Tammy Milne | Political organisation
Tammy Milne
Phone: +61 488 385 971
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25.01.2022 Absolutely!! PTSD is thrust upon us by society and environments that are toxic, it not that we have something wrong with us its that society has something wrong with it!
25.01.2022 Please click on the blue link and send a post card to our social services minister.
24.01.2022 Really on point this! Builders are using NDIS funding to build SDA homes all across the country and have been for a number of years now. On council i actually sat on a committee that ratified that one particular set of units had reduced carparking spaces. These mega group homes liked below are not what PWD, we want homes we can live in not just exist in. Imagine being thrust into this sort of set up with people you dont know? Horrible horrible horrible and demeaning.
23.01.2022 A great player and a great community man to stand up and urge us all to take covid seriously when his own mothers is in ICU fighting Covid now!! Listen to him, stay safe, get tested, and isolate when you are asked to.
23.01.2022 The hurtful joke Is this the community I live in? Where the mob piles on and calls for blood in indignation. The simplicity of an argument is lost in virtual shouts. I saw something that is wrong, it is racist, it is derogatory, it made a man be looked upon in ridicule and the intention was to laugh. To make that man the bad person, the evil one. When is a joke not a joke? Is it a joke when you laugh but I am hurt, humiliated?... Is intention an excuse. You wanted to say this was bad. But used the most vile picture that could be find and I didnt understand I was doing it. You totally missed the bigger picture of whats going on and focused on one element, a reaction that those who are under so much pressure and pain react. You just didnt understand. You said all my friends think it was funny why dont you. You just dont have a sense of humour. I feel shame. Shame that as a society we have let each other down with our lack of education on these matters. As a society we have to be lead by leaders who are strong. Who understand the complexity of society and the injustices. Plain English version. I saw a meme. It made me feel bad. I felt shame. I talked to the person and said it was embarrassing. They said it was a joke. I was ignored. I made a complaint to people who I thought would help make this hurt stop. Social media was used to make me feel even worst. It made me feel like I was the bad person. But the law says I am not bad. I have rights and you have responsibilities.
22.01.2022 Victorians are making big sacrifices to keep everyone safe.
22.01.2022 Please sign and share!!! You know poverty isnt fun!
21.01.2022 Unsolicited mail! So my mailbox has a no junk mail sticker on it and yet this ends up being put in. I didnt ask for it, and it dont appreciate it, it is wasted on me. I feel that those letter boxing feel they are above the junk mail restrictions because their work is so important but i thought my work was so important at election time and didnt put my campaign stuff into mailboxes that said no junk mail. Your cause is not more important than mine so please NO unsolicited RELIGIOUS Junk Mail. Any thoughts is there a law or legislation that can be used to prohibit this sort of thing.
20.01.2022 How cool is this!!!
20.01.2022 Without the bravery of whislteblowers we would not have ever know about the atrocities perpetrated by a few but covered up by many!!!
20.01.2022 Just because I can!
20.01.2022 I went to a conference in my wheelchair and on the second day i need to go to the Loo so i got out and waddled to the toilet, you could see the attendees thinking OMG its a miracle or AKA faker, so little understanding of disability really by the ableds!
20.01.2022 Keeping pokies out of pubs and clubs would mean millions more is spent in our local economy.
19.01.2022 Participation is the key !
17.01.2022 More than half a million Australian households have been spared the risk of losing their homes or being forced into house stress due to increased levels of inco...me support. However almost a quarter of those could be tipped into extreme housing affordability stress once the COVID Supplement and JobKeeper cease in 2021. By introducing the COVID Supplement, the Government has acknowledged that $40 was never enough for people to live on. We will continue to hold them to that.
16.01.2022 Indeed channel 9 has know exactly who Pauline Hanson is and aways has been and what she stands for but in todays climate there is a growing backlash about THIS kind of racist ideology and it is inevitable that even mainstream media take this turning tide on board and stifle her inflammatory and down right dangerous twoddle!
16.01.2022 Pokies losses have spiked by over 20% in each month since they reopened. Some local govt areas have been esp hard hit. Half the money lost comes from people who... are addicted. COVID has increased vulnerability - personal and financial stress are risk factors for developing a pokies addiction. Simple programming measures would cut the harm: - $1 max bet limits (instead of $5) - 6 sec spin speed (instead of 3 sec) - $1K max jackpots (instead of $25K)
16.01.2022 Unions Tasmania is here to answer your COVID related workplace questions, issues or concerns. This is a FREE service available to all workers.
15.01.2022 After reopening pokies on 26 June, Tassie losses were over $2.6 million in 5 days - $525,000 per day, which was 25% higher than the per day losses in March 2020... before lockdown. Rushing to switch on pokies under pressure from vested interests was the wrong decision. Premier Gutwien has put vulnerable Tasmanians at higher risk. They should be switched back off until our COVID-19 health, social and economic conditions have stabilised. See my full media release https://megwebb.com.au/media-release-poker-machine-losses-/
14.01.2022 Centrelink staff told the Morrison Government back in 2017 that #Robodebt was wrong - morally and legally. They were ignored and forced to keep implementing the... policy. We turned out today in Hobart to support Centrelink workers as they demand an apology and call for more permanent jobs in the public sector.
14.01.2022 Cutting JobKeeper and JobSeeker when the crisis isnt over isnt just wrong, its bad economics.
13.01.2022 This is heart breaking! People on disablity support pension, carers pension and aged pension all left to try and survive a stage four lock down with no additional financial help.
13.01.2022 We need to break the wage theft business model.
12.01.2022 The COVID-19 crisis is having a serious economic impact in Australia with 1.6 people currently on JobSeeker and a further 3 million receiving the JobKeeper paym...ent from their employer. Research shows that women and young people have been disproportionately affected. The Government must ensure a COVID recovery plan that provides jobs for everyone and not just focused on one sector of the economy. The care economy is hugely job rich and crying out for investment. Investing in the care economy would not only provide much needed supports and services during and post-COVID recovery, it would provide much needed jobs in the this highly feminised section of the economy.
11.01.2022 The community overwhelmingly opposes the Cashless Debit Card
11.01.2022 We should not be celebrating on the day that marks the beginning of oppression and dispossession of the world's oldest living culture. January 26 is a day of mourning.
11.01.2022 We have launched a new service for workers who have questions about their rights, conditions, pay or workplace safety as a result of changes due to COVID-19. Call, email or message us today!
10.01.2022 We need to stop them. Add your name here to stand against the Government's dangerous industrial relations bill: https://utm.io/uc2CV
09.01.2022 The class-divide charges interest.
09.01.2022 Let Jacqui know asylum seekers have to right to access outside assistance and mobile phone are their only lifeline in detention.
08.01.2022 Just to be clear where to money goes!!!! Keep job keeper and job seeker!!!! These people arent the greedy ones!!
08.01.2022 What is the point of having a strong Greens party if, in the end, we are dealing with the ruins of decades of crony capitalism and the breakdown of our climate? Richard Di Natale Sad but true!! We need a change!
07.01.2022 Thank you Tasmania. Last year for International Overdose Awareness Day we asked you to help us reach the goal of 1,000 origami cranes, to use folding a crane as... a gentle way to start a conversation, break down any stigma, and remember those that may have sadly already been lost to overdose. We couldnt have imagined that by 31st of August 2020 we would have over 10,000 origami cranes folded by you in support of overdose awareness. 10,000 images make up this mosaic, representing a total of 10,035 origami cranes (5,796 cranes folded in 2020 and 4,239 cranes folded in 2019). Each origami crane has been folded to remember those lost to overdose and to wish for a world free from overdose harm. Go to our website for a closer look - https://www.atdc.org.au/international-overdose-awareness-d/ #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
06.01.2022 Economics 101 give the people more money and they will spend it!
05.01.2022 It is important you continue to attend your usual medical appointments during coronavirus restrictions. Professor Tom Calma explains how we can #keepourmobsafe ...while staying up to date with important medical appointments. For information on accessing health services, visit www.health.gov.au//accessing-health-services-during-corona
04.01.2022 How brave are these people!!
04.01.2022 Be uncomfortable and speak out!
04.01.2022 Happy Wear it Purple Day! Today, on the last Friday of every August, people and organisations around the world come together to celebrate and support LGBTQIA+... youth by wearing purple. This year, as a lot of us are understandably staying at, or working from home (our social media volunteer is writing this post in bed surrounded by cats ), were making our profile picture purple for the day, to celebrate, and to spread awareness about the importance of supporting LGBTQIA+ youth. If youre also staying at home, you can get involved by joining Greens Senator Janet Rice and Queer Greens Victoria for our Wear it Purple Day online party, today at 5:30 pm: https://www.facebook.com/events/346303719709198/ In lutruwita / Tasmania, Working It Out Inc have put together a list of local community events, both in-person and online: https://www.facebook.com/workingitoutinc/posts/3373703302649940
02.01.2022 FanForce and United Nations presents a new film festival to help #FightRacism. FanForce TV is excited to premiere 6 films that highlight the experiences of Peop...le of Colour and address the racial inequalities experienced by so many around the world. Join us for RISE Film Festival to support storytellers and artists and participate in post-screening Q&A discussions with your community. RISE Film Festival 2020 will be featuring films which look at the lived perspectives of what it means to be a Black person today. We want these films to challenge you, to inspire you, and help you drive change in your community. Each Virtual Screening will feature live-streamed Q&As with expert panel guests. Well be speaking to directors, journalists and educators, to share their knowledge on racism, and what we can do as individuals to be the change we want to see. You can join in on the conversations through our live chat feature. Here, you can interact with your fellow audience members and Q&A speakers, build ideas, and grow your understanding of why equality so incredibly important for a thriving community. Purchase an all Access Pass to watch all films or buy tickets to individual films - whichever your prefer! Films include: - Quest - a documentary about a Family, Race and Class in America - Crime + Punishment - a documentary about illegal practices in the NYPD - Are You Racist - a documentary that examines how science could solves racism - Show Me Democracy - a documentary about students driving political change - Family Portrait - a documentary about black orphans in Europe battling racism More to come! Stay tuned. Get involved, be kind, and lets unite to end prejudice.
02.01.2022 #NEWSCORPSE ADVERTISER WITCHDRAWAL 161 Witches, please thank CMC Markets, who stopped advertising on SkyTV way back in June 2020. We’re grateful to ...them for their support and hope you’ll thank them too, if you can. The billionaires are not your friends. THE BILLIONAIRES ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS. No matter how many times we say this, many fail to realise just how much they’re in lockstep with each other. Of course, we all know about Rupert Murdoch. But here’s his sidekick Kerry Stokes, giving over the front page of his newspaper to some fresh Christian Porter bullshit. Porter has been separated since January, but now seems to be a good time for a veritable sob-fest about his family, his sorrow, his frailty and his propensity to be rowdy (which seems to be a synonym for likes to fuck subordinate staffers. He threatened legal action against Four Corners and others, and now has been proven to have lied to them in his official statement after the show aired. And always and forever, he’s protected by his #StatusBRO mates in parliament and the billionaires who bought him and must now defend him. If we can’t break the hold these people have over us, witches, WE ARE TRULY FUCKED. If there’s any witch willing to read the West Australian and send us copies of the adverts in it for our #StatusBRO campaign, please complete and send us this form. It matters: https://www.google.com/url Now is not the time to look away. Now is not the time to believe that others are doing the work. NOW IS THE TIME TO FIRE THESE FUCKING CUNTS INTO THE SUN. We can fight to reduce the influence of shitgibbon billionaires, which will start to cause all their fucked houses of cards to fall. You know what to do. Here are your current advertiser lists and other campaign resources: http://bit.ly/MFW_CONSUMER_CAMPAIGNS_FRIENDS_OR_FOES https://bit.ly/MFW_CAMPAIGN_RESOURCES Let’s go. #ToYourBrooms #MurdochFreeMelbourne #MurdochFreeWorld #NewsCorpse #MeToo - Witches, around one percent of witches currently help fund what we do. We’re grateful for these people, but it isn’t enough. As mainstream news coverage collapses in Australia, you can trust MFW to tell the truth and report on what matters. But doing this takes a lot of time and effort. Every dollar we can raise helps us run our critically important campaigns, pay our workers, and rid Australia of misogynist #StatusBRO men. Even if it’s just $3 or $5 or $10 per month, it really helps. Our bank account name is MFW, BSB number is 063 498, ACC number is 1027 1234. This is cheapest for both parties as there are no fees, and many witches set up recurring monthly debits. However, we also have Patreon (recurring) and PayPal (one-off contributions): https://www.patreon.com/MadFuckingWitches http://paypal.me/madwitches [Please follow and engage with MFW on these platforms, too: Facebook Group: The MFW Coven Twitter: @MFWitches Insta: @MadFuckingWitches]
02.01.2022 If you talk the talk then walk the walk! I hope he has do not hospitalise, incubate or resus on his health plan!!
01.01.2022 The rate of the Jobseeker payment cannot go back to below the poverty line to $40 a day. The Government must #RaiseTheRate for good.
01.01.2022 Poverty level unemployment payments cannot return. The Morrison Government must #RaisetheRateForGood so that unemployed workers can actually survive while looking for a job. : The Mercury Newspaper 15/7/2020
01.01.2022 I stand with Blinky Bill!!!