic..... Moral of the story, just because you fall down (likely on your ass at times), doesn't mean you can't get up and try again. And again. And again, until you get there. Nelson Azevedo

11.01.2022 It's well into that time of year when things are a little crazy. Extra food & extra drink = excess calories....... and probably a little less movement than usual Here are a few holiday tips for you to help prevent excess weight gain during the crazy time: Do not skimp on your water intake, especially when drinking alcohol. Did you know that if you consume a small glass of water in between each alcoholic drink, you will lessen the possibility and/or severity of a hangover th...e following day? Take your time while eating, enjoy each bite and STOP when you are full. Contribute a healthy meal to your family lunch/dinner. Move your body, schedule a time to walk, run, train, yoga.......or get out with friends & family to kick a footy or have a hit of cricket. Immerse yourself in the moments & new memories being created. Its been a crazy year and alot of people have struggled with lock downs & human disconnection. BE KIND! This time of year can be tough for many. Be kind to people, take your time while out in the community and smile Stay safe Merry Christmas

09.01.2022 What's on your EHPlabs Christmas wish list? BLESSED Protein have some of the yummiest flavours on the shelf and guess what? Blessed is a plant based, vegan-friendly protein! Blessed Protein is an all-natural and contains 23g of protein per scoop and all of the essential amino acids at only 4g of net carbs. This means Blessed will keep you fuller for longer without any bloating. ... The wholesome protein goodness inside these recycled tubs contains an unparalleled formulation of the finest 100% sustainable raw ingredients to bless your body. Locally stocked at Surge Nutrition or for online orders - enter my code at checkout TAMMISTAR for 10% off your next purchase

08.01.2022 It really is #selfbelief

08.01.2022 What's on your EHPlabs Christmas wish list? BLESSED Protein have some of the yummiest flavours on the shelf and guess what? Blessed is a plant based, vegan-friendly protein! Blessed Protein is an all-natural and contains 23g of protein per scoop and all of the essential amino acids at only 4g of net carbs. This means Blessed will keep you fuller for longer without any bloating. ... The wholesome protein goodness inside these recycled tubs contains an unparalleled formulation of the finest 100% sustainable raw ingredients to bless your body. Locally stocked at Surge Nutrition or for online orders - enter my code at checkout TAMMISTAR for 10% off your next purchase

05.01.2022 Good morning SA, as we wake up to our 6 day lock down there may be some new feelings popping up for you. Id like to say that we are all in this together, well, we are to a point, but we are all in such different situations that our experiences will be dissimilar to all others. If we sit tight for the 6 days then hopefully we will be on the other side in no time. Here are some tips for the next 6 or more days:... Set yourself a daily routine so you know exactly what you are going to do when you wake up in the morning Keep a diary, write about how you're feeling & what you are doing.... Stay as active as possible; this is not only essential for your body but also your brain. You may find you are more productive after you have moved your body. - you can find many home exercise videos on YouTube for free to complete in your own home or backyard - set yourself a time or step goal & walk the perimeter of your home - check out my home workout highlights for ideas (on Instagram @tammi.lou.82) - DM me and I can set you a personalised home workout to suit you for a minimal fee Consume fresh, healthy foods. Set yourself specific meal times and refrain from too much mindless snacking throughout the day, but please have that little bit of chocolate if you want it.... yep, little bit Read a good book Clean out your closet and set aside things for donating to those less fortunate Cook meals for the days ahead Clean up your house & yard If you have kids at home: Bake together, play board games, outdoor sports (backyard only), go through old books & toys for donations (thorough cleaning must apply), paint or draw together, write funny stories about your family together Remember, if we all stay home and do our part, this will hopefully only be 6 days. Our neighbours in Victoria stuck it out for 112 days. What other ideas do you have?

04.01.2022 Goals, dreams, changing your life..... #hellyes

03.01.2022 Is anyone else ready to see the back end of 2020? Here's to hoping 2021 has a whole lot of happy, fun, positive, social, lovable, goal oriented times 2020 will surely be remembered, its an experience we have all been through on some level together. There is light at the end of the tunnel..... #2021goals

03.01.2022 There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs

03.01.2022 CAUTION! Strength training may also cause an increase in self confidence What benefits have you noticed from strength training?

01.01.2022 It's only fitting to post one of my favourite shots from 2019 with @nelsonazevedophoto as a #throwbackthursday pic because tomorrow Nick and I are catching up with him again so he can work his magic Set goals & work, work, work

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